Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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I am in a small group of about 7 of us....the youngest being 66 and the oldest being 81...….we all go to car shows twice a week....every Tuesday they have this good sized car show in this strip mall parking lot....several stores and several restaurants...last Tuesday we all met as usual...sat and bullshited...one mentioned are we still going to eat at one of the eating joints here...everyone agreed yes...not going to change their lifestyle over a little scare......today things seemed to have changed and not quite so eager to be out in the crowds....all of us just get by through the winter...….to go to these shows twice a week....couple of them I think just getting out doing this keeps them healthy.....this whole thing is really starting to suck...a lot...and then you have to wonder about those young families living paycheck to paycheck and they lose their job.....I don't see a good outcome for this ...even after the virus thing gets under control

congress passed all this money to give to states for unemployment and etc....states like this one...broke and corrupt....would not trust them a bit to get the money to those in need
while I am sending some money....this old guy came up wanting the manager..(who was waiting on me)….he was upset out of toilet paper!
wtf....toilet paper!..of all things
Toilet paper is a "hot commodity" these days ... time to do some investing in paper products I guess.
Did you tell the old fella to use a dollar? LOL

My wife & I have already told our parents to stay HOME and we'll bring them what they need when they need it. We're both out because of work, anyways; no use them risking getting sick at their ages.
My ******* has volunteered to help the church custodians clean & sanitize the church after every service. Church bulletin is telling its members to sit further apart (2 Sunday services in the mornings) and to bring something to cover the mouth if they have to cough. Services at night are only for the prayer groups now ... no nightly services at either churches our parents attend.
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Toilet paper is a "hot commodity" these days ... time to do some investing in paper products I guess.
Did you tell the old fella to use a dollar? LOL

My wife & I have already told our parents to stay HOME and we'll bring them what they need when they need it. We're both out because of work, anyways; no use them risking getting sick at their ages.
My ******* has volunteered to help the church custodians clean & sanitize the church after every service. Church bulletin is telling its members to sit further apart (2 Sunday services in the mornings) and to bring something to cover the mouth if they have to cough. Services at night are only for the prayer groups now ... no nightly services at either churches our parents attend.
Our churches have shut. In France and Spain, all restaurants, bars and non food shops have shut as well.
This is very serious now.
Toilet paper is a "hot commodity" these days ... time to do some investing in paper products I guess.
Did you tell the old fella to use a dollar? LOL

My wife & I have already told our parents to stay HOME and we'll bring them what they need when they need it. We're both out because of work, anyways; no use them risking getting sick at their ages.
My ******* has volunteered to help the church custodians clean & sanitize the church after every service. Church bulletin is telling its members to sit further apart (2 Sunday services in the mornings) and to bring something to cover the mouth if they have to cough. Services at night are only for the prayer groups now ... no nightly services at either churches our parents attend.

I couldn't do without at least 2 daily runs to the parts stores....I have 2 old cars tore down....and close to having one back together and seems I make a parts run daily

momma ...a health nut....works out most mornings...….tells me they have boxes of "saniwipes" all over the place with little trash cans so you can wipe down whatever you want to use.....but uses the pool and the hot tub about everyday....and thinking may be time to quit that for a while......weather STAYS nice she and I both will practically live doing yard work and her in her garden....summer about here.....we had a week of 70....and now on third day of 40.....stays with the 70's she will just stay home and work in yard....me get these 2 cars together...yard work....but I can not stay in one spot very long.....and if they quite the cars shows....will go nuts!

especially myself I am around that age...and have breathing issues..emphazema?....ok so I can't spell...….but this ******* is really starting to take a serious turn....and I'm not liking it at all...…...but then I'm sure that about covers most of the country

and yes I blame trump!.....the world has had a lot of serious illness over the years and we were always prepared and had things under control......some fucking things you don't cut money on!....to what build a fucking wall!....and now I see he was trying to cut more food stamps......he cut 500,000 a year ago off.....the right continues to fuck those in need while helping those with the greed!
Many people here are a paycheck or two from having nothing, so I'm concerned if they shut the schools down and parents have to stay home.

have to agree...…..most of the country lives paycheck to paycheck....virus on one hand...money issues on the other...…..nothing good for a lot of people in the foreseeable future

as for the schools...….a lot of ******* rely on the school meals to survive....some schools kept feeding the ******* even through the summer in the past.....and if I remember right 1 in 5 ******* in this country goes to bed hungry...…..that's just not fucking right!....and yet these churches and people with money do things for those less fortunate overseas......might try cleaning up the mess they made at home first
Older Americans are more worried about coronavirus — unless they’re Republican

If you're over 60 and not concerned, here's a message from Italy.
Naomi O'Leary (@NaomiOhReally) Tweeted:
A powerful video.
At the heart of Italy's Coronavirus outbreak, Giovanni Locatelli compares the obituaries page of local daily newspaper @webEcodiBergamo on February 9 and March 13. https://t.co/DrnShYtrOF
"The headline reads!"
"Older Americans are more worried about coronavirus — unless they’re Republican!"

saw a thing on that somewhere......in Florida they refuse to quit their activities
I saw a message from an American medic who works in a hospital in a town with 75000 residents. They have 25 ventilators in the hospital and, if a VERY conservative 10% get the virus and a conservative 10% of those need oxygen therapy, there's 750 people needing one of those 25 ventilators.
Just yesterday I saw a news item on TV telling of a fist fight breaking out in a store over toilet paper! A number of people we caught on video screaming, pushing and shoving, even a few fists were thrown, a couple of people even spit at each other! The first thing to myself: "Good God! Here they are fighting over toilet paper to keep their asses clean and they haven't got enough sense to wash their hands or not to spit and fight each other!"
P.S. After having had read the previous article I posted, I thought: "Would it be wrong for me to suggest that perhaps those people fighting over toilet paper were all Trumpeteers (albeit, Republicans)?"
There are some difficult decisions to be made. The UK is a little behind the curve and the virus hasn't progressed here as much as mainland Europe, but I can see that the USA is a little behind us even by the way you guys talk. That isn't a dig at anyone, just an observation that the epidemic is only just starting to take hold there and the response mirrors that.
Just yesterday I saw a news item on TV telling of a fist fight breaking out in a store over toilet paper! A number of people we caught on video screaming, pushing and shoving, even a few fists were thrown, a couple of people even spit at each other! The first thing to myself: "Good God! Here they are fighting over toilet paper to keep their asses clean and they haven't got enough sense to wash their hands or not to spit and fight each other!"
P.S. After having had read the previous article I posted, I thought: "Would it be wrong for me to suggest that perhaps those people fighting over toilet paper were all Trumpeteers (albeit, Republicans)?"

You fuckers politicize EVERYFUCKINTHING
Infighting, missteps and a *******-in-law hungry for results: Inside the Trump administration’s troubled coronavirus response

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