Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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You don't pay farmers or tradesman fairly like we do in ma my Yankee intuition has gotten me far I went to a vocational school joined army for go bill went to state college I told you farmers doing great in ma you said not so everywhere else .you just don't like people succeeding in life maybe it's you

one other thing I might point out ...……..yes most BLUE states are doing well with the economy and etc……...the red ones are all underwater with budgets ….education.....living standards and etc...…..so you should be proud of that BLUE state....and have every right to be proud of it.....vote Dem to keep it that way
one other thing I might point out ...……..yes most BLUE states are doing well with the economy and etc……...the red ones are all underwater with budgets ….education.....living standards and etc...…..so you should be proud of that BLUE state....and have every right to be proud of it.....vote Dem to keep it that way
We have a Republican governor, and outside Boston majority is red . life is what you make it.
Trump off to London for NATO summit, under pressure to ...
16 hours ago · U.S. President Donald Trump leaves on Monday for a NATO summit in London and he is under pressure from British Prime Minister Boris Johnson to resist the temptation to wade into the British election campaign coming up later in December. As a presidential candidate in 2016 and …

and why do you suppose that is...…..first trump not liked in most countries...…..and second...he is a P.utin puppet and the rest of the world wants to remain free
300+ Trump ads taken down by Google, YouTube - 60 Minutes ...
Dec 01, 2019 · 300+ Trump ads taken down by Google, YouTube How to handle political ads on social media has become a growing concern as the 2020 U.S. presidential election approaches. Facebook has taken most of...

had to..…..the right has already shown that they are willing to let Russia hack this election again......so the media has to police Russian ads as much as they can on their own
Ever consider they’re just left leaning organizations????
Ever consider that they're NOT?
Ever hear of the term "unbiased opinion"?
Definition of unbiased 1 : free from bias especially : free from all prejudice and favoritism : eminently fair 2 : having an expected value equal to a population parameter being estimated an unbiased estimate of the population mean
Possibly you should go to the blackboard and write 100 times ... "Unbiased Opinions don't have to always agree with MY biased opinions!"
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Yeah - trouble is I watch a lot of CNN - MSNBC - ABC - CBS - NBC and everyday since President Trump came down the escalator the reporting has been biased against him - reached a crescendo during the Mueller Report - they all tried to convince the American public he would be found guilty - pounded it out - day in day out - never retracted anything when he was not indicted.
They’re doing the same thing with Ukraine - the Main Street Media has ZERO credibility now - at least with me - you people believe them simply because you WANT to.
why should they...…….you want to hold wages down and profits up.....no encouragement there
The government should not be allowed to tell one person WHAT he is going to PAY another man to work for him, it is between the two of them. Labor Unions have always been nothing but criminals. Talk about quick pro quo, racketeering third parties telling employers what they must do for employees.
The government should not be allowed to tell one person WHAT he is going to PAY another man to work for him, it is between the two of them. Labor Unions have always been nothing but criminals. Talk about quick pro quo, racketeering third parties telling employers what they must do for employees.

what we have here is a failure to communicate......you just aren't getting it......the gov has no say in it what so ever......that is between the employer and the worker....represented by the union...….

labor unions criminals......right out of your right wing handbook.....it's not quick pro quo...it's quid pro quo...…...

but lets just look at the facts.....when we had unions the country payed according to the going wage.....which was pretty much what unions paid...…..now that no unions....where are wages......down where most can't live on them......haven't gone up hardly in 20 years....HAVE NOT kept up with inflation....now even with both the husband and wife working some still barely getting by....if a union shop negotiated a wage... normally other biz in that area stayed comparable....not now...it is all up to what the employer out of his generosity pays......and most are not very generous....which is why they all have fat bank accounts now and the worker barely getting by

next....who do you think created the 40 hour work week......no unions.....not uncommon to work a lot more than 40 hours...if you get that 40 hours......most use a lot of "part time" workers ...keeping everyone under the 40 hours so they do not have to pay any benefits or overtime or etc.....the unions got you that full time status with benefits....same with the 5 day work week

next the unions set standards or negotiated benefits...health care, sick and vacation time...….how much of that do you see anymore?
...….rarely if at all

wake up and smell the roses....although probably not many in that right wing state you live in...…...but unions protected the workers and set the standards for what people were paid and got for benefits in that area...….unions gone...now at the mercy of some asshole only interested in getting a fat bank account....and no job security
People should look after their own interests not depend on the government to do it - cause the government SUX.

what is it with you cult people....the gov has nothing to do with a union bargaining unit....they are the workers!

and agin…..the majority of what is left of any benefits you have were brought to you by a union....unions on the "outs"....so is the workers benefits
I know cult leaders recruit people who really can't or don't think for them selves.....it makes them easier to train....so I can't really blame these trump followers....they were recruited for their special talent....or lack there of...…...

but Nikita Khrushchev stated and I don't remember the exact term he used for America "greed?".....but his words were "we will take over you're country without ever firing a shot".....they found a cult leader with the gift to gab.....and a group of people well suited for the cult......it's to dark in the trump cult cave for people to see what is going on all around them
Letters: Nikita Khrushchev's chilling prediction: 'We will ...

Nikita Khrushchev sent chills down my spine I was nine years old in 1956 when I read that Russia’s Communist leader Nikita Khrushchev said, “We will take America without firing a shot. We do not have to invade the U.S. We will destroy you from within....”

We will take America without firing a shot
Jan 18, 2017 · I’m old enough to remember Nikita Khrushchev’s fiery diatribes, most notably the oration wherein he predicted that “ We will take America without firing a shot... we will bury you!” With the...

Art of Facts: We will take America without firing a shot ...
People didn't understand what Kruschev meant when he made the comment "We will take America without firing a shot"...He meant from within of course as adeptly you have described. People think in terms of a battle being fought with guns but in an ideological war it is fought with cunning and crafty ideology as they have been doing for many many years now.

and you don't think the communist GOP sold the country right out from under us

How the GOP Became the Party of Putin - POLITICO Magazine
Jul 18, 2017 · How the GOP Became the Party of Putin. He ran as the most pro-Russian candidate for president since Henry Wallace helmed the Soviet fellow-traveling Progressive Party ticket in 1948, extolling Vladimir Putin’s manly virtues at every opportunity while bringing Kremlin-style moral relativism to the campaign trail.

The GOP has become the Soviet party - The Washington Post
Jan 21, 2019 · The GOP has become the Soviet party. ... red-baiting Republicans denounced Soviet Russia as an evil superpower intent on destroying the American way of life. ... Trump owns this shutdown debacle ...
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I know cult leaders recruit people who really can't or don't think for them selves.....it makes them easier to train....so I can't really blame these trump followers....they were recruited for their special talent....or lack there of...…...

but Nikita Khrushchev stated and I don't remember the exact term he used for America "greed?".....but his words were "we will take over you're country without ever firing a shot".....they found a cult leader with the gift to gab.....and a group of people well suited for the cult......it's to dark in the trump cult cave for people to see what is going on all around them

Do you get credit for how many times you type CULT ???
Radical Dem identity politics - disgusting !!!
If that’s the best ya got you’re finished.
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