Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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(Part 2) instead of picking a group to be in, we should unify the public against our government, hold a spotlight on them as well as our politicians so that every decision they make is examined and scrutinized. Heres some facts for you.
The popular vote doesnt matter the electoral votes are what decides whose president, which means your vote doesnt count, its not a democracy.
You do not actually own your land or your property, the gov can legally at any time take it from you. Thats not even including how they extort you by making you pay tax on it, and if you dont pay then you lose it, quite similar to how the mob extorts buisnesses.
The patriot act was passed and is in place to allow our gov privilege of spying on citizens, courtesy of Bush and then amplified by obama.(Nancy Pelosi was also all for it)
Operation Northwoods was a tactic offered to JFK, in which to sway public opinion toward pro-war with the cubans they would commit terroristic acts on americans like bombings or chemical warfare or mass shootings and then blame the cubans.....JFK said hell no.
MK Ultra, the cia experimented on prisoners, including Manson before his crimes, then experimented on "volunteer" citizens. Just goes to show how we are Guinea pigs to them.
Since 2013 DOZENS of political members including mayors have been involved with sexual crimes of both above and *******.
Operation Flicker the gov investigated itself primarily the Pentagon in an attempt to expose all the ******* porn users, hundreds were investigated, 30+ both lower and high ranking officials were gonna be probed before funding to the operation just happened to get cut.
Wikileak emails, showed collusion between Hillary Clinton and the democratic party to screw over Bernie Sanders in the election and then plot against Trump. It also has coded emails involving *******-esc terms that were sent between democratic members and hillary campaign aides. Hopefully when she goes on trial soon, she will be questioned about it.
While there are good members of our gov, and good politicians, they are purposefully held back from doing anything good for the public, so we should cut through this delusional bullshit and hold our gov and elected officials accountable.

guessing you prefer P.utins brand of gov where it is all out in the open.....the gov has everything you have nothing?

our gov just happens to have been set up on the Roman empire....at the time it was the best around...…..but besides that point ….gov is only as good as the people involved in it!

our founding forefathers warned us on corruption...and "moneyed people"....
guessing you prefer P.utins brand of gov where it is all out in the open.....the gov has everything you have nothing?

our gov just happens to have been set up on the Roman empire....at the time it was the best around...…..but besides that point ….gov is only as good as the people involved in it!

our founding forefathers warned us on corruption...and "moneyed people"....
I have a question because other than the daily snipets on the news I didn't read much about the Russian interference and quite honestly didn't care. We interfere in other countries elections and have been doing it for a long time. My question is this: Did Russia go to the voting polls and pull the levers for American voters in 2016? Because if it was just bombarding social media saying Hillary is bad (because she is) or Trump is the best candidate (which he was and is again) I'm thinking what difference does it make? I am voting for whom I want to vote regardless of the BS I hear or read.

The airwaves on every channel could be taken over with non - stop programming from now until November saying Trump is bad and Biden is great, I'm still voting for Trump. Am I missing something? (my brain) Sub, I answered for you so you can attend to all those biased stories you need to post.

By Scott Shane
  • Feb. 17, 2018
Bags of cash delivered to a Rome hotel for favored Italian candidates. Scandalous stories leaked to foreign newspapers to swing an election in Nicaragua. Millions of pamphlets, posters and stickers printed to defeat an incumbent in Serbia.
The long arm of Vladimir Putin? No, just a small sample of the United States’ history of intervention in foreign elections.
On Tuesday, American intelligence chiefs warned the Senate Intelligence Committee that Russia appears to be preparing to repeat in the 2018 midterm elections the same full-on chicanery it unleashed in 2016: hacking, leaking, social media manipulation and possibly more. Then on Friday, Robert Mueller, the special counsel, announced the indictments of 13 Russians and three companies, run by a businessman with close Kremlin ties, laying out in astonishing detail a three-year scheme to use social media to attack Hillary Clinton, boost Donald Trump and sow discord.
Most Americans are understandably shocked by what they view as an unprecedented attack on our political system. But intelligence veterans, and scholars who have studied covert operations, have a different, and quite revealing, view.

“If you ask an intelligence officer, did the Russians break the rules or do something bizarre, the answer is no, not at all,” said Steven L. Hall, who retired in 2015 after 30 years at the C.I.A., where he was the chief of Russian operations. The United States “absolutely” has carried out such election influence operations historically, he said, “and I hope we keep doing it.”
You'll get your hard evidence. Just wait. Ohhh!!! You mean 'Hard evidence' like the kind 'Q' dispenses to you? Hahaha.
Really, just leave man.

you will not get any intelligent conversation with him.....he redirects and then claims he won...all by saying nothing just pushing another question....irrelevant to the first question
guessing you prefer P.utins brand of gov where it is all out in the open.....the gov has everything you have nothing?

our gov just happens to have been set up on the Roman empire....at the time it was the best around...…..but besides that point ….gov is only as good as the people involved in it!

our founding forefathers warned us on corruption...and "moneyed people"....
How in the hell did you get that from what i said?
Biden 43 years of miserable record
This piece of ******* praised and kiss the ass of Robert Byrd Senator who was a Grand Dragon in KKK Yet his statue stands his park is still there his portrait still hanging
Pathetic Alzheimer Joe for President get a brain the guy is a waste
His whole family hot rich on lies and deceit
"His whole family hot rich on lies and deceit" is my new favorite phrase.

Especially applied to people like the Bidens, who are not rich at all, lol.
"His whole family hot rich on lies and deceit" is my new favorite phrase.

Especially applied to people like the Bidens, who are not rich at all, lol.
Oh yeah ole Middle Class/Blue Collar Pervy Joe isn't rich at all. His net worth is a mere $9 million. Hell he's practically on the verge of needing Section 8 assistance to pay the $20,000 monthly rent for his dilapidated abode.


Biden 43 years of miserable record
This piece of ******* praised and kiss the ass of Robert Byrd Senator who was a Grand Dragon in KKK Yet his statue stands his park is still there his portrait still hanging
Pathetic Alzheimer Joe for President get a brain the guy is a waste
His whole family hot rich on lies and deceit

you want us to buy into the words of some trumptard…..just so you understand...that is a trump lover who is retarded...for a better definition....look in the mirror
Oh yeah ole Middle Class/Blue Collar Pervy Joe isn't rich at all. His net worth is a mere $9 million. Hell he's practically on the verge of needing Section 8 assistance to pay the $20,000 monthly rent for his dilapidated abode.

View attachment 3476458

always that double standard out of you trumptards……..money wasn't an issue when you supported trump....typical right wing

you must have crawled out from under the wrong end of the rock
How about we start by just raising long-term cap gains to 30% or so, and severely limiting the ability to write off real-estate depreciation.

The mega-rich don't make their money by working. Working is for loser morons like me and you.
How about we start by just raising long-term cap gains to 30% or so, and severely limiting the ability to write off real-estate depreciation.

The mega-rich don't make their money by working. Working is for loser morons like me and you.
How about you answer the question....do you think Pervy Joe's $9M is "middle class"? You do realize that puts him just about $1M short of being in the top 1%....or perhaps you're too brainwashed to grasp that.

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