Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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I know that they cannot do certain things in the military politically, but the Army base in Alabama is telling the truth about the TRUE meaning behind "MAGA"! They explained it perfectly what "MAGA" means and they included information about "Columbus Day"! Overall, I thought everything was great and needs to be talked about here in the U.S.!

"Trump isn't a strong enough candidate to win by himself -- he still needs a big assist from a flailing Hilary Clinton."

"Obama isn't a strong enough candidate to win by himself -- he still needs a big assist from a flailing Mitt Romney."

"Bush isn't a strong enough candidate to win by himself -- he still needs a big assist from a flailing John Kerry."

It kind of always works

Biden is really a lot less personable, likable, or charismatic than Obama or Bush.
He's good at working across the aisle, so this is not a criticism of his potential to be a good president.
But in televised competitions, there is no way Biden can beat Trump, the Kardashians, or just about any half-baked 'reality' TV star. This is not how Biden does politics or lives his life.
So Biden has got to play to his strengths and not get swept into Trump's alternative reality world.

Paul Krugman in the NYT had an article arguing that Biden should not debate Trump on tv without certain conditions. I agree.
Biden must not make the mistake that previous challengers made. He's not a natural TV personality. He'll lose to Trump.
But if Biden merely acts dignified, keep to moderate and sensible politics with a promise to heal our fractured nation, that kind of stuff, he will already look a lot more presidential than Trump and his antics.
The more adult and sensible Biden looks, the more Trump will call him low energy Biden or Boring Biden or something stupid, and the more childish Trump will look.
Over time I had loads of debates with those who I grew to respect like @subhub174014 , though he probably does not agree, and @MacNfries. We will never agree about Trump but I can respect them for who they are over time. Just like on Rocky 3, Rocky Balboa defended his brother-in-law and said it took some time to get to know him. Same thing in this case.

Well who am I to argue with the scriptures, or in this case, the plot of Rocky 3.

Is that the one with the training montage where Rocky is in an old barn in Siberia?
Ease up there. I was just using a couple examples. Nor did Obama (as far as we know) get a blowjob and have several affairs IN the WH while married like Mr. Bill. I know you can't blame the guy being married to Hillary. But hey that was a long time ago, old news right?

If you're looking for someone to defend either Clinton, don't look to me.

I'm just tired of the completely ridiculous narrative that it's somehow "unfair" for the media to report on all the dumb ******* that Trump gets up to.

The guy is a giant turd that just won't flush.
Well who am I to argue with the scriptures, or in this case, the plot of Rocky 3.

Is that the one with the training montage where Rocky is in an old barn in Siberia?
It was the one where Clubber Lang, aka Mr. T, beat the crap out of Rocky and he broke his fighting spirit. So his former rival Apollo Creed, a Black boxer, helped Rocky regain that spirit, his "eye of the tiger" that Rocky once had when he fought him. Apollo Creed has a score to settle with Clubber Lang and he was using Rocky to do it, plus Apollo desired to fight Rocky at his peak one more time after he trained him. In order to train Rocky Apollo needed to train Rocky at his gym which was loaded with Black guys: that was when there was friction when Rocky's Italian brother-in-law had to encounter and interact with Black guys.

I guess you were thinking of Rocky 4 where he had to fight the Russian?
Biden is really a lot less personable, likable, or charismatic than Obama or Bush.
He's good at working across the aisle, so this is not a criticism of his potential to be a good president.
But in televised competitions, there is no way Biden can beat Trump, the Kardashians, or just about any half-baked 'reality' TV star. This is not how Biden does politics or lives his life.
So Biden has got to play to his strengths and not get swept into Trump's alternative reality world.

Paul Krugman in the NYT had an article arguing that Biden should not debate Trump on tv without certain conditions. I agree.
Biden must not make the mistake that previous challengers made. He's not a natural TV personality. He'll lose to Trump.
But if Biden merely acts dignified, keep to moderate and sensible politics with a promise to heal our fractured nation, that kind of stuff, he will already look a lot more presidential than Trump and his antics.
The more adult and sensible Biden looks, the more Trump will call him low energy Biden or Boring Biden or something stupid, and the more childish Trump will look.
I hope the American people wouldn't re-elect a known Racist back into the White House! From his rally speeches and the importance of race relations, Trump fails in that aspect! Talking about protecting the Confederate history when we are supposed to be moving forward as a country, not backwards! I don't know any Black folk who condone the Confederate monuments down here in the south! They all dislike it wholeheartedly and prefer for them to be put into a museum! Heck, the Germans have the history of the Nazi's inside of a museum! The U.S. should be able to do that unless they CONDONE traitors!
I hope the American people wouldn't re-elect a known Racist back into the White House! From his rally speeches and the importance of race relations, Trump fails in that aspect! Talking about protecting the Confederate history when we are supposed to be moving forward as a country, not backwards! I don't know any Black folk who condone the Confederate monuments down here in the south! They all dislike it wholeheartedly and prefer for them to be put into a museum! Heck, the Germans have the history of the Nazi's inside of a museum! The U.S. should be able to do that unless they CONDONE traitors!

I'm not convinced we are rid of this asshole yet!.....look at Hillary supposed to be a shoe in and loses...….this guy has no limits on his corruption and will stop and nothing to get what he wants...look at the lies...and the trumptards still buy into it.....the Virus...the economy....the tax cuts...healthcare....and so much more...but he still hangs in

I am in the south...but southwest...most of our stuff is cowboys and Indians.....so don't really know that much about them and never see them except in pictures.....I have already stated I think they are a part of history and should not be destroyed.....but see no reason they couldn't be moved to a location outside of town or something....just guessing...I don't know what the answer is....if I did I would be rich.....maybe I am being 2 faced about it....I agree the flag should not be flown...….they lost the fucking war!...….but....statues look nice?????….like I said rather than destroy....move them someplace where those that want to see them can and those that don't would not have to

and I won't even bring up the Indian stuff this time
I see today they are going to pull some John Wayne stuff from the public over some comment he mad years ago.....he was a right wing MF I will say that...…..but is someone spending to much time researching all these people......somehow the message got lost...….it laws and policies we want to change......I think somewhere along the line....the message is being lost to the violence and etc

will agree I think a lot of the violence is outside groups....but there are ways of taking care of that also
Ease up there. I was just using a couple examples.
It seems right-wing nuts are the ones obsessed with the Clintons ... every time they get into discussions the Clintons are their "go to" choice to redirect the conversation. Obama ran a spotless administration ... can't say that of Trump, and can't say that of GW Bush & his lies on "weapons of mass destruction" that he, Cheney & Rumsfeld fictitiously used that ultimately resulted in the loss of 50+thousand of our military and billions and billions of unbudgeted dollars and the doubling of the National Debt. Republicans have been good at taking a good running economy and fucking it up and handing it back to Democrats. No telling what Biden will have by the time Trump is done. He's a vindictive individual; he'll probably want to leave lots of damage for Democrats to fix.
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I'm interested in learning more. Do you have some links, or any factual basis regarding this installation of a dictatorship?

I'll wait. Otherwise, I'll just have to assume more hyperbole.
Why not just leave? You're obviously unwell. Talk to us in 2024, maybe you'll be ready to face reality by then. Buh bye!
I understand how it works. What I asked was for some hard evidence. Not seeing anyone able to provide this, what conclusion do you suppose most logical thinking people come to after reading this thread?

You'll get your hard evidence. Just wait. Ohhh!!! You mean 'Hard evidence' like the kind 'Q' dispenses to you? Hahaha.
Really, just leave man.
I agree Trump is a dim-wit. But I also happen to agree with some of his policies. While I think it's important that we try to improve our relationship with Russia, I would have liked for Trump to have a bit more spine when it came to PUT and the things you mentioned above. However, it's entirely possible they were both playing politics. Trump didn't bring those thighs up and PUT didn't mention the fact we assassinated some of his KGB operatives and killed over 200 Russian mercenaries in Syria (did the left wing news media fail to mention that?), Obama wouldn't allow that to happen. Truth is, Obama was much more "Flexible" with Russia than Trump has Been. You do know what Russia got away with when Obama was President . . . right <cough Crimea cough Uranium cough>? https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/obama-more-flexibility-russia/

Of course Trump is looking out for his best interest, so was Obama and every president before that. So is your own government - if disaster struck today do you honestly think the Queen would go hungry before her people? So to just make a broad statement of "Wake up America" with out posting any real factual threats and data is just hyper-boil. At least most of the "doom and Gloom" the right spews out is backed up by real data.
Thank you for outing yourself.
(Part 1) yes wake up america. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results..... we have flip flopped from Democrat and republican for what? 30+ years now? Even though of country has been in constant decline in terms of health and economy and oppertunity and wage gap. Every term, the opposing party bashes the party that won and accuses the president of false made up ******* to outrage the public. Every election the democrats appeal to minorities, women, and poor white folk. Every term republicans appeal to middle america, blue collar workers, and the upper class. Every actual term, no matter whose won, they dont do anything to help everyone out, be a use we have been in a purposeful stalemate, that is self aware and abused by the politicians in office. For instance, the gridlock, created by my States very own piece of ******* senator, Mitch McConnell; the gridlock is the "government shutdown" where all the politicians that get paid by taxpayer money... take taxpayer paid vacations because apparently these 2 parties couldnt agree on an issue, during this they still get paid but government non politican employees get laid off. These people who work FOR US, go on 1st class flights, have 4 star dinners, self regulate their own pay increases, go on vacations and do practically nothing but still collect that paycheck. They all bicker but agree when it comes to that paycheck, everytime. I think its funny that theres no rule in place for bills or legislation that says all issues on these papers under THIS one title will be related in the same category. Most of the time, when something doesnt pass, or even when it does, its because whoever introduced it grouped 10 different topics into 1 bill and call it something specific enough to piss off the public (that wont read it) who will think it didnt pass because those voting against it are against "green energy deal" "patriot act" "clean water act" etc.... when in reality someone snuck in donations to corporations or actively do something completely opposite of that title.
(Part 1) yes wake up america. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results..... we have flip flopped from Democrat and republican for what? 30+ years now? Even though of country has been in constant decline in terms of health and economy and oppertunity and wage gap.
Welcome to the fray, Fond ! No doubt you recognize the ridiculousness of our current two-party system. By any chance , you're not a Tea Party voter, are you? A lot of changes have taken place over the past 20 or so years that have really hurt the two-party system. No doubt the current wreckage in Washington DC is a direct result of irresponsible politics on both sides.
I use to live in Louisville for several years, awesome little town at the time ... huge now, though. Use to eat regularly at a place called KT's off I-25. I heard it was purchased and changed to something else a few years back.
Welcome to the fray, Fond ! No doubt you recognize the ridiculousness of our current two-party system. By any chance , you're not a Tea Party voter, are you? A lot of changes have taken place over the past 20 or so years that have really hurt the two-party system. No doubt the current wreckage in Washington DC is a direct result of irresponsible politics on both sides.
I use to live in Louisville for several years, awesome little town at the time ... huge now, though. Use to eat regularly at a place called KT's off I-25. I heard it was purchased and changed to something else a few years back.
Im not a tea party voter, i have no political affiliation. I take sides on issues, i try to not align myself with groups or groupthink.
Im not a tea party voter, i have no political affiliation. I take sides on issues, i try to not align myself with groups or groupthink.
Smart move, these days. I'm a moderate, myself ... I try to avoid the extremism of either party.
The reason I asked was because the Tea Party was really strong in Kentucky for quite a while.
I do agree with the conclusion. It's a good article.

Worth repeating this quote: "Biden isn't a strong enough candidate to win by himself -- he still needs a big assist from a flailing Donald Trump."
Lmao, if you agree with that conclusion, then no wonder Trump won because so many voted with BLINDERS on! There are 4 numbers that enabled Trump to WIN back in 2016 to whereas now those same 4 numbers are NOT looking good for Trump AT ALL regarding his RE-ELECTION! Interesting how CNN didn't SHOW that, isn't it? As long as it is positive for Trump, those Trump supporters LOVE to KISS his REDNECK ASS instead of focusing on TRUTH!

(Part 2) instead of picking a group to be in, we should unify the public against our government, hold a spotlight on them as well as our politicians so that every decision they make is examined and scrutinized. Heres some facts for you.
The popular vote doesnt matter the electoral votes are what decides whose president, which means your vote doesnt count, its not a democracy.
You do not actually own your land or your property, the gov can legally at any time take it from you. Thats not even including how they extort you by making you pay tax on it, and if you dont pay then you lose it, quite similar to how the mob extorts buisnesses.
The patriot act was passed and is in place to allow our gov privilege of spying on citizens, courtesy of Bush and then amplified by obama.(Nancy Pelosi was also all for it)
Operation Northwoods was a tactic offered to JFK, in which to sway public opinion toward pro-war with the cubans they would commit terroristic acts on americans like bombings or chemical warfare or mass shootings and then blame the cubans.....JFK said hell no.
MK Ultra, the cia experimented on prisoners, including Manson before his crimes, then experimented on "volunteer" citizens. Just goes to show how we are Guinea pigs to them.
Since 2013 DOZENS of political members including mayors have been involved with sexual crimes of both above and *******.
Operation Flicker the gov investigated itself primarily the Pentagon in an attempt to expose all the ******* porn users, hundreds were investigated, 30+ both lower and high ranking officials were gonna be probed before funding to the operation just happened to get cut.
Wikileak emails, showed collusion between Hillary Clinton and the democratic party to screw over Bernie Sanders in the election and then plot against Trump. It also has coded emails involving *******-esc terms that were sent between democratic members and hillary campaign aides. Hopefully when she goes on trial soon, she will be questioned about it.
While there are good members of our gov, and good politicians, they are purposefully held back from doing anything good for the public, so we should cut through this delusional bullshit and hold our gov and elected officials accountable.
Hilary kind of forgot to campaign in any state in the upper midwest / rust belt.

Also she was extremely unpopular in general.

I just stated what the polls said.....the conversation was about trump winning re-election if I remember right...….and the polls now showing trump losing.....my comment was/is trump was losing last time also...………..nothing to do with her popularity or anything else!...it was all about who was supposed to win

ah.....I see someone else was suckered into the trump/Russian smear campaign...….
now as for your rash statement....yes she did screw up in her campaigning....especially taking some states for granted....seems to be something the left has been doing a lot of lately......as for her popularity.....yes...among the right she was not popular.....also if you go back and look she was a major target of a Russian /right wing smear campaign….

How Russian Bots Rallied on Election Day to Smear Hillary ...
U.S. Donald Trump Hillary Clinton 2016 election Russian trolls Fake Russian Twitter accounts designed to rally support for Donald Trump during the U.S. election joined forces on polling day to...

not saying she was or was not the perfect candidate.....the topic is about thinking trump is down and out

besides I happen to think she was a good candidate......just a victim of trump/Russian hate
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