Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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nothing like the loose cannon you are supporting?

Here's A Running List Of President Trump's Lies And Other ...
Trump's words: Trump told a group of US sheriffs that the ******* rate in the US was the highest it's been in "45 to 47 years." The truth: The US ******* rate is at close to an all-time low, and law enforcement experts say Trump's claim is so far away from the facts that it's ludicrous.

and as for brain power you are worshiping the anti-Christ......bringing death to the nation
Well Trump is not a loose cannon, He is the only game in town, which is good . Trump is not the anti-Christ and that I am positive of, plus I don't worship anyone. The anti-Christ is not a human being, it is a religious system that is in this world today and increasing by the power of the Great Dragon. The United States and the rest of the world governments will succumb to this power. Most all Democrats will be deceived and all immoral leftist governments will be easy prey for this system. Sub you should give up on the election this year, honestly there is no person in the Democratic Party that is close to President material today...... Not One
Well Trump is not a loose cannon, He is the only game in town, which is good . Trump is not the anti-Christ and that I am positive of, plus I don't worship anyone. The anti-Christ is not a human being, it is a religious system that is in this world today and increasing by the power of the Great Dragon. The United States and the rest of the world governments will succumb to this power. Most all Democrats will be deceived and all immoral leftist governments will be easy prey for this system. Sub you should give up on the election this year, honestly there is no person in the Democratic Party that is close to President material today...... Not One

not going to go into all your stupid statements...…..just sum it up with opinions are like asshole....every one has one
Why Joe Biden's confrontation with an auto worker in Detroit is probably a good thing for him

On Tuesday, while sneaking in some last-minute campaigning in Detroit on the day of the critical Michigan primary, Joe Biden got into an extended confrontation with an autoworker who took issue with the former vice president's stance on guns.

Here's the key section of the back-and-forth, in which Biden seems to shush someone else in the crowd in order to speak directly to the autoworker.
And here's what was said:

Man: "You are actively trying to end our Second Amendment right and take away our guns."

Biden: "You're full of *******. I did not—no, no, shush. Shush. I support the Second Amendment. The Second Amendment -- just like right now if you yelled fire, that's not free speech. And from the very beginning, I have a shotgun, I have a 20-gauge, a 12-gauge. My sons hunt, guess what? You're not allowed to own any weapon, I'm not taking your gun away at all. You need 100 rounds?"

Man: "You and Beto say you're going to take our guns --"

Biden: "I did not say that. That's not true. I did not say that."

Man: "It's a viral video."

Biden: "It's a viral video like the other ones you're putting out that are simply a lie. Wait, wait wait, wait, take your AR, your AR-14, Don't tell me anything about (inaudible)"

Man: "You're working for me, man."

Biden: "I'm not working for -- gimme a break man. Don't be such a horse's ass."

It went on like that for another few seconds before Biden walked away. (Biden corrected his reference to an "AR-14" to the proper "AR-15" later.)

Sensing an opportunity, President Donald Trump's team immediately cut the clip and began sharing it across social media. Here's how Matt Wolking, Trump's director of rapid response, framed it:

Detroit auto worker: "You are actively trying to diminish our Second Amendment right and take away our guns."

Joe Biden: "You're full of *******."

Biden staffer: "Alright, thank you guys--"

Biden: "No, shush! Shush!"pic.twitter.com/j1fIE5c0HN

— Matt Wolking (Text TRUMP to 88022) (@MattWolking) March 10, 2020The insinuation was obvious. Biden, the front-runner to be the Democratic presidential nominee, had lost it when an autoworker had confronted him about his too-liberal gun policies. (Wolking also shared video on Twitter of some of the autoworkers chanting "Trump!" as Biden toured the facility.)

This was a bad moment -- in the mind of the Trump team --
for Biden. I'm not so sure.

The knock on Biden -- certainly among Democrats who support Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and even among many Democrats who back the former vice president -- is that he lacks passion on the campaign trail. That his promises to return things to normal and pledges to work with Republicans aren't the sort of stuff that Democrats want to hear right now.

Democrats are deeply angry at the ways in which Trump and his enablers within the GOP have steered the country. In exit polling in California's primary last week, almost 3 in 4 voters (73%) described themselves as "angry" about the Trump administration. In Texas, more than 6 in 10 (62%) said the same. And in Virginia, 58% described themselves as angry at the Trump administration.

(After the exchange was criticized by both Sanders and Trump's campaigns, Biden said Tuesday, "I'm surprised that Sanders is joining Trump. It's surprising.")

A video recently circulated by conservative outlets falsely suggested Biden supports widespread confiscation of guns, according to FactCheck.org.

Given that mood, it's hard to see how Biden getting in a shouting match with a guy saying that Biden wants to take away peoples' guns (fact check: not true) and using a few expletives to make his point is a negative (if it has any impact at all) for him.

There's also a deeply rich irony here in the Trump campaign trying to suggest that confrontations, generally speaking, and a politician using a few curse words is a bad thing. After all, this President loves confrontation! And cussing! Often in public! And dismissing those who say that he isn't acting presidential as wimps and whiners!

Yes, this is a huge double standard. When Trump tells people where they can stick it, his fans say he's being tough and standing up for America. When Biden does the same, he's unhinged.

Look. I'm not sure this one incident changes many -- or any -- voters' minds. But to the extent it does have an impact, it's hard for me to see this as anything but good for Biden as he seeks to put away Sanders in the primary and pivot to taking on Trump in the general.

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The big stock market drop shows one major thing.....something this country used to be proud of...……..we were self reliant!...……….not so anymore.....with all our jobs and manuf moving overseas...….we are now at the mercy of another country...……………Chinese factories shut down our companies lose money because they can NOT import their ******* to sell here……...that good old republican greed………..just shows our country can not live without the support of someone else...…..and our stock market and economy is controlled by someone else...……....but most don't see nor do they care
The big stock market drop shows one major thing.....something this country used to be proud of...……..we were self reliant!...……….not so anymore.....with all our jobs and manuf moving overseas...….we are now at the mercy of another country...……………Chinese factories shut down our companies lose money because they can NOT import their ******* to sell here……...that good old republican greed………..just shows our country can not live without the support of someone else...…..and our stock market and economy is controlled by someone else...……....but most don't see nor do they care
You talk the talk if you felt so strongly why didn't you start an American company you couldn't walk the walk . keep running your mouth it's you that doesn't care
You talk the talk if you felt so strongly why didn't you start an American company you couldn't walk the walk . keep running your mouth it's you that doesn't care

I'm not the one that continues to post fake news and Russian bot *******....knowing it is false......I support the American dream.....not American greed and corruption!
that is the difference between you and I

and can you explain to me how all this has to do with big biz moving overseas and making the country no longer self sufficient?....
or are you just pissed the boss is sending you out of town today

do you ever post the truth...….of course not....it is the republican way

Bloomberg targets Trump’s ‘reckless CDC cuts’ in new ...
13 days ago · “With the virus officially hitting the US and spreading, Americans are becoming increasingly worried for their health and safety — but because of President Trump’s reckless cuts to the ...

US underprepared for coronavirus due to Trump cuts, say health experts
reddit.com/r/politics · Jan 31, 2020 · Article from: www.theguardian.com

Senate Democrats push for $8.5 billion coronavirus package ...
Senate Democrats push for $8.5 billion coronavirus package Sum is substantially larger than the $2.5 billion the Trump administration proposed
do you ever post the truth...….of course not....it is the republican way

Bloomberg targets Trump’s ‘reckless CDC cuts’ in new ...
13 days ago · “With the virus officially hitting the US and spreading, Americans are becoming increasingly worried for their health and safety — but because of President Trump’s reckless cuts to the ...

US underprepared for coronavirus due to Trump cuts, say health experts
reddit.com/r/politics · Jan 31, 2020 · Article from: www.theguardian.com

Senate Democrats push for $8.5 billion coronavirus package ...
Senate Democrats push for $8.5 billion coronavirus package Sum is substantially larger than the $2.5 billion the Trump administration proposed

Your reply has nothing to do with my post. Mine is about proposed payroll tax freeze
Your reply has nothing to do with my post. Mine is about proposed payroll tax freeze

ok....I will bite on that also...….do you really think ANYONE is going to believe anything trump suggests....a known liar and con man.....like his "mexico will pay for the wall"....or his great health care...….jobs coming back from overseas

Trump’s many broken promises - Vox
Oct 18, 2018 · Trump has broken lots of promises. Thiessen, of course, can’t actually deny that some of the things Trump promised as a candidate have not, in fact, happened. On the wall, however, it’s not just that Trump hasn’t persuaded Congress to appropriate the staggering amount of money his pointless border wall would cost.

Trump’s 30 Broken Promises – Alternet.org
    1. He told you he’d cut your taxes, and that the super-rich like him would pay more. You bought it. …
    2. He promised that the average family would see a $4,000 pay raise because of the tax law. You …
    3. He promised to close special interest loopholes that have been so good for Wall Street investors …
    4. He promised to bring an end to Kim Jong-Un’s nuclear program. You bought it. Kim Jong-Un …
  • See full list on alternet.org

But again something you and the right seem to miss......look at the deficit now.....and the right willing to run it up more to try and buy a few votes.……..the left.....DOES NOT write checks with no money in the bank!...…………...so he can say what he wants.....probably all talk....and if it isn't....no money!
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Just more "misspoken" I guess. First he confuses the 2nd with the 1st, then calls it an AR-14

Now, CNN spins it as being "compassionate and charming"

Yeah, he is soooo much more presidential. :unsure:
What's wrong about making $20 or maybe $50 million?? W-E-L-L-L-L!!!! Let's guess ....
Jared Kushner sells stake in real estate company after value skyrockets thanks to Trump tax cuts
Jared Kushner, the *******-in-law of President Donald Trump who also serves as a senior White House adviser, sold his stake in a real estate company more than three years after he said he would be stepping back from his businesses.

However, Kushner did not do so before the company benefited from tax cuts that he lobbied for as a member of the Trump administration.
GIF_GrouchoMarx.gif .... Now that they know who to TARGET ... time to get the rumors started. Let's see ... Biden has a Mistress ... ******* loves to masturbate in PUBLIC ... Joe loves pornography & pays a million $$ of hush money to keep his special attraction to little girls secret ... the coronavirus was started by the Democrats ... Bidens own two abortion clinics .... the DNC is rigged for Biden .... ohhhh yes, and Democrats suppressing information about Biden's dementia. Doctors saying Biden will be in vegetable state in less than a year.

Why Joe Biden's confrontation with an auto worker in Detroit is probably a good thing for him

On Tuesday, while sneaking in some last-minute campaigning in Detroit on the day of the critical Michigan primary, Joe Biden got into an extended confrontation with an autoworker who took issue with the former vice president's stance on guns.

Here's the key section of the back-and-forth, in which Biden seems to shush someone else in the crowd in order to speak directly to the autoworker.
And here's what was said:

Man: "You are actively trying to end our Second Amendment right and take away our guns."

Biden: "You're full of *******. I did not—no, no, shush. Shush. I support the Second Amendment. The Second Amendment -- just like right now if you yelled fire, that's not free speech. And from the very beginning, I have a shotgun, I have a 20-gauge, a 12-gauge. My sons hunt, guess what? You're not allowed to own any weapon, I'm not taking your gun away at all. You need 100 rounds?"

Man: "You and Beto say you're going to take our guns --"

Biden: "I did not say that. That's not true. I did not say that."

Man: "It's a viral video."

Biden: "It's a viral video like the other ones you're putting out that are simply a lie. Wait, wait wait, wait, take your AR, your AR-14, Don't tell me anything about (inaudible)"

Man: "You're working for me, man."

Biden: "I'm not working for -- gimme a break man. Don't be such a horse's ass."

It went on like that for another few seconds before Biden walked away. (Biden corrected his reference to an "AR-14" to the proper "AR-15" later.)

Sensing an opportunity, President Donald Trump's team immediately cut the clip and began sharing it across social media. Here's how Matt Wolking, Trump's director of rapid response, framed it:

— Matt Wolking (Text TRUMP to 88022) (@MattWolking) March 10, 2020The insinuation was obvious. Biden, the front-runner to be the Democratic presidential nominee, had lost it when an autoworker had confronted him about his too-liberal gun policies. (Wolking also shared video on Twitter of some of the autoworkers chanting "Trump!" as Biden toured the facility.)

This was a bad moment -- in the mind of the Trump team --
for Biden. I'm not so sure.

The knock on Biden -- certainly among Democrats who support Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and even among many Democrats who back the former vice president -- is that he lacks passion on the campaign trail. That his promises to return things to normal and pledges to work with Republicans aren't the sort of stuff that Democrats want to hear right now.

Democrats are deeply angry at the ways in which Trump and his enablers within the GOP have steered the country. In exit polling in California's primary last week, almost 3 in 4 voters (73%) described themselves as "angry" about the Trump administration. In Texas, more than 6 in 10 (62%) said the same. And in Virginia, 58% described themselves as angry at the Trump administration.

(After the exchange was criticized by both Sanders and Trump's campaigns, Biden said Tuesday, "I'm surprised that Sanders is joining Trump. It's surprising.")

A video recently circulated by conservative outlets falsely suggested Biden supports widespread confiscation of guns, according to FactCheck.org.

Given that mood, it's hard to see how Biden getting in a shouting match with a guy saying that Biden wants to take away peoples' guns (fact check: not true) and using a few expletives to make his point is a negative (if it has any impact at all) for him.

There's also a deeply rich irony here in the Trump campaign trying to suggest that confrontations, generally speaking, and a politician using a few curse words is a bad thing. After all, this President loves confrontation! And cussing! Often in public! And dismissing those who say that he isn't acting presidential as wimps and whiners!

Yes, this is a huge double standard. When Trump tells people where they can stick it, his fans say he's being tough and standing up for America. When Biden does the same, he's unhinged.

Look. I'm not sure this one incident changes many -- or any -- voters' minds. But to the extent it does have an impact, it's hard for me to see this as anything but good for Biden as he seeks to put away Sanders in the primary and pivot to taking on Trump in the general.

Sure offering to go “outside” with a voter at his age is REALLY a smart response.

Telling a voter he’s fulla ******* and a horse’s ass is a great campaign tactic.

Defending his stance on the second amendment while saying Beto is his man on guns - well known Beto wants to confiscate ARs.

Only demented Dems could see ANY of that as a positive.

Scary the Dem perspective - SCARY :|
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