Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Good luck with that !!!
Taint nothing worse than a shite drippin arsed Dem ;}

Stores ran out of it here last Wednesday - hear they’re rationing it now :|
Toilet paper is a "hot commodity" these days ... time to do some investing in paper products I guess

momma sent me out to get some toilet paper this morning....could not believe went into one wal mart store....looked like a close out sale or something...lots of empty shelve....Target pretty much the same thing......3 stores all total...no toilet paper...…..so I bought a couple big rolls of Bounty...it is the quicker picker upper
Good luck with that !!!
Taint nothing worse than a shite drippin arsed Dem ;}

Stores ran out of it here last Wednesday - hear they’re rationing it now :|

wrong...it is those greedy fucking republican biz owners just wanting to jack up the price.....
who in the fuck ever heard of getting a flu like virus.....and needing to stock up on ass wipes...….I am starting to think this is some kind of plot by Charmine
mmmmmm now why would he do that....caught the country off guard...no one suspected this was coming....one crook pardoning another

Trump weighing a ‘full pardon’ for Michael Flynn
2 hours ago · President Trump said he is mulling a “full pardon” for his former national security adviser Michael Flynn, who pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his contacts with Russians during the ...
he also said we have a problem and only he can fix it....last week he said he has nothing to do with it....which is it?
Your guess is as good as mine, or anyone else's for that matter!
I often wonder if he's aware of what day of the week it is! He's in a world of his own!
these republicans in Washington just like trump.....always looking for a scapegoat......guess if they got us into war it would take the news off the virus fuckup

China state media accuses US politicians of spreading ...
5 hours ago · China state media accuses US politicians of spreading 'political virus' A man wearing a face mask walks across a road as the country is hit by an outbreak of …
mmmmmm now why would he do that....caught the country off guard...no one suspected this was coming....one crook pardoning another

Trump weighing a ‘full pardon’ for Michael Flynn
2 hours ago · President Trump said he is mulling a “full pardon” for his former national security adviser Michael Flynn, who pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his contacts with Russians during the ...

Why would this surprise anyone? It's just the Godfather looking after his loyalist!
guess if the economy goes to *******....and that is looking like a good probability especially now......we have nothing left to fall back on....not good....normally done after the fact to help gets things back going......not before the fact to make things look good now

Fed cuts interest rates by half percentage point in rare ...
12 days ago · The Federal Reserve, in a rare inter-meeting move, on Tuesday cut its benchmark interest rate to counter the threat to the economy from the coronavirus epidemic. In a statement, the Fed
Trump says he is 'strongly considering' full pardon of Michael Flynn!

Trump not the sharpest knife in the drawer...….most of the country was expecting this right after Flynn's arrest.....trump just wanting people to think he just thought of it
Shoulda pardoned him long ago - bullshite charge against him.

The agents involved all said they felt Flynn didn’t lie to them.

Comey - Brennan - Clapper - McCabe - Hillary - all lied their arses off - no charges for them.

you listen to trumps version of the facts...….no where near reality!
hell watch one of his virus briefings....the guy can not be truthful or trustworthy no matter what
Got to pay for that wall and make up for those tax cuts he gave the top 1% somehow

The Trump administration is moving forward with a rule change that could kick 700,000 Americans off food stamps as coronavirus hits a fever pitch

Associated Press

  • The Trump administartion is moving ahead with rule changes to the food stamp program that could boot 700,000 Americans from public assistance as the spread of the coronavirus continues damaging the US economy.
  • The new guidelines are set to take effect on April 1, and most adults without disabilities or children will need to work at least 20 hours to qualify.
  • Department of Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue said the administration had decided to move forward with implementing the guidelines and any change would require approval from Congress.

these fucking people haven't got a fucking clue....led by someone utterly clueless....Greed is NOT a quality for president....but trying to convince some of these trumptards of that is impossible

U.S. Treasury chief sees short-term economic hit from coronavirus

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin on Friday said he expected the U.S. economic hit from the coronavirus outbreak to be short-term, and that the Trump administration was keeping its options open for any other future steps that may be needed.

Mnuchin told CNBC the U.S. Treasury and the Federal Reserve were working to keep markets open and to shore up liquidity, helping banks as needed and seeking a significant increase for small business lending.

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