Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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I researched ma where farms make money so you might believe what I see

I don't doubt what you say is true...…..but they don't represent America's farmers....I'm sure Idaho potatoes do good also......but for the most part they don't sell/rely on the world stage......where trump is fucking them

guess you forgot about one of the big things Reagan promoted.....which actually killed America......his ONE WORLD.....buy and sell worldwide......supposedly to allow us to sell more.....except when someone comes along with a tariff war....and ends the sale
I don't doubt what you say is true...…..but they don't represent America's farmers....I'm sure Idaho potatoes do good also......but for the most part they don't sell/rely on the world stage......where trump is fucking them

guess you forgot about one of the big things Reagan promoted.....which actually killed America......his ONE WORLD.....buy and sell worldwide......supposedly to allow us to sell more.....except when someone comes along with a tariff war....and ends the sale
Why do you want to sell to third world countries and try to make money why not sell to America
Why do you want to sell to third world countries and try to make money why not sell to America

we already produce far more grain than we need.....but with our growing population we need to protect the farmer so he WILL be there when we need...….more and more farm ground being sold everyday to housing projects.....we have to look out for our future....and for now they rely on sales over seas....goes back to that one world for now.....that one world policy killed the small family farms and created these huge farms owned mostly by people overseas

U.S. grains, co-products and ethanol are sold to buyers in more than 75 countries. These relationships help support U.S. agriculture and build industries that add value for overseas customers and consumers.

Total U.S. grain production 2016 | Statista
This statistic displays the total production of grain in the United States from 2001 to 2016. In 2014, total grain production came to 442.4 million metric tons.


Foreign Investors Are Snapping Up US Farms – mom Jones
Aug 04, 2017 · Foreign Investors Are Snapping Up US Farms ... US farmland is becoming a target for international investors, according to a handful of recent reports. ... The amount of foreign-owned

Who really owns American farmland? - The New Food Economy
Institutional investors can and do buy land in every region and of every type: cropland in the Corn Belt, rangeland in cattle country, or fruits and nuts in California. Among the big players are TIAA-Cref, BlackDirt, Hancock Agricultural Investment Group, American Farmland Company, AgIS Capital, and Gladstone Land Corporation.
Not that way here maybe that's why they make money not a saturated market. We import a lot of food we could farm here. Hard to teach old dogs New tricks

well like I said YOUR Reagan and his "one world"....killed the family farm.....and put grain on the world market…...no problem with putting it on the world market....but just like these tariffs....not only do they effect things here....it effects things world wide....
we survived long before all that....but not sure how...don't remember.....just know now it is dependent on world sales

I know as a kid we always watched the market and when we thought it was as high as we could get.....took our grain to the local elevator for sale….never got rich but made a living.....
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Plumbing SUX but Sub’s forte is pissin people off ;]

let me cite one of the cites infamous posters who just posted this........fuck you
now with that being said...….and I have said this several times....cult members just don't like anti cult facts....that's where we as a country have to invest in reprograming for that 29%...….and another old saying...better pissed off than pissed on....like what trump is doing to America with his cult's support...and didn't I just post something about our severe lack of plumbers in the next few years....because you people don't want them to have a living wage
let me cite one of the cites infamous posters who just posted this........fuck you
now with that being said...….and I have said this several times....cult members just don't like anti cult facts....that's where we as a country have to invest in reprograming for that 29%...….and another old saying...better pissed off than pissed on....like what trump is doing to America with his cult's support...and didn't I just post something about our severe lack of plumbers in the next few years....because you people don't want them to have a living wage
Not just plumbers young people don't want to work ,they have grandiose ideas of free college . self entitled little bastards that never got slapped and always got a trophy. And I use fuck a lot it is a fantastic word that fits everywhere so don't fill special
Not just plumbers young people don't want to work ,they have grandiose ideas of free college . self entitled little bastards that never got slapped and always got a trophy. And I use fuck a lot it is a fantastic word that fits everywhere so don't fill special

why should they...…….you want to hold wages down and profits up.....no encouragement there

you have to get out of this Mass is the world thinking.....we...as a country have ingrained into our society you have to have a college education to go anywhere...…..we need to improve what the skilled workers get and do whatever to make it more appealing

Plumber shortage threatens America’s building industry
Dec 07, 2015 · Twenty years ago, this wasn’t the case. It was common for a plumbing company to be family owned, dating back at least five generations. Boys and girls were introduced to the construction industry and trained for apprenticeship opportunities through their school’s educational programs. Now, things are different.

Why Do We Have A Skilled Trade Shortage? | Angie's List
Every day, the shortage in the skilled trades becomes more acute. According to numbers from the National Electrical Contractors Association, 7,000 electricians join the field each year, but 10,000 retire.

Shortage of Qualified Plumbers Plaguing The Plumbing ...
Job Shortage: A Looming Concern Installing and maintaining plumbing systems for your residential or commercial plumbing needs is an occupation that requires extreme focus and dedication. Unfortunately, there seems to be an insufficient pool of qualified workers in the field.

Solving the American plumber shortage | 2018-01-30 ...
Jan 30, 2018 · Solving the American plumber shortage Dale Powell, CDA project manager and piping applications specialist, advises plumbing apprentices practicing proper soldering and brazing technique during the UA Instructor Training Program in Ann Arbor, Mich., in August 2017.

Massive Shortage of Electricians Predicted for U.S ...
Canadian analysts warn that most of that nation's skilled electricians will retire in the next 10 years, triggering a massive shortage. In Australia, the dwindling ranks of electricians and other skilled trades has become so severe that it is now the number one constraint on business investment, according to a recent survey by the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Will There Be Enough Electricians to Go Around? | Angie's List
“The shortage of electricians in Oklahoma City is real,” Harlow says “I’d guess part of the reason is the amount of destruction from the tornadoes we’ve had in the past couple of years. “One of the electricians that bailed was rewiring a new home in Moore [Oklahoma] and was short three [workers] to finish the job.”

America's Skilled Trades Dilemma: Shortages Loom As Most ...
Mar 07, 2013 · Meanwhile, a third of electrical and electronics repairers are at least 55, while 72 percent are 45 years and older. We’ve broken the 21 occupations into three groups – the oldest, the not-so ...
Maybe you should leave Oklahoma skilled tradesmen have always come from New england

another bull ******* statement.....you seem to be full of them...….nothing I posted above has anything to with Okl or any other state....skilled tradesman from new England?....more bullshit....they go to a LOCAL trade school or learn on the job!

given any thought to an out of state education.....yours either isn't working or you need more......or from a better class of teachers
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another bull ******* statement.....you seem to be full of them...….nothing I posted above has anything to with Okl or any other state....skilled tradesman from new England?....more bullshit....they go to a LOCAL trade school or learn on the job!

given any thought to an out of state education.....yours isn't working
You don't pay farmers or tradesman fairly like we do in ma my Yankee intuition has gotten me far I went to a vocational school joined army for go bill went to state college I told you farmers doing great in ma you said not so everywhere else .you just don't like people succeeding in life maybe it's you
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