Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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I blame the mom fucker who chose to sign it. Who's name is on it.
your bias coming through again.....all because he signed it....not that Reagan and Bush put it together...Clinton signed it...he was new in office and both parties were pushing it....the very first line in the above post tells you where and why and who brought it about....but you don't care they are republicans...………………….

still have all your right wing and biased opinions you want.....doesn't change the fact that both of them cleaned up a mess the right made....people know it....that's why they are the 2 most popular presidents....so your opinion means nothing to no one but you
your bias coming through again.....all because he signed it....not that Reagan and Bush put it together...Clinton signed it...he was new in office and both parties were pushing it....the very first line in the above post tells you where and why and who brought it about....but you don't care they are republicans...………………….

still have all your right wing and biased opinions you want.....doesn't change the fact that both of them cleaned up a mess the right made....people know it....that's why they are the 2 most popular presidents....so your opinion means nothing to no one but you
It was nothing until he signed it Clinton sucked almost as much as Obama
I watched companies that had been in business for a 100 yrs fold all around me under Obama now things are booming buildings going up everywhere New stores and restaurants . open your eyes
Obama drove our economy to the ground. By far worst I have seen. Business is flourishing under Trump. Another 4 years will be great.
You obviously give Obama no credit for correcting the mess left behind by Bush Jr and his administration. Do you? Other than the Great Depression, the Recession that Obama inherited from Republicans was the greatest economic catastrophe the US has experienced. Isn't it interesting that the Republicans caused BOTH of them? Had Republicans won the 2008 election, THEIR recommendations was to let the companies ALL GO BANKRUPT ... I believe that would have given the great USA that final push into another Great Depression ... thank God that didn't happen.
And I recall when TRUMP stepped into the White House, the US jobs market had already had 74 consecutive months of jobs growth. You obviously refuse to accept the magnitude of HURT the US was in when Obama took office. And you didn't see members of HIS ADMINISTRATION going to prison or subpoenaed every month ... didn't see Obama misusing charitable gifts funds or campaign funds, or asking foreign adversaries to help him with elections, or having unrecorded calls and meetings with them, or passing along highly classified information to them. And Obama and his wife shared the same bedroom ... Trump and Melania don't even share the same FLOOR of the White House, much less the same room. And contrary to what the yellow haird Liar N Chief says, Obama didn't spend half his time watching Fox News or getting advice from Sean Hannity, or playing golf 2-3 times a week.
Is any of this debatable with you? Have I incorrectly noted any items above?
You obviously give Obama no credit for correcting the mess left behind by Bush Jr and his administration. Do you? Other than the Great Depression, the Recession that Obama inherited from Republicans was the greatest economic catastrophe the US has experienced. Isn't it interesting that the Republicans caused BOTH of them? Had Republicans won the 2008 election, THEIR recommendations was to let the companies ALL GO BANKRUPT ... I believe that would have given the great USA that final push into another Great Depression ... thank God that didn't happen.
And I recall when TRUMP stepped into the White House, the US jobs market had already had 74 consecutive months of jobs growth. You obviously refuse to accept the magnitude of HURT the US was in when Obama took office. And you didn't see members of HIS ADMINISTRATION going to prison or subpoenaed every month ... didn't see Obama misusing charitable gifts funds or campaign funds, or asking foreign adversaries to help him with elections, or having unrecorded calls and meetings with them, or passing along highly classified information to them. And Obama and his wife shared the same bedroom ... Trump and Melania don't even share the same FLOOR of the White House, much less the same room. And contrary to what the yellow haird Liar N Chief says, Obama didn't spend half his time watching Fox News or getting advice from Sean Hannity, or playing golf 2-3 times a week.
Is any of this debatable with you? Have I incorrectly noted any items above?
View attachment 3019474
Obama caused recession by being there there was no confidence
Hush up, "quacker" ... View attachment 3018502you NEVER have anything of substance to say. Maybe you'll get some coloring books to keep you busy in 2020. If I knew where you are, I'd send you a box of Crayolas.

Substance is in the eye o the beholder - I reside in Mass. one of the bluest of blue states and deal with rabid Dems daily :}

Know how ole Sub feels he’s in a deep red state - must be killer on him :|
and with the way trump is going he will have to be quick to get them at the local thrift store....although he would be wise to stock up on Crayola's now....trump still has time to really fuck things up before we get a Dem in to make America great again

again your bias speaking and your bias does not support the facts or how the majority of the country felt and feels.....still the most liked president in years.....second is Clinton...…...wonder where the right fits in?.....Mmmm they don't have one
could say more...but want to keep it short and save room for blkdlaurs comment "people getting tired of it"....think he has it on every thread and about every page

NO as much as your cult horseshite - ya Dem miscreant ;}
Substance is in the eye o the beholder
blkdlaur, that's just the problem. You talk in "generalities" and opinion, both subhub & I post in "specifics" and facts. So, when you say we're wrong, show us with YOUR documented FACTS where we're wrong. You NEVER do that.
Besides, you're not even in the USA; we're HERE, we see it daily. Trump has a lot of problems now. Whether he ends up leaving office early or not, its now been established that Republicans are a major part of the fake media stories HERE ... purposely put out to confuse and frustrate voters. I know here in NC Republicans were putting out 30 second TV ads that were purposely false about the Obamacare to confuse voters. The ads would be on TV 2-3 weeks then taken down only to be replaced with another false ad on Obamacare. Republican voters were eating those ads up, too ... then it would turn out to be false, and they would believe the next LIE about Obamacare, and the next, and the next. Bunch of dummies!
Trump will desperately try to stay in OFFICE, I imagine. He knows when he enters private citizenship again, he's going to be facing STATE charges and he'll not have the federal goverment's checkbook or people willing to lie for him ... the GAME WILL CHANGE!
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Just saw an add on tv...…..Good Credit...Bad Credit....No credit...….come on in...nothing down and take it home today...……….

didn't we just go into this with Bush and people making bad loans........banks going broke and the taxpayer had to bail them out?

and now with Trump taking all the restrictions off...…….not good!
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