Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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I agree, @Drillher4me, though I may get jumped on for saying this since some folks are very protective of religion, but the Bible was translated! So, who can say that what is inside of the Bible is the absolute truth? I'm not a very religious guy myself though I very often attend church! Sometimes, I do not like it because MOST of the folks that attend church are your most HYPOCRITICAL ones on earth!
I couldn't agree more with you! Been there! Seen them! And believe me, I have first hand knowledge of just how HYPOCRITICAL some of these "men of the cloth" really are!
Novel Coronavirus cases
PlacesCases Deaths Recovered
China 80,881 3,226 68,690
Italy 27,980 2,158 2,749
Iran 14,991 853 4,996
Spain 9,942 342 530
South Korea 8,320 81 1,401
Germany 7,272 17 67
France 6,633 148 12
United States 4,712 86 17 we are not doing to good once you get it....better than France...but not as good as Germany
Switzerland 2,353 18 4
United Kingdom 1,543 55 52
Netherlands 1,417240
Italy 3D printers respirator valves to help coronavirus ...
11 hours ago · Italy 3D printers respirator valves to help coronavirus patients. Hundreds of design engineers from across the world have offered to donate their 3D printing skills and equipment to help produce vital hospital supplies amid the evolving coronavirus pandemic. A public document titled “3D Printer Crowdsourcing for COVID-19” is quickly gaining steam on Twitter, garnering nearly …
Coronavirus vaccine test opens with 1st doses
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AP Exclusive: Coronavirus vaccine test opens with 1st ...
15 hours ago · AP Exclusive: Coronavirus vaccine test opens with 1st doses U.S. researchers are opening tests of an experimental coronavirus vaccine with four healthy volunteers in Seattle
Guessing by this....others do NOT think trump was appointed by god...…...and the virus is punishment!

never did think trump was appointed by god....but if the virus was punishment.....it needs to focus more on congress

Coronavirus is punishment for sanctions, US must 'also ...
13 hours ago · The defense minister from Zimbabwe described the deadly pandemic as God's way punishment for sanctions imposed by the U.S. and other western ... Coronavirus is punishment for sanctions, US must ...

Coronavirus a punishment to US, Europe - Zimbabwe minister ...
Mar 15, 2020 · Zimbabwe’s defence minister Oppah Muchinguri has described the coronavirus pandemic as a “punishment” to the US and Europe. Muchinguri …
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Novel Coronavirus cases
PlacesCases Deaths Recovered
China 80,881 3,226 68,690
Italy 27,980 2,158 2,749
Iran 14,991 853 4,996
Spain 9,942 342 530
South Korea 8,320 81 1,401
Germany 7,272 17 67
France 6,633 148 12
United States 4,712 86 17 we are not doing to good once you get it....better than France...but not as good as Germany
Switzerland 2,353 18 4
United Kingdom 1,543 55 52
Netherlands 1,417240
We have more of it than the figures suggest, same with you guys. Germany must be testing a lot of people, but their figures aren't freely available. Plus, the numbers of victims depend on the age profile of the areas where it has taken hold.
We have more of it than the figures suggest, same with you guys. Germany must be testing a lot of people, but their figures aren't freely available. Plus, the numbers of victims depend on the age profile of the areas where it has taken hold.

I just noticed that it looked like if you got it here...…..chances slim of recovering
I just noticed that it looked like if you got it here...…..chances slim of recovering
The data is incomplete. The WHO want everybody tested so they have a perfect data set, but we're focusing our efforts on pragmatic strategies for delaying the spread and isolating the vulnerable and aren't really concerned anymore with testing every fucker - it uses up time and resources better deployed elsewhere. I did hear a scientist say yesterday that they really want to test loads of well people to determine how many have had it without even realising. We don't know how many carry it, with no symptoms.
The data is incomplete. The WHO want everybody tested so they have a perfect data set, but we're focusing our efforts on pragmatic strategies for delaying the spread and isolating the vulnerable and aren't really concerned anymore with testing every fucker - it uses up time and resources better deployed elsewhere. I did hear a scientist say yesterday that they really want to test loads of well people to determine how many have had it without even realising. We don't know how many carry it, with no symptoms.

that is just the numbers posted on my home page....said updates...…..I was "irked" germany has more cases than we do...…..and yet we have 4 times the number of deaths...…..doesn't say much for our health care......supposed to be the best because of how much they charge.....numbers do not support that

Hospitals made $21B on Wall Street last year, but are ...
Feb 07, 2018 · Hospitals made $21B on Wall Street last year, but are patients seeing those profits? An empty examination room at a medical center. Brooks Kraft / Corbis via Getty Images

America's Most Profitable Hospitals
Aug 30, 2010 · Forbes' first-ever survey of America's most profitable hospitals reveals that some American hospitals make 25 cents or more for every $1 in patient revenue they take in.
that is just the numbers posted on my home page....said updates...…..I was "irked" germany has more cases than we do...…..and yet we have 4 times the number of deaths...…..doesn't say much for our health care......supposed to be the best because of how much they charge.....numbers do not support that

Hospitals made $21B on Wall Street last year, but are ...
Feb 07, 2018 · Hospitals made $21B on Wall Street last year, but are patients seeing those profits? An empty examination room at a medical center. Brooks Kraft / Corbis via Getty Images

America's Most Profitable Hospitals
Aug 30, 2010 · Forbes' first-ever survey of America's most profitable hospitals reveals that some American hospitals make 25 cents or more for every $1 in patient revenue they take in.
You have the best, if you can afford it. The Germans are very well funded and very well organised. They are a pragmatic people and have an advanced healthcare system. Probably better than the British system, but they pay more for it through their taxes.
When I said the data is incomplete, I meant that it is difficult to compare the situations in different countries, because of demographics, population density and differing strategies by governments.
We have a fifth of your population, but in an area one fortieth of your landmass.

I think you in America have a much higher number of infections than is indicated by the data.
I think people are getting the virus and not realising, because it isn't dangerous to the young and healthy and some don't even get symptoms.

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You have the best, if you can afford it. The Germans are very well funded and very well organised. They are a pragmatic people and have an advanced healthcare system. Probably better than the British system, but they pay more for it through their taxes.
When I said the data is incomplete, I meant that it is difficult to compare the situations in different countries, because of demographics, population density and differing strategies by governments.
We have a fifth of your population, but in an area one fortieth of your landmass.

I think you in America have a much higher number of infections than is indicated by the data.
I think people are getting the virus and not realising, because it isn't dangerous to the young and healthy and some don't even get symptoms.


agree.…...think a lot....like me....never really took it that serious until I saw some here...…..now you really have to wonder how long it went on before others took it serious....and probably the same all over....hell Sat wife went to store same as always....some empty shelves and a lot of people stocking up.....she could not understand the stocking up so she just did her normal thing......came home that night....next day she knows I always make some kind of parts run....and told me to try and find toilet paper and soap......I went to 3 different stores and got none.....I think that is when I started taking it a little more serious....worked in garage yesterday and went NOWHERE which is unusual for me.....get bored and go see what the others are doing and they do the same....and none came over here either...…

anyway point being....this damned thing could be everywhere without people even realizing it
agree.…...think a lot....like me....never really took it that serious until I saw some here...…..now you really have to wonder how long it went on before others took it serious....and probably the same all over....hell Sat wife went to store same as always....some empty shelves and a lot of people stocking up.....she could not understand the stocking up so she just did her normal thing......came home that night....next day she knows I always make some kind of parts run....and told me to try and find toilet paper and soap......I went to 3 different stores and got none.....I think that is when I started taking it a little more serious....worked in garage yesterday and went NOWHERE which is unusual for me.....get bored and go see what the others are doing and they do the same....and none came over here either...…

anyway point being....this damned thing could be everywhere without people even realizing it
They have upwards of 25,000 cases in Italy and that's probably the tip of the iceberg. They're losing hundreds of people every day now and they are locked right down.
It is very scary.
Govt asking Rolls Royce and other manufacturing industry to make ventilators.

"It was on only Friday that Sir Patrick Vallance, the chief scientific adviser, explained the mitigation plan to the BBC.

He said: "Our aim is to try and reduce the peak, broaden the peak, not suppress it completely.

"Also, because the vast majority of people get a mild illness, to build up some kind of herd immunity so more people are immune to this disease."

If mitigation worked it would have avoided the most draconian measures other countries have used and built up immunity, which would help limit the spread of coronavirus.

Mitigation involves some social distancing strategies, while suppression beefs up those measures, including possible restriction of movement and increased periods of isolation.

The modelling projected that if the UK did nothing, 81% of people would be infected and 510,000 would die from coronavirus by August.

The mitigation strategy is better, but would still result in about 250,000 deaths and completely overwhelm intensive care in the NHS."
I've just read that we are looking at potentially 250 - 500,000 dead in the UK. 😳

that ain't good...…...got me.....thinking more serious about anyway.....I am at that risky age......and have asthma...….although consider myself in very good health....same with wife...although she is ….a little younger....I was planning on sticking around the house...and I hate that.....but she still does whatever...although a health nut she is pretty careful
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