Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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TwoBi, we can't keep giving tax cuts that primarily benefit the upper 2% of income earners, and to Corps expecting them to create jobs ... maybe if we were still an industrialized nation it might stand a better chance of working. But, we're primarily moving on ... the lower middle of America needs to move as well, and that means retooling and retraining for today's jobs needs. That means investing in "education"; we're really not doing that. In the meantime, we're losing revenue because the rich have it, and won't give it up, and the poor simply don't have it to give. Just wait until the big monopolies come back, and they ARE coming back because of deregulation AGAIN. Less competition = vulture capitalism.

Never said we need to give more tax cuts and I can agree with everything else you said here - I re-train people for higher technology jobs, remember. But it doesn't take Socialism to correct these issues. It boils down to the left, once again, using the younger generation for votes. Dangle that carrot with promises.
But...But....But....Cohen has a check signed by Trump. How dare Trump actually pay his attorney...he must be guilty. Of course that would be suspicious in the eyes of the leftist wackos....they try to pay their bills with other people's money.
it's a lot more than a check......also has voice recordings....but that doesn't mean anything either.....and a lot of documents which Cohan provided....but those don't count because he is a liar right
Green New Deal - infanticide - socialism on the left running rampant - I woke up and to me seems like a nightmare happening in this country coming from the left :|

socialism over communism......and GREED
the right will let him give everything in the hopes of more breaks for the wealthy

and now we might even be behind in the arms race...had we given the sanctions Obama wanted to give in the first place over the election meddling....they wouldn't have near the money to do a arms race......but with the sanctions...helping Russia...instead of buying our high priced oil/gas and sanctions on Iran...Russia selling oil to Europe...even putting in a pipeline....and his famous tariffs...all helping Russia

unemployment may be down...but we are losing jobs to over seas at the highest rate ever....that will come back to bite us in the ass sooner or later!

everything this asshole has done since he was a candidate has either benefitted him or Russia...and the right is ok with that because they see more money in their pockets….the lies...don't matter....said he had no ties to Russia...the whole time trying build a tower there...his having the republican platform changed to benefit Russia....even his inauguration where he profited 47 million......to the wall now to be paid for by the taxpayer and to be built out of US steel....which the majority stock holder just happens to be Russian....on and on......and the right see none of that

this guy could start flying the Russian flag at the white house and the right would be fine with that.....some are profiting from it so they don't care...others the really stupid ones see it as changes to Washington which it what they voted for

Instead of the party of Lincoln they are now the party of Al Capone....with a slight bit of treason thrown in....greed and stupidity is now what controls the right
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Lets just look at the auto industry and how the right works......Bush had them bankrupt and about to close down......Obama stepped in and saved them...….now trump and his tariffs has half of them going overseas....tell me again how the right is so good for the country....but the people like nongolfer and 2bi which are profiting from this administration don't care...they will someday..but to late....and HH with his undying support of the right...and then blklump and his need for change.../???
I have sincerely missed your rants !!!!
Thanx ;}

right....like a belly ache?

thought I couldn't live without all this political arguing....but finding out I can do without it just fine

btw......we bought some land at table rock lake of the Ozarks a couple years ago to retire on.....they have been 2 years building a damn house now....anyway we went up to see how they are doing...….coming back.....I see this NICE 57 chev in a driveway for sale....bought the damned thing!

momma either pouted or chewed on my ear the entire ride back home....didn't want to hear anymore and didn't want to lose the buy so just hooked up the trailer to the truck and headed right back out
I'm sure if this car hadn't ben in the middle of nowhere in the middle of winter would have got a lot more for it!
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right....like a belly ache?

thought I couldn't live without all this political arguing....but finding out I can do without it just fine

btw......we bought some land at table rock lake of the Ozarks a couple years ago to retire on.....they have been 2 years building a damn house now....anyway we went up to see how they are doing...….coming back.....I see this NICE 57 chev in a driveway for sale....bought the damned thing!

momma either pouted or chewed on my ear the entire ride back home....didn't want to hear anymore and didn't want to lose the buy so just hooked up the trailer to the truck and headed right back out
I'm sure if this car hadn't ben in the middle of nowhere in the middle of winter would have got a lot more for it!

NICE - congrats - 283 ?
Can’t have tooooo many o the TRI-fives if your a Chevy man !!!!!!!
it doesn't take Socialism to correct these issues. It boils down to the left, once again, using the younger generation for votes. Dangle that carrot with promises.
... and it doesn't take "trickle down" promises of better income, that always rob the poorest with their slick, deceiving talks to give more money to the wealthiest with their big checkbooks to prove that "the pen is mightier than the vote"?
The 1-2%ers and corporations pay lots of dark money to get legislation changes. Republicans are notorious of rechanneling money, meant for public school education purposes, to their pet projects ... here in NC they cut funding for teacher assistants desperately needed for overcrowded class rooms, they cut out the college loan assistance program, they rechanneled public school funds to their private schools voucher program (which the poor still can't afford), they cut funds needed to remodel and/or upgrade old schools still on pre-1970 cooling & heating systems, etc etc etc ... the list goes on. I'm sorry to say, Republicans don't have ANY answers to education ... zippo ... notta .... zilch.
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... and it doesn't take "trickle down" promises of better income, that always rob the poorest with their slick, deceiving talks to give more money to the wealthiest with their big checkbooks. "the pen is mightier than the vote"?
The 1-2%ers and corporations pay lots of dark money to get legislation changes. Republicans are notorious of rechanneling money, meant for public school education purposes, to their pet projects ... here in NC they cut funding for teacher assistants desperately needed for overcrowded class rooms, they cut out the college loan assistance program, they rechanneled public school funds to their private schools voucher program (which the poor still can't afford), they cut funds needed to remodel and/or upgrade old schools still on pre-1970 cooling & heating systems, etc etc etc ... the list goes on. I'm sorry to say, Republicans don't have ANY answers to education ... zippo ... notta .... zilch.

You don't have to convince me of anything about the Republican party Mac, as I stated many times, I left the GOP back in the first bush era. The left is really no better sorry to say. Time to try something new, just not socialism. Been proven too many times to fail.
You don't have to convince me of anything about the Republican party Mac, as I stated many times, I left the GOP back in the first bush era. The left is really no better sorry to say. Time to try something new, just not socialism. Been proven too many times to fail.
sure you did...and just support them with every post just out of habit is that IT?
no........350 p/s p/db AC
frame off in 2004...now have to sell a chevelle to get momma off my back

Best of both worlds - classic tri-fiver - modern small block and all the goodies that go with it - REAL nice catch !!!!
Too bad ya got to give up a Chevelle though :|
Can’t ya explain to momma what a GREAT investment those cars are - all they do is gain more value !!!
Best of both worlds - classic tri-fiver - modern small block and all the goodies that go with it - REAL nice catch !!!!
Too bad ya got to give up a Chevelle though :|

been thinking about parting with it for a while now anyway...friend wants it...as for investment she has heard that for a long time...trouble is the market goes up and down on those things with the economy....car worth a lot more....said he has lowered the price a couple of times...but his location and weather kind of hurt him and helped me...my location I could probably resell and get a lot more for it....but NOT in my foreseeable future!

used to have a friend that lived in Iowa....he ALWAYS wore a hidden money belt....traveled around Ark all the time pulling a trailer....cars pretty much rust free there and they are all over the place...so he says...he had 2 acres up there...which is good money....but anyway said he saw a nice old car there he would stop and ask about it buying it...Always gave little to nothing for them....said he would shoot an offer...some get mad and run him off...but some took the money!...he would bring them back to Iowa and resell...making a bunch.....it's how he made his living!
Yeah - but they’re not making any more of them and there’s only so many to go around.
Only makes sense any of the tri-fives over the long haul will greatly increase in value - plus they’re just pisser cars!!! Sounds like you scored a beaut. Selling the Chevelle to a friend isn’t so bad. I started buying and selling motorcycles when I was 14 and then branched off into cars - knowing a bargain when ya see one was the key to success. Plus to guys like you and I those cars give such pleasure to own - operate - and work on - it’s a major win whether you ever sell it - just helps as you see them steadily increase in value - like no doubt that one will over time.
to me it looks like Trump becoming president has been a great thing for America and subsequently the rest of the world.
Oh yeah keep sucking on those lemons, would ya.
Have you read Donald Trump's book? Need to read it. Every chapter keeps taking you to Chapter Eleven ... 2463138 Five bankruptcies, and he thinks he can run a government like a private business ... "run it into the ground" is about all he can do. He couldn't negotiate the sale of a used car, much less negotiating with foreign governments.
If Donald Trump has an opinion, its because 2463144gave it to him! 2463146
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"good socialism

No such thing Mac - It's a pipe dream. Africa is a good example of what happens when Socialism and Democracy takes over.

We don't need to change our form of government, we simply need to re-hash our corporate laws to encourage good business practices and discourage crony/vulture practices and re-train our brains as to what is important. Give tax incentives to corporations that provide for their employees like higher wages, Day care, Medical, etc and tax heavily corporations that do not. Tax incentives and certain protection for the very small busineess so individuals can make a living on their own without the need for huge business loans and startup cost just so they can employ 1 or 2 people.
Patent laws needs to be visited as well. In the 3D printing world, Stratasys stole Open Source Ideas, tried to patent them and then sued those same small companies for infringement, trying to monopolize. Thank god they failed, but it should never have made it to court in the first place (Unfortunately they still succeeded on putting several small companies out of business). The open source community drives ideas and technology much faster than patents do. Open source also forces you to make a better product at an affordable price or someone else might. That is why you are able to have a 3D printer for less than $200 today.
We don't need to change our form of government
Never said we did. I was comparing economic systems: socialism to capitalism, not government-democracy.
Socialism is the intermediate phase of social development between capitalism and communism. democracy is - rule by the people, as a form of government, or through elected representatives.
I simply state that good socialism is better than the capitalism we have NOW.
And I don't have a 3-d printer, just an $89 HP Officejet.
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