Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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It's the whole speech video clip. His on words

you are so mind fucked right wing trump worship there is very little you could say I would believe.....I would stand a better chance of believing you are a Russian bot!

you buiy into that NRA mind fucking that the left will take your guns...they do it every election...posted it on here...but in your blind stupidity to believe what they want you to believe...you over look the fact....I can not and will not keep posting the facts over and over because you are to fucking bull headed to read....Facts are...every PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION THE RIGHT SAYS THEY WILL TAKE YOUR GUNS AWAY and a whole bunch of red necked fools believe and go out and buy more......works great for the gun manuf every election....who would have thought there were that many fucking suckers in the world....but then hell look at the republican party and you can see it
Republicans For Biden 2020
Republicans For Biden 2020. Founder J.W. Verret Open Menu Close Menu. Founder J.W. Verret 10-15% Of We Republican Voters Support Trump’s Impeachment…Time For Us To Support Biden! Here is the Conservative Case for Why. Donate to Biden! We …

'Never Trump' Republicans backing Biden in NH primary ...
Funding for the plan came largely from two deep-pocketed Democratic donors — former Microsoft president Jon Shirley and his wife, Kimberlywho’ve made maximum contributions to Biden and …

Alienated Republicans endorsing Biden | News, Sports, Jobs ...
Jan 07, 2020 · NASHUA – Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden is racking up support from Republicans alienated by President Donald Trump ahead of New Hampshire’s first-in-the-nation (#FITN) primary, as former U.S. Sen. Gordon Humphrey and former first lady Dorothy Peterson are endorsing Biden.

Anti-Trump Republicans like Biden and Klobuchar for 2020 ...
“Joe Biden is the type of candidate who could get me to actually look at a Democratic candidate as opposed to an independent,” said former Florida Rep. David Jolly, who was a Republican until ...

Only plausible candidate': Never Trump Republicans ...
Republicans opposed to President Trump are quietly preparing to support Democratic front-runner Joe Biden, backing that could materialize in the primary as he attempts to fend off a surging ...

The ‘But I Would Vote for Joe Biden’ Republicans
CRESTON, Iowa — The voters at campaign events for Joseph R. Biden Jr. here in Iowa and across the country aren’t just shopping for a candidate for themselves.

As they jostle to take pictures with the former vice president and listen to him preach about national unity, they are often thinking about someone else — a dad, a neighbor or a colleague. They consider the political leanings of people close to them who are uncomfortable with the most liberal presidential contenders, but who hate the chaos of the Trump era and are receptive to the kind of centrist, seasoned candidacy Mr. Biden offers.

you are so mind fucked right wing trump worship there is very little you could say I would believe.....I would stand a better chance of believing you are a Russian bot!

you buiy into that NRA mind fucking that the left will take your guns...they do it every election...posted it on here...but in your blind stupidity to believe what they want you to believe...you over look the fact....I can not and will not keep posting the facts over and over because you are to fucking bull headed to read....Facts are...every PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION THE RIGHT SAYS THEY WILL TAKE YOUR GUNS AWAY and a whole bunch of red necked fools believe and go out and buy more......works great for the gun manuf every election....who would have thought there were that many fucking suckers in the world....but then hell look at the republican party and you can see it

Listen to Beto - he let the cat outta the bag.
The American Terror Industry | The New Republic
Apr 16, 2018 · Fear of federal-level gun control is the NRA’s strongest asset, and fear just isn’t selling like it used to. The industry is in the midst of a steep decline that has come to be known as the ...

A Nation Of Fear - The Oklahoma Observer
Why does the NRA keep doing this? Money. Every time a great fear movement comes oozing from the mouth of LaPierre, or a right-wing politician, gun sales skyrocket. This raises the stock of the gunmakers and makes the owners and the stockholders even richer. This is called a racket. This racket pushes the sale of assault-style weapons because …

America's gun culture: inside the world's biggest firearms ...
Mar 05, 2016 · For the giant corporate manufacturers and the small-town gun shops, fear means profit. Every time the president condemns another mass shooting or …

This Is How The Gun Industry Funds The NRA - Business Insider
Since 2005, the gun industry and its corporate allies have given between $20 million and $52.6 million to it through the NRA Ring of Freedom sponsor program. Donors include firearm companies like Midway USA, Springfield Armory Inc, Pierce Bullet Seal Target Systems,...

Don't suppose this is put out by gun manuf to increase sales do you
With Gun Control Talk Rife, NICS ... - The Truth About Guns
Any vote for a democrat is a vote to end the 2nd Amendment. There are no exceptions to this rule…..democrats will vote for more gun control laws, will vote to appoint anti-gun judges and justices…..they will not stop after they get ARs, or magazines over 10 rounds.
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the mind is a terrible thing to waste
A few of questions just for you. What is actually wrong with the NRA ? Why do you like large Government ? If the USA continues to become more left wing Socialistic, Who is actually going to pay for all these give away programs? In your own words not media sources, I really want to know why you see things as you do. No name calling or finger pointing or my part of this conversation ends right here.
A few of questions just for you. What is actually wrong with the NRA ? Why do you like large Government ? If the USA continues to become more left wing Socialistic, Who is actually going to pay for all these give away programs? In your own words not media sources, I really want to know why you see things as you do. No name calling or finger pointing or my part of this conversation ends right here.

and you wonder why I pick on you when you post stuff that I have repeatedly post and shown you to be wrong on!

but I will answer...…..the NRA...has nothing to do with you or I...….it is owned by the gun manuf...when you join you are just giving them an outlet to send more bs to....to sell you more guns...they are just an arm of the gun manuf...….they pump fear into you by telling you certain things...you believe...and go buy more...….also...I used to be a member 10 or 15 years ago.....until they posted an article in their own magazine....it was titled the way to separate a man from his politics is through his sport......now just how many gun owners...if they thought their guns were safe...would vote republican....NONE....their article was pretty factual and the sales records come election time prove it.....plus any more you have Russia funneling money into the NRA...to give to candidates for them without being noticed...until 2016 when they got caught.....so does that about cover why I do not like the NRA?

I do NOT Like large government and have posted it several times......the right likes large government...they always say one thing and do another...just like on the deficit....I have posted several times the right IS big gov...and they ALWAYs increase the deficit!....you can surely look it up yourself this time!

Sanders is the one pushing socialism....and has the youth buying into it....naturally they want free education and health care...…..but if you notice most of the left does NOT support that.......just sanders and warren...the rest of the Dems just want what is right...….clean up gov...water...air and etc......bring jobs back...something trump said he would do...but jobs going over seas at a higher rate now than ever before.....Obama had a plan to stop and bring them back but couldn't get it done with a republican senate...…..TAX every American company that is based overseas...put tariffs on them so it is cheaper to be here!...there are a lot of ways...….instead of what trump did....his big tax breaks...they used the money to buy back their own stocks.....making the stock market look good and more money in the corps pockets......and then companies like AT&T....who take the money move all their call centers to India...where the labor rate is 10 dollars an hour cheaper and putting more americans out of work...…..the dems ...contrary to what you think DO NOT want the rich to pay more.....but they do wany big corps to pay...….most with all of the tax credits they get...pay nothing!.....if the corps were paying even what they are supposed to...the gov wouldhave money to pay for programs and the deficit...…..who do you think wrote all those tax laws....it sure wasn't the working man

there you have it...not one fuck you ...or idiot or any of that...just my answers to your question
and you wonder why I pick on you when you post stuff that I have repeatedly post and shown you to be wrong on!

but I will answer...…..the NRA...has nothing to do with you or I...….it is owned by the gun manuf...when you join you are just giving them an outlet to send more bs to....to sell you more guns...they are just an arm of the gun manuf...….they pump fear into you by telling you certain things...you believe...and go buy more...….also...I used to be a member 10 or 15 years ago.....until they posted an article in their own magazine....it was titled the way to separate a man from his politics is through his sport......now just how many gun owners...if they thought their guns were safe...would vote republican....NONE....their article was pretty factual and the sales records come election time prove it.....plus any more you have Russia funneling money into the NRA...to give to candidates for them without being noticed...until 2016 when they got caught.....so does that about cover why I do not like the NRA?

I do NOT Like large government and have posted it several times......the right likes large government...they always say one thing and do another...just like on the deficit....I have posted several times the right IS big gov...and they ALWAYs increase the deficit!....you can surely look it up yourself this time!

Sanders is the one pushing socialism....and has the youth buying into it....naturally they want free education and health care...…..but if you notice most of the left does NOT support that.......just sanders and warren...the rest of the Dems just want what is right...….clean up gov...water...air and etc......bring jobs back...something trump said he would do...but jobs going over seas at a higher rate now than ever before.....Obama had a plan to stop and bring them back but couldn't get it done with a republican senate...…..TAX every American company that is based overseas...put tariffs on them so it is cheaper to be here!...there are a lot of ways...….instead of what trump did....his big tax breaks...they used the money to buy back their own stocks.....making the stock market look good and more money in the corps pockets......and then companies like AT&T....who take the money move all their call centers to India...where the labor rate is 10 dollars an hour cheaper and putting more americans out of work...…..the dems ...contrary to what you think DO NOT want the rich to pay more.....but they do wany big corps to pay...….most with all of the tax credits they get...pay nothing!.....if the corps were paying even what they are supposed to...the gov wouldhave money to pay for programs and the deficit...…..who do you think wrote all those tax laws....it sure wasn't the working man

there you have it...not one fuck you ...or idiot or any of that...just my answers to your question
I agree with what you wrote quite a bit, not all, I will have more questions and thoughts.
talk about fucking rednecks...…..I have one old car I am changing all the brake lines over to steel braided lines....which means I have to have them made.…...standing in this hose shop today having some made when trump comes on.....right away these people started in on how this is all created by the dems to try and take trump down....all of it a fake...more people die of a cold...….do you or anyone you know have this virus....on and on about how all of this is just the left still trying to get trump....the guy waiting on me and 2 customers...all the same thing ...and they believed it

can you say …...retarded republicans?
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