Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Now, the excuse I'm hearing Republicans use is, "SURE Trump's a bum, but he's better than anything the Democrats have to offer."

It's not an excuse. It is something that third party voters are concerned about also. If the Democrats had someone of FDR caliber, they'd win.

Contrary to what some people may think, a giant like FDR didn't actually win that much. He got like 55-60% in his four elections. But his support was all over the country. FDR got over 400 electoral votes every time.

Doing 60% for FDR basically means that 40% Republicans stayed Republicans. 40% Democrats voted Democrat. And the people in the middle - including people who would have voted third party - all went for FDR.

There is no way Hillary Clinton can match FDR and get 400 Electoral votes even though she garnered more votes than Trump. Ditto for Warren who is Hillary-lite. Of the current bunch, I think only Biden has reasonable support all over the country sufficient to squeak past 270 in the electoral college. If he runs a dignified, moderate campaign, he can come from behind and pull off a Truman.

Of course some stupid-ass Democrats are going to say, but Biden is no match for Trump's aggression, name calling and insults. We need someone smarter and more aggressive. But why are you even trying to match Trump in childish tactics? As a teacher I never try to match my students in immaturity games.

Being moderate is not going to make diehard Republicans vote for you. You just need to get enough of the people in the middle to say, this is a guy we can get behind, and that's how you get elected. Ugly name calling - such as me being called a Nazi for voting Green - will not get people to support your candidate.
what makes these people destroy everything they stood for......for trump?...look at Graham....someone who once had McCain as a friend and knew all about trump......and a lifelong friend of Bidens who stated Biden best there is...now willing to burn him at the stake...….and this guy....once a prominent law officer...…………..he discovered the facts first hand and yet still willing to do anything to defend trump....and this is not his first time.....caught doing white house "favors" before

Rep. Devin Nunes could face second ethics investigation ...
Nov 24, 2019 · San Diego Sheriff’s Captain indicted for performing more than 140 illegal…

Rep. Devin Nunes could face second ethics investigation ...
8 hours ago · WASHINGTON — A high-ranking House Democrat said Saturday it’s “quite likely” Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., will face an ethics investigation over allegations that he met with an ex-Ukrainian official...
well corruption seems to rubbed off onto others around trump....another just blew his career...……………..

Giuliani Says Biden Documents to Be Released ‘If I Disappear’

Bloomberg) -- Rudy Giuliani, a focus of the impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump’s foreign policy dealings in Ukraine, suggested on Twitter that he has dirt on the Biden family that would be released were he to get into trouble.

Giuliani, Trump’s personal lawyer, also described as “sarcastic” a statement he made recently about having “an insurance policy” should he fall out of favor with the president.

That followed an interview with Fox News during which he was asked whether Trump might soon conclude that Giuliani is a liability, and throw him “under the bus.”

guess what he is saying....if I go to jail I'm taking everyone with me...to include the pres
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Things gonna be hoppin soon - IG Report coming out - possible senate impeachment trail where tables get turned on Dems - Schiffty and the rabid Dems gonna learn about karma :}

sleep much....IG report already out and it didn't work out in trumps favor....I posted that a couple of days ago....but you don't read any of that.....there is no doubt he is a crook...and all of them in politics..right and left know it...but to much to fast....most people don't even understand what all is going on...….Pelosi no fool...she won't pull the trigger if things are not going her way....she bucked a lot of Dems in the past...she can and will do it again

right now I forget the amount of money the right has spent on anti impeachment ads..... people hear and see what's simple......they understand...…...the hearings...all drawn out and to much to understand....like I said things going in his favor right now......and he is going all out to keep the republicans in line...dangle that carrot and they will follow.....plus with all his lies and etc....he clouds the facts confusing the public......it works
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That is if they even have the balls to try to impeach our President over nothing and have the votes to do it.

they have the balls....and the votes.....but it's on Pelosi......and she is looking at public opinion and nothing else....could be waiting on the Bloomberg money......the right has spent millions on anti impeachment adds...…..Bloomberg has already committed over a million in anti trump ads...….people only understand what they see in a 60second TV commercial

just like he has done his whole life....he is buying his way out of this...plus just things working out for him right now with so much at one time......but a long way before the election...and he is to corrupt to keep getting by for ever
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Donald Trump impeachment: Republicans embrace fight in ...
Nov 02, 2019 · At the national level, the Trump and the Republican National Committee have spent more than $10 million on that message. Following the announcement of the impeachment inquiry, the RNC launched...

Trump campaign launches anti-impeachment blitz on Facebook ...
Sep 27, 2019 · Trump campaign launches anti-impeachment blitz on Facebook, targeting four minority congresswomen The president’s campaign spent as much money on Facebook ads on a …

Donald Trump impeachment: Republicans embrace fight in ...
Nov 02, 2019 · At the national level, the Trump and the Republican National Committee have spent more than $10 million on that message. Following the announcement …
and for the Dems

No. 2 Spender on Impeachment Ads Is Really a Shocker
Turns out his company, Penzeys Spices, is the nation's second-biggest spender on impeachment ads—behind only President Trump himself, Mashable reports. While Trump spent $718,000, and Penzeys a relatively small $92,000, that still puts America's biggest spice retailer ahead of more typical candidates like Tom Steyer ($86,000), the National Republican Senatorial Committee ($46,000), and …

Bloomberg makes ‘massive’ ad buy - POLITICO
1 day ago · To blunt that criticism, Bloomberg committed this past week to spending $100 million in digital ads aimed just at Trump and another $15 to $20 million to register half a million voters.

Bloomberg To Spend $80 Million on Democrats in the Midterms
Jun 20, 2018 · [Bloomberg will bankroll] advertising on television, online and in the mail for Democratic candidates in a dozen or more congressional districts, chiefly in moderate suburban areas where Mr. Trump is unpopular. Democrats need to gain 23 congressional seats to win a majority.
point being....no matter what was said in the hearings....and all the bullshit trump puts out...….voters are only so smart...….proven fact they have a short memory.....all these 60 second adds will sway the voters one way or the other

Bloomberg could buy trump with just change he has in his sock drawer
The Shockingly Short Political Memory of the American ...
Oct 16, 2014 · The Shockingly Short Political Memory of the American People. ... Americans tend to vote based upon a snapshot of their circumstances at the time of the election (ex. if they are discontent, they want to throw out whoever is in power) and a combination of identity politics (ex. religion and party identification) and assumptions about the ...

In Looking Back Four Years, Voters Have Short Memories ...
Sep 03, 2012 · In Looking Back Four Years, Voters Have Short Memories. By Nate Silver September 3, 2012 9:39 pm September 3, ... The evidence here is very strong. It wasn’t like Mr. Reagan just squeezed by Walter Mondale in 1984, or that Mr. Carter came all that close to winning another term. And yet, economic growth was pretty comparable as measured under ...

Quote by Will Rogers: “The short memories of the American ...
Will Rogers — ‘The short memories of the American voters is what keeps our politicians in office.’ The short memories of the American voters is what keeps our politicians in office. Home
I'm guessing hottobe tired of looking stupid so just uses the thumb...…...like that increases his intelligence some.....maybe he decided to goe by the old adage ...if you can't say something intelligent...don't say anything at all
I'm guessing hottobe tired of looking stupid so just uses the thumb...…...like that increases his intelligence some.....maybe he decided to goe by the old adage ...if you can't say something intelligent...don't say anything at all
Just frustration, subhub ... probably has realized he has no logical excuses left for Trump without looking like a horse's ass. Maybe he should do what other regulars did a few weeks back, take some time off and rethink his support for a man who's proven to be traitor to his country.
Just frustration, subhub ... he's probably just realized he has no logical excuses left for Trump without looking like a horse's ass. Maybe he should do what other regulars have done a few weeks back, take some time off and rethink his support for a man who's proven to be traitor to his country.

notice most have clammed up lately....waiting to see how the wind blows.....except for some of the cult members....and one or two haven't a clue as to what is going on....couple others pop on make a statement and leave....but going to be interesting when that Bloomberg money starts counteracting that trump money......and Bloomberg HATES trump!
don't think he is electable with his gun stance....everything else would fly....but not the guns
Trump kicked Hillary’s arse without spending Jack shite compared to her Billion - you’ll just squeal RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA WAH WAH WAH ?

another thing you didn't pay attention on....you cried about the press picking on him.....I posted an article on that....when he was first running...he was different and got a lot of free press...even the others were complaining...…...then when he started lying....all that favorable press left....for press he didn't like......so if you think about it....the press made him and the press is going to break him.....read the article!...think it is on the go trump thread...can't be to far back

Of course I talk to myself, sometimes I need expert advice.
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