Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Hey, I am one who is open minded, and I do research and form opinion and conjecture, as we all should. The democratic party have become a disgusting pit of vipers, that being said many republicans are no better, I have never liked Lindsey Graham for example, he is kinda working with Trump, but not really. Why because he has swamp rot. There is no choice in 2020 then Donald Trump, the only one that makes any sense at all of the (*******) democratic candidates is Tulsi Gabbard and she can't win.
I believe that you believe this is so - however - I do NOT believe the endless Dem propaganda pumped out by the media anymore : |

then you would have to live in a very small and narrow minded world.....and yet you listen to the quack that says he has something.....so you will tune in tomorrow
Republicans losing major races ALL OVER THE US ... better get use to it. The nation is fixing to take their car keys for the next 4 years or MORE!
I say, once they lose as an incumbent, load 'em up on a slow boat to Russia and sink it half way across.
I am one who is open minded

that is a joke.....you are as closed minded as they get.....trump this and trump that....

I do research and form opinion and conjecture

if you did ANY research you wouldn't make half the crazy statements you do!....if you do any it must just be what trump and the right tells you to

The democratic party have become a disgusting pit of vipers,

guess you missed last nights elections.....after trump and pence went and campaigned for the guy...he still loses...people had enough of the lies corruption and bullshit
Since all the hype 24 / 7 from the media about the Mueller Report - they destroyed all their credibility with me. I watch CNN - MSNBC - Lester Holt - and some Fox News and try to make some sense of what is going on. Seems ALL the media is biased one way or the other - so I am left with gleaning what I can and forming my own opinions. What seems painfully obvious is that since election night 2016 both the media and the Democrat party have been trying to undo the election.
We learned of good news, As the report came out for the third quarter, the GDP grew1.9 % for the quarter. and real estate sales grew again, overall wages were up 3% and the market is poised to hit another bench mark in growth. Yet if you listen to the news, and the Socialist and the propaganda networks CNN, MSNBC ABC. it is all doom and gloom. I truly hope the American people are intelligent enough to see what is going on in reality, However I sadly feel there not Intelligent enough to see through all Socialist propaganda. And will in the end vote in Socialism and begin the ending of the Greatest Country in world history. I so hope I am wrong, As the fire sale of our holdings, and the liquidation of the monetary American Dollar, and Exit of most all Corporations from America, Would cause a devastation far worse than the crash of the economy in 1929. My biggest fear is as I said Americans just do not see or understand what the end of capitalism will do the stranded of living in America.

I did not write this. Someone on the inside did and it would happen.
Top diplomat in Ukraine Bill Taylor directly ties Trump to quid pro quo
"That was my clear understanding, that security assistance money would not come until the president (of Ukraine) committed to pursue" investigations, Bill Taylor told Congress.

Bill Taylor testimony: Bolton thought Trump-Zelensky call would be 'disaster'

Acting U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Bill Taylor told the House committees leading the formal impeachment inquiry into President Trump that then-National Security Adviser John Bolton was opposed to Trump's July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

“Ambassador Bolton was not interested in having — did not want to have the call because he thought it was going to be a disaster,” Taylor testified. “He thought that there could be some talk of investigations, or worse, on the call.

Top Ukraine diplomat Bill Taylor threatened to quit over ‘nightmare’ Trump demand, transcript shows

William B. Taylor Jr., the top U.S. official in Ukraine and a key witness in the impeachment inquiry into President Trump, told House investigators about a “nightmare” foreign policy gambit in pursuit of political dirt against Joe Biden that he believed was likely to embolden Russia and how he threatened to resign over it.

More of trump taking care of the homeland?
since election night 2016 both the media and the Democrat party have been trying to undo the election.

of course...…..trying to get rid of a Russian plant....but with Moscow Mitch and Greedy Graham....Ruble Rubio.... Commie Cruz and a few others on the same payroll.….blocking what they can....throw in that 30% of fools who can't see through the snake oil pitch....it's just hard to do.....but the majority of the country is picking up steam and getting ready to scorch some russian ass
What about ole quid pro quo Joe ????

Guess that doesn’t count cause he’s a Dem.

It has been checked and rechecked with every accusation trump has made...even trumps claim about Joe and Hunter...….Hunter never started the job until 2 months after the corruption was supposedly stopped.....the main corruption there now is the trump administration......and no matter what.....IF Joe/Hunter had done anything that would be between Ukraine and our FBI....not trump....A president is supposed to represent the people not have another country look for a way to bring charges on a UScitizen
of course...…..trying to get rid of a Russian plant....but with Moscow Mitch and Greedy Graham....Ruble Rubio.... Commie Cruz and a few others on the same payroll.….blocking what they can....throw in that 30% of fools who can't see through the snake oil pitch....it's just hard to do.....but the majority of the country is picking up steam and getting ready to scorch some russian ass

Like that little kid in the 6th Sense cept you don’t see dead people you see RUSSIANS ;}
It has been checked and rechecked with every accusation trump has made...even trumps claim about Joe and Hunter...….Hunter never started the job until 2 months after the corruption was supposedly stopped.....the main corruption there now is the trump administration......and no matter what.....IF Joe/Hunter had done anything that would be between Ukraine and our FBI....not trump....A president is supposed to represent the people not have another country look for a way to bring charges on a UScitizen

Dems say it’s been checked - but they always slide over their own corruption - we’ll see.
William Barr, Trump, and Ukraine: the DOJ hit a new low to ...
Sep 25, 2019 · Notes on the telephone conversation between Trump and Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky suggest Barr is implicated in Trump’s dirty work. (The memo is not a transcript but rather a compilation...

Bill Barr is at the center of the Ukraine controversy ...
Sep 25, 2019 · Attorney General William Barr. When Donald Trump pressured Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to look into debunked allegations of unethical behavior regarding former Vice President Joe Biden...

Barr ‘surprised and angry’ about Trump phone call with Ukraine
Sep 29, 2019 · Attorney General William Barr was dismayed to discover President Trump had grouped him in with his personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, in a call with Ukraine’s leader in July.

Attorney General Declined Trump Request to Declare Nothing Illegal in Ukraine Call
President Trump asked Attorney General William P. Barr to hold a news conference stating that no laws were broken in his call with Ukraine’s president. Mr. Barr declined.

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