Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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You obviously have me confused with someone else; I haven't called you any names.

I was speaking generally of certain political denominations. I guess I should call them denominations rather than factions, because they are so fanatical that they are practically religions.

As for being name called; it was also a shock to me. It was the first time I had ever been called a Nazi in my life.
And the Reprats say the US farming industry is booming!!!!!

U.S. stock market at record but farm bankruptcies at highest since 2011

Clive McKeef

17 hrs ago

While U.S. stock market is soaring to new record highs, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) hitting 28,000 on Friday, farmers are having trouble paying their bills in the heart of America’s agricultural sector.
a close up of a logo: Harvest season approaches after a rocky spring and summer for U.S. farmers.
© Bloomberg Harvest season approaches after a rocky spring and summer for U.S. farmers.
Farms incomes are falling in Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Wyoming, and portions of western Missouri and northern New Mexico, according to the Kansas City Federal Reserve.

Farm income fell in each state within the district from a year ago and credit conditions in the Federal Reserve’s Tenth District deteriorated in the third quarter despite an increase in the price of certain commodities and additional government aid to farmers.
Farm household spending and capital spending both declined, with bankers in the Kansas Fed’s region saying they expect the trends to continue.

Farmers have struggled to escape a downturn that began in 2013, a slump made worse by President Trump’s trade war with China, Mexico and Canada that cut exports and depressed already low prices, while extreme weather including flooding, a freeze, and drought early in 2019 added to farming woes.

In other districts such as Iowa, farm finances are also faltering. About 85% of Iowa land is used for farmland and it’s ranked first in U.S. corn and egg production and one-third of the country’s hogs are raised in Iowa.

Iowa farm debt hit $18.9 billion in the second quarter, the highest level in the nation, according to Ohio State University agricultural lending data.
Despite President Trump’s agriculture bailouts, Iowa farmers continue to see their financial condition erode, with 44% of producers last year struggling to cover their bills, an Iowa State University report shows.
“It’s very, very concerning,” said Alejandro Plastina, the Iowa State agricultural economist who conducted the study. “It’s getting harder and harder for farm operations to cash-flow their business.”

Plastina expects farmers’ struggles to continue this year, with a tough growing season and dim prospects for improved prices. Record spring rain hampered planting, leaving nearly 464,000 acres unplanted. And the fall harvest has been slowed by rain, sub-freezing temperatures and snow.
The Trump administration rolled out a total of $28 billion in farm assistance packages over the past two years to offset losses due to the trade war, but Plastina said the assistance Iowa farmers received has only slowed, but not reversed, the trend of financial decline for farmers.
Farmers have worked to lower costs and restructure debt, shrinking payments and freeing up cash. Some growers also have sold unneeded equipment and land to keep operations afloat.

Nationwide U.S. farm bankruptcies in September surged 24% to their highest level since 2011 amid strains from President Trump’s trade war with China and a year of wild weather.

In the 12 months through September, there were 580 Chapter 12 farm bankruptcy filings, the most since 2011, the American Farm Bureau Federation reports. Wisconsin, which was among the top five milk-producing states in 2018, had the highest number: 48.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture projects farm income in 2019 to reach $88 billion – the highest net farm income since 2014’s $92 billion, but still 29% below 2013’s record high.

Growers are becoming increasingly dependent on trade aid and other federal programs for income, according to figures in a report by the American Farm Bureau Federation, the nation’s largest general farm organization.

Nearly 40% of that income – some $33 billion in total -- is related to the federal governments trade assistance, disaster assistance, the farm bill subsidies, and insurance indemnities and has yet to be fully received by farmers and ranchers

The squeeze on farmers underscores the toll that China’s retaliatory tariffs have taken on a critical Trump constituency as the president enters the 2020 reelection campaign. The figures also highlight the importance of a “Phase One” deal the administration is currently negotiating with Beijing to increase agriculture imports in return for a pause in escalating U.S. levies.

U.S. farm debt is projected to reach a record high of $416 billion, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Adjusted for inflation, the current farm debt is just below the 1980 record at $431.6 billion. That was just before the 1980s farm crisis struck.
Farms are booming here in ma
Farms are booming here in ma

Farm bankruptcies are on the rise, and bankers worry that ...
Nov 26, 2018 · Farm bankruptcies are on the rise in Minnesota and across the Upper Midwest. Eighty-four farms filed for Chapter 12 bankruptcy in Wisconsin, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota and …

The latest blow to struggling family farms: Rising ...
Jun 01, 2018 · Bob Merrill, a South Dakota farmer, barely made it through the 1980s farm crisis when rising interest rates squeezed many out of business. He’s worried it’s about to happen again.

Here's Why More American Farms Are Going Bankrupt
Nov 29, 2018 · ASSOCIATED PRESS A report came out this week showing that U.S. farm bankruptcies are on the rise due to falling agricultural product prices as well as rising interest rates: The increase

As ag economy continues to struggle, farm bankruptcies rise
However, farm bankruptcy filings increased 45 percent in the seven-state region of Nebraska, North and South Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri and Arkansas that's covered by the 8th Circuit court ...
sure they every where I don't see right
you aren't in farm country!...not sure what kind of country you do live in...but it isn't farming.....besides you think those links are wrong....you look it up!
a lot of farmers coming up short....I'm in farm country right now...….a lot of crops rotting in the fields from what I see....in Iowa right nw and headed to Minn tomorrow....was going to deer hunt but with so much corn still in the fields would just be hide n seek
you aren't in farm country!...not sure what kind of country you do live in...but it isn't farming.....besides you think those links are wrong....you look it up!
a lot of farmers coming up short....I'm in farm country right now...….a lot of crops rotting in the fields from what I see....in Iowa right nw and headed to Minn tomorrow....was going to deer hunt but with so much corn still in the fields would just be hide n seek
I go by what I see you keep believing what your told

like I said...large gardens

Average farm size in Iowa
if you look at the Census of Ag for Iowa it would say the average farm size is about 350 acres (includes all farms with an income of $1000 or more). If we look at "full time" farms it would probably average more like 800 to 1200 acres.

like I said...large gardens

Acres - Land in Farms - Center for Agriculture, Food and ...
Fruit and tree nut farms also tend to be relatively large by Massachusetts standards, there are about 103 acres per farm on average. When combined, these two types of farming represent about 38 percent of the state's farmland. Dairy farming in Massachusetts accounts for more than 50,000 acres of farmland, about 9.6 percent of the total. Dairy farms are the Commonwealth's largest farms on average

that's total farm land
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