Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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My first job was hoeing corn on a farm for 50 cents a row - those rows seem to go on fooooooorever when you’re 10 years old.
Battles Farm smack dab in Mass.
There are still plenty of working farms all over Mass. Love ridin through farm country :}
Whatta ya think about Mike Bloomberg try’n to buy the election??? Bernie is NOT pleased!!!!!
neither is warren,,,,I was in Iowa yesterday.....and Warren and Sanders have a ton of adds out...not so with the other guys n gals.....
Bloomberg isn't going anywhere...he might think so...he is right on a lot of *******....but his stance on guns will flat knock him out....the only thing good about him....he is spending millions on anti-trump ads...he and trump do NOT like each other
My first job was hoeing corn on a farm for 50 cents a row - those rows seem to go on fooooooorever when you’re 10 years old.
Battles Farm smack dab in Mass.
There are still plenty of working farms all over Mass. Love ridin through farm country :}

done a little of that myself you were given 3 rows of beans and you would walk and cut the corn out....would not do that on some of those farms nowdays...a row could go for over a mile on some of these bigger farms
I to like going through farm country in the summer....excpt when you get around those big hog farms...can smell them for miles....and hated farm country in Ks...….huge cattle lots full of cattle not a blade of grass anywhere......big troughs for feed...just feed them until they get fat enough to sell....I know cow has no idea what is going on (I think)...but just being feed for a year only to be slaughtered......I lived on the farm as a kid....when the herd got to big we would would out the yearlings and take to market...other wise just let them go as long as plenty of grass

ok got it now...…..that is just the republican in you speaking......in your eyes everything under trump is doing fine....but my point is if your farm is only so big and just selling to local markets....yeah probably doing fine......but if you are relying on selling your grain to the local elevator to be sold....????over seas...….you are losing under trump....look up farm foreclosures under trump...at a 10 year high
ok got it now...…..that is just the republican in you speaking......in your eyes everything under trump is doing fine....but my point is if your farm is only so big and just selling to local markets....yeah probably doing fine......but if you are relying on selling your grain to the local elevator to be sold....????over seas...….you are losing under trump....look up farm foreclosures under trump...at a 10 year high
Maybe the market is saturated and a different crop should be planted they are starting to grow fields of hemp here in town .
Maybe the market is saturated and a different crop should be planted they are starting to grow fields of hemp here in town .
corn and soybeans have been the selling crop for years...throw in some wheat....but without that overseas market....crops worth nothing...America needs some but no where near the amount they harvest....do you know we pay a lot of farmers NOT to grow a certain amount of grain......they pick say 25 acres and not plant on...we give them X amount of dollars...been going on since I was a kid on the farm...but you can't just sell the land for houses...and a lot of that going on...but as we/world grows we need more grain
corn and soybeans have been the selling crop for years...throw in some wheat....but without that overseas market....nothing to do with it...America needs some but no where near the amount they harvest....do you know we pay a lot of farmers NOT to grow a certain amount of grain......they pick say 25 acres and not plant on...we give them X amount of dollars...been going on since I was a kid on the farm...but you can't just sell the land for houses...and a lot of that going on...but as we/world grows we need more grain
Yeah they sell the rights to the land Apr rights maybe the government started paying farmers to grow hemp hemp is an incredible material. Henry Ford used it for everything in beginning
blkdlaur...what are you wowing about......the guy just makes all kinds of "rash" statements and gets mad when you say something...then goes on a rant...and when I "talk" to someone else he kind of encourages the other person...even when I show them wrong.....the guy just irritates the ******* out of me anymore....when he starts in I usually look for some more trump against religion articles....I'm starting to look forward to all his dislikes anymore...I look for them and post more anti trump ******* just to piss him off
Yeah they sell the rights to the land Apr rights maybe the government started paying farmers to grow hemp hemp is an incredible material. Henry Ford used it for everything in beginning

I know for a while my grandfather started doing a couple hundred acres of sorghum….but had to many weed and hard to take care of that so he quit....but he would pick out certain areas of land that washed a lot....think he could do 50 acres...and "rent" it to the gov
done a little of that myself you were given 3 rows of beans and you would walk and cut the corn out....would not do that on some of those farms nowdays...a row could go for over a mile on some of these bigger farms
I to like going through farm country in the summer....excpt when you get around those big hog farms...can smell them for miles....and hated farm country in Ks...….huge cattle lots full of cattle not a blade of grass anywhere......big troughs for feed...just feed them until they get fat enough to sell....I know cow has no idea what is going on (I think)...but just being feed for a year only to be slaughtered......I lived on the farm as a kid....when the herd got to big we would would out the yearlings and take to market...other wise just let them go as long as plenty of grass

My memories of wicked snowball fights in the winter - ambushing people from a rooftop with big ole snowballs rolled up on the roof - and every now and then burning an outbuilding that was collapsing and shooting the rats as they ran out from underneath the blaze - working on that farm was great!!!!!!
blkdlaur...what are you wowing about......the guy just makes all kinds of "rash" statements and gets mad when you say something...then goes on a rant...and when I "talk" to someone else he kind of encourages the other person...even when I show them wrong.....the guy just irritates the ******* out of me anymore....when he starts in I usually look for some more trump against religion articles....I'm starting to look forward to all his dislikes anymore...I look for them and post more anti trump ******* just to piss him off

You are the very Master of pissing people off - the wows are cause your attacks are too HARSH - I am immune to rabid Dem attacks as you are to mine - however - some people other than us have something called feelings ya know and you kinda crossed the line thar.
It’s called civility - I guess

You and I don’t require it and kinda like zoo’n on each other but I can see that civility needs to make a comeback at some point.
You are the very Master of pissing people off - the wows are cause your attacks are too HARSH - I am immune to rabid Dem attacks as you are to mine - however - some people other than us have something called feelings ya know and you kinda crossed the line thar.
Sub don't bother me, Trump won!!! He has an advantage on me, I don't use vulgarity, only true statements.
Whatta ya think about Mike Bloomberg try’n to buy the election??? Bernie is NOT pleased!!!!!
I believe that's YOUR opinion, not PROVEN FACT as of yet. Probably the only reason the Democratic party is allowing him to join the race is because they figure he'll run as an independent if they don't allow him to join. That would be certain doom for the Democrats.
I'm still collecting background info on Mike Bloomberg; not all that sure that his intentions are good for the Democrats. He needs to be in at least 2-3 debates, I'd think, and his background reviewed. I can hold my opinion of him until the first of the year, but I'm fairly sure I'm hanging with Biden this election. Most liberal voters I talk with feel Biden is the best option to get some Republicans back to working across the isle.
Agreed Biden is definitely the best chance for across the isle cooperation and prolly his greatest strength - I like the guy. His age however is really showing. Bloomberg used to be a Republican I believe and is planning on spending a fortune to get into the race. Sub said both Warren and Sanders are pissed at him - can’t blame them I guess.
You are the very Master of pissing people off - the wows are cause your attacks are too HARSH - I am immune to rabid Dem attacks as you are to mine - however - some people other than us have something called feelings ya know and you kinda crossed the line thar.

Wrong....this is politics....countries have fought wars over the subjects.....cr5ossing the line.....wasn't aware there was one....all's fair in love and WAR!
Sub don't bother me, Trump won!!! He has an advantage on me, I don't use vulgarity, only true statements.

it would seem you are bothered...…..and I don't use vulgarity either.....but I don't mind telling someone that is completely stupid...the truth.....true statements?......you have yet to post one....as I have shown you everytime you post something.....you just have a problem with being wrong....I would think you would be used to it by now
happy thanksgiving!
I believe that's YOUR opinion, not PROVEN FACT as of yet. Probably the only reason the Democratic party is allowing him to join the race is because they figure he'll run as an independent if they don't allow him to join. That would be certain doom for the Democrats.
I'm still collecting background info on Mike Bloomberg; not all that sure that his intentions are good for the Democrats. He needs to be in at least 2-3 debates, I'd think, and his background reviewed. I can hold my opinion of him until the first of the year, but I'm fairly sure I'm hanging with Biden this election. Most liberal voters I talk with feel Biden is the best option to get some Republicans back to working across the isle.

he IS spending a ton of money on anti trump ads and I'm sure the Dems just love that.....and I saw that he said he has though about running before but just didn't think time right....does this time...….but he is for a lot of stuff Dems are for...clean air and water and etc......and I big following from both parties on his anti gun stance....problem is he will get a lot of support on that....but it will also ******* his chances of going anywhere and I don't think he sees that part...just the "green people" pushing him and the "anti gun nuts".....don't remember the actual number but I know it is over half the country owns a gun.....he won't get those votes!

have a happy thanks giving
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