Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Don't you take some responsibility for what you borrow. You should know what you can afford before you sign

Not what happened last time....and we had to bail the banks out......and as we speak we are STILL giving wall street money.......looks good for trump's economy...people buying a lot..........but these lenders so easy to loan.....in case you do pay it back.....and maybe the buyer really thinks they can afford to pay for it....but with it being so easy to buy...

Fed Ups Its Wall Street Bailout to $690 Billion a Week as ...
Oct 24, 2019 · By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: October 24, 2019 ~ Yesterday the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (New York Fed) announced that the giant money spigot it turned on for Wall Street on September 17 would be growing exponentially beginning today. The New York Fed will now be lavishing up to $120 billion a day in cheap overnight loans to Wall Street

The Federal Reserve Returns to Creating Money to Bail Out ...
Home GEG Commentary The Federal Reserve Returns to Creating Money to Bail Out Banks, Spending $75-Billion Per Day! The Federal Reserve Returns to Creating Money to Bail Out Banks, Spending $75-Billion Per Day! September 27, 2019 Wall Street on Parade GEG Commentary, Money 3
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We had to bail out banks because people couldn't pay back loans they were given. We should have let banks fail it was there predatory loans. So they would police themselves. But instead we gave them a free pass.
blkdlaur, that's just the problem. You talk in "generalities" and opinion, both subhub & I post in "specifics" and facts. So, when you say we're wrong, show us with YOUR documented FACTS where we're wrong. You NEVER do that.
Besides, you're not even in the USA; we're HERE, we see it daily. Trump has a lot of problems now. Whether he ends up leaving office early or not, its now been established that Republicans are a major part of the fake media stories HERE ... purposely put out to confuse and frustrate voters. I know here in NC Republicans were putting out 30 second TV ads that were purposely false about the Obamacare to confuse voters. The ads would be on TV 2-3 weeks then taken down only to be replaced with another false ad on Obamacare. Republican voters were eating those ads up, too ... then it would turn out to be false, and they would believe the next LIE about Obamacare, and the next, and the next. Bunch of dummies!
Trump will desperately try to stay in OFFICE, I imagine. He knows when he enters private citizenship again, he's going to be facing STATE charges and he'll not have the federal goverment's checkbook or people willing to lie for him ... the GAME WILL CHANGE!

Geez can you get ANYTHING right - since when is Massachusetts not part of the good ole USA - your facts are leftwing media Dem talking points and propaganda - in other words horseshite - by almost all metrics we’re WAY better off now than when Obama was president.
We had to bail out banks because people couldn't pay back loans they were given. We should have let banks fail it was there predatory loans. So they would police themselves. But instead we gave them a free pass.

always a justification for anything for the right.....even the government handouts when people with needs are doing without.....they were given these loans because banks wanted to make the easy bucks....never did any kind of credit check...just like the ad this morning.....if someone is giving something away for FREE....why not go get it....if the bank is not smart enough to do a background check...that should be their fault....but for the banks under the GOP leadership...it is a win - win...even if you cant pay it back....the American taxpayer will
Geez can you get ANYTHING right - since when is Massachusetts not part of the good ole USA - your facts are leftwing media Dem talking points and propaganda - in other words horseshite - by almost all metrics we’re WAY better off now than when Obama was president.

it needs a serious "culling"
always a justification for anything for the right.....even the government handouts when people with needs are doing without.....they were given these loans because banks wanted to make the easy bucks....never did any kind of credit check...just like the ad this morning.....if someone is giving something away for FREE....why not go get it....if the bank is not smart enough to do a background check...that should be their fault....but for the banks under the GOP leadership...it is a win - win...even if you cant pay it back....the American taxpayer will
Maybe the banks can take it on the chin this time
Yeah w fucked up there

Obama tried to stop the flow to wall street when he found out a lot of it was going to bonus's.....but your party was in control

Economy Watch - Obama: Big Wall Street Bonuses 'Shameful'
Jan 29, 2009 · President Obama directly delivered his message on executive bonuses to Wall Street moments ago from the White House: Stop them now. "I saw an article today that indicated Wall Street bankers had...

Obama Pressures Wall Street Over Bonuses - The New York Times
Jan 30, 2009 · Obama Calls Wall Street Bonuses ‘Shameful’. Should Mr. Obama have to go to Congress to seek more money for the bailout fund to avert the failure of more banks, he would most likely encounter opposition within both parties and demands for tighter restrictions on pay for executives of institutions that receive government assistance.

Bush signs Wall Street bailout - Washington Times
Oct 04, 2008 · Congress on Friday gave Wall Street the financial lifeline it was seeking and President Bush immediately signed it into law, as the House reversed course and approved a $700 billion bailout package.

Taxpayers are still bailing out Wall Street, eight years ...
Nov 07, 2016 · Taxpayers are still bailing out Wall Street, eight years later Thousands of workers and union members gather for a rally and a march on Wall

Fed Ups Its Wall Street Bailout to $690 Billion a Week as ...
Oct 24, 2019 · By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: October 24, 2019 ~ Yesterday the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (New York Fed) announced that the giant money spigot it turned on for Wall Street on September 17 would be growing exponentially beginning today. The New York Fed will now be lavishing up to $120 billion a day in cheap overnight loans to Wall Street
I said w fucked up with bank bailout Obama fucked up with Wall Street the boss owns fuckups

funny....just shows how stupid you are!....even when I posted the facts you still didn't look!......BUSH started it...Obama tried to stop it....trump keeps it going....so you are right the guy that started it..owns it....your man owns it....ignore that fact....your words....eat them!
what's really funny....how much does he want for that stupid fucking wall...….and we give how much to wall street?.....just not wanting to hurt his rich buddies.....at the expense of the taxpayer
We should just forgive bail out instead of carrying on . I guess I wasn't paying attention I always thought it was a one time payment
Bush signs Wall Street bailout

Congress on Friday gave Wall Street the financial lifeline it was seeking and President Bush immediately signed it into law, as the House reversed course and approved a $700 billion bailout package in the wake of markets roiled by the failure of storied investment firms and major banks.

The House passed the measure 263-171, following the Senate’s lead in passing a reformulated bill that added tax breaks, an increase in the federal deposit insurance limit and other “sweeteners” designed to increase support among Republicans.

Converts, both Democratic and Republican, said they listened to taxpayers’ concerns and tried to ensure their market investments and mortgages were protected, as well as providing some middle-class tax relief.

Democrats, who have made the struggling economy a central theme this election season, loudly praised the legislation, adding that it was only the first step in a long overdue overhaul of Wall Street regulations and oversight that will come with an Obama presidency and a Democratic Congress.

Wall Street's Corruption Runs Deeper Than You Can Fathom ...
And Barack Obama in 2008, as the banking meltdown was happening, gave a speech at Cooper Union, April of 2008, blasting Wall Street. ... Wall Street's Corruption Runs …

The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection ...
Jul 20, 2015 · On July 21, 2010, the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act was signed into law as a response to the financial crisis of 2007–08. The statute, which itself was 848 pages long, directed dozens of regulatory agencies to revise or create new regulations addressing the financial system in the United States.

In Review: Why President Obama Reformed Wall Street and ...
Jan 09, 2017 · Among other things, this legislation and other Wall Street reforms put in place by the Administration: Created a Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC) to monitor and address systemic financial risks, and subjected the largest and most dangerous institutions to much higher safety standards than prevailed before the crisis.
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