Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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WikiLeaks Confirms That Donald Trump Is ******* Of Satan ...
Sep 20, 2017 · WikiLeaks released scores of documents Sunday that reveal that GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump is the ******* of Satan. Trump, according to the documents, was adopted three days after his birth by Mary Anne and Frederick Christ Trump, a New York City real estate developer. Aletheia Veritas ...

One-Quarter of Americans Believe Donald Trump Is a Tool of ...
Jul 30, 2019 · New research reports that, while 17.2 percent of Americans believe Trump's election "is a reflection of God's will," 27.7 percent believe he is "working for the devil." That same percentage replied affirmatively to the statement: "The devil is using Donald Trump for his purposes."

Trump's Offer to Christians Is Same Offer Devil Made ...
Trump's "tempting" offer is remarkably like another made two millennia ago … when the Devil offered Jesus the power to rule over all the kingdoms of the world with justice and mercy, if only Christ would bow down to the Devil. American Christians should not take a deal Jesus rejected.

The Multidimensional Evil of Donald Trump
Jan 25, 2018 · Donald Trump isn’t just incompetent, and his agenda isn’t just bad: it’s evil. Evil is a popular topic in Hollywood, from The Evil Dead franchise to Dr. Evil in the Austin Powers movies. But evil makes only the occasional cameo in the US policy realm. In the early 1990s, the topic of evil ...
like I said...large gardens

Average farm size in Iowa
if you look at the Census of Ag for Iowa it would say the average farm size is about 350 acres (includes all farms with an income of $1000 or more). If we look at "full time" farms it would probably average more like 800 to 1200 acres.

like I said...large gardens

Acres - Land in Farms - Center for Agriculture, Food and ...
Fruit and tree nut farms also tend to be relatively large by Massachusetts standards, there are about 103 acres per farm on average. When combined, these two types of farming represent about 38 percent of the state's farmland. Dairy farming in Massachusetts accounts for more than 50,000 acres of farmland, about 9.6 percent of the total. Dairy farms are the Commonwealth's largest farms on average

that's total farm land
And our small farms make money

you have a point?....mine was even though you are Not NJ...…...the garden state would cover your area....so one more time Farmers not doing well under trump

I should feel sorry for them for their losses....but they always vote republican....and no matter how much they are complaining about trump now......will probably vote republican again

a lot of the big farms anymore all owned by big shots overseas and the guy doing the work is just a paid employee or doing it on the shares....so fuck em!….the ones I do feel for are the small family farms 3-4 hundred acres been in the family for years....whole family having to work elsewhere to just try and save the farm
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you have a point?....mine was even though you are Not NJ...…...the garden state would cover your area....so one more time Farmers not doing well under trump

I should feel sorry for them for their losses....but they always vote republican....and no matter how much they are complaining about trump now......will probably vote republican again

a lot of the big farms anymore all owned by big shots overseas and the guy doing the work is just a paid employee or doing it on the shares....so fuck em!….the ones I do feel for are the small family farms 3-4 hundred acres been in the family for years....whole family having to work elsewhere to just try and save the farm
The ones in mass are one more time
Just frustration, subhub ... probably has realized he has no logical excuses left for Trump without looking like a horse's ass. Maybe he should do what other regulars did a few weeks back, take some time off and rethink his support for a man who's proven to be traitor to his country.
Just frustration, subhub ... probably has realized he has no logical excuses left for Trump without looking like a horse's ass. Maybe he should do what other regulars did a few weeks back, take some time off and rethink his support for a man who's proven to be traitor to his country.
You are both 100% wrong, you don't expect someone to hit the like button when what is expressed is wrong opinions and garbage paraphernalia. oh that's right I forgot who I am attempting to communicate with, it is to bad that we treat each other this way, a vote is all that matters. I have noticed that Trump has been using more vulgar words during his rallies, the reaction from the crowd fuels his presentation but he seems to not realize that some that support him get turned off because it.
another thing you didn't pay attention on....you cried about the press picking on him.....I posted an article on that....when he was first running...he was different and got a lot of free press...even the others were complaining...…...then when he started lying....all that favorable press left....for press he didn't like......so if you think about it....the press made him and the press is going to break him.....read the article!...think it is on the go trump thread...can't be to far back

Of course I talk to myself, sometimes I need expert advice.
Sub says" I posted an article on that, read the article!." You are like a broken record spewing useless Propaganda, I am not certain that people like you are not plants on here to help the Trump campaign, nothing you say is going to turn a supporter away from Trump, if fact your relaying of false Propaganda can definitely lead independent voters in his direction.
Somehow, our government needs to devise a voting system pervious to money; making the "one voter-one vote" the ultimate & final decision in the elective process. Making political advertisements provide proof of their claims or be fined $millions, blocking ads & voting system infiltrations by other countries. I would think both parties would want this. We can't allow another 2016 election happen ever again.
And who is we? The town where I was raised is the dairy capital in the whole state, also large gardens don't feed the world in your opinion?
as usual....some one woke you up and not sure what you are saying...bet your area has a lot of mental institutions also

Belleville is the Unidentified Flying Object Capital of Wisconsin. Potosi is the Catfish Capital of the state. The nation's first kindergarten was established in Watertown in 1856. Its first students were local German-speaking youngsters. Wisconsin is the dairy capital of the United States. Wisconsin produces more milk than any other state.
Wisconsin State Facts - 50States.com
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The ones in mass are one more time

and like I said one more time...Ma is not considered a farm state

ISU report finds 44% of Iowa farmers struggle to cover costs
12 days ago · ISU report: Iowa farm finances continue to erode, with 44% of growers struggling to cover costs Researchers expects Iowa farmers' struggles to continue this year, with a …

just a little difference...like I said..garden Farmers

Guide to Massachusetts Farmers Markets
Massachusetts farmers markets
can be found in every corner of the state, rural, urban, and suburban. Most run in summer; some continue through winter. Here you can find fresh, locally grown produce and other foods and know you are supporting local agriculture.
Sub says" I posted an article on that, read the article!." You are like a broken record spewing useless Propaganda, I am not certain that people like you are not plants on here to help the Trump campaign, nothing you say is going to turn a supporter away from Trump, if fact your relaying of false Propaganda can definitely lead independent voters in his direction.

naturally the articles are useless to someone that can barely manage an intelligent conversation and who can't understand the printed word.....stick with your devil worship ...you can handle that
Somehow, our government needs to devise a voting system pervious to money; making the "one voter-one vote" the ultimate & final decision in the elective process. Making political advertisements provide proof of their claims or be fined $millions, blocking ads & voting system infiltrations by other countries. I would think both parties would want this. We can't allow another 2016 election happen ever again.

Whatta ya think about Mike Bloomberg try’n to buy the election??? Bernie is NOT pleased!!!!!
and like I said one more time...Ma is not considered a farm state

ISU report finds 44% of Iowa farmers struggle to cover costs
12 days ago · ISU report: Iowa farm finances continue to erode, with 44% of growers struggling to cover costs Researchers expects Iowa farmers' struggles to continue this year, with a …

just a little difference...like I said..garden Farmers

Guide to Massachusetts Farmers Markets
Massachusetts farmers markets
can be found in every corner of the state, rural, urban, and suburban. Most run in summer; some continue through winter. Here you can find fresh, locally grown produce and other foods and know you are supporting local agriculture.

My point was ma farmers making money under Trump. I even see New infrastructure silos barns tractors . and a farm is a farm.
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