Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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I missed your list of bridges you put up for sale! No need to list them again, I'm just not interested! Far too much BS!
I didn't write it, just shared it, written by a very intelligent, successful, and extremely wealthy friend, think what you wish because it don't matter either way.
Denver's Candi CdeBaca defends 'sarcastic tweet' about infecting Trump rallies with coronavirus

Speaks volumes about he left

And even more....

Warren had called for replacing ICE with "something that reflects our values” and infects us with their diseases. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand and Mayor Bill de Blasio have called for abolishing ICE. Senator Bernie Sanders, as the most radical candidate, wants to abolish ICE, CBP, and stop deportations.

Bernie’s call to abolish the Border Patrol would create open borders for ******* cartels, smugglers, murderers, rapists, and any migrants infected with the coronavirus, not to mention other diseases.

Sanders, Steyer, Bloomberg, and Warren all oppose any further border fencing. But Sanders has gone the furthest by essentially calling for an end to immigration enforcement. “Immigration is not a threat to national security,” he insists. The coronavirus once again demonstrates that’s a dangerous <and ignorant> delusion.

Just side note, seems that Bernie wants to eliminate A LOT of jobs. Just getting rid of ICE, Insurance salesman, and a lot of the IRS would have to total close to over a million jobs. Yep, sounds like he is all in favor of helping the middle class. But if his majority voter base is poor, it's in his best interest to keep everyone poor.
The Reasons Behind My tRump Derangement Syndrome

He is a liar (over 16,000 to date)
He is a cheat
He is a bad businessman
He can’t spell
He doesn’t read
He doesn’t listen
He has no principles
He doesn’t give a ******* about anyone
He started his campaign by calling Mexicans rapists and murderers
He then advocated for a “total ban” of Muslims
He routinely says that the free press is the “enemy of the people
He has brought people who support white supremacy into his government and given them immense power
He is profoundly disloyal
He projects his every flaw on others
He doesn’t know facts
He doesn’t respect science
He doesn’t get math
He doesn’t acknowledge history
He doesn’t even understand weather
He wanted to buy Greenland
He wanted to nuke hurricanes
He has insulted gold star families-on multiple occasions
He has sided with Putin-on multiple occasions
He has made anti-Semitic remarks-on multiple occasions
He has attacked many judges-on multiple occasions
He has tweeted violent images-on multiple occasions
He says he’s a genius, but he won’t release his grades or tax returns
He attacks war heroes while he pardons war criminals
He accuses others of nepotism while he privileges his own children
He whines about criticism as he spews nothing but bile
He calls patriots “human scum” while surrounding himself with scumbags like Roger Stone
He claims to be alpha while he endlessly whines like stuck pig He says he’s for America though he cozies up to despots
He said no one has more respect for women than he does
He said he knows more than the generals
He suggested he has a special talent for infectious diseases
The Reasons Behind My tRump Derangement Syndrome

He is a liar (over 16,000 to date)
He is a cheat
He is a bad businessman
He can’t spell
He doesn’t read
He doesn’t listen
He has no principles
He doesn’t give a ******* about anyone
He started his campaign by calling Mexicans rapists and murderers
He then advocated for a “total ban” of Muslims
He routinely says that the free press is the “enemy of the people
He has brought people who support white supremacy into his government and given them immense power
He is profoundly disloyal
He projects his every flaw on others
He doesn’t know facts
He doesn’t respect science
He doesn’t get math
He doesn’t acknowledge history
He doesn’t even understand weather
He wanted to buy Greenland
He wanted to nuke hurricanes
He has insulted gold star families-on multiple occasions
He has sided with Poroshenko-on multiple occasions
He has made anti-Semitic remarks-on multiple occasions
He has attacked many judges-on multiple occasions
He has tweeted violent images-on multiple occasions
He says he’s a genius, but he won’t release his grades or tax returns
He attacks war heroes while he pardons war criminals
He accuses others of nepotism while he privileges his own children
He whines about criticism as he spews nothing but bile
He calls patriots “human scum” while surrounding himself with scumbags like Roger Stone
He claims to be alpha while he endlessly whines like stuck pig He says he’s for America though he cozies up to despots
He said no one has more respect for women than he does
He said he knows more than the generals
He suggested he has a special talent for infectious diseases
He said he had hundreds of friends who perished in 9/11 yet never attended one funeral.
He dodged the draft five times
He was fined 25 million dollars for running a fake university
He was fined another $2 million dollars for stealing from his own charity money meant for ******* with cancer
He is a gutless, ignorant, self-serving fuck. Who, if re-elected, we deserve the raw dog fucking he will lay upon us.
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wrong again!......still trying to prove you have a brain?....you failed here and completely missed the point....kind of like blklump and his voting thing.….
let me try to explain it to you one more time...…...the NRA is OWNED by the gun manuf......not the citizens......when the citizens sign up and send money....you are just providing the gun manuf a way of sending you more bullshit

and when it is a presidential election year....the NRA (gun manuf) always put out this big scare tactic that the left is going to take your guns....and sales sky rocket...….see posted links above.....but in the case of the mid terms trump already and can not run the scare tacti sales go down

don't know how much more plain I can make it so you can understand.....has not one thing to do with capitalism....plain old typical right wing scare tactic.....it's all the right has...lies and deceit...….and gullible followers
He is a loose cannon, a danger to himself, and the left are supporting him to hold the most important job in the world. Don't say much for their brain power!!!!

nothing like the loose cannon you are supporting?

Here's A Running List Of President Trump's Lies And Other ...
Trump's words: Trump told a group of US sheriffs that the ******* rate in the US was the highest it's been in "45 to 47 years." The truth: The US ******* rate is at close to an all-time low, and law enforcement experts say Trump's claim is so far away from the facts that it's ludicrous.

and as for brain power you are worshiping the anti-Christ......bringing death to the nation
WTF?.….is trump just inviting them in?....sure seems that way

US and Canadian jets intercept Russian reconnaissance ...
Mar 10, 2020 · US F-22 stealth jets and Canadian CF-18 fighters intercepted two Russian reconnaissance aircraft while they were flying off the Alaskan coast on Monday, according to North America Aerospace Defense...

now that is 2 reliable sources...first the Washington examiner...and second trump jr.…..both very trustworthy......is that more of your Russian bot training bring out the fake news and flooding the place with it.....there are a couple on here I can think of the would buy into your posts...but most won't
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