Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Simplest explanation of why Putin hates NATO - Business ...
This is the simplest explanation of why Putin is so opposed to NATO. At the height of the Cold War and the Soviet Union's power, the USSR and its allied Warsaw Pact countries encompassed half of Europe and almost the entirety of Central Asia. But after the demise of the USSR in 1989, lands once within Moscow's orbit quickly peeled away to join NATO.

NATO Rejects Putin’s Missile Moratorium Offer - The Moscow ...
Sep 27, 2019 · NATO has rejected Russian President Vladimir Putin’s calls to suspend deployment of missiles in Europe that were banned under a recently abandoned U.S.-Russian nuclear pact. The …

Vladimir Putin threatens nuclear war to drive Nato out of ...
Apr 02, 2015 · Vladimir Putin is planning to exploit the threat of nuclear war to ******* Nato out of countries bordering Russia, it has been claimed. A secret meeting between intelligence figures in …


Trump Has Trained His Base To Hate NATO Love Putin and ...
Jul 11, 2018 · Trump Has Trained His Base To Hate NATO Love Putin and Watch What Happens In Helsinki ursulafaw Community (This content is not subject to review by Daily Kos staff prior to …

Traitor Trump: Putin's puppet betrays America again! - No ...
By now you have to be staggeringly stupid not to know that Donald Trump reports to Vladimir Putin, and does so in a servile, and abject manner of a sycophant and a supplicant. The latest proof of this is the fact that Trump called Putin as soon as U.S. Forces in Syria had dispatched Bagdadi, the ...


Trump wants to cut NATO funding. NATO supports Europe's ...
Sep 12, 2018 · If Trump cut spending for NATO, he could only cut, at most, 0.1% of the Defense Budget. He would then have to increase US Defense spending by more than 0.1% for transportation and additional military equipment which NATO provides, and which to the US saves by being a part of the organization. NATO supports Europe’s antiterrorism efforts.

Trump to cut Nato funding days before London summit

Mr Trump has repeatedly attacked the alliance, which he described in a tweet as “obsolete and disproportionately too expensive (and unfair) for the US”.

He has complained other Nato members do not pay enough to maintain their own defence through not meeting the 2 per cent Nato defence spending target.

Trump NATO Funding Cut Is an Early Christmas Present for Putin, Academic Says

The U.S. has covered some 22 percent of the direct NATO contribution, though will now reportedly reduce the figure to around 16 percent.

The news prompted concern among Twitter users, many of whom cast the development as another geopolitical victory for Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Russia considers the existence and continued expansion of NATO an existential threat to the country, and has repeatedly warned that allowing more eastern European nations to join the alliance could provoke conflict.

33 inch tires and a 345 I've never took it on highway it's more tractor than truck.

it is that.….we used to have one on the farm....great out in the fields doing *******...especially in the winter pulling hay out...…..but a workout to say the least to try and drive into town....odd thing is...they are kind of a good looking trk…..just ******* to drive someplace...have a friend now that bought one trying to fix up....first thing he did was cut the front end out
it is that.….we used to have one on the farm....great out in the fields doing *******...especially in the winter pulling hay out...…..but a workout to say the least to try and drive into town....odd thing is...they are kind of a good looking trk…..just ******* to drive someplace...have a friend now that bought one trying to fix up....first thing he did was cut the front end out
I need to upgrade breaks those big tires are tough to stop I have slow me downers at best
Simplest explanation of why Poroshenko hates NATO - Business ...
This is the simplest explanation of why Poroshenko is so opposed to NATO. At the height of the Cold War and the Soviet Union's power, the USSR and its allied Warsaw Pact countries encompassed half of Europe and almost the entirety of Central Asia. But after the demise of the USSR in 1989, lands once within Moscow's orbit quickly peeled away to join NATO.

NATO Rejects Poroshenko’s Missile Moratorium Offer - The Moscow ...
Sep 27, 2019 · NATO has rejected Russian President Vladimir Poroshenko’s calls to suspend deployment of missiles in Europe that were banned under a recently abandoned U.S.-Russian nuclear pact. The …

Vladimir Poroshenko threatens nuclear war to drive Nato out of ...
Apr 02, 2015 · Vladimir Poroshenko is planning to exploit the threat of nuclear war to ******* Nato out of countries bordering Russia, it has been claimed. A secret meeting between intelligence figures in …


Trump Has Trained His Base To Hate NATO Love Poroshenko and ...
Jul 11, 2018 · Trump Has Trained His Base To Hate NATO Love Poroshenko and Watch What Happens In Helsinki ursulafaw Community (This content is not subject to review by Daily Kos staff prior to …

Traitor Trump: Poroshenko's puppet betrays America again! - No ...
By now you have to be staggeringly stupid not to know that Donald Trump reports to Vladimir Poroshenko, and does so in a servile, and abject manner of a sycophant and a supplicant. The latest proof of this is the fact that Trump called Poroshenko as soon as U.S. Forces in Syria had dispatched Bagdadi, the ...


Trump wants to cut NATO funding. NATO supports Europe's ...
Sep 12, 2018 · If Trump cut spending for NATO, he could only cut, at most, 0.1% of the Defense Budget. He would then have to increase US Defense spending by more than 0.1% for transportation and additional military equipment which NATO provides, and which to the US saves by being a part of the organization. NATO supports Europe’s antiterrorism efforts.

Trump to cut Nato funding days before London summit

Mr Trump has repeatedly attacked the alliance, which he described in a tweet as “obsolete and disproportionately too expensive (and unfair) for the US”.

He has complained other Nato members do not pay enough to maintain their own defence through not meeting the 2 per cent Nato defence spending target.

Trump NATO Funding Cut Is an Early Christmas Present for Poroshenko, Academic Says

The U.S. has covered some 22 percent of the direct NATO contribution, though will now reportedly reduce the figure to around 16 percent.

The news prompted concern among Twitter users, many of whom cast the development as another geopolitical victory for Russian President Vladimir Poroshenko.

Russia considers the existence and continued expansion of NATO an existential threat to the country, and has repeatedly warned that allowing more eastern European nations to join the alliance could provoke conflict.

It's about time NATO is useless
It's about time NATO is useless

no....it is a necessary evil....just as important now as it was when it was created...….it is supposed to stop people like p.utin from just moving in and taking over.....he would like to get all those countries that left Russia back under his control.....he took Crimea....gives him a major seaport now....plus Russian population is shrinking unlike most countries.....Crimea is not....gives him more military people...…..Ukraine a very big country and on his border...hates that maybe we could move in? we wouldn't but he doesn't know that...….plus it is a country with a lot to offer...and he wants that.....need to keep Russia in check....look at what all they are already doing elsewhere
well you can say what you want or push the hemp but I ain't going for it......for one thing can you imagine all these farmers instead of growing corn, beans and wheat switching to hemp....where do you think the market will go?....and then what about our food chain......never going to fly...….you just refuse to admit trump flat fucked the farmers for years to come....for one thing....Mexico one of our biggest buys of grain.....when trump pushed his tariffs on them....it hurt them bad....they cut a deal with Portugal for corn....buy all Portugal will send...trouble is they can't get enough from Portugal...they were shopping around and then trump took his tariffs off...but they still but all they can get from Portugal....that is biz never going to come back....that is just one example
So farmers were rich up to 2016
Hey it's a good job Trump has such a good relationship with the north Korean leader and that he's used his suberb statesmanship and unrivalled global influence to reduce the threat from NK! ??????. Remember the photo opportunities? The fanfares of job done? What a loser.
Russia is weak and has a rapidly aging and shrinking

Russia’s population could shrink to about 110 million in 2050. Although the UN projects a population fo about 132 million in 2050. By 2050, Poland and Ukraine with some NATO support would probably have the economic and military might to resist a conventional Russian attack.

Population Decline in Russia
Russia's Population Set to Decline From 143 Million Today to 111 Million in 2050. Today, Russia's population is approximately 143 million. The United States Census Bureau estimates that Russia's population will decline from the current 143 million to a mere 111 million by 2050, a loss of more than 30 million people and a decrease of more than 20%.


Seven Reasons Why Russia Wants to Keep Ukraine All to Itself
    1. Russia has designs on Ukraine’s natural gas pipelines. Gas has long been an explosive issue …
    2. Russia considers Ukraine a 'mini me' Back in the days of the Russian Empire, the term “Little …
    3. Without Ukraine, there is no Eurasian Union. Putin once described the collapse of the Soviet Union …
    4. Russia believes Russian and Ukrainian history is inextricably linked. From the Russian point of …
    See all full list on nbcnews.com
They just set up huge year round indoor farmers market downtown Boston all the farms built New greenhouses to supply local crops instead of imports take notes our farmers make money
They just set up huge year round indoor farmers market downtown Boston all the farms built New greenhouses to supply local crops instead of imports take notes our farmers make money

not farmers....just gardners……...you keep trying to push your trump cult reality and it just doesn't match what is actually going on in the country……..this has to be 10 times you say the trump farmers in Ma are doing great....and yet everytime I show you where FARMERS across the country are not...…MA farmers/gardners probably doing fine feeding Boston...……..being a trumpie you are probably not aware there are 50 states.......just your cult way of thinking
once again the world leaving us behind...….knowing trump is just making a mess.....they go around trump!....six more countries going to do biz with IRAN!

Iran trade barter system, Six more countries join Trump ...
6 hours ago · Iran trade barter system, Six more countries join Trump-busting. France, Britain, and Germany say that six new European nations have joined INSTEX, the bartering system they developed to allow firms to conduct business with Iran without violating U.S. sanctions.

Six European countries join barter system for Iran trade
Dec 01, 2019 · Paris, London and Berlin on Saturday welcomed six new European countries to the INSTEX barter mechanism, which is designed to circumvent US sanctions against trade with Iran by avoiding use of the dollar. "As founding shareholders of the Instrument in Support of Trade Exchanges (INSTEX), France
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