Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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he opened the door...…...lot of countries have discovered the cheaper labor and etc since....once the horse out of the gate...others to follow.....several have tried or said to stop it...yet hasn't happened......look at trumps promise to bring them back....going overseas at a higher rate now than ever before.....he gave big tax breaks to companies.....look what AT&T did...took the money and moved all their call centers over seas where the labor is 10 bucks an hour cheaper

Obama had the solution...…..tax and tariff the ******* out of American companies that are overseas...forsing them to see it is cheaper to be here......hell look at out own government.....you ever call social security....called several times...….no one spoke good English that I could understand....demanded to talk to someone that spoke English....was put on hold for almost an hour

it's all about the dollar....country be damned...…..American pride shipped over seas along time ago.....which brings up another point...some employers complain can not find good employees......why in the fuck should an employee care....most don't get paid enough to survive on......have no medical benefits or any benefits to say much about...….so why shouldn't they always be on the look out for something better!

Reagan fucked this country in so many ways....first allowed jobs to go over seas.....and second allowed laws to break unions...…..without the unions there are no standards for an employer to be judged by...they pay/give whatever they want...dictate hours and etc!

Reagan also founded the "Trickel-Down-Economics-Theory", which only provided a "Smooth Highway of Excuses" to give massive tax breaks to the top 1- 5% and corporations! For the unknowing, the Trickel-Down-Economics-Theory claimed that if tax breaks were given to the very rich and large corporations, they'd reinvest every dollar of those tax breaks into business which in turn would create increased employment opportunities for the poor and under-employed! The only problem was, and still is, "it didn't work then, it doesn't work now and it won't work in the future! Why?
G-R-E-E-D!!! The top 1-5% will never be satisfied with the amount wealth they have, i.e., enough is never enough, likewise, corporations are the embryos of greed! Ask yourself this simple question, and honestly, "Have you ever heard of a corporation state they've made enough profit, again and likewise, have you ever heard of an ultra-rich individual say I got all the money I want?" A few give away a lot of money but guess what, it's always a tax write-off, so why not give it away, after all they get a lot of rewards and recognition by giving a few dollars away and bringing public attention to it! Finally, guess what, the joke is on those who may not be aware of it, their tax write-off's are eventually at the expense of those having to pay taxes, mostly the lower 50-60% of society's taxable income payers!
Trump is not a miracle worker, he doesn't have a magic wand like Obama said he needed to bring jobs back. I have news for you, God loves Donald John Trump as much as anyone else, he allowed him to be in office and if it is His plan he will stay in office. You only replied to a part of my post. I posted no BIAS comment, you hate our President, I like our President.
1. In 2018, Trump dismantles a National Security Council directorate at the White House charged with preparing for when, not if, another pandemic would hit the nation.
2. He severely cut CDC budget which led to massive senior personnel cuts and retirements- thus a brain drain.
3. He lied about having it under control and it will go away soon. That cause people to throw caution to the wind.
4. He called the danger of the virus fake news and a hoax.
5. He encouraged people to go out in public and spend money.
6. He constantly talks about the market instead of the people, further showing his inability to grasp what we're dealing with.
7. He constantly deflects blame and cannot accept responsibility, for anything including firing the pandemic experts, even though he bragged about it at a rally.
8. He literally just gave himself a perfect score on how he handled this! I can't make this ******* up!
God has nothing to do with this. God gave him, and most of us, the ability to choose right from wrong. tRump has chosen wrong each and every time.
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1. In 2018, Trump dismantles a National Security Council directorate at the White House charged with preparing for when, not if, another pandemic would hit the nation.
2. He severely cut CDC budget which led to massive senior personnel cuts and retirements- thus a brain drain.
3. He lied about having it under control and it will go away soon. That cause people to throw caution to the wind.
4. He called the danger of the virus fake news and a hoax.
5. He encouraged people to go out in public and spend money.
6. He constantly talks about the market instead of the people, further showing his inability to grasp what we're dealing with.
7. He constantly deflects blame and cannot accept responsibility, for anything including firing the pandemic experts, even though he bragged about it at a rally.
8. He literally just gave himself a perfect score on how he handled this! I can't make this ******* up!
God has nothing to do with this. God gave him, and most of us, the ability to choose right from wrong. tRump has chosen wrong each and every time.
None of this surprises me to be honest. I've become unshockable where Trump is involved.
do you have a point in all this....sure a lot of people die from a lot of things....BUT none seem to be so easily transmitted as this one
That's the thing. This is so very contagious and they don't really know how it is transmitted with any detail. How contagious are asymptomatic carriers? That's the missing info I think.
1. In 2018, Trump dismantles a National Security Council directorate at the White House charged with preparing for when, not if, another pandemic would hit the nation.
2. He severely cut CDC budget which led to massive senior personnel cuts and retirements- thus a brain drain.
3. He lied about having it under control and it will go away soon. That cause people to throw caution to the wind.
4. He called the danger of the virus fake news and a hoax.
5. He encouraged people to go out in public and spend money.
6. He constantly talks about the market instead of the people, further showing his inability to grasp what we're dealing with.
7. He constantly deflects blame and cannot accept responsibility, for anything including firing the pandemic experts, even though he bragged about it at a rally.
8. He literally just gave himself a perfect score on how he handled this! I can't make this ******* up!
God has nothing to do with this. God gave him, and most of us, the ability to choose right from wrong. tRump has chosen wrong each and every time.
Okay I'll bite his last time, If someone is an atheist or a non believer they may come to the conclusion that God has nothing to do with anything. I believe in the God of the Bible so two points 1- It says in God's word that He is the one that sets up the world leaders, 2 He gave us all free will to choose right from wrong and He has given us His Law ( The Ten Commandments ) in order that we know right from wrong.
Government spending hurts the economy.
how is that....every company....well used to be every company had some kind of pension...people worked all their life for it....unless you want to be like Russia ...who just made the retirement age 72

and then there are those who are down and out through no fault of their own......just let them ??????and with all these closings and shut downs...…….the number of people down and out will be pretty big.....just saw a single mom on the news that works 2 waitress jobs to make ends meet in NY....and they are closing restaurants there....she has no idea what she is going to do or how to take care of her family...….none of this is her fault...…...just one example...….how about the 500.000 people trump kicked off food stamps last year...….and trying for another 600,000 this year....as a country we used to be self sufficient......and took care of our own....takes me back to Reagan and ******* going over seas

with all those good jobs going overseas there went taxes people used to pay....and without the taxes we can't take care of people....we take care of those that don't need it by cutting their taxes....putting that much more load on those without
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Okay I'll bite his last time, If someone is an atheist or a non believer they may come to the conclusion that God has nothing to do with anything. I believe in the God of the Bible so two points 1- It says in God's word that He is the one that sets up the world leaders, 2 He gave us all free will to choose right from wrong and He has given us His Law ( The Ten Commandments ) in order that we know right from wrong.
not going to argue the bible....everyone needs to believe...….but.....the bible is basically nothing more than a guideline...that is all period!

look at trump....you claim god put him there...….and yet there is NOT ONE of the 10 commandments he has not broken.....there are far more things pointing to him being the anti Christ rather than someone appointed by god!
how is that....every company....well used to be every company had some kind of pension...people worked all their life for it....unless you want to be like Russia ...who just made the retirement age 72

and then there are those who are down and out through no fault of their own......just let them ??????and with all these closings and shut downs...…….the number of people down and out will be pretty big.....just saw a single mom on the news that works 2 waitress jobs to make ends meet in NY....and they are closing restaurants there....she has no idea what she is going to do or how to take care of her family...….none of this is her fault...…...just one example...….how about the 500.000 people trump kicked off food stamps last year...….and trying for another 600,000 this year....as a country we used to be self sufficient......and took care of our own....takes me back to Reagan and ******* going over seas

with all those good jobs going overseas there went taxes people used to pay....and without the taxes we can't take care of people....we take care of those that don't need it by cutting their taxes....putting that much more load on those without


it's called honoring a contract...…...those that expect to get a pension did not vote for the tax cut for the wealthy...…..quit the fucking breaks for the wealthy...…..quit giving wall street billion in subsidies every year....quit giving wal mart and Mccdonalds and burger king.....and a whole lot more tax breaks...……..and almost 60 % of big corporations pay NOTHING in taxes,,,NOTHING….some even get a refund every year......clean up you act before fucking those that have worked for it!.....you want to cry about that......and yet let all this just slide?

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wal mart being a good example...…….they make millions...….while paying low wages...….and because they hire those without a lot of education...…..we give wal mart billions...……..and yet because wal mart does not pay those people enough to live on.....we give the workers food stamps and housing and etc subsidies......we lose both ways....wal mart just keeps getting richer...…………………………...the question is....if we didn't pay wal mart to hire those without the education....where would wal mart get it's employees...….still has to have them anyway......we could cut the funds we give wal mart.....and if they were ****** to pay a living wage....we wouldn't have to subsidize the worker....and maybe wal mart wouldn't be one of the highest grossing profiting companies every year....after all how many BILLIONS do you need for profit every year......and that is not even going into the tax breaks we pay everytime they build a new store because they will hire more workers...
but none of this is ever brought up...instead you point out workers pensions!
Some people say that God chose Trump! Well, my thing is this: God was the type who loved ALL people and especially liked helping the poverty-stricken folks alot! So, with that being said, When has Trump ever done ANYTHING for poverty-stricken people especially when MONEY wasn't involved? I seriously doubt that GOD would approve of Trump being so DAMN selfish and ONLY thinking about HIMSELF!
Okay I'll bite his last time, If someone is an atheist or a non believer they may come to the conclusion that God has nothing to do with anything. I believe in the God of the Bible so two points 1- It says in God's word that He is the one that sets up the world leaders, 2 He gave us all free will to choose right from wrong and He has given us His Law ( The Ten Commandments ) in order that we know right from wrong.

In what passage of the Bible does it refer to your item #1?
You stand a 99.999999% chance of converting me if you can give me a verifiable response!
not going to argue the bible....everyone needs to believe...….but.....the bible is basically nothing more than a guideline...that is all period!

look at trump....you claim god put him there...….and yet there is NOT ONE of the 10 commandments he has not broken.....there are far more things pointing to him being the anti Christ rather than someone appointed by god!

I hate to disagree with you subhub174014, but there is one commandment that Trump has yet to break, that's the 5th. Commandment, which according to Roman Catholic Theology covers suicide! (Pope Pius X said: "In the Fifth Commandment God forbids suicide, because man is not the master of his own life no more than of the life of another.)
However I must admit "There's still time to prove your statement to be correct!" Lol
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In what passage of the Bible does it refer to your item #1?
You stand a 99.999999% chance of converting me if you can give me a verifiable response!
I agree, @Drillher4me, though I may get jumped on for saying this since some folks are very protective of religion, but the Bible was translated! So, who can say that what is inside of the Bible is the absolute truth? I'm not a very religious guy myself though I very often attend church! Sometimes, I do not like it because MOST of the folks that attend church are your most HYPOCRITICAL ones on earth!
I agree, @Drillher4me, though I may get jumped on for saying this since some folks are very protective of religion, but the Bible was translated! So, who can say that what is inside of the Bible is the absolute truth? I'm not a very religious guy myself though I very often attend church! Sometimes, I do not like it because MOST of the folks that attend church are your most HYPOCRITICAL ones on earth!

you can see that by who they support...….there is NOTHING religious about this guy...….to me just shows how phoney their religion is.....and to take it further....look at who they support 99% of the time...a republican.....and yet what party has the most currently serving time and under investigation for c.hild molesting.....got one right now big supporter of trump and yet part of a program at Ohio state that did more than take a few liberties.....I'm Methodist and rarely do you ever hear politics brought up.....but those southern Baptists...…….and that brings up another issue.....church attendance is on a major decrease......******* are not interested....saw on tv here that several quit going because the church was pushing issues they were against....politics going to be their down fall hopefully and they will get back into the bible and out of politics!
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