Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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WRONG - it’s PAINFULLY obvious it’s the demented Dems that believe what they wanna believe not reality - just look at you ;]
I'll have to side against you there @blkdlaur as @subhub174014 documents a lot. So he has facts but he arrives at conclusions we disagree with. Just as I once told him before when it comes to Trump we see his glass half full of water, whereas @subhub174014 prefers to see his glass half full of air. Both observations are correct when observing a glass of water. But the problem is after the election in November 2020 it is either Trump is back in as POTUS or he is out with unprecedented emotions on each camp for or against Trump.
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WRONG - it’s PAINFULLY obvious it’s the demented Dems that believe what they wanna believe not reality - just look at you ;]

WRONG....you people do not read nor want to hear anything about that money sucker in the white house...he dies they will have to screw him in the ground....after they clean all the government money off him....but then Ivanka will probably have milked all that before headed off to their Russian home
this is not good at all ….the paki's have Nukes....we CAN NOT let isis in there also......I know trump is trying to give as many countries as he can to Russia to try and justify trump being on their payroll....but this......

Pakistani Islamists await deadline they set for PM to resign
Nov 03, 2019 · ISLAMABAD (AP) — Tens of thousands of Islamists at a massive protest camp in Pakistan's capital awaited a Sunday deadline set by their leader calling for the prime minister resign.

Pakistani Islamists stage sit-in, demand PM resign
13 hours ago · Tens of thousands of Islamists remained in a protest camp in the heart of Pakistan's capital Saturday amid tight security, as authorities deployed additional shipping containers and …

Pakistani Islamists Converge On Islamabad, Urge PM To Resign
Hundreds of thousands of opposition supporters have gathered in Pakistan's capital, Islamabad, calling for Prime Minister Imran Khan's resignation over economic hardships. "I'm giving a two-day...
you waste a lot of space …..saying nothing....it is Ukraine.....Russia....money laundering....profiting from the office....tax fraud....Syria.....Turkey....and soooo much more......climb out of that hole and pay attention
Actually it's the impeachment process now where all of the above charges and whatever else the Dems can find will be scrutinized. If Trump is found guilty he can be ****** out as POTUS, otherwise he gets a chance to run for his re-election where there is a strong likelihood he would be re-elected. :unsure:
Actually it's the impeachment process now where all of the above charges and whatever else the Dems can find will be scrutinized. If Trump is found guilty he can be ****** out as POTUS, otherwise he gets a chance to run for his re-election where there is a strong likelihood he would be re-elected. :unsure:

a lot he gets by on because he is pres.....some still in courts because trump trying to hide....and that just adds to the obstruction case

sooner or later the hammer will drop
a lot he gets by on because he is pres.....some still in courts because trump trying to hide....and that just adds to the obstruction case

sooner or later the hammer will drop
Even if Trump is POTUS, I'm not sure if it is legally possible to enforce a subpoena on a sitting president? But if it is possible wherever in America he dwells he would have to appear in court, I think? :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:
Even if Trump is POTUS, I'm not sure if it is legally possible to enforce a subpoena on a sitting president? But if it is possible wherever in America he dwells he would have to appear in court, I think? :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:

yes he has to answer a subpoena...….funny how some in the trump camp are saying he doesn't.....and yet when Pompeo and graham and a few others were a part of the Clinton impeachment they said he did....what changed?....the laws haven't!

Even Clinton had to make a live feed tape in front of congress he didn't go in person....but his testimony was live
yes he has to answer a subpoena...….funny how some in the trump camp are saying he doesn't.....and yet when Pompeo and graham and a few others were a part of the Clinton impeachment they said he did....what changed?....the laws haven't!

Even Clinton had to make a live feed tape in front of congress he didn't go in person....but his testimony was live
That could be conceivable but laws get amended all the time. I am uncertain with those exact laws regarding impeachment, but consider in my country there was a time where sodomy was considered illegal, albeit over a longer period of time. Now it is something like jaywalking thanks to the LGBTQ+ movement. So maybe the process might have changed slightly since Clinton?

An excerpt from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sodomy_law:

Main article: LGBT rights in Canada
Before 1859, the Province of Canada prosecuted sodomy under the English Buggery Act. In 1859, the Province of Canada enacted its own buggery law in the Consolidated Statutes of Canada as an offence punishable by death. Buggery remained punishable by death until 1869. A broader law targeting all homosexual male sexual activity ("gross indecency") was passed in 1892, as part of a larger update to the criminal law of the new dominion of Canada.[29] Changes to the Criminal Code in 1948 and 1961 were used to brand gay men as "criminal sexual psychopaths" and "dangerous sexual offenders." These labels provided for indeterminate prison sentences. Most famously, George Klippert, a homosexual, was labelled a dangerous sexual offender and sentenced to life in prison, a sentence confirmed by the Supreme Court of Canada.[30] He was released in 1971.

By the way Canada was considered a province in 1859 because we were declared a country afterwards in 1867. :geek:

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That could be conceivable but laws get amended all the time. I am uncertain with those exact laws regarding impeachment, but consider in my country there was a time where sodomy was considered illegal, albeit over a longer period of time. Now it is something like jaywalking thanks to the LGBTQ+ movement. So maybe the process might have changed slightly since Clinton?

An excerpt from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sodomy_law:

Main article: LGBT rights in Canada
Before 1859, the Province of Canada prosecuted sodomy under the English Buggery Act. In 1859, the Province of Canada enacted its own buggery law in the Consolidated Statutes of Canada as an offence punishable by death. Buggery remained punishable by death until 1869. A broader law targeting all homosexual male sexual activity ("gross indecency") was passed in 1892, as part of a larger update to the criminal law of the new dominion of Canada.[29] Changes to the Criminal Code in 1948 and 1961 were used to brand gay men as "criminal sexual psychopaths" and "dangerous sexual offenders." These labels provided for indeterminate prison sentences. Most famously, George Klippert, a homosexual, was labelled a dangerous sexual offender and sentenced to life in prison, a sentence confirmed by the Supreme Court of Canada.[30] He was released in 1971.

By the way Canada was considered a province in 1859 because we were declared a country afterwards in 1867. :geek:

same here with sodomy.....but something like that has not been amended

Here's What Congress Can Do When a President Ignores a Subpoena

Tensions between the White House and congressional Democrats hit a new high Tuesday, after Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin said the IRS would not turn over Donald Trump’s tax returns to the chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, who requested them last month.

A 1924 law requires the IRS to obey the request, but Mnuchin said he would defy the subpoena because it wasn't made for a "legitimate legislative purpose."

This isn't a one-off. It's part of a bigger pattern of Trump rejecting congressional oversight of all kinds. Today, for instance, the White House said it had instructed former White House counsel Don McGahn to ignore a congressional subpoena for documents related to the Mueller report. And just last week, Attorney General William Barr refused to show up to testify before the House Judiciary Committee and ignored a subpoena requiring him to turn over the full and unredacted Mueller report.

Congressional Democrats are fulminating in response. But the tools they have to compel the president to cooperate with their investigations are pretty limited. Here's what they can actually do:

1) Vote for contempt-of-Congress charges against Trump officials who ignore subpoenas. Criminal contempt charges can result in jail time. But the catch is that any such charge has to be referred to a U.S. Attorney for prosecution. And since U.S. Attorneys work for Trump's Justice Department, there's almost no chance that those charges will ever be prosecuted.

2) File suit against the administration in court, which could result in a court order requiring the administration to obey the subpoena. But that process is a long and drawn-out one, and there's no guarantee, in the end, that the administration would even follow the court order.

3) Take the direct route, and order the sergeant-at-arms to arrest recalcitrant Trump officials. This sounds bizarre, but the Supreme Court has held that Congress has the authority to use its own police to enforce its dictates. The problem is that the last time Congress did this was back in 1935, and trying to arrest someone like the Secretary of the Treasury would leave the Democrats in completely uncharted waters.
as usual....you have confused me with someone who cares about your opinion...….

A Dem would be someone who cares for America and the people in it....not someone trying to fuck the people and the country for all they can get

well considering the past of your elected president she was a model congress woman....what she did was consensual...…....just one of the many charges against your man was ******* a 13 year old....walking into the miss teen USA while they were undressed....admitted to public groping......infidelity…..sex with prostitutes.......and so much more...……..but she had consensual sex and gets in trouble...….and the man responsible for the pics being published....naturally a former trump campaign aid wanting her seat.....but now that they figured out that Popadapolous was behind the whole thing.....really doubt he gets her seat......but the way the right works who knows
well said, i cant believe the depths of stupidity Trump supporters will sink too. Consensual sex is bad, but ******* a 13 year old good, grabbing a woman's pussy without her permission good, but consensual sex bad, enriching yourself at the public expense good, but consensual sex bad. it really does take some serious cognitive dissonance to live in a Trump supporters world doesn't it. Now i am not saying that she was smart allowing her husband or anyone else take pictures of her, because that is not smart at all (especially if you dont control the photos), but Popadapulis is a fool and sell out if he thinks he is going to be elected to her seat.
I don't know Sub. You literally described a Dem. Are you sure you got the best answer correct. Did you hear congresswoman Katie Hill complain that she cannot believe her indiscretions would be weaponized to destroy her. I almost ******* from laughing so hard. Her dumb ass fellow dems have been doing that to the soon to be re-elected president for the past two and a half years.

What do you call a liberal?

Lying, cheating, promising, corrupt, haters, and then add your answer and we got it to the T!!
your whole post is why i dont mess around with couples where the male is present, and i why i am so leery of white males on this site. you post as Latina4bbc, yet you are a male, with stolen videos and pictures. the woman probably has no clue that you have her video or pictures on here.
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Trump refuses to put a lid on them here so they seem to be growing in power...but I'm sure trump will get him home

US white supremacist arrested in Norway | Europe| News and ...
US white supremacist arrested in Norway Norwegian police have arrested a high-profile American white supremacist as he was scheduled to address a far-right conference in Oslo. Norway’s domestic...

Norway arrests US white supremacist ahead of far-right ...
Nov 03, 2019 · (CNN) Norwegian authorities have arrested a high-profile American white supremacist, hours before he was due to give a speech at a far-right conference in Oslo on Saturday. The detained American
trumps own mouth going to hang him....but then his mouth has been his problem since before the election

Trump tells the press they need to look at Rumania and Biden......press did...found nothing on biden…...but a lot on Rudy G
Yeah - now blame President Trump for Epstein’s demise - why not - you blame him
for everything else - frick and frack - Dems are pathetic.
I suspect that Epstein was murdered to shut him up, Donald Trump has nothing to do with it, It is the Clintons that are suspected of having people eliminated every step in their political careers. Google it you ignorant Democrats, the facts are all there.
Actually it's the impeachment process now where all of the above charges and whatever else the Dems can find will be scrutinized. If Trump is found guilty he can be ****** out as POTUS, otherwise he gets a chance to run for his re-election where there is a strong likelihood he would be re-elected. :unsure:

you dreamer...…..there is a percentage of people who do not want him impeached....but also don't want him in again either
you dreamer...…..there is a percentage of people who do not want him impeached....but also don't want him in again either
Impeachment would be the best chance for the Dems because they would not have to campaign against Trump. Just as Justin Trudeau somehow managed a minority and earned a second term in office with all of the issues that was weighing down on him I would think Trump could duplicate a similar victory, if not stronger. It all comes down to not just polls; or the concentration of people who heckle or cheer for Trump if they happen to see him randomly in public; but which side is best to bring out the vote. ;)
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