Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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I know what you mean. Anytime politics comes up in any social setting all they can do is repeat the BS they have been feed, No thought of their own.
I'll always ask them "I understand (insert talking point), but how do YOU PERSONALLY feel about it?" The response is always the same.

- Deer in headlights

that would be you to a "t'...…..you have NEVER made a factual statement or been correct on anything....when you were repeatedly called on it....you started posting your movies....rather than open your mouth and make a fool of yourself....a real phoney…..claims to love the third party and yet with everypost supports trump.....says everything that is wrong with the economy and yet brags about the money trump put in HIS pocket....and then says what his workers got.....got to keep their jobs.....good example of mr trickle down economics.....and a complete phoney..talks one hell of a story when it is only making a statement.....but NOTHING when it comes to facts...….you turned the political thread into the movie channel....rather than see your everypost shown to be wrong....stick with political thread...you trashed it......and don't dare call him on any of his lies and bullshit....he will try to have you banned....like I said...a real phoney!
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Differences of opinion with regard to Presidential performance are always going to occur.
But numbers don't lie.

View attachment 2969451

you seem to be confused....but what could one expect from the right

For the last time: Trump inherited a good economy, and he ...
Jun 25, 2018 · The economy, then, is a lot like Trump's business. He inherited far more than most people could ever dream but tried to convince everyone that it was far less than it obviously was.

How Trump tries to obscure the strong economy he inherited ...
May 07, 2019 · How Trump tries to obscure the strong economy he inherited President Trump gives a thumbs up during a Make America Great Again rally in Green Bay, Wis., on April 27, 2019. (Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images)

The Economy Trump Inherited, in Two Charts - Bloomberg
Jan 28, 2017 · The Economy Trump Inherited, in Two Charts. There's room for improvement, but it's in pretty good shape. By . Mark Whitehouse. The Economy Trump Inherited, in Two Charts ...

A look at the economy Trump inherited, which he calls a ...
Feb 17, 2017 · President Donald Trump on Thursday continued to disparage the U.S. economy, painting a dystopian picture of massive job loss, violent inner cities and rising ******* abuse. “I inherited

Fact check: Did Trump pull off an 'economic turnaround?'
Sep 10, 2018 · Trump inherited a booming economy with low unemployment and steady job growth — an easy win on day one — and he quickly claimed credit. Early in his presidency, Trump

Fact Check: Is Trump or Obama Behind Booming Economy? : NPR
Sep 12, 2018 · Fact Check: Is Trump or Obama Behind Booming Economy? President Trump and former President Obama both claim credit for the economy. Democrats argue that Trump inherited an economy that was already ...

So while the White House can certainly point to some yardsticks that indicate a meaningful turnaround on Trump's watch — including small business sentiment, business investment and goods-producing job growth — broader measures of the overall job market and wages show the economy continues to follow the steady, upward glide path that began under Obama.
A Warning’: First Excerpts From Anonymous Book Say Trump ...
A Warning’: First Excerpts From Anonymous Book Say Trump Officials Considered Resigning En Masse The book says top officials wanted to shock the public into awareness about Trump’s conduct ...

A Warning: First Excerpts From Anonymous Book Say Trump ...
Nov 07, 2019 · The first excerpts from the upcoming book, A Warning, purportedly written by a senior administration official, say that multiple senior administration officials at one point considered resigning en masse in a “midnight self-massacre” to show public alarm about President Trump’s conduct, according to The Washington Post.
Mmmmm all these trump cult members kind of scarce anymore...learning more about their beloved leader and fear the worst?....have no way to defend him?......well the republican party doesn't either!
well there are only so many cult members in the US....and luckily for America you are a small minority...the rest being a bunch of greedy die hard republicans and other republicans who like sheep just follow the leader.....throw that whole group together...still a minority....and it would seem that minority is willing to stand by and let Russia destroy this country.....

.party doomed? it would appear that way...more and more republicans deciding to not run again....they don't like what the republicans are doing to the country...it is not the republican party they joined......so are dropping out......it may be hard for a new republican to get elected even though the cult is strong in some areas of the country....they are still the minority

sore losers...…..no where near what the right and its crew did to Obama...and he was an honest person trying to help the country.....but the right couldn't handle that...it had to be their way or none......and that showed in the support they gave him

where as trump is a crook and has shown to be that long before he was pres...and has corrupted the whole gov and country since becoming a cult leader...he just keeps passing the Kool-Aid and his followers thirst for more.....that would be a definition of a loser!

real Americans getting pissed...…...they sure are...after seeing the ties trump has with and all he is doing for Russia....real americans want it to end.....the cult just keeps drinking the juice ******* by the Jim Jones pumpkin

more movies...…..shows a lack of intelligence to post something on your own

but at least we didn't put one on the supreme court.....and if you need more there are plenty more...

Trump Pardons Racist Felon, And, Nazis Run As Republicans ...
There are no Nazis supported by the Republican Party. All The White Supremacists Running For Office In 2018. Arthur Jones. ... leave the goal posts where they are and let us know what you think about Nazis running for office as Republicans. ... Trump Pardons Racist Felon, And, Nazis Run As

Republicans Have 4 Convicted Criminals Running For ...
Jan 12, 2018 · The other convicted criminals running for office as Republicans are Don ... a former FBI agent, pleaded guilty to felony tax evasion in 2014. And last year, Gianforte also pleaded guilty to misdemeanor assault for body-slamming a reporter days before winning a 2017 special election. So far, the national Republican Party has said it supports ...

A RACIST PARTY WITH A RACIST STRATEGY: THE REPUBLICANS ... them simply saying that they have black friends and have taken pro-black steps such as appointing blacks to political office. When a conservative Republican has virtually never voted for any progress Civil Rights legislation and indeed has actively worked against the passage of any ...

Jim Jordan accused of ignoring sexual abuse allegations at ...
Jul 03, 2018 · WASHINGTON — A former Ohio State wrestler has accused Rep. Jim Jordan — one of the most powerful conservatives in Congress — of knowingly ignoring sexual abuse allegations while Jordan

Jim Jordan faces second major investigation into sex abuse ...
Aug 17, 2018 · Jim Jordan faces second major investigation into sex abuse cover-up. By. Eric Boehlert - August 17, 2018. 7560. Federal investigators are now examining the Ohio State University sexual abuse scandal. Trump loyalist Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) wants to be the next Speaker of the House. ... Jordan is the co-founder of the ultra-conservative House ...

Trump Campaign Chair Charged with ******* & Sex ...
By Thomas J. Mattingly. In hypocrisy-laden bad news for Donald Trump, Alex Jones and their Hillary/Podesta bashers, a Trump campaign county chairman, school board member, ex-judge, Ku Klux Klan associate and Republican Tea Party activist was just charged with inducing a minor to engage in sex, human sex trafficking and providing alcohol to a minor.

Justice Integrity Report - Kavanaugh Sex Assault Charges ...
We now know that they knew a second allegation, from Brett Kavanaugh’s time at Yale, was coming down the pike, so their bickering about the schedule starts to make a lot more sense. Washington Post, ‘Incredibly frustrated’: Inside the GOP effort to help Kavanaugh survive allegation , Seung Min Kim and Josh Dawsey, Sept. 23, 2018.

How many of Donald Trump's advisers have been convicted ...
Sep 14, 2018 · On Tuesday, he pleaded guilty to a number of charges, most notably making an “excessive campaign contribution at the request of a candidate or campaign”, ie Trump.

Dennis Hastert, Ex-House Speaker Who Admitted Sex Abuse ...
Jul 18, 2017 · J. Dennis Hastert, the former speaker of the House of Representatives, was released from a federal prison on Monday and moved to a Chicago halfway house where he …

Judge calls Hastert 'serial baby molester,' gives him 15 ...
Apr 27, 2016 · Remarks by Judge Thomas Durkin as he sentence Dennis Hastert to 15 months in prison on bank fraud charges, while calling him a "serial baby molester." ... become the longest-serving Republican ...

Trump's Oklahoma campaign chair to plead guilt to baby ...
Nov 20, 2017 · Trump's Oklahoma campaign chair to plead guilt to baby sex trafficking. ... Shortey faces a minimum of 10 years in prison on the baby sex trafficking charge. According to court documents ...

Former Republican state senator pleads guilty to baby sex ...
Ralph Shortey, a former Oklahoma state senator and county campaign coordinator for President Donald Trump's campaign last year, will plead guilty to a baby sex trafficking charge after being ...
  • Author: Carlos Ballesteros
Some people are so ignorant they don't know the difference between a movie and an picture.

I try to pay as little attention to what you post as I can......but
so typical....one sided view of the world you want to see...ignore anything you don't want to see or know anything about other than what you see.....and get pissed and name call when it is pointed out
same *******...can't speak on your own...….besides I more than proved my point...…….you are so twisted the real facts mean nothing to you.....talk about ignorant.....like I said earlier....you like to post your twisted facts and ignore the truth.....haven't been right on anything you post yet.....your opinions are all "tainted"......you trumptards only see things how you want

( yes I name call doing the same thing...…...but you people seem to forget you are just as bad as mine.....again your double standard and blindness to the way things are)
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US Budget Deficit Surges to $134.5 Billion in October ...
15 hours ago · US Budget Deficit Surges to $134.5 Billion in October FILE - This June 12, 2019, file photo shows the U.S. Capitol dome in Washington. On Wednesday, Nov. 13, …

US budget deficit surges to $134.5 billion in October
8 hours ago · WASHINGTON (AP) — The federal government, which ended the 2019 budget year with its largest deficit in seven years, began the new budget year with a deficit in October

US Budget Deficit October 2019: Gap Widens to $134.5 ...
Nov 13, 2019 · estimated an October deficit of $133 billion. The Treasury forecasts the federal deficit will top $1 trillion in the current and 2021 fiscal years. That would be about 5% of total economic output ...
someone has to take over the world leadership role....since we are about corruption and being a Russian subsidiary…..
we can't be trusted nor depended on any more to uphold things we have always stood for....humane rights and peace....

France to host Putin Zelensky for Ukraine summit on Dec 9 ...
19 hours ago · Paris, Nov 15 (AFP) France will host a four-way summit in Paris on December 9 seeking to end the conflict in Ukraine, which will see Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Ukranian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky meet face-to-face for the first time, the French presidency said Friday.

Ukraine summit 'soon' after progress in talks: France
Oct 02, 2019 · The French foreign ministry said in a statement that such a summit could be held within the so-called Normandy format that includes France, Germany, Russia and Ukraine, meaning it would bring together Russia's President Vladimir Putin and his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky.

Ukraine summit 'soon' after progress in talks: France
Oct 02, 2019 · France said Wednesday that the conditions were in place for it to host a summit "soon" on resolving the conflict in Ukraine, hailing progress made in …
willing to give a whole country to Russia....AGAIN...to benefit himself...and Russia

David Holmes testimony, ask Sondland about investigations ...
54 minutes ago · David Holmes testimony, ask Sondland about investigations. David Holmes, a career foreign service officer, told impeachment investigators Friday that he overheard a phone call between President Donald Trump and E.U. Ambassador Gordon Sondland in which the president asked Sondland if Ukraine would investigate the Bidens, a source with direct knowledge of his closed-door testimony

David Holmes testimony: Trump asked about investigations ...
Nov 16, 2019 · David Holmes testimony: Trump asked about investigations and Ukraine. Business David Holmes testimony: Trump asked about investigations and Ukraine 16 mins ago Izod News . Gordon Sondland, US Ambassador to the European Union, confirmed to President Donald Trump over a July 26, phone call that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky would do ...

David Holmes testimony: State department aide confirms ...
David Holmes, the state department aide who overheard President Donald Trump's conversation with the US ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland, said that Sondland told Trump that the ...

Here are 5 stunning details from new witness David Holmes ...
6 hours ago · New testimony from State Department employee David Holmes given to the House Intelligence Committee on Friday in closed session confirmed a previous revelation that he …
How many people can he piss off before it finally dawns on him he has pissed of most of America and not enough left to re-elect him....

Trump Admin Preparing to Take Over Private Land for Wall
Nov 14, 2019 · The Trump administration is preparing court filings to begin taking over private land to build its long-promised border wall as early as this week — without confirming how much it will pay ...

Border wall is being built — on private land – GOPUSA
May 28, 2019 · A private group announced Monday that it has constructed a half-mile wall along a section of the U.S.-Mexico border in New Mexico, in what it said was a first in the border
  • 8.8/10
Democrats cooking their own goose with impeachment hearings - obvious how much of a Kangaroo Court it is - anyone that watches it with half a brain knows everything so far is irrelevant and it’s just a show trail - disgusting really. Was in a bar couple days ago started up a conversation - found out really quickly that even in this blue state - people are really pissed about what’s going on - the people feel enough is enough - Democrats have not a clue - gonna bite em in the arse in 2020.
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