Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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That ammo illegal in ma
Then, I guess I need to remove the hollowpoint slugs in my 12 gauge, huh? Goes IN, doesn't come OUT ... just makes a big mushy mess INSIDE. Probably does a hell of a job on sinuses or even a "skull" huh?

Imagine having a 20 shot 12-gauge "street sweeper" with hollow point slugs ... wow .... talk about cleaning up the neighborhood! The turbulence, alone, would probably sweep the paper debris off the streets.
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don't suppose trump is being a little "petty' do you?.....well it is just another trait that runs in the republican party....after all they still hate Clinton nd Obama

Trump endorses Tommy Tuberville in Alabama, in a blow to ...
Mar 11, 2020 · President Trump has endorsed former Auburn University football coach Tommy Tuberville for U.S. Senate in Alabama, in a blow to his former attorney general, Jeff Sessions, who is also running for ...

Well at least Trump is consistent! Jeff Sessions is just another poor dumb ass pitiful twit and one of the first politicians to throw himself and his reputation behind Trump and his election campaign! Trump, as Sessions anticipated, awarded him accordingly! Trump, true only unto himself, knifed Sessions for not being "totally loyal to dear Donald!" and replaced him with a "Barr of Total Dishonesty!" Not satisfied, as per Trumps consistent past practices, Trump took the despicable action aforementioned in the above CBS News Item!
P.S. My advise to Mr. Sessions: "hold your head high, walk with the dignity that Trump will never be able to attain, but undoubtably attempt to claim! Your recusal while in office was a show of honesty and integrity at it utmost best! Trump and his ilk are near their demise, then the country, and the world, will celebrate!

fox news......GOP, KKK and Fox news...one big ignorant racist family!

I don't watch fox news for the same reason I don't eat out of the toilet

How did americans get so clueless about world affairs....watching fox news

fox news again

fox news channel is banned as a News channel In canada

Because the radio act prevents a news channel from lying to the people
surely not trump...…..our honest president lie and cheat.....say it ain't so...…...trying to fuck the country out of taxes

Trump’s Company Paid Bribes to Reduce Property Taxes, Assessors Say

The Trump Organization paid bribes, through middlemen, to New York City tax assessors to lower its property tax bills for several Manhattan buildings in the 1980s and 1990s, according to five former tax assessors and city employees as well as a former Trump Organization employee

Two of the five city employees said they personally took bribes to lower the assessment on a Trump property; the other three said they had indirect knowledge of the payments.

The city employees were among 18 indicted in 2002 for taking bribes in exchange for lowering the valuations of properties, which in turn reduced the taxes owed for the buildings. All of the 18 eventually pleaded guilty in U.S. District Court in Manhattan except for one, who died before his case was resolved.

don't suppose there is any chance it could hit congress and the senate

DC mayor declares state of emergency due to coronavirus ...
Mar 11, 2020 · Washington Mayor Muriel Bowser on Wednesday declared a state of emergency and a public health emergency as the nation's capital looks to mitigate the spread of the novel coronavirus.

DC mayor declares state of emergency as virus cases rise ...
13 hours ago · Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser declared a state of emergency Wednesday as the number of identified coronavirus cases in the nation's capital reached 10 …
Just more of the right dictating your life for you

Women in Senate walk out in protest of passage of Utah ...
Mar 10, 2020 · A screenshot shows a tweet by Sen. Luz Escamilla, D-Salt Lake City, after women in the Utah Senate walked out in protest of passage of a mandatory ultrasound bill on Tuesday, March 10, 2020. Twitter SALT LAKE CITY — Senate lawmakers voted in …
Damn...still only one in this state....but it's right here in this city

Coronavirus map: Tracking the spread in the US and around the world

By Tuesday, the novel coronavirus outbreak in the United States had grown to at least 760 cases, with clusters in New York, Washington state and California, according to Johns Hopkins University, which is tracking reports and confirming them with local health departments.

The number of cases in the U.S. and worldwide is the subject of some debate, as testing has been rolled out unevenly and the criteria for diagnosis (through clinical means or a lab test) has varied from country-to-country.

For more information on COVID-19 cases in your state, check your state's health department website, listed below. The CDC maintains nationwide statistics, but they are not updated as frequently. Information from Johns Hopkins University is not independently verified by ABC News.

Joe Biden is a single-issue candidate

The Democratic primary race is just about over. Joe Biden's projected victories in states including Michigan, Mississippi, and Missouri on Tuesday may not have officially clinched the nomination, but the former vice president's success looks increasingly likelyvery nearly inevitable. The odds of a contested convention, which could have delivered a win to Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) had more candidates remained in the race, are now vanishingly low; and anyway, the Democratic Party's superdelegate system means that in this two-man contest, Sanders would need to win the first ballot at the convention if he were to win at all. Next week, Biden is forecast to take majorities in three more high-delegate states (Florida, Illinois, and Ohio), enough to foreclose any last hope of a Sanders comeback

But how? How did Biden emerge triumphant after months of uninspiring debate performances, middling fundraising numbers, minimal ground game, gaffes on gaffes on outright tall tales, and a long record of political positions now outré among much of the Democratic base?

Proffering a unifying theory of millions of people's voting choices is a fool's errand. But if I had to name a single leading cause for Biden's dominance, it's that his campaign only asked voters to answer one question. Every other candidate in the race asked two.

To support any non-Biden contender, Democratic primary voters had to say yes twice:

1. Do you want President Trump out of office?

2. Do you support this candidate and their agenda?

To support Biden, they only had to say yes once:

1. Do you want President Trump out of office?

The difference here isn't that Biden has no personality or agenda for voters to consider and accept. It's just they already did that. It's easy to feel like you made your assessment and decision about Biden years ago, in 2008 or 2012, and among Democrats, that decision was broadly affirmative.

Promoting hate and division gets him this.....shows how bad our country has become....at the hands of the republicans...and can only get worse with the help of fools......like some on here

A theory on why Trump's GOP approval rating (the real one) is so high

Early Monday morning, Donald Trump tweeted: "94% Approval Rating in the Republican Party, a record. Thank you!"

Where the president got this specific number remains a mystery. Recent polls by YouGov put his GOP approval roughly 10 points lower, and Gallup, which has tracked Trump's popularity since he took office, puts him at 88 percent.

But I suppose we shouldn't be surprised that Trump used his Sharpie to round up his score. He's deeply invested in being -- or at least claiming to be -- the most popular Republican president in history. In July of 2018, he announced: "I am the most popular person in the history" of the GOP. "Beating Lincoln," Trump added. "I beat our Honest Abe."

For what it's worth, polling in the 1860s wasn't exactly reliable. But even if Trump's oft-repeated 94 percent number were accurate, and even if it beat Lincoln's ratings, it still wouldn't beat George W. Bush's 99 percent after the Sept. 11 attacks.

Why the president feels the need to embellish is already a well-spelunked psychological rabbit hole. But even ignoring his exaggerations, he is consistently hitting in the mid- to high 80s with Republicans in polling, which demands a question: Why are his actual numbers so high?

George W. Bush's 99 percent might offer some insight. Americans generally rally around a president during a war or national crisis. But members of the president's own party in particular can be counted on to fall in line.

The Atlantic's Ronald Brownstein argues that the key to understanding the president's standing with Republicans is that Trump is behaving like a wartime president, but the enemy is "Blue America." Trump's almost daily references to "treason" and enemies of the people may be driven by his own narcissism and persecution complex, but they resonate with a share of the electorate that believes the cultural war really is tantamount to a cold civil war.

While Trump has made it worse, this dynamic is not new. He is more the beneficiary (and exacerbator) of the polarized landscape than the creator of it. Party identification has been declining for Democrats and Republicans alike, but for those who cling to the label, the label has more meaning than it used to.

Until around 2000, it was normal for self-identified Republicans and Democrats to criticize presidents of their own parties, because people didn't cling to partisan identity nearly as fiercely. The Bill Clinton impeachment battle was a foretaste of where we are. But even during the polarized presidency of George W. Bush, partisan dissent and defections were fairly common. Existential partisanship intensified under Barack Obama's presidency, on both the right and left.

The wartime atmosphere Trump has established encourages partisans to overlook faults with their own side more than ever, because in the zero-sum logic of war, any dissent is seen as providing aid and comfort to enemies who would be worse if they gained power. Perhaps counterintuitively, Trump's myriad and manifest flaws actually intensify the effect. The need to justify your support makes it impossible to acknowledge any shortcomings at all. When Stuart Varney of Fox Business recently refused to admit that Trump ever lies, it was as if he understood that once you pull that thread a little, there's no telling where the unraveling will stop.

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