Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Yeah but definitely the way to go - both looks and longevity - pain in the arse but doin it the right way and be done for good - have original brake lines in my Trans Am and dread replacing them - I feel your pain.

costs a lot more...….but by far the best way to go for looks and duration...…...the things is...and it is not a problem....they say if you run braided the whole way back under pressure they bulge just a little taking away from some of your braking pressure....so some say...doubt it...but anyway......along the flat part of the frame with no bends or curves I run the regular steel lines...I just run the braided where they show and where there are bends
I’ve heard about the bulging and that makes a certain amount of sense when ya think about it - so doing it the way you’re doing it makes the most sense - will do my car the same way once I get the gumption to do it.

more than one says it bulges……...but I can not see how...….it is covered in stainless steel braid...….you ever try to cut stainless....it's a bitch...plus the braid...….but anyway...where the frame is straight I run steel...because of maybe the swelling ..also save a little money
well who would have thought....he cuts funding...but they still could have done the job.....and everything in the country that is wrong is Obama's fault.....he takes credit for NOTHING!

Trump rips CDC, blames Obama for slow response to coronavirus
20 hours ago · President Trump on Friday blasted the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — the agency at the forefront of the nation’s battle against the coronavirus — and blamed the Obama ...

Trump condemns CDC for lack of coronavirus testing, blames ...
21 hours ago · Trump condemns CDC for lack of coronavirus testing, blames Obama The president called the past administration's response to the swine flu, H1N1, pandemic a "full-scale disaster."
well who would have thought....he cuts funding...but they still could have done the job.....and everything in the country that is wrong is Obama's fault.....he takes credit for NOTHING!

Trump rips CDC, blames Obama for slow response to coronavirus
20 hours ago · President Trump on Friday blasted the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — the agency at the forefront of the nation’s battle against the coronavirus — and blamed the Obama ...

Trump condemns CDC for lack of coronavirus testing, blames ...
21 hours ago · Trump condemns CDC for lack of coronavirus testing, blames Obama The president called the past administration's response to the swine flu, H1N1, pandemic a "full-scale disaster."
How do people fall for it? It baffles me that people believe a word he says.
The man said it was a hoax only a week or two ago. Now he's blaming everyone else to whitewash his own paucity of judgement. You couldn't make it up.
How do people fall for it? It baffles me that people believe a word he says.
The man said it was a hoax only a week or two ago. Now he's blaming everyone else to whitewash his own paucity of judgement. You couldn't make it up.

hell look on here....there are those that believe anything the guy says.....no matter how much you show them other wise....they just refuse to red or are not interested in anything that is against the man
yesterday I was in a store......the guy behind the counter and 2 other customers really think it is all a hoax to get trump out of office....and they believed it!

the guy has mastered the art of the conn...…..and discovered that America is half full of dimwits!

he said it him self several years ago...if he were to run for office he would do it as a republican.....they are the dumbest....proved that
and still just can not stop trying to fuck those that are less fortunate...one thing that trump does that fits right in with the republicans on

Trump Food-Stamp Cuts Blocked by Judge Who Cites Pandemic ...
6 hours ago · Trump Food-Stamp Cuts Blocked by Judge Who Cites Pandemic By . Robert Burnson, Changes to SNAP program would mean 700,000 would lose benefits Judge bucks administration’s opposition to nation ...

14 states sue to block Trump administration's food stamp cuts
Jan 17, 2020 · 14 states sue to block Trump administration's food stamp cuts. By Aimee Picchi ... DC are suing to block a recent Trump administration rule that will deny food stamps

Trump food stamps: Cuts to SNAP benefits puts pressure on ...
Dec 21, 2019 · Critics say the move is the latest stepby Trump to limit food benefits to low-income Americans.Forty-four percent of food stamp beneficiaries are working families, and 70% of …
'I don't take responsibility at all' for lack of coronavirus tests, Trump says

  • President Donald Trump refused to accept any responsibility for the slow rate of coronavirus testing in the United States, saying on Friday that he was "given a set of circumstances" that wasn't meant for the high numbers of potential COVID-19 infections.
  • "No, I don't take responsibility at all. Because we were given a -- a set of circumstances, and we were given rules, regulations and specifications from a different time. It wasn't meant for this kind of -- an event with the kind of numbers that we're talking about," Trump responded.

no surprise here......

The President as Bystander: Trump Struggles to Unify a Nation on Edge

WASHINGTON — As he confronts the most serious crisis of his tenure, President Trump has been assertive in closing borders to many outsiders, one of his favorite policies. But within the United States, as the coronavirus spreads from one community to another, he has been more follower than leader.

While he presents himself as the nation’s commanding figure, Mr. Trump has essentially become a bystander as school superintendents, sports commissioners, college presidents, governors and business owners across the country take it upon themselves to shut down much of American life, without clear guidance from the president.

the right is just as "petty" as trump...no wonder they love him....all a bunch of *******.....do they think China just started this to ******* people?
Why Are Conservatives Obsessed With Revenge on China for the Coronavirus?
They're the best at finger pointing ... whether its the national debt, deaths from guns, welfare, healthcare ... whatever. Blaming others is their MO and responding to ANYTHING when things go south on them. Do NOTHING ... just blame! Didn't take their leader long to start referencing the co-vid19 as "foreign virus" AFTER it was determined that the virus was not going to "blow over". It took his advisors at Fox News to suggest more concerned efforts ... only a couple weeks later than other countries.
That's our "ORANGE" leader ... ! "Drain the swamp, Trump" ... awesome!
momma went to the store this morning.....said a lot of things gone and low on some...….the odd one....no toilet paper....go figure....I told her as long as we have pepsi…...bud light and pizza we can survive
We have the same thing - people are going mad for toilet paper. They should be panic buying condoms, so they don't produce any more idiots.
We have the same thing - people are going mad for toilet paper. They should be panic buying condoms, so they don't produce any more idiots.
Reminds me of the story about the campers ... one of the campers had to take a crap, got to looking and found out they'd forgotten to bring toilet paper. One of the other campers told him to use some leaves, but the camper didn't like that idea, so another camper said, just wipe his ass with a dollar. The camper liked that idea and off he went to take his crap.
He's gone for a while, but finally comes back into camp ... ******* all over his hands, shirt, shoes ... dude was a smelly mess. The camper that recommended the dollar ask him what happened ... didn't you use a dollar. The camper said YES he did ... 3 quarters, 2 dimes, and a nickel.
Must of been a ReTardlican. LOL
Reminds me of the story about the campers ... one of the campers had to take a crap, got to looking and found out they'd forgotten to bring toilet paper. One of the other campers told him to use some leaves, but the camper didn't like that idea, so another camper said, just wipe his ass with a dollar. The camper liked that idea and off he went to take his crap.
He's gone for a while, but finally comes back into camp ... ******* all over his hands, shirt, shoes ... dude was a smelly mess. The camper that recommended the dollar ask him what happened ... didn't you use a dollar. The camper said YES he did ... 3 quarters, 2 dimes, and a nickel.
Must of been a ReTardlican. LOL
Love it.
The virus is just about to go through the roof here and shelves are already empty of pasta and the like. Toilet paper is selling out in minutes, hand sanitiser a rarity. It is no longer possible to get face masks, even on amazon from China.
Scary stuff guys and coming to you soon I fear.
Scary stuff guys and coming to you soon I fear.
Same here, Subby .... panic buying. I'm worried more for my parents ... in their late 60s. I told them to stay IN DOORS and we'd bring them whatever they needed. We picked up powdered milk, bran muffin mixes, frozen meats, eggs, etc ... toilet paper out here as well. Even paper towels fly off the shelves. I think we're good here for a month with what we have in canned goods.
Might have to eat the dog or one of the cats if we go longer than a couple months, though. LOL
Same here, Subby .... panic buying. I'm worried more for my parents ... in their late 60s. I told them to stay IN DOORS and we'd bring them whatever they needed. We picked up powdered milk, bran muffin mixes, frozen meats, eggs, etc ... toilet paper out here as well. Even paper towels fly off the shelves. I think we're good here for a month with what we have in canned goods.
Might have to eat the dog or one of the cats if we go longer than a couple months, though. LOL
I didn't visit my dad last week because I had a headache and didn't want to take the chance that I was infected. My dad is 80 and has dodgy lungs.
This morning I took the risk and went to visit him. We had to spray alcohol on our hands, before we entered their house and didn't allow ourselves to hug, or even shake hands. We sat apart and chatted. I'm aware that it may be too risky to visit in the coming weeks because the numbers are about to shoot up and it will just be too dangerous.
I got my brother in Thailand on facetime so he could speak to my dad. It was very emotional for them both.
To those who think this is all being overblown and is a hoax or the result of mere hysteria, understand this - three weeks ago there were only a handful of cases in Italy and today 250 died. This is a killer and it doesn't differentiate.

Stay safe, wash your hands.
Guess I haven't really taken it to serious yet......and I have some lung issues......nothing serious......but I used to smoke and did for years......so guess maybe I should be paying more attention to this......but anyway one of my sons needed a little money...not sure why since they are in the process of ending them home and doing college on line....anyway...…..I go to this little town 5 miles south of me...….got an old country market store....that is what they call it even....has western union....so I was in there sending him some money....I look behind me...….this guy 70? old mullet hair style all gray.....he was the bag boy!....couldn't look anymore without smirking.....several things in there flat old school for sure...….anyway back to my issue...while I am sending some money....this old guy came up wanting the manager..(who was waiting on me)….he was upset out of toilet paper!

wtf....toilet paper!..of all things
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