Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Gee, haven't you heard ... came straight from President ORANGE Man himself ... he's the President, he can't be charged with anything as long as he is President. In fact, he could ******* someone in broad daylight and get away with it ... his words, remember? Only President (if that's what he really is) to openly take that position. He & Republicans consider him above the law. We'll see how that works when the shoe is on the other foot. Trump's never been shy with words. Just be glad its Biden for the next 4 years ... he's a moderate. Now, if one of the radical left were to be President ... it would be "game on". He or she would shake that Washington DC tree like a San Francisco 8.5er.
C'mon Mac. You know damned well if Trump committed and was found guilty of a crime it really wouldn't matter what he said. You have got to be smarter than that!
Multiple Republicans agree: Trump's guilty, but it doesn't ...
https://www.msnbc.com › rachel-maddow-show › multiple...
Feb 03, 2020 · The Tennessee Republican, who will end his lengthy career in public service later this year, said that the president's guilt "has already been proven," acknowledged that Trump's

Schiff pushes back: Defense team knows Trump is guilty ...
https://thehill.com › homenews › house › 479923-schiff...
The House Democrats trying their impeachment case before the Senate slammed President Trump ’s defense arguments on Saturday, maintaining the president’s lawyers are attacking the prosecutors for …

Jim Jordan Defends Trump By Confirming He's A Crazy ...
https://www.politicususa.com › 2019 › 11 › 19 › trump-conspiracy-theorist.html
The Republican defense of Trump has turned into admitting that the President Of The United States believes conspiracy theories about Ukraine. Jordan said while questioning Ambassador Kurt Volker ...

The Senate’s verdict: Trump is guilty, but not guilty ...
https://www.thestar.com › news › world › 2020 › 02 › 01 › the...
Feb 01, 2020 · What had become the key drama of the impeachment trial of President Donald Trump, whether to hear new testimony and evidence, was resolved Friday evening by a 51-49 vote against.

just saying.....

What crimes has Trump committed? - Quora
https://www.quora.com › What-crimes-has-Trump-committed
1. Conspiracy to defraud the United States, by inviting Russian intelligence to interfere with the 2016 elections. 2. Campaign finance violations, by instructing Michael Cohen to use campaign finance funds to bribe Stormy Daniels. 3. Obstruction o...

New Report: Trump Appears to Have Committed Multiple Crimes
https://www.citizensforethics.org › press-release › new-report-trump-appears-to-
The eight criminal offenses, including seven felonies, potentially committed by Trump include: Causing American Media Inc. (AMI) to make and/or accepting (or causing his then lawyer Michael Cohen to accept) an unlawful corporate contribution related to Karen McDougal.

Mueller's explosive statement: A sitting president can't ...
https://www.bizpacreview.com › 2019 › 05 › 29 › muellers...
May 29, 2019 · Mueller’s explosive statement: A sitting president can’t be charged, but doesn’t mean Trump is not guilty All eyes were on the Justice Department late Wednesday morning as special counsel Robert...
SUB you always have and probably always will post garbage from left winged media. MSNBC LMAO!
C'mon Mac. You know damned well if Trump committed and was found guilty of a crime it really wouldn't matter what he said. You have got to be smarter than that!
No, you got to be pretty naive. The Senate showed they wouldn't enforce anything on the Trump administration, Mitch McConnell and his Senate majority saw to that. Refusing to call subpoenas and witnesses, etc. Please, don't piss on my back and tell me its just rain, Latina.
Typical response Trump always takes ... "know nothing about it" or simply deny the accusation.
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Multiple Republicans agree: Trump's guilty, but it doesn't ...
https://www.msnbc.com › rachel-maddow-show › multiple...
Feb 03, 2020 · The Tennessee Republican, who will end his lengthy career in public service later this year, said that the president's guilt "has already been proven," acknowledged that Trump's

Schiff pushes back: Defense team knows Trump is guilty ...
https://thehill.com › homenews › house › 479923-schiff...
The House Democrats trying their impeachment case before the Senate slammed President Trump ’s defense arguments on Saturday, maintaining the president’s lawyers are attacking the prosecutors for …

Jim Jordan Defends Trump By Confirming He's A Crazy ...
https://www.politicususa.com › 2019 › 11 › 19 › trump-conspiracy-theorist.html
The Republican defense of Trump has turned into admitting that the President Of The United States believes conspiracy theories about Ukraine. Jordan said while questioning Ambassador Kurt Volker ...

The Senate’s verdict: Trump is guilty, but not guilty ...
https://www.thestar.com › news › world › 2020 › 02 › 01 › the...
Feb 01, 2020 · What had become the key drama of the impeachment trial of President Donald Trump, whether to hear new testimony and evidence, was resolved Friday evening by a 51-49 vote against.

just saying.....

What crimes has Trump committed? - Quora
https://www.quora.com › What-crimes-has-Trump-committed
1. Conspiracy to defraud the United States, by inviting Russian intelligence to interfere with the 2016 elections. 2. Campaign finance violations, by instructing Michael Cohen to use campaign finance funds to bribe Stormy Daniels. 3. Obstruction o...

New Report: Trump Appears to Have Committed Multiple Crimes
https://www.citizensforethics.org › press-release › new-report-trump-appears-to-
The eight criminal offenses, including seven felonies, potentially committed by Trump include: Causing American Media Inc. (AMI) to make and/or accepting (or causing his then lawyer Michael Cohen to accept) an unlawful corporate contribution related to Karen McDougal.

Mueller's explosive statement: A sitting president can't ...
https://www.bizpacreview.com › 2019 › 05 › 29 › muellers...
May 29, 2019 · Mueller’s explosive statement: A sitting president can’t be charged, but doesn’t mean Trump is not guilty All eyes were on the Justice Department late Wednesday morning as special counsel Robert...
Rachael MADdow:p
SUB you always have and probably always will post garbage from left winged media. MSNBC LMAO!

sure...….it's only left wing if it doesn't say what you want it to.....odd don't you think...….kind of like trump and the fake news....he just could not stand his own words being repeated at him.....there is more...a lot more....but the left wing and the fake news is wearing off....people are not buying it anymore...….except people like you

but let me take a guess....and you want me to buy into Sean Hannity?
No, you got to be pretty naive. The Senate showed they wouldn't enforce anything on the Trump administration. Refusing to call witnesses, etc. Please, don't piss on my back and tell me its just rain, Latina.
I am amazed that you think republicans are the only ones who pull this kind of *******. If you really think the Dems are the key to success then I just don't know what to say. I'm serious when I say I haven't seen such a warped group of liberals in my life. I might even be OK with Biden (and I don't care about his voting record, his ukraine bullshit, racists comments, sexual assaults just like I don't care about Trumps *******. But he's fucking done. You know and I know he's going to be a fucking puppet.
sure...….it's only left wing if it doesn't say what you want it to.....odd don't you think...….kind of like trump and the fake news....he just could not stand his own words being repeated at him.....there is more...a lot more....but the left wing and the fake news is wearing off....people are not buying it anymore...….except people like you

but let me take a guess....and you want me to buy into Sean Hannity?


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I am amazed that you think republicans are the only ones who pull this kind of *******.
Those are your words not mine. Of course there are crooks in both parties, but none like Trump ... ever in history. Deny all you wish.
If it looks like a skunk and and smells like a skunk, its a skunk.
I honestly can't wait to see how he takes the smashing ass kicking in November. I still say he'll call the election a sham and refuse to leave office.
Just watch!
Gotta go ... lots of crap on my work plate right now. Adios!
Those are your words not mine. Of course there are crooks in both parties, but none like Trump ... ever in history. Deny all you wish.
If it looks like a skunk and and smells like a skunk, its a skunk.
I honestly can't wait to see how he takes the smashing ass kicking in November. I still say he'll call the election a sham and refuse to leave office.
Just watch!
Gotta go ... lots of crap on my work plate right now. Adios!
Goodnight. And if that happens just like if that horrible bitch Hillary would have won I accept what our democracy offers!
Why is the standard libtard response..."that was a long time ago." News flash. They are still doing the same fucked up ******* they've been doing FOR A LONG TIME!
Do us a favor, let us assume you're a fucking scum sucking idiot, instead of posting and proving us correct.
Cocksucking Trumptard can't respond to thought out responses, have to respond with insults. Just like the most disgraced president in history. Good role model. He says dumb *******. He does dumb *******. He is a dumb *******. But, several levels above you.
So when Trump is cleared of everything those scum dems tried pin on him then it's a conspiracy? What has Trump been charged with and found guilty of? Easy answer....NOTHING!!!!
When was that fraud cleared of anything?
Last I checked, he is one of three presidents to be impeached. Stained forever, Oh, the couple of dozen sexual assault charges waiting for him.
Never listen to an idiot who looks directly at an eclipse.
Never stand up for a guy who created a charity for ******* with cancer, and then steals from it.
Never believe a guy that's been documented telling 18000 lies in 1200 days.
Never trust a guy who's cheated in business, golf and everyone of his three wives.
Never pledge support to a guy who's allegiance is not bigger than himself, *******, it's only himself.
This president is most corrupt, inept, petty, lying man to hold that office.
And for you to say I don't like Democrats especially women and blacks., Go fuck yourself! I don't like the pieces of ******* who have no respect for this country and don't have the balls to stand up for what is right. It's so obvious the narrative the liberals are pushing and welcoming with open arms. They want your vote so they can keep you imprisoned. If you supporters of the left including the most biased, lying hate filled media can't see what they are trying to do to this country there is no hope for us. Trump is not my favorite President. But I will take him anytime no matter what he does or has done over the most disgusting party I have seen in my lifetime!
You hate Democrats, women and blacks? No one is surprised at that. I don't have to go fuck myself, as long as there are weak losers like yourself offering me your wife, which I'll reject of course.
You are the piece of ******* who doesn't even understand this country that you're frothing at mouth talking about.
Like it or not, ALL Americans have the same Constitution. So we get to exercise our amendment rights as well as you get to protest about the only one you know. By the way, the First Amendment comes before the Second.
The country is moving quite nicely in the right direction. It's the mosquito bait like yourself that comes and anonymously complain you can't have it like the good ol days.
Nope, you can't.
more of the right showing who should vote and who shouldn't

Outrage as Mississippi election commissioner complains 'the Blacks' are registering to vote in high numbers

A Mississippi elections official became the subject of social media fury over the weekend when she tweeted that she was "concerned" about an increase in black voters.

"I'm concerned about voter registration in Mississippi," Gail Welch, an elections commissioner in Jones County, Mississippi wrote. "The blacks are having lots [of] events for voter registration. People in Mississippi have to get involved, too."

The Clarion Ledger reported that Ms Welch wrote the comment on Sunday on Facebook. The comment then went viral across social media.

Ms Welch defended her statement claiming it had been intended to be private and that she wasn't trying to be racist, but rather encourage voter turnout.

"We've always in the past had whites really participating in registering to vote. So many people don't seem to be concerned about [voting]," Ms Welch said. "I was just trying to strike a match under people and get them to vote - to get everybody to vote. This was not intended to be anything."

Senator Juan Barnett, who represents part of Jones County, said that a simple "get out the vote" message didn't need to be racially specific.

Conservative Columnist Shows How Trump Could Undermine Election, Stay In Office

Washington Post columnist Max Boot said President Donald Trump could try to create a chaotic situation after the election to undermine the results and ultimately throw the decision to the Supreme Court. Once there, a conservative majority could give him the win.

In his latest column Boot wrote that he took part in a “war game” scenario in which Biden had narrowly won the Electoral College, 278-260. He was part of the hypothetical Trump team for the scenario “and, needless to say, we did not concede defeat. Instead, we went to work, ruthlessly and unscrupulously, utilizing every ounce of power at our disposal, to secure the 10 electoral college votes to swing the election.”

In the scenario, the GOP filed suit to block the certification of results in key states, bombarded the airwaves with claims of electoral fraud and even had Attorney General Bill Barr accuse China and Antifa of trying to steal the election.

Boot’s team focused on Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, three states expected which Trump won in 2016; while all three have Democratic governors, they also have GOP-controlled legislatures.

Graham hooked his wagon to trump early on.....hope his downfall will be just as dramatic

Jaime Harrison Raises Record $14 Million In Bid to Unseat ...
Democrat Jaime Harrison shattered new fundraising records in his Senate bid against Republican incumbent Lindsey Graham in South Carolina. The Harrison campaign announced Tuesday that it …

Jaime Harrison's Fund-Raising Total Adds to Democrats ...
15 hours ago · In South Carolina, Jaime Harrison, a Democrat who is trying to unseat Senator Lindsey Graham, raised more than $13.9 million in the quarter, his campaign announced on Tuesday.
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