Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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the DNC is rigged for Biden

I seem to remember a discussion when I stated the only reason Biden put his hat in the running is because the DNC gave him the nod. Biden ran the most lazy campaign, even more so than Hillary. Was bottom in the poles then all of a sudden *BAM* Here's Joey!
I also recall you being pretty adamant that I was wrong. Saying he most likely wouldn't get it and I had "no way of knowing" and wanted proof of how I knew this - well what say you now?
Lucky guess I suppose ... but more likely something else. Like a higher understanding of what is really going on.

With so much video proof of Biden's "missteps" it's really kind of hard to claim they are "rumors". And to be honest, it's really no different that what you and your lap dogs do with the republicans, tit for tat. It's comical really because you guys dish it out all day, but when it's thrown back in your face you all scream foul.
Sure offering to go “outside” with a voter at his age is REALLY a smart response.

Telling a voter he’s fulla ******* and a horse’s ass is a great campaign tactic.

Defending his stance on the second amendment while saying Beto is his man on guns - well known Beto wants to confiscate ARs.

Only demented Dems could see ANY of that as a positive.

Scary the Dem perspective - SCARY :|

you keep reading and listening to fox news to much to have any idea of what the facts are.....even after I posted the entire conversation.....and trump's altering of situation.....the whole thing explains why you are a few others are trump supporters....no sense of reality
I seem to remember a discussion when I stated the only reason Biden put his hat in the running is because the DNC gave him the nod. Biden ran the most lazy campaign, even more so than Hillary. Was bottom in the poles then all of a sudden *BAM* Here's Joey!
I also recall you being pretty adamant that I was wrong. Saying he most likely wouldn't get it and I had "no way of knowing" and wanted proof of how I knew this - well what say you now?
Lucky guess I suppose ... but more likely something else. Like a higher understanding of what is really going on.

With so much video proof of Biden's "missteps" it's really kind of hard to claim they are "rumors". And to be honest, it's really no different that what you and your lap dogs do with the republicans, tit for tat. It's comical really because you guys dish it out all day, but when it's thrown back in your face you all scream foul.

oh yeah right....another of those that knew it all along.....don't suppose him being a little conservative.....and having the support of the blacks has anything to do with it...…...of course not...go ahead and spout more of your republican *******!

you republicans really want Sanders in there so it would be easy pickings for trump....with all the freebies Sanders is offering....but it is these republicans that claim sanders is being picked on...…...nothing to do with been a senator his whole life and never pushed for all the ******* he is offering as pres.....talk more *******....you republicans do anything to keep trump there...lies and deceit it is all you have
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don't suppose trump is being a little "petty' do you?.....well it is just another trait that runs in the republican party....after all they still hate Clinton nd Obama

Trump endorses Tommy Tuberville in Alabama, in a blow to ...
Mar 11, 2020 · President Trump has endorsed former Auburn University football coach Tommy Tuberville for U.S. Senate in Alabama, in a blow to his former attorney general, Jeff Sessions, who is also running for ...
Just more "misspoken" I guess. First he confuses the 2nd with the 1st, then calls it an AR-14

Now, CNN spins it as being "compassionate and charming"

Yeah, he is soooo much more presidential. :unsure:

like I said you republicans say and do anything to keep your corruption going
When you lie it takes many more lies to cover the first one. I have noticed that from the beginning of these political threads that the conservatives can type a line or two of truth and get their point across. But with the left especially SubHub, posts article upon article, page after page of complete trash to attempt to cover up lies his party drills into his head. MacNFries constantly gives the impression all over B2W , in every instance that he Knows Everything, when it is clear to everyone that he don't, with all his little signs and memes as distractions from the truth. Baby birds in a nest with their mouths wide open for mom bird ( The Democrat Party ) to feed them and provide their every need. I know the truth so reply as you wish, The American Dream is not depending on the government to rob the rich to provide for welfare programs and to waste trillions of dollars anyway they want. The American Dream has always been allowing people to escape governments that use them, so that hard work can't lift them out of despair and poverty. The American Dream has nothing to do with racism or holding whole groups of people under the thumb of the government.
you keep reading and listening to fox news to much to have any idea of what the facts are.....even after I posted the entire conversation.....and trump's altering of situation.....the whole thing explains why you are a few others are trump supporters....no sense of reality

I saw the unedited video - hard to spin the truth but you Dems will nevertheless try.
When you lie it takes many more lies to cover the first one. I have noticed that from the beginning of these political threads that the conservatives can type a line or two of truth and get their point across. But with the left especially SubHub, posts article upon article, page after page of complete trash to attempt to cover up lies his party drills into his head. MacNFries constantly gives the impression all over B2W , in every instance that he Knows Everything, when it is clear to everyone that he don't, with all his little signs and memes as distractions from the truth. Baby birds in a nest with their mouths wide open for mom bird ( The Democrat Party ) to feed them and provide their every need. I know the truth so reply as you wish, The American Dream is not depending on the government to rob the rich to provide for welfare programs and to waste trillions of dollars anyway they want. The American Dream has always been allowing people to escape governments that use them, so that hard work can't lift them out of despair and poverty. The American Dream has nothing to do with racism or holding whole groups of people under the thumb of the government.

just more proof of your insanity...….facts and truth ful statements are not something you know anything about....in way over your head

Tracking all of President Trump’s false or misleading ...
May 19, 2017 · In 1,095 days, President Trump has made 16,241 false or misleading claims The Fact Checker’s ongoing database of the false or misleading claims …

Lies, Non-Truths, Falsehoods and Misleading Statements: The Revisionist History of Trump's Team

Senator Al Franken of Minnesota said that he now believes Attorney General Jeff Sessions is guilty of perjury. Sessions isn't the only member of President Trump's operation to be accused of producing falsehoods to a congressional committee, however. Below are 10 core members of Trump's team and a sample of the untrue or misleading statements they have made.

As ProPublica notes, the attorney general took a detour from the question at hand to say something false at his confirmation hearing. Asked by Al Franken about reports that Trump staffers and associates were in contact with Russian officials repeatedly during the campaign, Sessions had this to say:

"Senator Franken, I'm not aware of any of those activities. I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I did not have communications with the Russians."

But a Washington Post report last week found Sessions spoke to Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak on two separate occasions during the campaign. Since the report, Sessions and his camp have alternately said he misunderstood the question, that he "did not recall" the specifics of their conversation, and that they only made "superficial comments about election-related news."

However, Sessions responded similarly to a written pre-hearing question about Russian contacts from Senator Patrick Leahy.

He later clarified his testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee. Senator Franken called that response "insulting," and later made the perjury claim.

Sean Spicer
Barely 24 hours into his job as White House Press Secretary, Sean Spicer claimed that his boss' inauguration was "the largest audience ever to witness an inauguration, period." It was not. When CNN's State of the Union turned down the chance to host Spicer's colleague Kellyanne Conway because of issues with her credibility, Spicer subsequently said CNN "walked back or denied" those reports. That was not true. He also cited a terror attack in Atlanta three separate times while defending the travel ban. There was no attack, and Spicer later said he "clearly meant Orlando."

And way back during the campaign, Spicer defended Trump's comments in The Mobile Locker Room to The Weekly Standard by questioning if what Trump described—grabbing women "by the pussy"—was sexual assault. Spicer then accused the Standard of fabricating his quote, so they released the audio of him saying it.

Scott Pruitt
The EPA administrator—and, as Oklahoma attorney general, frequent suer of the EPA—was asked about an issue vital to the nation's conservatives: email.

"Have you ever conducted business using your personal email accounts, nonofficial Oklahoma attorney general email accounts, text messages, instant messenger, voicemails, or any other medium?" Senator Cory Booker asked Pruitt in a pre-hearing questionnaire.

"I use only my official OAG email address and government-issued phone to conduct official business," Pruitt responded.

But in a February 17 report, ProPublica pointed out that Oklahoma City's local FOX 25 News found Pruitt did occasionally use a private account. The report was corroborated by the Associated Press and the Oklahoma attorney general's office. Pruitt could ask for some advice here from Vice President Mike Pence, who railed against Hillary Clinton's use of private email throughout the campaign and also used an AOL account for official business as Indiana governor.

Kellyanne Conway
While questions remain as to whether the special counsel to the president believes in the concept of objective truth, she's certainly run afoul of it. The most infamous example was the "Bowling Green Massacre," an entirely fictional terrorist attack Conway referenced in multiple interviews with different outlets. When she was called on it, she said it was "an honest mistake."

Steven Mnuchin
In written pre-hearing testimony, ProPublica notes, the new Treasury Secretary wrote that his former bank, OneWest, did not "'robo-sign' documents" while foreclosing on homes in the aftermath of the Great Recession.

According to The Columbus Dispatch, however, the bank used the practice in Ohio:

But a Dispatch analysis of nearly four dozen foreclosure cases filed by OneWest in Franklin County in 2010 alone shows that the company frequently used robo-signers. The vast majority of the Columbus-area cases were signed by 11 different people in Travis County, Texas. Those employees called themselves vice presidents, assistant vice presidents, managers and assistant secretaries. In three local cases, a judge dismissed OneWest foreclosure proceedings specifically based on inaccurate robo-signings.

Nice. On the way to foreclosing on more than 36,000 homes, OneWest also reportedly foreclosed on a 90-year-old woman over 27 cents.

Stephen Miller
The White House senior adviser's pet topic is voter fraud. He said on the Sunday shows that thousands were bussed into New Hampshire from Massachusetts to vote for Hillary Clinton, a claim first made by former Gov. John Sununu and rated "pants on fire" by Politifact.

He also said that "you have millions of people who are registered in two states or who are dead who are registered to vote. And you have 14 percent of noncitizens, according to academic research, at a minimum, are registered to vote, which is an astonishing statistic." The Washington Post rated Miller's claims false: While one study did show some voter registration records were out of date, the study's author has specifically said it provided no evidence of voter fraud:

David Becker

✔ @beckerdavidj

We found millions of out of date registration records due to people moving or dying, but found no evidence that voter fraud resulted.

12:18 PM - 28 Nov 2016

Betsy DeVos
ProPublica reminds us that Senator Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire suggested the now-Secretary of Education was involved in a family foundation that has provided millions in funding to anti-LGBT groups.

When Democratic Senator Maggie Hassan pointed out that DeVos sits on the board of the foundation, DeVos bluntly replied, "I do not."

As The Intercept found, though, DeVos was listed as a vice president of the foundation on IRS filings for nearly two decades. DeVos called this a clerical error.

Elsewhere, DeVos had some trouble with the numbers. In written pre-hearing testimony, according to NPR, DeVos defended virtual charter schools—where high-school students take all their classes online—in general terms. That was fine, but then she provided some specific data about graduation rates at some of those institutions:
Idaho Virtual Academy (IDV A): 90 percent

Nevada Virtual Academy (NVV A): 100 percent

Ohio Virtual Academy (OHV A): 92 percent

Oklahoma Virtual Charter Academy (OVCA): 91 percent

Texas Virtual Academy (TXVA): 96 percent

Utah Virtual Academy (UTV A): 96 percent

Wisconsin Virtual Academy (WIV A): 96 percent"

As NPR pointed out, all these numbers were wrong. Nevada Virtual, for instance, had a 63 percent rate—not 100. Ohio's was 53, and Utah's was 42. The Trump administration did not respond to NPR's request for comment on the faulty numbers, but they appear to come from a report by the for-profit company that runs these virtual schools.

Reince Priebus
The White House chief of staff, whose name is clearly an anagram, claimed on CBS' Face the Nation in January that John Podesta's email was easy to hack because his password was "password." There is no evidence this is true, so it's unsubstantiated at best.

Rex Tillerson (Maybe)
The water is murkier here, but when asked about his history of lobbying against sanctions on Russia, the Secretary of State offered: "I have never lobbied against sanctions. To my knowledge, Exxon never directly lobbied against sanctions."

However, as ExxonMobil's CEO, Tillerson TK would have known about this piece of lobbying, documented by Politifact:

Government lobbying records show that in 2014 and 2015, Exxon paid the Nickles Group over $193,000 to press "issues related to Russian sanctions impacting the energy sector," along with a number of other matters. It paid another $120,000 in 2014 and 2015 to Avenue Solutions for work on a range of issues, including "energy sanctions in the Ukraine and Russia." In the same time frame, according to public logs, Tillerson visited the White House five times to see Jeffrey Zients, director of the National Economic Council. The meetings started about a week after President Barack Obama authorized the first of three rounds of sanctions. Bloomberg reported that Tillerson saw Treasury Secretary Jack Lew seven times in the second half of 2014. The Treasury Department oversees how sanctions are carried out.

Politifact rates Tillerson's answer as "artfully crafted" but "pretty misleading" and, ultimately, "mostly false." Moreover, Foreign Relations Committee Chairman and Republican Bob Corker reminded Tillerson in the hearing that he had called him personally in response to the sanctions. Corker later gave Tillerson a bail-out opportunity, which he took, claiming that "ExxonMobil participated in understanding how the sanctions are going to be constructed," rather than lobbied against them.

This Level of Corruption Is Unprecedented in the Modern History of the Presidency

Just like the fire department would really rather come into a building when there was smoke coming out of one window instead of when there are flames coming out of every window, because it's a lot easier to control the fire early on, it's much easier to control an epidemic early on. It's almost as though the entire bureaucratic immune system of the government is reacting to an invading virus. The worst thing any of us can do is assume that the ascent of El Caudillo del Mar-A-Lago was not the sui generis event that it clearly was, and that he, himself, is not the sui generis occupant of the White House that he clearly is, and that he has not surrounded himself with dubious quacks and hacks that are sui generis in their approach to government as they clearly are. There is a level of intellectual—and, perhaps, literal—corruption that is unprecedented in the modern history of the presidency and that is a genuine and unique threat to democratic institutions that are the objects of destructive contempt. ...

just more proof of your insanity...….facts and truth ful statements are not something you know anything about....in way over your head

Tracking all of President Trump’s false or misleading ...
May 19, 2017 · In 1,095 days, President Trump has made 16,241 false or misleading claims The Fact Checker’s ongoing database of the false or misleading claims …

Lies, Non-Truths, Falsehoods and Misleading Statements: The Revisionist History of Trump's Team

Senator Al Franken of Minnesota said that he now believes Attorney General Jeff Sessions is guilty of perjury. Sessions isn't the only member of President Trump's operation to be accused of producing falsehoods to a congressional committee, however. Below are 10 core members of Trump's team and a sample of the untrue or misleading statements they have made.

As ProPublica notes, the attorney general took a detour from the question at hand to say something false at his confirmation hearing. Asked by Al Franken about reports that Trump staffers and associates were in contact with Russian officials repeatedly during the campaign, Sessions had this to say:

"Senator Franken, I'm not aware of any of those activities. I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I did not have communications with the Russians."

But a Washington Post report last week found Sessions spoke to Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak on two separate occasions during the campaign. Since the report, Sessions and his camp have alternately said he misunderstood the question, that he "did not recall" the specifics of their conversation, and that they only made "superficial comments about election-related news."

However, Sessions responded similarly to a written pre-hearing question about Russian contacts from Senator Patrick Leahy.

He later clarified his testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee. Senator Franken called that response "insulting," and later made the perjury claim.

Sean Spicer
Barely 24 hours into his job as White House Press Secretary, Sean Spicer claimed that his boss' inauguration was "the largest audience ever to witness an inauguration, period." It was not. When CNN's State of the Union turned down the chance to host Spicer's colleague Kellyanne Conway because of issues with her credibility, Spicer subsequently said CNN "walked back or denied" those reports. That was not true. He also cited a terror attack in Atlanta three separate times while defending the travel ban. There was no attack, and Spicer later said he "clearly meant Orlando."

And way back during the campaign, Spicer defended Trump's comments in The Mobile Locker Room to The Weekly Standard by questioning if what Trump described—grabbing women "by the pussy"—was sexual assault. Spicer then accused the Standard of fabricating his quote, so they released the audio of him saying it.

Scott Pruitt
The EPA administrator—and, as Oklahoma attorney general, frequent suer of the EPA—was asked about an issue vital to the nation's conservatives: email.

"Have you ever conducted business using your personal email accounts, nonofficial Oklahoma attorney general email accounts, text messages, instant messenger, voicemails, or any other medium?" Senator Cory Booker asked Pruitt in a pre-hearing questionnaire.

"I use only my official OAG email address and government-issued phone to conduct official business," Pruitt responded.

But in a February 17 report, ProPublica pointed out that Oklahoma City's local FOX 25 News found Pruitt did occasionally use a private account. The report was corroborated by the Associated Press and the Oklahoma attorney general's office. Pruitt could ask for some advice here from Vice President Mike Pence, who railed against Hillary Clinton's use of private email throughout the campaign and also used an AOL account for official business as Indiana governor.

Kellyanne Conway
While questions remain as to whether the special counsel to the president believes in the concept of objective truth, she's certainly run afoul of it. The most infamous example was the "Bowling Green Massacre," an entirely fictional terrorist attack Conway referenced in multiple interviews with different outlets. When she was called on it, she said it was "an honest mistake."

Steven Mnuchin
In written pre-hearing testimony, ProPublica notes, the new Treasury Secretary wrote that his former bank, OneWest, did not "'robo-sign' documents" while foreclosing on homes in the aftermath of the Great Recession.

According to The Columbus Dispatch, however, the bank used the practice in Ohio:

But a Dispatch analysis of nearly four dozen foreclosure cases filed by OneWest in Franklin County in 2010 alone shows that the company frequently used robo-signers. The vast majority of the Columbus-area cases were signed by 11 different people in Travis County, Texas. Those employees called themselves vice presidents, assistant vice presidents, managers and assistant secretaries. In three local cases, a judge dismissed OneWest foreclosure proceedings specifically based on inaccurate robo-signings.

Nice. On the way to foreclosing on more than 36,000 homes, OneWest also reportedly foreclosed on a 90-year-old woman over 27 cents.

Stephen Miller
The White House senior adviser's pet topic is voter fraud. He said on the Sunday shows that thousands were bussed into New Hampshire from Massachusetts to vote for Hillary Clinton, a claim first made by former Gov. John Sununu and rated "pants on fire" by Politifact.

He also said that "you have millions of people who are registered in two states or who are dead who are registered to vote. And you have 14 percent of noncitizens, according to academic research, at a minimum, are registered to vote, which is an astonishing statistic." The Washington Post rated Miller's claims false: While one study did show some voter registration records were out of date, the study's author has specifically said it provided no evidence of voter fraud:

David Becker
✔ @beckerdavidj

We found millions of out of date registration records due to people moving or dying, but found no evidence that voter fraud resulted.

12:18 PM - 28 Nov 2016

Betsy DeVos
ProPublica reminds us that Senator Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire suggested the now-Secretary of Education was involved in a family foundation that has provided millions in funding to anti-LGBT groups.

When Democratic Senator Maggie Hassan pointed out that DeVos sits on the board of the foundation, DeVos bluntly replied, "I do not."

As The Intercept found, though, DeVos was listed as a vice president of the foundation on IRS filings for nearly two decades. DeVos called this a clerical error.

Elsewhere, DeVos had some trouble with the numbers. In written pre-hearing testimony, according to NPR, DeVos defended virtual charter schools—where high-school students take all their classes online—in general terms. That was fine, but then she provided some specific data about graduation rates at some of those institutions:
Idaho Virtual Academy (IDV A): 90 percent

Nevada Virtual Academy (NVV A): 100 percent

Ohio Virtual Academy (OHV A): 92 percent

Oklahoma Virtual Charter Academy (OVCA): 91 percent

Texas Virtual Academy (TXVA): 96 percent

Utah Virtual Academy (UTV A): 96 percent

Wisconsin Virtual Academy (WIV A): 96 percent"

As NPR pointed out, all these numbers were wrong. Nevada Virtual, for instance, had a 63 percent rate—not 100. Ohio's was 53, and Utah's was 42. The Trump administration did not respond to NPR's request for comment on the faulty numbers, but they appear to come from a report by the for-profit company that runs these virtual schools.

Reince Priebus
The White House chief of staff, whose name is clearly an anagram, claimed on CBS' Face the Nation in January that John Podesta's email was easy to hack because his password was "password." There is no evidence this is true, so it's unsubstantiated at best.

Rex Tillerson (Maybe)
The water is murkier here, but when asked about his history of lobbying against sanctions on Russia, the Secretary of State offered: "I have never lobbied against sanctions. To my knowledge, Exxon never directly lobbied against sanctions."

However, as ExxonMobil's CEO, Tillerson TK would have known about this piece of lobbying, documented by Politifact:

Government lobbying records show that in 2014 and 2015, Exxon paid the Nickles Group over $193,000 to press "issues related to Russian sanctions impacting the energy sector," along with a number of other matters. It paid another $120,000 in 2014 and 2015 to Avenue Solutions for work on a range of issues, including "energy sanctions in the Ukraine and Russia." In the same time frame, according to public logs, Tillerson visited the White House five times to see Jeffrey Zients, director of the National Economic Council. The meetings started about a week after President Barack Obama authorized the first of three rounds of sanctions. Bloomberg reported that Tillerson saw Treasury Secretary Jack Lew seven times in the second half of 2014. The Treasury Department oversees how sanctions are carried out.

Politifact rates Tillerson's answer as "artfully crafted" but "pretty misleading" and, ultimately, "mostly false." Moreover, Foreign Relations Committee Chairman and Republican Bob Corker reminded Tillerson in the hearing that he had called him personally in response to the sanctions. Corker later gave Tillerson a bail-out opportunity, which he took, claiming that "ExxonMobil participated in understanding how the sanctions are going to be constructed," rather than lobbied against them.

This Level of Corruption Is Unprecedented in the Modern History of the Presidency

Just like the fire department would really rather come into a building when there was smoke coming out of one window instead of when there are flames coming out of every window, because it's a lot easier to control the fire early on, it's much easier to control an epidemic early on. It's almost as though the entire bureaucratic immune system of the government is reacting to an invading virus. The worst thing any of us can do is assume that the ascent of El Caudillo del Mar-A-Lago was not the sui generis event that it clearly was, and that he, himself, is not the sui generis occupant of the White House that he clearly is, and that he has not surrounded himself with dubious quacks and hacks that are sui generis in their approach to government as they clearly are. There is a level of intellectual—and, perhaps, literal—corruption that is unprecedented in the modern history of the presidency and that is a genuine and unique threat to democratic institutions that are the objects of destructive contempt. ...

I rest my case!!! Plus you use the dumbest, childish avatars. I must admit, it does represent you 100% well. Whom did you get to record it for you?
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ok....I will bite on that also...….do you really think ANYONE is going to believe anything trump suggests....a known liar and con man.....like his "mexico will pay for the wall"....or his great health care...….jobs coming back from overseas

Trump’s many broken promises - Vox
Oct 18, 2018 · Trump has broken lots of promises. Thiessen, of course, can’t actually deny that some of the things Trump promised as a candidate have not, in fact, happened. On the wall, however, it’s not just that Trump hasn’t persuaded Congress to appropriate the staggering amount of money his pointless border wall would cost.

Trump’s 30 Broken Promises – Alternet.org
    1. He told you he’d cut your taxes, and that the super-rich like him would pay more. You bought it. …
    2. He promised that the average family would see a $4,000 pay raise because of the tax law. You …
    3. He promised to close special interest loopholes that have been so good for Wall Street investors …
    4. He promised to bring an end to Kim Jong-Un’s nuclear program. You bought it. Kim Jong-Un …
  • See full list on alternet.org

But again something you and the right seem to miss......look at the deficit now.....and the right willing to run it up more to try and buy a few votes.……..the left.....DOES NOT write checks with no money in the bank!...…………...so he can say what he wants.....probably all talk....and if it isn't....no money!

He sent his proposal to them
LOL ... you ReThugicans ... kinda sensitive today, aren't ya?
GOOD ... means we're doing our jobs. If you won't admit the truth, maybe an insult or two might ...

ok....I will bite on that also...….do you really think ANYONE is going to believe anything trump suggests....a known liar and con man.....like his "mexico will pay for the wall"....or his great health care...….jobs coming back from overseas

Trump’s many broken promises - Vox
Oct 18, 2018 · Trump has broken lots of promises. Thiessen, of course, can’t actually deny that some of the things Trump promised as a candidate have not, in fact, happened. On the wall, however, it’s not just that Trump hasn’t persuaded Congress to appropriate the staggering amount of money his pointless border wall would cost.

Trump’s 30 Broken Promises – Alternet.org
    1. He told you he’d cut your taxes, and that the super-rich like him would pay more. You bought it. …
    2. He promised that the average family would see a $4,000 pay raise because of the tax law. You …
    3. He promised to close special interest loopholes that have been so good for Wall Street investors …
    4. He promised to bring an end to Kim Jong-Un’s nuclear program. You bought it. Kim Jong-Un …
  • See full list on alternet.org

But again something you and the right seem to miss......look at the deficit now.....and the right willing to run it up more to try and buy a few votes.……..the left.....DOES NOT write checks with no money in the bank!...…………...so he can say what he wants.....probably all talk....and if it isn't....no money!

Sure offering to go “outside” with a voter at his age is REALLY a smart response.
Telling a voter he’s fulla ******* and a horse’s ass is a great campaign tactic.
Defending his stance on the second amendment while saying Beto is his man on guns - well known Beto wants to confiscate ARs.
Only demented Dems could see ANY of that as a positive.
There's not ANY words Biden could say to a Trumptard that would come anywhere close to some of the crap your alt-Prez has said ... not even CLOSE!
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