Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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I do agree with the conclusion. It's a good article.

Worth repeating this quote: "Biden isn't a strong enough candidate to win by himself -- he still needs a big assist from a flailing Donald Trump."
"Trump isn't a strong enough candidate to win by himself -- he still needs a big assist from a flailing Hilary Clinton."

"Obama isn't a strong enough candidate to win by himself -- he still needs a big assist from a flailing Mitt Romney."

"Bush isn't a strong enough candidate to win by himself -- he still needs a big assist from a flailing John Kerry."

It kind of always works
Tell me how does your ******* taste with your head up your asshole? I really enjoy Mary's book saying how Stupid trump was having his school work being done for him and sleazing on his own niece; Wow Mary you are Stacked
We don't have to listen to the "far left narrative" as its not even necessary. We listen to Trump ... TV, rally speeches, radio ... what you're trying to say is the media takes him out of context. Again, we don't have to read or watch left wing media, we just observe his words & rhetoric when he's live.
Even his administration is cringing at his words these days.
I'm amazed at how much extreme some of you conservatives take to make exceptions and excuses for this very warped individual. He's the very worst thing that could happen to this country ... the VERY WORST. I'm just saddened that some of you refuse to open your own eyes & ears simply because of your hatred for the liberals, and I keep asking myself what it would take to get you people to realize all this.
Latina ... he has NO ONE fooled but these 33%ers who would pull for him even if he wore a swastika on stage during a rally ... that's how much they hate the liberals ... just as the Nazis hated the Jewish people.
Mac, I never said I hate liberals. I am not a hater. I just don't like blatant hypocrisy. Obama can go to Mt Rushmore and its a "majestic setting" Trump goes there and it's a racist setting. I've said it several times I also cringe when Trump speaks. I don't think I have ever watched more than 5 minutes before I change the channel.

Why is it when, choose a name on the long list of Democratic office holders who are corrupt, have committed or have been accused of whatever the liberal response is "Oh that was a long time ago." So I guess the complete bullshit Kavanaugh went through was recent enough?

Why, as I mentioned above, can Hillary make reference about two black men "well you know they all look alike." The liberal response "she was only
joking." Trump says anything not even near as racist as that and he is crucified in the media.

Why was it it business as usual when Obama deported a couple million illegals and sends children home with strangers. Trump does it and he's a racist who hates Mexicans.

And Mac I'm with you - I keep asking myself what it would take to get you people to realize all this.

I do listen. And that's why I am so sick and tired of the liberal rhetoric, lies, and hypocrisy. Whether you like, dislike or hate whoever is in office no President should have to go through what he has from the Dems and the biased left media. I would have been totally disgusted and disappointed if Hillary would have won. But I would have accepted it and respected her position but not her. She's a disgrace.

I will definitely not vote for Biden and honestly I haven't talked to many people who will. I live in a resort town and since I eat out quite a bit I talk to people from all over the world at the local bars and restaurants. I swear out of the countless people I have spoke to there were only a few people who don't like him. When I asked why the overwhelming response is " I don't like the way he talks or treats our allies." Nothing about policy, the economy, or anything of substance. I'm thinking this guy must be doing something right!

We all have our opinions about who was/is the worst and best president(s). Although Jimmy Carter was already in office when I turned 18 I think he was the worst president. My first vote for President was Reagan and since I have been able to vote he IMO was best. So for me from best to worse since voting: Reagan, George H, Clinton (didn't vote for him) George W, Obama (voted for him in '08 definitely not in '12). I didn't include Trump because I'll wait until 2024 to make that decision. Right now I might place him after George H and maybe even Clinton.

The picture is from the marina near my home. It's just a screen shot from the video I took because the video was to large to send. But there are three more boats with the same flag. I actually think of you and sub when I see the boats and yes plural proudly displaying the Trump 2020 flag.


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Mac, I never said I hate liberals. I am not a hater. I just don't like blatant hypocrisy. Obama can go to Mt Rushmore and its a "majestic setting" Trump goes there and it's a racist setting. I've said it several times I also cringe when Trump speaks. I don't think I have ever watched more than 5 minutes before I change the channel.

Why is it when, choose a name on the long list of Democratic office holders who are corrupt, have committed or have been accused of whatever the liberal response is "Oh that was a long time ago." So I guess the complete bullshit Kavanaugh went through was recent enough?

Why, as I mentioned above, can Hillary make reference about two black men "well you know they all look alike." The liberal response "she was only
joking." Trump says anything not even near as racist as that and he is crucified in the media.

Why was it it business as usual when Obama deported a couple million illegals and sends children home with strangers. Trump does it and he's a racist who hates Mexicans.

And Mac I'm with you - I keep asking myself what it would take to get you people to realize all this.

I do listen. And that's why I am so sick and tired of the liberal rhetoric, lies, and hypocrisy. Whether you like, dislike or hate whoever is in office no President should have to go through what he has from the Dems and the biased left media. I would have been totally disgusted and disappointed if Hillary would have won. But I would have accepted it and respected her position but not her. She's a disgrace.

I will definitely not vote for Biden and honestly I haven't talked to many people who will. I live in a resort town and since I eat out quite a bit I talk to people from all over the world at the local bars and restaurants. I swear out of the countless people I have spoke to there were only a few people who don't like him. When I asked why the overwhelming response is " I don't like the way he talks or treats our allies." Nothing about policy, the economy, or anything of substance. I'm thinking this guy must be doing something right!

We all have our opinions about who was/is the worst and best president(s). Although Jimmy Carter was already in office when I turned 18 I think he was the worst president. My first vote for President was Reagan and since I have been able to vote he IMO was best. So for me from best to worse since voting: Reagan, George H, Clinton (didn't vote for him) George W, Obama (voted for him in '08 definitely not in '12). I didn't include Trump because I'll wait until 2024 to make that decision. Right now I might place him after George H and maybe even Clinton.

The picture is from the marina near my home. It's just a screen shot from the video I took because the video was to large to send. But there are three more boats with the same flag. I actually think of you and sub when I see the boats and yes plural proudly displaying the Trump 2020 flag.
It's a good thing that the crowd on these threads don't live near that marina @Latina4BBC, because if they did some might be inclined to burn those boats down with the Trump flags flying. 🇺🇸
Obama didn't have a huge portion of his campaign and WH staff go to jail, and didn't use the office to pay himself by having official functions at his privately-owned properties, and didn't use the office to promote his *******'s business, and didn't get caught paying off porn stars for sex while having a pregnant wife, and didn't get impeached, and ....

But sure, it's important to focus on the important things like Mt Rushmore.
Now that is what haters would do.

See STIFF, you're feeding into the pathological need of conservatives to believe they're being oppressed. They always need complain about the mean mean liberals silencing their free speech by... talking to them logically. Or, failing that, they have to make up stories about how the libs are coming for their guns and apparently their boats.
OK fine, let's both play.

"Some conservatives might be inclined to use those boats for human trafficking and ******* smuggling"
See STIFF, you're feeding into the pathological need of conservatives to believe they're being oppressed. They always need complain about the mean mean liberals silencing their free speech by... talking to them logically. Or, failing that, they have to make up stories about how the libs are coming for their guns and apparently their boats.
You are reading a little too much into this @ridgelyfan .
OK fine, let's both play.

"Some conservatives might be inclined to use those boats for human trafficking and ******* smuggling"
Ok, maybe Mexican cartels smuggling stuff into America maybe going further into your example? Each one of them is a multi-billion dollar enterprise and so they think of it as a business. And no businessman thinks of himself/herself as evil. On the other end of this argument do I suggest that such enterprises are either legal or ethical @ridgelyfan. However, those individuals smuggled into America do the :poop: jobs that no one else would do at a low cost. And whatever money they raise supports their homeland communities.
Obama didn't have a huge portion of his campaign and WH staff go to jail, and didn't use the office to pay himself by having official functions at his privately-owned properties, and didn't use the office to promote his *******'s business, and didn't get caught paying off porn stars for sex while having a pregnant wife, and didn't get impeached, and ....

But sure, it's important to focus on the important things like Mt Rushmore.
Ease up there. I was just using a couple examples. Nor did Obama (as far as we know) get a blowjob and have several affairs IN the WH while married like Mr. Bill. I know you can't blame the guy being married to Hillary. But hey that was a long time ago, old news right?
Except the very first place you went was "(some) democrats (might) want to destroy your property!"

It's a coward's move. Argue about politics, but don't vaguely insult the character of people you don't know just for BS victim points.
You cunningly added the word "democrat" when I did not @ridgelyfan . From these discussions, there are those that hate Trump yet they claim not to be aligned with the democrats either. You should know that right? I have never seen any on these threads, but potentially one could be a pissed off Libertarian and hate Trump too, correct?
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See STIFF, you're feeding into the pathological need of conservatives to believe they're being oppressed. They always need complain about the mean mean liberals silencing their free speech by... talking to them logically. Or, failing that, they have to make up stories about how the libs are coming for their guns and apparently their boats.



Man steals teen's MAGA hat and throws a ******* in his face
a black man's head?




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Except the very first place you went was "(some) democrats (might) want to destroy your property!"

It's a coward's move. Argue about politics, but don't vaguely insult the character of people you don't know just for BS victim points.
Over time I had loads of debates with those who I grew to respect like @subhub174014 , though he probably does not agree, and @MacNfries. We will never agree about Trump but I can respect them for who they are over time. Just like on Rocky 3, Rocky Balboa defended his brother-in-law and said it took some time to get to know him. Same thing in this case. Furthermore, there are also democrats like Dershowitz that do unusual things like defending Trump despite claiming to be a card-carry democrat, claiming he voted for Hillary, and promising not to vote for Trump in 2020 as well too. People can be strange when they feel they are doing the correct thing @ridgelyfan . 🤗 :) :unsure:
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