Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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he opened the door...…...lot of countries have discovered the cheaper labor and etc since....once the horse out of the gate...others to follow.....several have tried or said to stop it...yet hasn't happened......look at trumps promise to bring them back....going overseas at a higher rate now than ever before.....he gave big tax breaks to companies.....look what AT&T did...took the money and moved all their call centers over seas where the labor is 10 bucks an hour cheaper

Obama had the solution...…..tax and tariff the ******* out of American companies that are overseas...forsing them to see it is cheaper to be here......hell look at out own government.....you ever call social security....called several times...….no one spoke good English that I could understand....demanded to talk to someone that spoke English....was put on hold for almost an hour

it's all about the dollar....country be damned...…..American pride shipped over seas along time ago.....which brings up another point...some employers complain can not find good employees......why in the fuck should an employee care....most don't get paid enough to survive on......have no medical benefits or any benefits to say much about...….so why shouldn't they always be on the look out for something better!

Reagan fucked this country in so many ways....first allowed jobs to go over seas.....and second allowed laws to break unions...…..without the unions there are no standards for an employer to be judged by...they pay/give whatever they want...dictate hours and etc!
Now your for tarrifs your all over the road lately but I'm glad you support Trump's tarrifs
Now your for tarrifs your all over the road lately but I'm glad you support Trump's tarrifs

wrong again...……putting tariffs on things this country does not have...hurts the American consumer...….putting tariffs on things we do manuf here is just good for American biz

tariffs on AMERICAN companies overseas....OR taxes to bring them back home...……..that would be like Apple....Nike....and a few others that have their product made overseas for little of nothing and yet sell over here for outrageous prices.....Tax the ******* out of them to help run our gov and some of the programs.....there are a lot of companies overseas that could fall into that category...…..plus....need a law....that if the American consumer is ****** to deal with a company in some way...…..those employees HAVE to be American....like AT&T....Microsoft and others

didn't read anything on Reagan did you ?
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Our world is losing it's common sense. I am seeing how the internet and technology hurting our world as much as helping it. People everywhere need to stop complaining and harping on subjects that have very little positive value The WUHAN CORONAVIRUS (true and if not, to bad for China) There are two genders, male and female. Trump is our president, we disagree on politics, what else is new? Stephen King Tweeted- Note that Trump’s coronavirus team is all male, all old, and all white. So what he is a strange Democratic man from Bangor, Maine and Hollywood not the most Conservative places in America. People around the world are dying, not funny but it is just the beginning of the great time of trouble coming to an immoral Godless world.
Our world is losing it's common sense. I am seeing how the internet and technology hurting our world as much as helping it. People everywhere need to stop complaining and harping on subjects that have very little positive value The WUHAN CORONAVIRUS (true and if not, to bad for China) There are two genders, male and female. Trump is our president, we disagree on politics, what else is new? Stephen King Tweeted- Note that Trump’s coronavirus team is all male, all old, and all white. So what he is a strange Democratic man from Bangor, Maine and Hollywood not the most Conservative places in America. People around the world are dying, not funny but it is just the beginning of the great time of trouble coming to an immoral Godless world.

damn if that doesn't sound like another biased comment to me.....people are dying....I think they have a right to complain...…….trump is supposed to be our leader and to protect the country...he took an oath......and has yet to follow through on that oath.....first he cut funds to agencies that handles this....putting this country way behind the rest of the world......second he tried to blow it all off as not important...and he still can not tell the truth...

immoral and godless world?.....starts here with what we have as a godless leader!
damn if that doesn't sound like another biased comment to me.....people are dying....I think they have a right to complain...…….trump is supposed to be our leader and to protect the country...he took an oath......and has yet to follow through on that oath.....first he cut funds to agencies that handles this....putting this country way behind the rest of the world......second he tried to blow it all off as not important...and he still can not tell the truth...

immoral and godless world?.....starts here with what we have as a godless leader!

Get mad at something we can change
damn if that doesn't sound like another biased comment to me.....people are dying....I think they have a right to complain...…….trump is supposed to be our leader and to protect the country...he took an oath......and has yet to follow through on that oath.....first he cut funds to agencies that handles this....putting this country way behind the rest of the world......second he tried to blow it all off as not important...and he still can not tell the truth...

immoral and godless world?.....starts here with what we have as a godless leader!
Trump is not a miracle worker, he doesn't have a magic wand like Obama said he needed to bring jobs back. I have news for you, God loves Donald John Trump as much as anyone else, he allowed him to be in office and if it is His plan he will stay in office. You only replied to a part of my post. I posted no BIAS comment, you hate our President, I like our President.
Trump is not a miracle worker, he doesn't have a magic wand like Obama said he needed to bring jobs back. I have news for you, God loves Donald John Trump as much as anyone else, he allowed him to be in office and if it is His plan he will stay in office. You only replied to a part of my post. I posted no BIAS comment, you hate our President, I like our President.

I thought I pointed out the bias in your comment....you just chose to move right on over it...…...you think....the rest of the country is just going to ignore the reason the US is way behind the rest of the world.....and just ignore all the lies he has given about all of this and just kiss his ass because you voted for him

and my guess...….god either had his back turned when trump snuck in...……..or trump tricked him into it like a shell game....similar to the con he put on 40% of america
Many people here are a paycheck or two from having nothing, so I'm concerned if they shut the schools down and parents have to stay home.
I don't think most people know just how true that statement is; income disabilities are what we call the "living death" in insurance. Same results as death but the victim is awake witnessing the dismantling of the family structure.
Lacking up my boots and heading to work fuck wuhan
Yeah!!! As i said, thinning the herd. Be sure to not get carried away with washing your hands or touching rails, doors, or your face. Stop at Subway or a buffet for lunch. Show us what pussies we are!
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