Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Your “facts” are just pathetic Dem propaganda and you’re the definition of dense.
... and you're a sad case, blkdlaur. One day, in the near future, its all gonna come OUT ... and you're gonna feel so foolish & betrayed. Should that happen, please refrain from voting for a couple cycles and try to realize you've been duped by one of the BEST con artists in modern time.
Just like the TV evangelists of the 1980's & 1990's ... like Jim & Tammy Baker of the PTL club who milked their viewers of millions of $$ donations and used the money to take extravagant vacations and purchase expensive homes ... Trump is the same type of GAME.
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Yeah - now blame President Trump for Epstein’s demise - why not - you blame him
for everything else - frick and frack - Dems are pathetic.
well he did have a bunch of young ones with his friend.....and with everything else going on right now....that would not help his case on the other were "things: to come out...….but I will admit epstien had a lot of rich and powerful friends
Only ass gas I see happening comes direct from the House Dems conducting their Kangaroo Court - you must be loving it - bunch o sore LOSERS!!!!! Still trying to undo the 2016 election and effect the 2020 - polls going the other way now in battleground states - people gettin pissed.
damn....that was 2 sentences....and still saying the same thing from last year....but at least you didn't mention you were an independent....like on the other thread......a lot of trumpies a bit ashamed anymore.....being played a fool is nothing to really be proud of
naturally you are afraid to look in the mirror...it must be scary seeing this mindless drone sitting there waiting for more trump orders on how the country operates and the dems destroying america

there is a saying that fits you...……..the mind is a terrible thing to waste....although hell there is one on here that doesn't even have that

you guys are like little wind up dolls....Dems bad ...trump is great
What Is the Emoluments Clause and What Does It Mean for ...
Jun 12, 2017 · On Monday, the attorneys general of Maryland and the District of Columbia announced that they will file a lawsuit against Trump claiming the …

Trump Must Face Emoluments Claims, as 2nd Circuit Revives ...
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Is the USA crumbling under Trump administration?
Yes it is quite definitely crumbling. Trump has divided the people by using hate rhetoric so they can never be united under his reign. Under Trump, America has left the Paris Agreement which has put us at edge with almost every country in the world.

Trump is Leading the Most Corrupt Administration in U.S ...
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Corruption in the Trump Administration ... - theatlantic.com
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Opinion | Trump administration corruption shouldn't ...
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Trump’s open corruption is completely debasing the federal ...
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Just how corrupt is the Trump administration? – News Views
Greed knows no bounds! Natasha Bertrand, national security correspondent for Politico, talks with Rachel Maddow about new reporting that military flights may have been making unusual stop-overs at Donald Trump’s Scotland resort as a means of pumping money into Trump’s struggling business and neighboring airport.

Tracking Corruption and Conflicts in the Trump Administration
Tracking Corruption and Conflicts in the Trump Administration [Original version May 2, 2017; updated September 27, 2019] The Trump Administration has been dogged by accusations that President Trump, as well as his family members and close associates, are seeking to use the presidency to advance their personal financial interests.

and yet his "drones" just keep buying what he is selling....everyone can't be wrong except in the eyes of the mindless drones
what do you call someone who believes everything u tell them?

Best Answer
gullible, being a sucker, believing, biting, credulous, easily taken in, easy mark, falling hook line and sinker, foolish, green*, innocent, kidding oneself, mark*, silly, simple, sucker, susceptible, swallowing whole, taken in, taking the bait, trustful, tumbling for, unskeptical, unsophisticated, unsuspecting, wide-eyed...…...trumptard

looking a lot more like several of the top 10 there....are right here on this site
what do you call someone who believes everything u tell them?

Best Answer
gullible, being a sucker, believing, biting, credulous, easily taken in, easy mark, falling hook line and sinker, foolish, green*, innocent, kidding oneself, mark*, silly, simple, sucker, susceptible, swallowing whole, taken in, taking the bait, trustful, tumbling for, unskeptical, unsophisticated, unsuspecting, wide-eyed...…...trumptard

looking a lot more like several of the top 10 there....are right here on this site
I don't know Sub. You literally described a Dem. Are you sure you got the best answer correct. Did you hear congresswoman Katie Hill complain that she cannot believe her indiscretions would be weaponized to destroy her. I almost ******* from laughing so hard. Her dumb ass fellow dems have been doing that to the soon to be re-elected president for the past two and a half years.

What do you call a liberal?

Lying, cheating, promising, corrupt, haters, and then add your answer and we got it to the T!!
I don't know Sub. You literally described a Dem. Are you sure you got the best answer correct. Did you hear congresswoman Katie Hill complain that she cannot believe her indiscretions would be weaponized to destroy her. I almost ******* from laughing so hard. Her dumb ass fellow dems have been doing that to the soon to be re-elected president for the past two and a half years.

What do you call a liberal?

Lying, cheating, promising, corrupt, haters, and then add your answer and we got it to the T!!

as usual....you have confused me with someone who cares about your opinion...….

A Dem would be someone who cares for America and the people in it....not someone trying to fuck the people and the country for all they can get

well considering the past of your elected president she was a model congress woman....what she did was consensual...…....just one of the many charges against your man was ******* a 13 year old....walking into the miss teen USA while they were undressed....admitted to public groping......infidelity…..sex with prostitutes.......and so much more...……..but she had consensual sex and gets in trouble...….and the man responsible for the pics being published....naturally a former trump campaign aid wanting her seat.....but now that they figured out that Popadapolous was behind the whole thing.....really doubt he gets her seat......but the way the right works who knows
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as usual....you have confused me with someone who cares about your opinion...….

A Dem would be someone who cares for America and the people in it....not someone trying to fuck the people and the country for all they can get

well considering the past of your elected president she was a model congress woman....what she did was consensual...…....just one of the many charges against your man was ******* a 13 year old....walking into the miss teen USA while they were undressed....admitted to public groping......infidelity…..sex with prostitutes.......and so much more...……..but she had consensual sex and gets in trouble...….and the man responsible for the pics being published....naturally a former trump campaign aid wanting her seat.....but now that they figured out that Popadapolous was behind the whole thing.....really doubt he gets her seat......but the way the right works who knows
Dude you are probably one of the most delusional on here!
Sooner or later it all comes out...…...

Mueller interview notes obtained by CNN show Trump's push for stolen emails

President Donald Trump and other top 2016 Trump campaign officials repeatedly privately discussed how the campaign could get access to stolen Democratic emails WikiLeaks had in 2016, according to newly released interview notes from Robert Mueller's special counsel investigation.

CNN sued the Justice Department for access to Mueller's witness interview notes, and this weekend's release marks the first publicly available behind-the-scenes look at Mueller's investigative work outside of court proceedings and the report itself. Per a judge's order, the Justice Department will continue to release new tranches of the Mueller investigative notes monthly to CNN and Buzzfeed News, which also sued for them.

A retelling of events from former Trump deputy campaign chairman Rick Gates, who served alongside campaign chairman Paul Manafort, is the fullest detail revealed by the Justice Department yet on discussions within the Trump campaign as it pursued damaging information about its Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton. The documents were stolen by the Russians, the American intelligence community has found.

"[Rick] Gates recalled a time on the campaign aircraft when candidate Trump said, 'get the emails.' [Michael] Flynn said he could use his intelligence sources to obtain the emails," investigators wrote in a summary of Gates' April 2018 interview with Mueller's team. Flynn was a foreign policy adviser on the campaign and became Trump's first national security adviser.

"Flynn had the most Russia contacts of anyone on the campaign and was in the best position to ask for the emails if they were out there," the investigators also wrote about Gates' interview.

Gates described in an interview with Mueller investigators last year how several close advisers to Trump, Trump's family members and Trump himself considered how to get the stolen documents and pushed the effort, according to investigators' summary.

Gates said Donald Trump Jr. would ask where the emails were in family meetings. Michael Flynn, [Jared] Kushner, [Paul] Manafort, [Redacted] [Corey] Lewandowski, Jeff Sessions, and Sam Clovis expressed interest in obtaining the emails as well. Gates said the priority focuses of the Trump campaign opposition research team were Clinton's emails and contributions to the Clinton Foundation. Flynn, [Redacted] [Jeff] Sessions, Kushner, and [Donald] Trump Jr. were all focused on opposition topics," Gates told investigators, according to the interview summary.

Previously, Mueller wrote in his report on Russian interference in the 2016 election that Trump's campaign showed interest in the hacked documents WikiLeaks had in summer and fall 2016. But many of the details are still redacted in the Mueller report, leaving holes in the story that the release to CNN somewhat fills in.

The release, received by CNN on Saturday, includes 274 pages of Mueller team interview notes, emails and other documents related to the cooperation of Gates, former top campaign official Steve Bannon and former Trump personal attorney Michael Cohen. Both Cohen and Gates pleaded guilty to criminal charges from Mueller. Bannon was not charged with any crime.

Bannon told the special counsel's office how Trump took interest in finding the 33,000 missing Hillary Clinton emails that she said she had erased from her private server, according to the documents. Neither Bannon nor Gates said they knew the Russians had stolen the Democratic documents, but believed foreign nationals had done the hacks.

Trump had asked publicly for Russia to find the missing emails when he spoke at a campaign rally in 2016.

Fox News host Sean Hannity also makes several appearances in the interview notes, fleshing out just how entwined the primetime TV personality had become with the Trump political operation in 2016

"[Rick] Gates said, during the campaign, Trump and [campaign chairman Paul] Manafort talked to Sean Hannity in their offices often," special counsel's office investigators noted Gates told them in April 2018.

Manafort, according to the released documents, also emailed Trump's *******-in-law Jared Kushner and others three days before the 2016 presidential election, saying Manafort had briefed Hannity.

Hannity was previously named in federal court during a proceeding about Cohen as one of Cohen's three legal clients. He also texted with Manafort following Manafort's arrest in October 2017.

Large parts of the interview notes are still redacted by the Justice Department.

part of my duty as the propaganda chair of the local DNC is to tell you....this was the only class act he hired...no one knew at the time

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1 hour ago · Rex Tillerson urges unity, sidesteps impeachment debate in speech. Former U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on Saturday that Republicans and Democrats need to work together for the good of the United States, while avoiding a direct reference to the Democratic-led impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump.

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