Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Again This is all left wing sources talking about suppose quotes, conjecture, attempts at mind reading and opinions by left wing or dem supporters. Really it is made up ******* to serve a narrative.

I have asked and none of you have shown a Law, a Bill, and or an Executive Action that target based on the race or with the intent to target anyone because of their race? This is a bunch of shaming tactics trying to propagandize a leftist narrative.

Trump sealed his own fate

Five months ago, Donald Trump was an even bet for reelection: The Senate was about to reject his impeachment; the economic outlook was pretty bright, and Democrats were on the verge of an ideological electoral jihad. This all had to come together for him, as his approval ratings never advanced beyond the mid 40s.

By a month later the Democrats miraculously coalesced behind the 77-year-old former vice president, the safest of all nominees.

But Trump sealed his own fate.

Engage in a moment of fantasy to imagine how a responsible Republican president - a Jeb Bush or a John Kasich - might have responded to impeachment, the pandemic and racial explosion.

After the Senate acquittal, an adult president - who wouldn't have committed impeachable offenses in the first place - would have tempered his fury and declared: This was unfortunate and unnecessary. But let's look ahead not back. As Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) said, I have "learned" from this and am ready to work with Democrats.

Instead, Trump validated the opposition, lashing out, punishing those inside the administration who told the truth, delivering a childishly bitter State of the Union speech after refusing to shake hands with the Speaker of the House.

There might still have been time to recoup within a month as the COVID-19 virus started to spread around the world; health specialists, intelligence experts and even his own trade adviser warned the pandemic was coming here.

The Trump message could have been: This is exactly the time America needs a strong leader; that's why you elected me. There is a looming threat, we're going to get ahead of it. I am invoking the National Defense Production Act for a crash program for more ventilators, testing and Personal Protection Equipment; masks will be mandatory in larger gatherings, social distancing will be the order of the day. We will lead a global, Manhattan-type project to develop and distribute a vaccine as soon as possible. This effort will be led by retired Gen. Stanley McCrystal working with Dr. Anthony Fauci and the Centers for Disease Control. Americans know I have created the greatest economy of our lifetime. There may be a temporary interruption as we guard against this threat, but if we're smart, we will come roaring back.

Instead he and his *******-in-law decided that nothing, including a deadly pandemic, could get in the way of a robust economy, his reelection calling card.

So, Trump insisted there was no problem, lied about what was being done, attacked Democratic governors who were taking it seriously, refused to accept any responsibility, blamed the Chinese after he had praised them, undercut Tony Fauci, and - in a display of symbolic recklessness - still refuses to wear a mask.

On March 6, when he could have been whipping into action, there were 317 cases and 17 deaths in the U.S. Four months later, there are more than 2.9 million cases and approaching 130,000 deaths.

Anyone who doubts that presidential leadership could have mitigated the crisis, sparing tens of thousands of lives, should read James Fallows's piece in the Atlantic, "The 3 weeks that changed everything."

After the May 25 killing of George Floyd, a normal Republican president would have summoned civil rights activists and law enforcement officials and called for peaceful protests while acknowledging a crisis and trying to fashion changes.

Think of South Carolina Republican Sen. Tim Scott, author of a police reform measure. On the important question of accountability, Scott's proposal is inadequate and justifiably criticized. But it's a serious and sincere effort.

Trump, by contrast, has sought to sow more racial discord for the past six weeks, threatening military action against largely peaceful protestors, praising memorials to pro-slavery leaders of the Confederacy, even retweeting a call for white power. There have been few, if any, more grotesque presidential gestures than Trump marching across Lafayette Square, after first having racial justice demonstrators dispersed with tear gas, to stand in front of a church holding up a Bible like a fresh-caught fish. Friday night's screed in front of Mount Rushmore is perhaps a close second.

Ok, pretending Trump could have risen above his insecurities and displayed leadership is like depicting Willie Sutton as a bank teller, not a bank robber, or Bernie Madoff as an investor champion rather than a Ponzi scheme cheat.

Still, it's worth recalling.

When Trump is trounced in November - or, as my podcast partner James Carville has been predicting, quits to avoid humiliation - he'll first blame it on fake news and the deep state. Then it'll be he was given an impossible hand.

Truth is: If he had played his hand with any skill and integrity, it would have made a big difference for the health of the country and maybe for his own political fate.

Al Hunt is the former executive editor of Bloomberg News. He previously served as reporter, bureau chief and Washington editor for the Wall Street Journal. For almost a quarter century he wrote a column on politics for The Wall Street Journal, then the International New York Times and Bloomberg View. He hosts 2020 Politics War Room with James Carville. Follow him on Twitter @AlHuntDC.

Trump sealed his own fate

Five months ago, Donald Trump was an even bet for reelection: The Senate was about to reject his impeachment; the economic outlook was pretty bright, and Democrats were on the verge of an ideological electoral jihad. This all had to come together for him, as his approval ratings never advanced beyond the mid 40s.

By a month later the Democrats miraculously coalesced behind the 77-year-old former vice president, the safest of all nominees.

But Trump sealed his own fate.

Engage in a moment of fantasy to imagine how a responsible Republican president - a Jeb Bush or a John Kasich - might have responded to impeachment, the pandemic and racial explosion.

After the Senate acquittal, an adult president - who wouldn't have committed impeachable offenses in the first place - would have tempered his fury and declared: This was unfortunate and unnecessary. But let's look ahead not back. As Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) said, I have "learned" from this and am ready to work with Democrats.

Instead, Trump validated the opposition, lashing out, punishing those inside the administration who told the truth, delivering a childishly bitter State of the Union speech after refusing to shake hands with the Speaker of the House.

There might still have been time to recoup within a month as the COVID-19 virus started to spread around the world; health specialists, intelligence experts and even his own trade adviser warned the pandemic was coming here.

The Trump message could have been: This is exactly the time America needs a strong leader; that's why you elected me. There is a looming threat, we're going to get ahead of it. I am invoking the National Defense Production Act for a crash program for more ventilators, testing and Personal Protection Equipment; masks will be mandatory in larger gatherings, social distancing will be the order of the day. We will lead a global, Manhattan-type project to develop and distribute a vaccine as soon as possible. This effort will be led by retired Gen. Stanley McCrystal working with Dr. Anthony Fauci and the Centers for Disease Control. Americans know I have created the greatest economy of our lifetime. There may be a temporary interruption as we guard against this threat, but if we're smart, we will come roaring back.

Instead he and his *******-in-law decided that nothing, including a deadly pandemic, could get in the way of a robust economy, his reelection calling card.

So, Trump insisted there was no problem, lied about what was being done, attacked Democratic governors who were taking it seriously, refused to accept any responsibility, blamed the Chinese after he had praised them, undercut Tony Fauci, and - in a display of symbolic recklessness - still refuses to wear a mask.

On March 6, when he could have been whipping into action, there were 317 cases and 17 deaths in the U.S. Four months later, there are more than 2.9 million cases and approaching 130,000 deaths.

Anyone who doubts that presidential leadership could have mitigated the crisis, sparing tens of thousands of lives, should read James Fallows's piece in the Atlantic, "The 3 weeks that changed everything."

After the May 25 killing of George Floyd, a normal Republican president would have summoned civil rights activists and law enforcement officials and called for peaceful protests while acknowledging a crisis and trying to fashion changes.

Think of South Carolina Republican Sen. Tim Scott, author of a police reform measure. On the important question of accountability, Scott's proposal is inadequate and justifiably criticized. But it's a serious and sincere effort.

Trump, by contrast, has sought to sow more racial discord for the past six weeks, threatening military action against largely peaceful protestors, praising memorials to pro-slavery leaders of the Confederacy, even retweeting a call for white power. There have been few, if any, more grotesque presidential gestures than Trump marching across Lafayette Square, after first having racial justice demonstrators dispersed with tear gas, to stand in front of a church holding up a Bible like a fresh-caught fish. Friday night's screed in front of Mount Rushmore is perhaps a close second.

Ok, pretending Trump could have risen above his insecurities and displayed leadership is like depicting Willie Sutton as a bank teller, not a bank robber, or Bernie Madoff as an investor champion rather than a Ponzi scheme cheat.

Still, it's worth recalling.

When Trump is trounced in November - or, as my podcast partner James Carville has been predicting, quits to avoid humiliation - he'll first blame it on fake news and the deep state. Then it'll be he was given an impossible hand.

Truth is: If he had played his hand with any skill and integrity, it would have made a big difference for the health of the country and maybe for his own political fate.

Al Hunt is the former executive editor of Bloomberg News. He previously served as reporter, bureau chief and Washington editor for the Wall Street Journal. For almost a quarter century he wrote a column on politics for The Wall Street Journal, then the International New York Times and Bloomberg View. He hosts 2020 Politics War Room with James Carville. Follow him on Twitter @AlHuntDC.

I have said it on here over and over, give Trump space, he is bound to fuck things up for himself.
He's lost every single group outside of his base, and his answer is to keep appealing to his base of 30%.
Al Hunt is an old school journalist. Used to enjoy watching him when I was younger back in the 90s on Evans and Novak.
Actually I believe most people are with me. You are not most people.

Gonna answer the question? Why is it a different standard when blacks vote their interest?

Simple, You are voting for special treatment over equality. What definition does that fit?

Now answer mine - Post a link to any law/legislation that ensure special treatment to whites over blacks.
Interesting how you rely on the ancient history of politics to support your points ... you got any REAL POINTS that are post-dated AFTER the invention of the fik'n automobile & telephone?
Why can't you just admit that your current Republican party representative in Washington DC is a View attachment 3450139. I mean he's flat-dab stupid ... He really, really really is a big View attachment 3450140.
I'm sorry which party is littered with BONEHEADS?


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Simple, You are voting for special treatment over equality. What definition does that fit?

Now answer mine - Post a link to any law/legislation that ensure special treatment to whites over blacks.
This conversation is over. And, again, shows your true colors. But to be sure, I could be wrong, several questions
Do you believe that discrimination on race, exists?
If not, when did it end? If so, where?
If you do not believe racial discrimination is prevails, then how do explain, minority groups (blacks, Asians, Latinos, Amer Indians) all believe it exists by a majority? (Even a majority of whites believe under Trump, it's gotten worse.)
Are they all just 'fooled' by the crafty Democrats and their trickier?

What I am trying to show you without me being a dick or insulting, is maybe in your observation it's not overt, and maybe you have black friends who aren't political and live a normal 9-5 life. Most do. However, I'm sure if you were to ask them, they will tell you the same thing I've been saying. When you sit here and say, we want special treatment, because what we observe and experience is not real, it sustains the way things are. You want to see more blacks and minorities voting Republican? Take a stand and some real action on the racial discrimination. That's all. So many black conservatives, anti abortion folks, Jesus loving, family first blacks would fall right into your camp. It's not about programs for the poor, or that stuff, it's about recognizing the ******* we deal with.
Simple, You are voting for special treatment over equality. What definition does that fit?

Now answer mine - Post a link to any law/legislation that ensure special treatment to whites over blacks.
Now to answer your question:
Plessy v. Ferguson in 1898 upheld racial discrimination laws. Meaning, any law was OK to be applied in a discriminatory manner as long as blacks had their separate but equal facilities. However, we know that the equal part of that, never was. How could it be when taxes, everyone paid, went to regular facilities like hospitals, and grants were needed for clinics to serve blacks?
It was overturned in 1954 but by that time, most of this country had been built up, what was law, was now norms and for some of the desegregation to happen, it took US troops and strong interference from the Justice Department, and the legislation and Presidential Acts of the 1960's. That was for the government, and only overt things that could be tracked. 50 years later and we see the same disturbing practices in some private industries.

Now, you can be obtuse and ask for a specific law. What I've done is show you the history of how laws without race written in them, were twisted to be legally discriminatory, which is your point. Right?
I'm sorry which party is littered with BONEHEADS?
The one with the Racist who lost to his party in Iowa.
The one with the President that can't lead, and only bring division and rancor to the electorate.
The one who's president is more aligned with America's adversaries than HIS Intelligence Agencies and Military.
The one tells you he's going to build 2000 mile long wall, and another country will foot the bill. - Wait, actually that makes you the boneheads, for believing either one of those.
The ones who let a virus go from a couple of hundred people to a couple of million people in four months, while telling Americans things are moving in the right direction
The one who has been accused of ******* and sexual assault more that two dozen times, and admitted to his tactics, then tells you he respects women.

That group you listed look like a fine group of successful Americans. Thank You.
It's not about programs for the poor, or that stuff, it's about recognizing the ******* we deal with.
ed, just curious as to what your opinion and solution is to the growing "black on black" crimes these days.
In Raleigh, NC & Durham, NC we had two black on black crimes ... 3 dead, one jailed, another being pursued ... all young black males.
You tel US what we can do to stop THAT because so far the only solution the average white family has is called "white flight". We don't see the marches to stop black on black crimes and the reasons it happens.
Please elaborate a bit? You know MY opinion.
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That group you listed look like a fine group of successful Americans. Thank You.
pic_ThumbsUp3.jpg .... Absolutely correct! There's no comparison with the current thugs the Orange Man has put into important positions. AND, the only qualification they need is the willingness to LIE FOR THE PRESIDENT. Hardly any of his appointees have previous federal government experience.
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ed, just curious as to what your opinion and solution is to the growing "black on black" crimes these days.
In Raleigh, NC & Durham, NC we had two black on black crimes ... 3 dead, one jailed, another being pursued ... all young black males.
You tel US what we can do to stop THAT because so far the only solution the average white family has is called "white flight". We don't see the marches to stop black on black crimes and the reasons it happens.
Please elaborate a bit? You know MY opinion.
First, it's just crime. MOST crime is inner racial. If you want to specialize it, I got no words for you. 90% of Indians are killed by other Indians. Most whites are killed by other whites.
Second, if I had a solution to solve crime, I wouldn't be on here.
What brings the crime rate down?
1. Jobs.
2. Supervised after school and before school programs.
3. Strong family structures.
4. Less access to ******* and guns.
Ready to build some legislation around that?
if I had a solution to solve crime, I wouldn't be on here.
You list some good solutions, but if we were to prioritize the ones you listed, I would have put them in a different order.
Thing is, in most of the cities, if the black crime was lowered by as much as 50-60% a lot more people would be willing to actually get involved.
Let me ask you, how many young black youths do you mentor? Maybe THIS Christmas buy a couple laptop computers and donate them to the inner city school technology classes. Totally "tax deductible" for you and YOU probably help a dozen or so ******* get access to computers to use.
I know several white citizens, one right here in my development, that mentors 2 young, black elementary school *******.
The solution starts with our YOUTH ... got to get to them before the gangs do. Ain't happening HERE ... we've had at least 5 different black on black altercations in the past 2 weeks ... at least one dead at each location ... all younger than 24.
Both Police Chiefs of Raleigh & Durham are black ... both have been on TV apologizing for the violence. The Police Chief in Durham even went further by saying SHE had no solution as of yet. She's been Durham's Police Chief for about two years now. The previous 2 Police Chiefs in Durham resigned.
Want to change the image, get rid of the stereotyping of young black males ... got to focus on the younger *******, and older black citizens need to be hugely involved. As I told you many posts back, Black Lives Matter is a entire community involvement. No legislation is going to change the attitudes and mindset of the haters or the black citizens, otherwise the Black Lives Matter seems not to matter too much with descent living black citizens.
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I'm sorry which party is littered with BONEHEADS?
You wish us to REPEAT ourselves? Hard of READING? These people you list have spotless records ... should we start comparing rap sheets of the Trump administration to that of Obama's ... hopefully you're not so ignorant of the Trump administration as to NOT know a lot of his appointees (current & past) have previous altercations.
How many in Obama's administration were indicted in his EIGHT YEARS as President? Compare those eight years to just three of Trump's years in office. How about firings and administration turnovers ... do you wish to compare NUMBERS? Ask WHY Trump has had to fire so many in his administration. Could it be that many of them simply would not LIE and be the Fall Guy for the President?
All you're doing is criticizing the Democrats who have tried to keep Trump in line. Trump would have probably turned the Nat'l Guards on the US citizens by now if not for some of the ones on that list you show.
Trump's a thug, a hypocrite, liar, bully, a 3-time fornicating adulterer, traitor, thief, race baiting hater, divider, unethical loser. And many of his staff and appointees fit somewhere in one, if not all, of the list of names I've just called the President.
I know one thing that' almost a guarantee, Latina ... you best be getting use to those democrats you just listed as boneheads because they're going to be holding very important positions in Washingto, DC by February, 2020 ... you can BET that Joe Biden is already making his LIST. Trump, as of this day, STILL has not filled over a third of the positions in Washington with people.
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Maxine Watters -

Maxine Waters Husband Scandal – 2017
In 2010, Waters came under investigation for ethics violations and was accused by a House panel of at least one ethics violation related to her efforts to help OneUnited Bank receive federal aid.

In September 2008, Waters arranged meetings between U.S. Treasury Department officials and OneUnited Bank, so that the bank could plead for federal cash. It had been heavily invested in Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, and its capital was “all but wiped out” after the U.S. government took them over. The bank received $12 million in Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) money.[59][60] The matter was investigated by the House Ethics Committee,[61][62] which charged her with violations of the House’s ethics rules in 2010.

“If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere,” Rep. Maxine Waters told a crowd of supporters over the weekend.

Adam Schiff -

Fact Check: Adam Schiff Lied to the Senate About Trump’s Past Concern with Ukraine Corruption

Democrat Adam Schiff is definitely one of the most stupid and corrupt fuckers in our government, and Schiff may just land himself in prison over his criminal actions. Many people are saying that Democrat Adam Schiff actually committed treason by setting up a meeting with foreigners to collect political dirt on a political opponent.

Cory Booker -

Democrat Cory Booker Confesses To Groping a Young Girl ...

In 1992, Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) admitted in his college newspaper that he groped an unwilling ******* girl when he was a young. Booker, has made more than his share of political hay recently with his "Spartacus" moment at the Senate conformation hearings for Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

Newark Water Agency Mired in Scandal Under Cory Booker

Polluted water in Newark is Cory Booker's fault

Cory Booker Accused of Sexual Assault by a Man

IIhan Omar -

The biggest Ilhan Omar scandal yet proves she works for ...
The Latest Ilhan Omar Scandal . Whether you are a Democrat or a Republican, this should alarm every single American and person who cares about the future. Ilhan Omar is a puppet of Qatar in the American Congress. She does not work to serve the American people. She works for terrorists. Omar has fought for the release of terrorists from jails.
New Details Emerge In Ilhan Omar's Marriage Scandal | The ...
New details involving far-left Rep. Ilhan Omar's (D-MN) marital scandal emerged on Friday after a British publication reported that Omar is paying her ex-husband to stay quiet about her alleged affair. The Daily Mail reported that Omar's husband, Ahmed Hirsi, "discovered the truth about her torrid affair with her chief fundraiser [Tim Mynett] when he […]

Ilhan Omar Just Got Caught in a Massive Sex Scandal That ...
And now Ilhan Omar is caught in another massive sex scandal that will be her end. On top of getting into a lot of trouble over anti-Semitic comments, Ilhan Omar has been in trouble with the IRS and the Federal Election Commission. So to say that her first term in Congress has been scandal-ridden is an understatement.

Nancy (we got to what what's in it first) Pelosi -

Pelosi Family BIG Money: Corruption! - Truth News Network
Pelosi first invested in the company in 2000, when he purchased between $15,000 and $50,000 in stock. According to financial news service Motley Fool, "Pelosi seems to have acquired shares in a private offering" prior to the company's 2004 initial public offering. Its stock has soared since then. It debuted at $3.75 a share on June 23, 2004
"Profile in Corruption": After Nancy Pelosi Steals $25 ...
CBS:House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was named the recipient of this year's Profile in Courage Award by the John F. Kennedy Library Foundation. The award, which has been called the Nobel Prize for public figures, is given for an act, or a lifetime, of political courage.
Pelosi's entire family has generational corruption, tied ...
Nancy Pelosi's ******* Paul is also on the board of an energy company. Paul Pelosi Jr. also traveled to Ukraine. AND — Better Yet — Speaker Nancy Pelosi even appears in the company's video ad! According to Patrick Howley at National File Speaker Pelosi's ******* Paul Jr. was an executive at Viscoil. Paul Jr. traveled to Ukraine in 2017.

Jerry Nadler -

Rep. Jerry Nadler's Conflict Of Interest, Russia ...
Rep. Jerry Nadler's Conflict Of Interest, Russia-Connection Hidden By Democrats, Media Mob - OpEd. December 16, 2019 December 16, 2019 Jim Kouri 1 Comment. ... Earlier this year, several law ...

Jerry Nadler's Troubling History
But Nadler also has a long and disturbing history of supporting and facilitating the release of some of America's deadliest terrorists, even including this past year.

In August of 1999, Bill Clinton offered clemency to 12 members of the notorious FALN, the Puerto Rican nationalist group that had wanted to align with Cuba. The small group, who had no popular support on the island, had set off more than 130 bombs around the U.S. between 1974 and 1983 killing six and injuring scores more. It was eventually discovered that Hillary's advisers supported the scheme wrongly thinking it would help her gain the Puerto Rican vote in New York. The Clinton team fashioned that the terrorists sign a statement expressing remorse, but they all had refused to sign it, and then unbelievably were given a month to decide. As time was running out, both the House and Senate composed resolutions condemning Bill Clinton's action, which they would soon pass overwhelmingly.

A day before the House vote, it was announced that 11 of the 12 who had signed the statement would be leaving numerous Federal prisons in just two days. On the day of the House debate and vote on September 9, 1999, Nadler took to the floor for six and a half minutes and defended Clinton's action as well as the FALN itself, saying there was no proof, even though at the time four of their members had been convicted of making bombs and a fifth had been convicted of killing someone with a bomb. The group had also claimed credit for many of their attacks in communiques, including their deadliest attack at Fraunces Tavern in lower Manhattan in 1975, killing four and injuring 60, which also happens to be located in Nadler's district since he had arrived in Congress in 1992.

Kamala (Hot AF) Harris -

Kamala Harris’ Dirty Little Sex Secret Comes Out After Jeff Sessions Shuts Her Big Mouth

Kamala Harris was grandstanding again as she tried to bully Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Capitol Hill. Sessions, with his smooth southern drawl, outsmarted and outclassed Harris, who came off as a screaming shrew, and it’s no wonder with her tawdry past. Harris has a dirty little sex secret that is coming back to haunt her, but that’s not all. She has a long line of corrupt deals, one with Maxine Waters, that helped her get power and stay in power.

If there ever was a swamp creature in Washington, D.C., it is Kamala Harris. In fact, she is the poster politician for all swamp creatures. Harris has been trying to make a name for herself by screaming and bullying two of the good guys left in D.C., Admiral Mike Rogers and Jeff Sessions. Well, the junior senator from California didn’t come out unscathed, as her dirty little sex secret has come out.

Harris got her start in 1994 by having an affair with slimy Willie Brown, who was serving as the California Assembly Speaker and then became the mayor of San Fransico. Brown was 60 years old and Harris was 29 when their affair began. Harris was so brazen that she came out publicly as his date at his 60th birthday party, despite his wife of 36 years being in attendance.

Harris slept with Brown for one reason; she used the corrupt San Francisco mayor to launch her rise to power. Daily Caller reports, “As Brown’s time as speaker drew to a close in 1994, he named Harris to the California Medical Assistance Commission, a job that came with a $72,000 annual salary. Brown had previously appointed her to the state Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board.”

She “was described by several people at the Capitol as Brown’s girlfriend,” the Los Angeles Times reported at the time. Although that job paid nearly $98,000, Harris’ term was set to expire in five weeks when Brown tapped her for the Medical Assistance Commission slot. That body met only monthly, and the $72,000 position was not considered a full-time job.

#KamalaHarris is a disappointment & a grandstanding fraud. She doesn't want answers, she wants to make a name for herself. #SessionsHearing pic.twitter.com/0o9cyPykYz
— TheTruthIsOutThere (@LuciHoneychurch) June 13, 2017
Willie Brown is a sleaze-bag who led one of the most corrupt mayoral offices ever seen in San Fransico, but that was fine with Harris, who went on to steal the election for California’s Attorney General in 2010. “Los Angeles District Attorney Steve Cooley led Harris by 34,000 votes after more than 7 million were counted. But after provisional ballots were counted, she was declared the winner by approximately 50,000 votes,” reports Daily Caller.

At one point, Cooley was up by 62,000 votes, and in panic mode, Harris reached out to her good buddy California Secretary of State Debra Bowen, whose role was to certify the votes. That’s when thousands of Cooley’s votes just disappeared.

Lol. Kamala Harris. Corrupt Willie Brown's ex-GF. He "helped" her up the ranks. Shady 2010 election result.
— Falcon-watcher, etc. (@JamesManniello) February 24, 2017
Kamala Harris’ path to power is strewn with illicit affairs and fraudulent elections, and in desperation, she paid Maxine Waters’ ******* Karen $63,000 dollars to appear on mailers with Auntie Maxine. Washington Free Beacon reports, “The payments were made from Harris’s campaign committee and transferred to Waters’s campaign committee through a lucrative ‘slate mailer’ operation run by Waters’s *******, a program that has proved profitable for both her ******* and the campaign.”

Liberal loons are grasping at straws on social media, hailing Harris as the savior they need, and anyone who questions their new “it” girl gets called a racist and a misogynist. Harris is nothing that any little girl should aspire to be; she is just another swamp creature who got there by having sex with a 60-year-old buffoon.

Harris’s record as a prosecutor was representative of a politics of the past. The nation has moved on.

Armed, plain-clothes LAPD officers were dispatched to California cities outside of Los Angeles at least a dozen times to provide security for U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris at public events, media appearances, and a party.

LA taxpayers paid for airline tickets, hotel stays, car rentals, and meals, according to detailed expense reports obtained by NBC News. The total cost of the trips, not including the officers' overtime, topped $28,000.

As a prosecutor, she's engaged in some pretty impressive politically motivated corner-cutting. She falsified a confession transcript of a defendant and then, when she was caught, defended it. She's been caught making phony charges of racism about her Berkeley upbringing, as if Berkeley in the 1970s were a den of Klansmen. She has an army of fake Twitter followers in an obvious bid to make herself look more influential than she really is. Lately, she put out a deceptively edited video to smear Kavanaugh.
This conversation is over. And, again, shows your true colors. But to be sure, I could be wrong, several questions
You start with "This conversation is over" and then ask more question. LOL, that's rich.
Only because you are trying to carry a conversation, and not be a dick, I'll answer.

Do you believe that discrimination on race, exists?
If not, when did it end? If so, where?
If you do not believe racial discrimination is prevails, then how do explain, minority groups (blacks, Asians, Latinos, Amer Indians) all believe it exists by a majority? (Even a majority of whites believe under Trump, it's gotten worse.)
Are they all just 'fooled' by the crafty Democrats and their trickier?
Short answer, yes I believe there is discrimination, I simply don't buy into it being systemic. There are racist people and others that aren't really raciest but fear of losing control so they take discriminatory actions. If you had read previous post, you would know this.
And I have to correct you, the majority of whites believe under OBAMA, it got worse. He drove a wedge and it festered from there. (that's no to say Trump is helping matters)

I'm sure if you were to ask them, they will tell you the same thing I've been saying.
No, they don't. However they do run into raciest people from time to time, as do I.

When you sit here and say, we want special treatment, because what we observe and experience is not real, it sustains the way things are.
I'm not saying that, I'm asking. Do you want special treatment, or do you want equality. I'm NOT trying to invalidate your experience. If you want to push for equality, then I'm all in.
You want to see more blacks and minorities voting Republican?
I just want people to vote whats they feel is best for America as a whole, not what they can personally gain. Democrat or Republican or Independent - I really don't care. I feel the first thing we need to do is get the Career politicians out (those that fear losing power). The public manipulation by the media and politicians simply to turn one against the other, and to gain votes by manipulating data, showing only one side to every coin needs to end. It's not systemic racism, it's a struggle for power and control.

Now to answer your question:
Plessy v. Ferguson in 1898 upheld racial discrimination laws. Meaning, any law was OK to be applied in a discriminatory manner as long as blacks had their separate but equal facilities. However, we know that the equal part of that, never was. How could it be when taxes, everyone paid, went to regular facilities like hospitals, and grants were needed for clinics to serve blacks?
It was overturned in 1954 but by that time, most of this country had been built up, what was law, was now norms and for some of the desegregation to happen, it took US troops and strong interference from the Justice Department, and the legislation and Presidential Acts of the 1960's. That was for the government, and only overt things that could be tracked. 50 years later and we see the same disturbing practices in some private industries.
I agree this happened in the past, but it's not so much today, and again you are pointing out corporate policies, not legislation. Even if legislation allowed for, it was still the choice of the corporations to exploit it. Laws have changed and corporations that still practice this behavior get caught. What I am asking for are laws today that still allow this. Otherwise your systemic argument falls apart, or you can just shut down the conversation and call me racist - your choice.
You wish us to REPEAT ourselves? Hard of READING? These people you list have spotless records ... should we start comparing rap sheets of the Trump administration to that of Obama's ... hopefully you're not so ignorant of the Trump administration as to NOT know a lot of his appointees (current & past) have previous altercations.
How many in Obama's administration were indicted in his EIGHT YEARS as President? Compare those eight years to just three of Trump's years in office. How about firings and administration turnovers ... do you wish to compare NUMBERS? Ask WHY Trump has had to fire so many in his administration. Could it be that many of them simply would not LIE and be the Fall Guy for the President?
All you're doing is criticizing the Democrats who have tried to keep Trump in line. Trump would have probably turned the Nat'l Guards on the US citizens by now if not for some of the ones on that list you show.
Trump's a thug, a hypocrite, liar, bully, a 3-time fornicating adulterer, traitor, thief, race baiting hater, divider, unethical loser. And many of his staff and appointees fit somewhere in one, if not all, of the list of names I've just called the President.
I know one thing that' almost a guarantee, Latina ... you best be getting use to those democrats you just listed as boneheads because they're going to be holding very important positions in Washingto, DC by February, 2020 ... you can BET that Joe Biden is already making his LIST. Trump, as of this day, STILL has not filled over a third of the positions in Washington with people.
Mac as I have said before you seem like an intelligent man. I have also said there are some things about Trump I cant't stomach. What he did in the past with women, his businesses, prostitutes is no different than what so many of the nice and caring Democratic politicians have done and continue to do today. I would think you have the intelligence to see right through every piece of ******* politician. And you have got to admit the couple awarded the Golden Globe of lies, deciet, sex, bullying, corruption, mysterious murders belong to none other than...........C'mon you know...Yep the wonderful Clintons! I'm telling you I have an open mind when it comes to politics. Meaning although I am a registered Republican ( I had to chose when I got my Florida DL) if there was an even close to a worthwhile Democrat or Libertarian I would consider voting for him/her. You think Trump is dangerous. Look what's happening around the country with the libs in charge of cities being overrun by the very thugs and bullies you speak of. Cops just watching people destroying ******* and taking over portions of cities. But yet the cops are investigating the WHITE (left wing scum media made sure that was in bold) woman defacing the BLM defacing which was just fine. And all of those I pictured above all support this garbage for one and only one reason; Votes. And that scares the hell out of me more than Trump. Believe it or not there's a very small and I mean small part of me that would like to see Biden win and dems have control of both congress and senate. Only so we can look back and say see we told you so.
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