Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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but which side is best to bring out the vote

that is always the case...…..trump has the largest "war chest" in history...….and has already pocketed over a million for himself anyway.....but the republicans ALWAYS go vote.....Trumpies?????.....Dems complain... but a lot of them don't show at the polls...….if the Dems were as dedicated to voting as the republicans....there wouldn't be any republicans!....throw in voter apathy at times.....which is what happened last time trump made it.....and people who just never vote.....throw in voter suppression by the right....and that is big in some states

U.S. voter turnout trails most developed countries | Pew ...
May 21, 2018 · And registered voters represent a much smaller share of potential voters in the U.S. than just about any other OECD country. Only about 64% of the U.S. voting-age population (and 70% of voting-age citizens ) was registered in 2016, according to the Census Bureau report, compared with 91% in Canada (2015) and the UK (2017), 96% in Sweden (2014), and 99% in Slovakia (2016).

Political party strength in U.S. states - Wikipedia
History. As of the U.S. gubernatorial elections of 2010, the Republican party holds an outright majority of approximately 440 with 3,890 seats (53% of total) compared to the Democratic party's number of 3,450 (47% of total) seats elected on a partisan ballot. Of the 7,382 seats in …

Over 90 Million Eligible Voters Didn’t Vote in 2016 ...
Jan 10, 2017 · Projections from the United States Elections Project show that there were 231,556,622 Americans eligible to vote, but 138,884,643 voted. That means that 40 percent didn’t vote, while 60 percent

24 Interesting Republican vs Democrat Demographics ...
Demographics of Republicans vs Democrats Although Republicans only made up 28% of the total electorate, independent voters tend to lean more towards the Republican demographic than the Democratic demographic. This tends to be the case whenever a Democratic president is in office and the reverse is also true.

Registering By Party: Where the Democrats and Republicans ...
In 19 states and the District, there are more registered Democrats than Republicans. In 12 states, there are more registered Republicans than Democrats. In aggregate, 40% of all voters in party registration states are Democrats, 29% are Republicans, and 28% are independents.
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For someone who loathes Trump so much one would think you would select Biden or some other Democrat as your avatar?
since the impeachment thing started I liked the one of him in "cuffs"....and he belongs there!...…..but really doubt will ever happen....and even with all the crimes on him from state and federal charges.....he won't go to jail...….but cost him a lot of money

I read somewhere that with all the lawsuits against trump......him losing his "foundation"....Russia will have no further need for him so the money dries up there...…...they thought he would be bankrupt within 3 years of leaving office
Trump's $100 Million in Russian Income - The Atlantic
May 12, 2017 · Trump's $100 Million 'Exceptions' in Russian Income. Donald Trump has received more than $100 million in income from Russian sources in one-time transactions over the last decade, but does not have any outstanding debts or holdings in the country, his lawyers asserted in a letter that emerged on Friday. The letter,..

Russia Paid Donald Trump Millions of Dollars
Oct 31, 2016 · Russia Paid Donald Trump Millions of Dollars. ABC reported in September 2016 that Trump has business interests in Russia, not that the Russian government paid him money. CLAIM. ABC News has reported that Donald Trump received millions of dollars from Russia.

Russian elite invested nearly $100 million in Trump buildings
Mar 17, 2017 · President Trump has downplayed his business ties with Russia. But @reuters found that buyers from Russia have invested at least $98 million in Trump buildings.

Trump may owe billions in debts to Russia – Capitol Hill Blue
Insiders acutely aware of President Donald Trump’s complicated financial arrangements say he is billions of dollars in debt, much of it to Russia, and lives on the edge of financial ruin. Besides Russia, Trump also owes at least $2 billion to a partnership that includes The Bank of China.

Donald Trump's businesses owe $1.8bn to more than 150 ...
Jan 06, 2017 · Donald Trump's businesses owe $1.8bn to more than 150 different institutions, new study suggests. Candidates for US president have to disclose their financial situation to the FEC but this only includes debts that are owed by companies they full control, which in Mr Trump’s case amounts to …

The myth and the reality of Donald Trump’s business empire ...
Feb 29, 2016 · Federal Election Commission disclosures have shown that 15 companies associated with Trump owe more than $270 million to banks. Trump responds to these critiques by saying that he doesn't use Wall ...

Donald Trump's businesses owe $1.8bn to more than 150 ...
Jan 06, 2017 · Donald Trump's businesses owe $1.8bn to more than 150 different institutions, new study suggests. Candidates for US president have to disclose their financial situation to the FEC but this only includes debts that are owed by companies they full control, which in Mr Trump’s case amounts to …

what's really funny...…..his campaign rallies may come to and end anyway...….he doesn't pay the cities where he has rallies

Unpaid bills pile up in Trump rallies’ wake - POLITICO
Trump has headlined more than 70 rallies since he’s been elected president, and now expects to hold one rally roughly every two weeks for the next several months as he embarks on a tough re ...

Trump Still Owes El Paso $569,204 For Campaign Rally, City ...
Trump, whose businesses have filed for bankruptcy six times, is known for not paying his bills ― both before and after he was elected president. The Center for Public Integrity reported back in June that the Trump campaign still owes more than $840,000 to 10 cities — including El Paso — for public safety costs associated with his political rallies, some of which go back to his first presidential campaign

Trump has stiffed 10 cities that asked him to pay for ...
Jun 13, 2019 · The unpaid invoices only account for some of the costs incurred by the dozens of cities Trump has visited. Many of the more than 60 cities where …
Trump's $100 Million in Russian Income - The Atlantic
May 12, 2017 · Trump's $100 Million 'Exceptions' in Russian Income. Donald Trump has received more than $100 million in income from Russian sources in one-time transactions over the last decade, but does not have any outstanding debts or holdings in the country, his lawyers asserted in a letter that emerged on Friday. The letter,..

Russia Paid Donald Trump Millions of Dollars
Oct 31, 2016 · Russia Paid Donald Trump Millions of Dollars. ABC reported in September 2016 that Trump has business interests in Russia, not that the Russian government paid him money. CLAIM. ABC News has reported that Donald Trump received millions of dollars from Russia.

Russian elite invested nearly $100 million in Trump buildings
Mar 17, 2017 · President Trump has downplayed his business ties with Russia. But @reuters found that buyers from Russia have invested at least $98 million in Trump buildings.

Trump may owe billions in debts to Russia – Capitol Hill Blue
Insiders acutely aware of President Donald Trump’s complicated financial arrangements say he is billions of dollars in debt, much of it to Russia, and lives on the edge of financial ruin. Besides Russia, Trump also owes at least $2 billion to a partnership that includes The Bank of China.

Donald Trump's businesses owe $1.8bn to more than 150 ...
Jan 06, 2017 · Donald Trump's businesses owe $1.8bn to more than 150 different institutions, new study suggests. Candidates for US president have to disclose their financial situation to the FEC but this only includes debts that are owed by companies they full control, which in Mr Trump’s case amounts to …

The myth and the reality of Donald Trump’s business empire ...
Feb 29, 2016 · Federal Election Commission disclosures have shown that 15 companies associated with Trump owe more than $270 million to banks. Trump responds to these critiques by saying that he doesn't use Wall ...

Donald Trump's businesses owe $1.8bn to more than 150 ...
Jan 06, 2017 · Donald Trump's businesses owe $1.8bn to more than 150 different institutions, new study suggests. Candidates for US president have to disclose their financial situation to the FEC but this only includes debts that are owed by companies they full control, which in Mr Trump’s case amounts to …

what's really funny...…..his campaign rallies may come to and end anyway...….he doesn't pay the cities where he has rallies

Unpaid bills pile up in Trump rallies’ wake - POLITICO
Trump has headlined more than 70 rallies since he’s been elected president, and now expects to hold one rally roughly every two weeks for the next several months as he embarks on a tough re ...

Trump Still Owes El Paso $569,204 For Campaign Rally, City ...
Trump, whose businesses have filed for bankruptcy six times, is known for not paying his bills ― both before and after he was elected president. The Center for Public Integrity reported back in June that the Trump campaign still owes more than $840,000 to 10 cities — including El Paso — for public safety costs associated with his political rallies, some of which go back to his first presidential campaign

Trump has stiffed 10 cities that asked him to pay for ...
Jun 13, 2019 · The unpaid invoices only account for some of the costs incurred by the dozens of cities Trump has visited. Many of the more than 60 cities where …

and if the cities get together and quit paying for his rallies...police protection ...building and etc...it could end up the taxpayer paying.....which would end up with more charges against him.....and more of his double standards...….

Trump tags Clinton, Obama on Air ******* One costs
By C. Eugene Emery Jr. on Thursday, July 7th, 2016 at 11:55 a.m. "Taxpayers are paying a fortune for the use of Air ******* One on the campaign trail" by President Obama and Hillary Clinton, Trump ...

Trump's Recent Air ******* One Trips Are Costing Taxpayers ...
Trump's Recent Air ******* One Trips Are Costing Taxpayers Millions. The conservative group filed a Freedom of Information request with the U.S. Department of the Air ******* to obtain Trump’s million dollar travel costs including his travels to his golf club in New Jersey and to his campaign rallies.
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dont mess around with couples where the male is present said:
Gold Member

May 25, 2018
YBlackSupreme said:
Hello. Saw your post saying you were looking for BBC? I live the Sacramento area. How are you?
Doing good. She’s gone until June 2nd
  1. How Did You & Wife Meet Your First Black Man?
    Well maybe for some. We had several encounters where either myself or my ex would approach a black dude and just come out and say if "you're into it she would like to fuck you." One night we were in our hotel room in Reno and my wife said " I want some black cock." So no bullshit I left her in...

Your first BBC experience are you long time veteran or rookie ?
Thank you. And yes I could tell some stories. At this point of my life I am going to be straight up from the beginning. "So what do you think about being in a relationship where I like to watch you fuck BBC?" Answer Yes then we have a chance, Answer no then I'm not your guy.:sex:
Hotwife/Girlfriend Sucks BBC
This was somewhat unexpected. We had an ad on CL and set up a meeting with the dude in the video. My wife (ex now) does not care for facial hair nor thin dudes. On his CL pic he did not have facial hair. He showed up in the lobby of our hotel where we were going to meet. Not only was he skinny...

Turning your wife into a Black Cock slut
Glad I didn’t have to go through all the steps. I mentioned to my ex (and no she didn’t leave me for BBC, I left her) after she fucked a white guy a few times I thought it would be hot to see her fuck a black guy. She agreed and never turned back. Over 40 black guys over the course of a few...
your whole post is why i dont mess around with couples where the male is present, and i why i am so leery of white males on this site. you post as Latina4bbc, yet you are a male, with stolen videos and pictures. the woman probably has no clue that you have her video or pictures on here.
Apparently you haven't read any of my posts. The pics, vids, and the ass in the avatar are of my ex wife. Our profile used to say "verified and couple." I never ever pretended to be my wife. Unlike so many dudes who get off on the fantasy it is not my thing in the least. Honestly I don't understand it but hey who am I to judge. Any communication I had with anyone whether it was from this site or CL when it was around knew from jump they were communicating with me. My wife has never been on this site on her own because it's not her thing. The only time she looked at this site was if I wanted to show her a pic or a video. My wife and I divorced (which I have also posted) because she, unfortunately, is a major alcoholic and I couldn't take it anymore. In fact she went to rehab for probably the fourth time Saturday. I love her a lot and do hope one day we will be together again but only if she is sober. I understand you being leery because believe me we have dealt with many many fakes and flakes. I am not one of them. So for now I look at the vids, read the forums, and sometimes add my two cents. Here's a couple of my posts.
I suspect that Epstein was murdered to shut him up, Donald Trump has nothing to do with it, It is the Clintons that are suspected of having people eliminated every step in their political careers. Google it you ignorant Democrats, the facts are all there.
Everything you've written here is pure conjecture & opinion ... yet you end the post with "the facts are all there".
I don't think you Rightards know what a fact IS!
Hottobe, if you know for a fact that Donald Trump had nothing to do with Epstein death, show the proof! You have NONE! Just like you keep saying Trump had no involvement in the Russians involvement in the 2016 elections. OR of telling another country to investigate a candidate for the 2020 elections. You folks live in some alt-reality world where "what you think" is considered the FACTS.
mmmmm a little double standard wouldn't you say.....but that is nothing new for the right!

Republicans didn't care when Trump didn't testify for Mueller. They're still insisting the Ukraine whistleblower appears.

Congressional Republicans yet again seem to be holding President Trump to a different standard than pretty much anyone else. They're currently insisting the Ukraine whistleblower testify in person for Congress, but had no problem when Trump refused to do the same for former Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

Trump, who refused to provide anything but written answers in Russia probe, says whistleblower’s written answers ‘not acceptable’

The whistleblower who raised alarms about President Donald Trump's dealings with Ukraine and touched off the Democratic-led impeachment inquiry is willing to answer written questions submitted by House Republicans, the person's lawyer says.

But President Trump says that’s not good enough.

any day now I expect trump to come out and say the president of Ukraine was a "never trumper"

Pompeo Faces Political Peril and Diplomats’ Revolt in Impeachment Inquiry

WASHINGTON — As President Trump’s first C.I.A. director, Mike Pompeo was briefed by agency officials on the extensive evidence — including American intercepts of conversations between participants — showing that Russian hackers working for the government of Vladimir V. Putin had interfered in the 2016 American presidential campaign. In May 2017, Mr. Pompeo testified in a Senate hearing that he stood by that conclusion.

Two and a half years later, Mr. Pompeo seems to have changed his mind. As Mr. Trump’s second secretary of state, he now supports an investigation into a discredited, partisan theory that Ukraine, not Russia, attacked the Democratic National Committee, which Mr. Trump wants to use to make the case that he was elected without Moscow’s help. “Inquiries with respect to that are completely important,” Mr. Pompeo said last month. “I think everyone recognizes that governments have an obligation — indeed, a duty — to ensure that elections happen with integrity, without interference from any government, whether that’s the Ukrainian government or any other.”

Mr. Pompeo’s spreading of a false narrative at the heart of the Ukraine scandal is the most striking example of how he has fallen off the tightrope he has traversed for the past 18 months: demonstrating loyalty to the president while insisting to others he was pursuing a traditional, conservative foreign policy. Mr. Pompeo, 55, now finds himself at the most perilous moment of his political life as veteran diplomats testify to Congress that Mr. Trump and his allies hijacked Ukraine policy for political gain — and as congressional investigators look into what Mr. Pompeo knew of the machinations of Mr. Trump and Rudolph W. Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer.

it just keeps going....that snowball rolling down hill and picking up steam betting bigger and bigger .....when it gets to the bottom of the hill.....no more pumpkin.....trump have to go to his Siberian summer home

EXCLUSIVE: Giuliani associate now willing to comply with Trump impeachment inquiry -lawyer

WASHINGTON, Nov 4 (Reuters) - Lev Parnas, an indicted Ukrainian-American businessman who has ties to President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, is now prepared to comply with requests for records and testimony from congressional impeachment investigators, his lawyer told Reuters on Monday.
they already know he is guilty....just working on putting a new "spin" on things

Most Republicans on impeachment committees aren’t showing up, transcripts reveal

Republicans have for weeks blasted the closed-door impeachment process, but transcripts released this week of private depositions show most GOP lawmakers on the three panels at the center of the probe have simply not shown up.

Mmmmm in Trump country...…..where trump himself campaigned for the guy.....what does that say about the president?

Election Day: Beshear declares victory in Kentucky ...
Nov 05, 2019 · Kentucky With 99 percent of precincts reporting, Democratic Attorney General Andy Beshear declared victory in a tight race he led with nearly 6,000 more …

Kentucky election results: Democrat Andy Beshear declares ...
Nov 05, 2019 · Andy Beshear addresses supporters in Kentucky Returns showed Democrat Andy Beshear leading in Kentucky's tight governor's election late Tuesday. But while Beshear declared victory his opponent,...

and leave it to a republican to want to take it to court.....

Beshear declares victory, but Bevin won't concede
5 hours ago · LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Democrat Andy Beshear has declared victory in a tight race for Kentucky governor, but incumbent Gov. Matt Bevin says …

Beshear declares victory while Bevin refuses to concede in ...
5 hours ago · The DNC sent a statement declaring Beshear's victory: “Congratulations to Governor-elect Beshear, Kentucky Democrats, and DGA Chair Raimondo — …
Woman who was fired for flipping off Trump wins election

She lost her job for flipping off President Trump. Now she's been elected to a new one.

A former government contractor in Virginia who famously gave the president's motorcade a one-finger salute won the race Tuesday for a seat on the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors. Juli Briskman ran as a Democrat and defeated the eight-year Republican incumbent, Suzanne Volpe. This will be Briskman's first time in elected office.

Briskman wrote on Twitter that she was looking forward to "representing my friends & neighbors" in the Algonkian District.

Briskman, 52, shot to fame in 2017 after a White House photographer captured her giving the finger to Mr. Trump's motorcade as she rode by on her bicycle in Northern Virginia. The photo went viral, and Briskman posted it on her Facebook and Twitter pages.

But it also cost Briskman her job as a marketing analyst for the federal contractor Akima LLC, which said she had violated the company's social media policy on obscenity. Briskman later sued her former employer and won severance pay that was initially withheld, according to the Washington Post.

Mmmm seem like that trump star is fading fast!

Election takeaways: What we learned from Kentucky, Virginia, and Mississippi

WASHINGTON – The Democrats swept Virginia. The Republicans swept Mississippi. And Kentucky is still too close to call.

Tuesday's election might have looked like a draw but Democrats emerged feeling victorious as they head into the 2020 elections since most of Tuesday's marquee matchups were being played on Republican turf.

Former Virginia Gov.Terry McAuliffe, who served as chairman of the Democratic National Committee, called Tuesday's results a "humiliation" for President Donald Trump. But Republicans downplayed unfavorable results, particularly in Kentucky, saying Gov. Matt Bevin's poor performance there would have been worse had Trump not gotten involved.

President Donald Trump's campaign says he "just about dragged" Gov. Matt Bevin across his election's finish line and helped him to "run stronger than expected" in what became a very close race.

Here are five key takeaways from Election Day 2019:

The Democrats' sweep of Virginia is significant
For the first time in nearly a generation, all the levers of power in the Old Dominion are in the hands of Democrats.

The Democrats already occupied the top three statewide offices – governor, lieutenant governor and attorney general – before Tuesday's election. Now they also run the House of Delegates and the Senate, which they captured by flipping key suburban seats Tuesday.

The victory not only means the Democrats will control all the levers of power in Richmond to push through a progressive agenda on gun control and health care, but it also gives the party the ability to redraw more favorable congressional and state legislative district lines based on the 2020 census.

And that could help keep them in power for another decade.

Republicans blew the Kentucky governor's race
There's no real reason an incumbent Republican governor who embraces Trump should come close to losing reelection in a state the president won by 30 percentage points in 2016.

But Bevin's acerbic style made him personally unpopular in the state – especially among teachers whose sickouts he blamed for the shooting of a seven-year-old girl because she was at home instead of school.

Democrat Andy Beshear, whose ******* was a two-term governor, ran a textbook campaign as a moderate avoiding talk of impeachment or other hot-button issues that could polarize the electorate.

Bevin tried to downplay a potential loss earlier on Election Day by pointing out that Democrats outnumber Republicans on the voting rolls. But Kentucky has long been a Republican state that's trending redder.

It's not over yet: Bevin didn't concede the race, and as a recanvass could be coming.

Yes, Trump came down to Kentucky Monday night to stump for Bevin. And, yes, he told the crowd at a Lexington rally that losing the governor's race would send "a really bad message."

But every other major GOP candidate seeking statewide office in the Bluegrass State won their race. The governor's mansion in Mississippi is going to stay red (after Trump also stumped in that state recently). And Virginia isn't a purple state so the Democrat's sweep there isn't as foreshadowing as it might be in other states.

Brad Parscale, Trump's 2020 campaign manager, didn't sound too worried that the results portend bad news about 2020, tweeting that Beshear is a moderate, "who’s dad was a moderate, who didn’t talk about impeachment or Trump, and who acts like a Republican."

Mississippi stayed Republican

For all the glee from Democrats surrounding Virginia and Kentucky, consider this: Mississippi Republicans soon will hold all eight statewide offices for the first time since Reconstruction.

Republican Lt. Gov. Tate Reeves' victory over Democratic Attorney General Jim Hood, who will be giving up his seat in January, means the Magnolia State will be entirely controlled by the GOP.

With more than 90% of the vote counted, Reeves was leading 52%-47%.

"It has been a long road but it has been a good road," he told supporters in a victory speech Tuesday.

Could the results boost moderate Democrats in 2020?
Democrats had a lot to crow about Tuesday. But in the marquee gubernatorial races, it was the moderates who showed how to cobble together a coalition in red states.

Beshear appears to have won by steering away from polarizing issues like impeachment and focusing on local issues. Hood didn't win Mississippi but he had a respectable showing by emphasizing his roots.

“I bait my own hook, carry my own gun and drive my own truck,” Hood boasted in an ad highlighting the culturally conservative persona that used to allow some Democrats to win Republican states.

It's too early to say whether Democratic presidential candidates touting Medicare for All and the Green New Deal will soften their message to broaden their appeal. But strong showings by middle-of-the-road candidates Tuesday may help more moderate candidates make their case to voters.

They need their hackers....we have another election coming up

Russia Steps Up Efforts to Shield Hackers From Extradition to U.S.

Naama Issachar trod a path familiar to many Israelis after completing her army service—she spent a few months traveling around India and planned to return to Tel Aviv in April, flying through Moscow because the airfare was cheaper.

That’s when Russian authorities found a small amount of marijuana—9 grams, or slightly less than one-third of an ounce—in her suitcase. Ms. Issachar, a 26-year-old Israeli-American, never boarded the plane back to Israel and has been detained in Russia ever since.

In August, Ms. Issachar’s family members began to receive strange messages from a man who said he was friends with an alleged Russian hacker, Alexei Burkov, who has been detained in Israel since 2015 at the request of the U.S., where he is said to be wanted on cybercrime charges related to alleged credit-card fraud.

It eventually became clear that the fates of Ms. Issachar and Mr. Burkov had become intertwined. Russia was seeking to engage Israel in a prisoner exchange to retrieve one of its own, according to people familiar with the matter.

For months, Moscow has pursued what current and former U.S. law-enforcement and diplomatic officials describe as part of a stepped-up and evolving campaign to prevent Russians arrested on criminal hacking charges from being extradited to the U.S.

Russia has relied on a variety of techniques—whether leveraging the legal system or resorting to more coercive means, such as bribery—to pressure other countries to impede U.S. extradition efforts, current and former U.S. officials said.

Russia uses every tool at its disposal, including these more coercive steps” to prevent its citizens arrested abroad on hacking charges from being extradited, said Chris Painter, the former top cybersecurity official at the State Department under President Obama. “It can sometimes seem like a throwback to the Soviet era in terms of the tactics they are using.”

In the case of Ms. Issachar, her relatives received messages suggesting a swap from a man who said he was close to Mr. Burkov, said her sister, Liad Goldberg. “He would message me things like, ‘When are you going to stop being so naive—your sister is being held as a trade for my friend.’ ”

Moscow’s alleged demands for a prisoner exchange may fail. Last week, Israel’s justice minister, Amir Ohana, signed the extradition order that will send Mr. Burkov to the U.S. to face charges. Russia last month sentenced Ms. Issachar to eight years in prison after upgrading charges against her from possession to ******* smuggling.

On Tuesday, Ms. Issachar’s family revoked its earlier request to the Israeli Supreme Court to stop Mr. Burkov’s extradition, which was to be considered on Thursday.

Naama will not be a pawn in the hands of the Russian hacker and his people. I pray that my decision will not cause a worsening in the situation of Naama in Russian prison and I put my full faith in the president and the prime minister that they will continue to work with the Russian president in order to bring the immediate release of Naama,” said Yaffa Issachar, Naama’s mom.

In a filing to the Supreme Court, Ms. Issachar’s lawyers said Israeli officials told them that withdrawing their petition to block Mr. Burkov’s extradition would help their efforts to release Ms. Issachar.

Ms. Issachar, at least for now, remains in a Russian prison, and her freedom could depend on other forms of diplomacy. For instance, she was a subject of a recent phone call between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The U.S. Justice Department declined to comment about either Ms. Issachar or Mr. Burkov.

Russia has long sought to shield its traveling citizens from American courtrooms. But U.S. officials say the problem is especially acute with its hackers, due to the prolific and transnational nature of cybercrime. The U.S. Justice Department in recent years has brought at least a dozen public cases against Russia-affiliated cybercriminals in which it sought their extradition from another country, typically in Europe, according to a Wall Street Journal review of court records.

The Justice Department prevailed in most of those extradition cases, but U.S. officials said Moscow is getting more aggressive at delaying or preventing extraditions.

Earlier this month, Belarusian authorities released Anna Bogacheva, one of the Russians indicted by former U.S. special counsel Robert Mueller for alleged interference operations during the 2016 election, after holding her briefly on U.S. charges. Ms. Bogacheva left Belarus, according to the Russian Embassy in its capital, Minsk, and is believed to have returned to Russia, where she is unlikely to face trial.

In the case of Mr. Burkov, held in Israel, Russia had filed a competing extradition request, according to people familiar with his case. That tactic is a newer one, U.S. officials said, accompanied by what they say are bad-faith claims that Moscow intends to bring Russian citizens back home and hold them accountable.

“They are actually using false requests that appear to be part of the regular way that the extradition system between countries works in order to get a person out,” a senior U.S. Justice Department official said. “And then they are either not prosecuted or prosecuted extremely lightly, and of course we never get them because they are back in Russia where they will never be extradited to us.”

The Russian Embassy in Washington didn’t respond to requests for comment. Israeli officials said they are working at the highest levels to press for Ms. Issachar’s release and have sent Mr. Putin a formal request for a pardon.

As it tries to stop or slow U.S. extradition requests, Russia also is trying to alter international rules on cybercrime law-enforcement cooperation through the United Nations, current and former U.S. officials said.

A key aim is to win agreement from other countries to replace the 2001 Budapest Convention on cybercrime with an agreement more aligned with Russia’s interests. The convention includes provisions supporting international cooperation related to cybercrime, including the enforcement of existing extradition treaties.

“They are very good at recognizing trigger points and things to trade, and when we [the U.S.] are scaling back from international engagement, it makes it 10 times easier for the Russians,” said Allison Peters, deputy director of the national-security program at the centrist think tank Third Way.

U.S. officials said many Russian hackers have ties either to the Kremlin or to Russian oligarchs and can be ****** into working for an intelligence service if they are brought home to Russia. That was likely a factor in Russia’s interest in the proposed prisoner swap involving Mr. Burkov, former officials said.

That Russia was seeking Mr. Burkov’s release in a swap with Ms. Issachar is a sign Mr. Burkov is seen as a valuable asset to Moscow, said John Carlin, former assistant attorney general for national security during the Obama administration.

If there is a Russian intelligence agent that gets arrested, they’ll seek to do some type of reciprocal exchange, including for people who are not intelligence operatives,” said Mr. Carlin, now with the law firm Morrison & Foerster. “Russia uses every instrument in their power to shield these criminals, even when they are overseas.”

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