Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Yeah - we’ll for over 2 years I told you the Mueller report wouldn’t do ******* and all you and the media did 24 / 7 was say how it would be Trump’s undoing. Well it wasn’t and you’re as fulla crap now as you were then - so is the media you quote constantly - tripe pure and simple - yet you continue to believe it all - if there’s a tard - I’d say it’s you.
Yeah - we’ll for over 2 years I told you the Mueller report wouldn’t do ******* and all you and the media did 24 / 7 was say how it would be Trump’s undoing. Well it wasn’t and you’re as fulla crap now as you were then - so is the media you quote constantly - tripe pure and simple - yet you continue to believe it all - if there’s a tard - I’d say it’s you.
a major part of him not getting anything is because he is in the office....he broke laws anyone else could be charged with....all of his cohorts are serving time and he would be also.....and may once he leaves office....but...it doesn't change the fact.....

Why did Robert Mueller not charge Donald Trump with ...
May 14, 2019 · Mueller had previously indicated that he was, grudgingly, operating under this guidance. Because of the OLC finding, Mueller could not recommend charges against Trump. He says in the report that it would be unfair to recommend charges against the President when there cannot be a trial to either confirm or refute those charges.

Mueller Reminds the Nation That Trump Betrayed the USA ...
https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2019/05/robert-mueller-donald-trump-usa/ · May 31, 2019

Trump’s behavior is treasonous — wringing our hands about ...

but the right......and the trump cult....put party/trump over country

and like I have told you a thousand time....we rely on the media for facts and to monitor politicians......but with the media putting out info trump doesn't want out....all of a sudden the entire media is fake....and you cult members believe what he says...…..you do know that if they are actually not factual you can go to the FCC and file a complaint and take their license......why doesn't trump do that...….because he knows it is the truth and even more would come out in a hearing!

similar to all the women he was going to sue for lying.....that didn't happen.....and some is under investigation for
HIM lying

Why facts don’t matter to Trump’s supporters - The ...
Aug 04, 2016 · When critics challenge false assertions — say, Trump’s claim that thousands of Muslims cheered in New Jersey when the twin towers fell on Sept. 11, 2001 — their refutations can threaten people, rather than convince them. Graves noted that if people feel attacked, they resist the facts all the more.
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typical of the right and Moscow Mitch....to bust to pass anything the dems send up....

This bill to improve your retirement is stuck in Congress

Despite the partisan noise swirling around the impeachment hearings in Washington, DC, supporters of at least one bill remain hopeful that the divide won't derail its passage.
The Secure Act, as the measure is called, aims to increase the ranks of retirement savers and the amount they put away. While it cleared the House in May with broad backing from both sides of the aisle — the vote was 417 to 3 — the bill remains stalled in the Senate.

Damn....isn't that a surprise...….maybe sooner than we think...…..she is doing what she can to keep her name out there

Haley billed as 'frontrunner' for 2024 GOP nomination

Nikki Haley is shrugging off questions about a future White House bid. But that’s not keeping organizers of an upcoming fundraiser from billing her as “the early frontrunner for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination.”

Pretty competent woman there - definitely do well if she ran in 2024 - be in contention at any rate.

why do you think all of sudden she is getting press....promote her book and keep her name out there......she was real popular in her own state for a while....but then started falling apart and she got the trump job....she knew she was in trouble in her home state....so who knows..…..you know if and when she runs...ALL of that will be brought out
this impeachment far worse than Nixon and have more on him...…..Nixon just broke into DNC for some info on re-election...….trump has weakened the nations security and put at risk a nation of being taken over by Russia.....something it seems he didn't care about
I see where Graham is still doing trump's biffing and now wants to open his own investigation.....this could backfire on them....public last time didn't like the military guy being harrased….already been checked to find nothing on Biden but they still want that......Hill is NOT going to bend , she didn't in the house investigation......and the whistle blower protected by law to not having to come forward......what's funny the whistle blower law was started by chuck Grassley and pushed by the right....but now that it effects them they want to do away with it
I see where Graham is still doing trump's biffing and now wants to open his own investigation.....this could backfire on them....public last time didn't like the military guy being harrased….already been checked to find nothing on Biden but they still want that......Hill is NOT going to bend , she didn't in the house investigation......and the whistle blower protected by law to not having to come forward......what's funny the whistle blower law was started by chuck Grassley and pushed by the right....but now that it effects them they want to do away with it

WRONG - the whistleblower statue does not guarantee anonymity except by from the IG’s office.
WRONG - the whistleblower statue does not guarantee anonymity except by from the IG’s office.

wrong...it was the republican proposed law......to get people to come forward with something without fear of prosecution....Grassley worked it out and the right supported it....if you noticed for a while Grassley was defending the whistleblower but has since shut up

Proposed Grassley Amendment Important for Whistleblowers ...
Nov 15, 2017 · The Grassley amendments are the key vehicles for achieving desperately needed reforms to the IRS whistleblower program. Regardless of the outcome of the current tax reform bill, if Congress endorses Grassley amendment the ability of these provisions to be signed into law in the near future will be radically enhanced.

Grassley Seeks Whistleblower Protections for New Federal ...
Grassley said legislation to create a Department of Homeland Security similarly cuts out whistleblower protections for employees. The proposed bill says the Secretary for the new department can create an employee management system that's different from the existing federal system, which includes the Whistleblower Protection Act.


GOP Sen. Chuck Grassley: Trump whistleblower ‘ought to be ...
Oct 01, 2019 · Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) has called on the government to protect and “hear out” a whistleblower who alleged that President Donald Trump tried to …
Let's get this straight, Donald Trump has told practically everyone to ignore the Democrat investigation subpoenas in trying to get at the truth, and refused to release important documents yet he & his puppet Republicans wish to defy law ( a law THEY themselves primarily initiated) and demand justice by identifying and requiring the whistleblower to come forth? What's wrong with THAT PICTURE? The whistleblower has accomplished his mission ... identifying an injustice and having a dozen or more people come forward to validate what he said is true?
You ReThuglicans ... "want your cake and eat it too, don't ya?"

REPUBLICANS ... "Party Over Truth"
Let's get this straight, Donald Trump has told practically everyone to ignore the Democrat investigation subpoenas in trying to get at the truth, and refused to release important documents yet he & his puppet Republicans wish to defy law ( a law THEY themselves primarily initiated) and demand justice by identifying and requiring the whistleblower to come forth? What's wrong with THAT PICTURE? The whistleblower has accomplished his mission ... identifying an injustice and having a dozen or more people come forward to validate what he said is true?
You ReThuglicans ... "want your cake and eat it too, don't ya?"

REPUBLICANS ... "Party Over Truth"

Funny..…. Bolton just announced that the white house had his twitter account blocked...open now....AND he has a story to tell!

BTW my new avatar.....since most of these right wingers buy into anything someone says that has a female pic....nice chest huh!
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Top Dem says ethics investigation into Devin Nunes likely

The top Democrat on the House armed services committee said Saturday that Republican Rep. Devin Nunes is likely to face an ethics investigation over allegations he met with an ex-Ukrainian prosecutor at the center of the impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump.

“Quite likely, without question,” House Armed Services Committee chairman Rep. Adam Smith (D-Wash) said when asked by MSNBC’s Joy Reid whether Nunes (R-Calif.), the House Intelligence Committee’s top Republican and a longtime Trump ally, could be investigated.

CNN reported late Friday that an associate of Rudy Giuliani, the president's personal lawyer, has information on meetings Nunes allegedly had with former Ukrainian prosecutor general Victor Shokin.

No Class Republicans...…...

Marsha Blackburn defends 'Vindictive Vindman' tweet on Fox News, says he's 'going after' Trump

U.S. Sen. Marsha Blackburn went on Fox News to defend herself against a trending Twitter hashtag that implies she is aligned with Russia.
#MoscowMarsha began trending on Friday after Blackburn, R-Tennessee, posted a tweet attacking Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, a central figure in the ongoing impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump.

Vindman, a decorated Army official who is the director for European affairs for the U.S. National Security Council, has testified about his concerns over a diplomatic phone call in which Trump pressured the president of Ukraine to publicly investigate the family of former Vice President Joe Biden.

Some Republicans have suggested Vindman knows the identity of an anonymous whistleblower who first reported the Ukraine call that launched the impeachment inquiry.

Blackburn’s tweet went further: “Vindictive Vindman is the ‘whistleblower’s’ handler.”

During an interview with Fox News’ Shannon Bream on Friday night, Blackburn said she stood by the tweet and insisted it was justified because Vindman “defied his chain of command” and was “going after” the president.

"Vindman had a problem with the president," Blackburn said. "The president wasn’t taking his advice. He didn’t like that. And he wanted the president to take his advice. And so what did he do? He defied that chain of command. He talked to somebody in the intel community. He then would not answer that question when he was asked if he had given this information to someone who was the whistleblower. And of course this is something that should cause everybody concern."

"Look, you honor someone for their service to the country, and certainly we honor the service that he gave to the country,” Blackburn continued. “But, Shannon, I’ve got to tell you, when you are defying your chain of command, when your direct supervisor says you have a problem with judgment and a problem with defying that chain of command and you are going after, not just a colleague, you are going after the commander in chief, and it is over a policy disagreement. And then, look at where we find ourselves.”

The Ukraine phone call is a central event in an impeachment investigation with the potential to remove Trump from office. Vindman and other witnesses have testified they were alarmed by Trump withholding financial aid while pressuring a foreign leader to investigate a political rival.

Blackburn’s defense of her tweet appears to draw arguments from several key conversations that have arisen during the impeachment proceedings.

Republicans have seized on criticism of Vindman from his former immediate supervisor, Tim Morrison, senior director for Russian affairs at the National Security Council. Morrison testified he sometimes conflicted with Vindman and questioned his judgment.

Morrison also testified that Vindman reported his concerns about the Ukraine call directly to a White House lawyer rather than through the chain of command, according to The Washington Post.

Separately, Vindman declined to answer some questions from Republicans, at the advice of his lawyer, out of fear that answers could potentially help identify the whistleblower. However, Vindman also testified that he does not know the identity of the whistleblower.
Vindman has rebuffed attempts to paint him as a partisan critic of the president.

During one key exchange last week, Rep. Jim Himes, D-Connecticut, asked Vindman if he considers himself a “Never Trumper.”
“I’d call myself a never partisan,” Vindman said.

Blackburn’s office has not responded to request for comment from The Tennessean.

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