Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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So how has business been since people are now required to buy your product? Record highs I'm betting.
I work the group markets, not the personal markets ... group insurance, retirement benefits, etc .... +50 lives & up. I don't screw with the little stuff. Bet that disappoints you, huh?
Don't worry, TwoBi ... something tells me the Democrats are gonna have a trifecta in Washington soon ... and maybe for the next 2 presidential cycles, at least. People just had to be reminded how worthless the Republicans are at keeping their word. If its not Trickle Down tax cuts, they'll say it IS just to get folks to vote for them, then cut money for the schools, environment, infrastructure, and of course benefits for the poor, just so the fat cat 1%ers can make another million or two.

Wow ... Trump is averaging 3.1 thousand lies a year since taking office. He's almost up to 9 per day now ... and the Drones keep sucking them up, too!
Well, it is for sure, Trump would make a great dictator somewhere in this world. I think he should explore South America ... don't you agree?
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I work the group markets, not the personal markets ... group insurance, retirement benefits, etc .... +50 lives & up. I don't screw with the little stuff. Bet that disappoints you, huh?

Not really, but you can keep pretending that you don't work for a crony capitalist corporation that cares nothing of their customer base as long as those margins are held. The type of company that has several 1%ers calling the shots and will lobby the government to gain profits and take subsidies to improve their own margins - you know, the very type of company you claim to loath. Keep telling yourself the lie - maybe someday you will believe it. ;)
A Democrat trifecta now that would be a nightmare I wouldn’t want to wake to !!!!!
Who in that crowd of ever growing more socialists would you vote for ??? Ole Uncle Joe is the only decent candidate you might have - that might have a chance - so far.
Just don’t think this country is ready for socialism yet - are you ???
I think the Democrats have put themselves in a position where they would never let a white male win the nomination. She may only have regional appeal but up here lefties love Klobachar but she might be too sane for the kooks who have taken over their party. Wish AOC was old enough. Would love to see her get completely exposed.
Just don’t think this country is ready for socialism yet - are you ???
.... Well, I hate to break it to you, but socialism is a big part of our capitalistic society. Republicans are always preaching capitalism, but only when it benefits something they want. Healthcare being a good example. The whole purpose of the checks & balances of the Exchanges and 80/20 Rule, etc was to create competition to keep costs in check, right? So, why would the Republicans NOT support the Exchanges, for example?
.... Socialism simply tries to restrain the self-destructive excesses of capitalism so as to create more opportunities for everyone, not just the powerful few. It believes that both the economy AND society should be run democratically to help meet the needs of more people, not just make excess profits for the few. Capitalism tends to encourage greed if not held in check, thus creating separation of the few rich and the many poor. Imagine a product or service that was available ONLY through one company, instead of several. It would allow that company to charge "whatever the market would bear" , thus heavily penalizing the poorest in our society.
.... Remember a couple years ago the young millionaire who purchased the patent on a ******* that only THAT one company had an exclusive on? Remember what happened? Once he bought that patent, he jacked up the price of that ******* by 500-1,000% .... because he COULD. In the meantime, that meant a lot of people who depended on that ******* could not obtain it. That's vulture capitalism which we wish to avoid in our society, which is why we have laws that try to help avoid monopolies. What if there were only one or two grocery store chains, or only one or two ******* companies. What do you think would happen to the costs of food or *******? So, we very much NEED socialism in our society, and the rich keep trying to take more by influencing legislation with their money. With the rich, its not about wealth, its about power, and money gives them that power.
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We really have to move forward and get Medicare for all and free advanced education for those work for it.
China gives free education for those who keep up their grades. All the way to a PHD.
We really have to move forward and get Medicare for all and free advanced education for those work for it.
China gives free education for those who keep up their grades. All the way to a PHD.

Yeah everything free - that be GREAT !!!!
Cept - nothing in life is FREE - somebody’s gotta pay for it. The Green New Deal’s cost has been estimated at 93 Trillion - where you guys coming up with that - is what I wanna know :|
So how has business been since people are now required to buy your product? Record highs I'm betting.
There's still competition in my field, TwoBi. Therefore, the insurance companies can't charge just any rate/premium they wish. If the so-called conservatives, who promised a much better health plan at a lower cost, would actually quit obstructing the market IF they're not gong to create a healthcare plan of their own, liberals could implement their cost savings strategies and control the rising costs of health care. When you have ONLY one or two heath carriers providing health care plans, you get what you see today. I'm hoping when the Democrats get a trifecta again, they'll keep focused on manageable health care. But, to make sure premiums are predictably controlled, everyone should participate in health care ... not just the few that are sick needing it, as that is adverse selection, and drives UP the costs for those who have the insurance.
It’s too bad most people don’t have the grasp of the healthcare industry as you seem to. It completely baffles me and I surmise most people as well. All I get is that government seems to fuck it up - one way or the other :|
The Green New Deal’s cost has been estimated at 93 Trillion - where you guys coming up with that - is what I wanna know :|
Where did you get your numbers?
Moving away from fossil fuels only makes sense if we wish to look at the living environment of this planet in the same light 100 years from now. As our own societies create new ways to access energy without creating destructive wastes, we need to move in that direction. From the way I see it, Republicans (and some Democrats) would prefer receiving their oil company subsidies rather than doing what is RIGHT for the betterment and preservation of this planet we live on. The 93 trillion ... not sure about that, unless that's a global cost. Look at where you got your information and simply consider the source(s). It makes sense that republicans would NOT support Green Deals of any kind.
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All I get is that government seems to fuck it up - one way or the other :|
I can't argue with that. Look what they did with FICA ... robbed it blind to hide their own waste of out-of-control spending. If the funds had been left alone, we wouldn't be having the crying stories of the shortages in FICA. When you keep cutting revenue, with tax cuts, and not offsetting them with less spending, you get what we got NOW. Which gets me back to politician term limits, transparency of donations, balanced budget, and ban on lobbyists in Washington government property. Do you know that the Pentagon basically has an open checkbook to spend as it wishes with no oversight whatsoever? Fifty billion here ... 100 billion there ... and they don't have to account for their spending whatsoever. Close to a trillion a year.
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I certainly hope YOU aren't implying that I think HE IS ... are you? You been drinking, taking *******, or something? .............. View attachment 2457035
I assume you're joking, MacNfries! I'm not implying anything other than this excuse for a President, or a human for that matter, is in it only for himself and his intollarable offspring, anyone believing otherwise are in bad need of some good mental health assistance, or maybe they're just past the stage of being helped!
you can keep pretending that you don't work for a crony capitalist corporation that cares nothing of their customer base as long as those margins are held.
Well, I'm sorry you have that opinion of me. I'm quite sensitive, myself, to the costs of healthcare. But, insurance companies do not work for free. If there was no profit in it, they would not represent the products. Speaking specific to healthcare premiums, the profit margins to that product are quite small, less than 1-2% for group plans I work with. The other products have larger margins ... group life, disability, dental, vision, etc ... and we try put incentives in the plans to help offset costs. For example, we even give employees & family $25-50 debit cards for showing they got a wellness checkup during the year. You'd be amazed at the number who don't use that free benefit. We also provide free home wellness examinations for those with issues like weight, smoking, diabetes, hbp, and history of major illnesses.
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Yeah everything free - that be GREAT !!!!
Cept - nothing in life is FREE - somebody’s gotta pay for it. The Green New Deal’s cost has been estimated at 93 Trillion - where you guys coming up with that - is what I wanna know :|
Yeah, we'll pay for it. Good investment. It will pay back better than most investments.
Socialism simply tries to restrain the self-destructive excesses of capitalism so as to create more opportunities for everyone, not just the powerful few. It believes that both the economy AND society should be run democratically to help meet the needs of more people, not just make excess profits for the few.

Yeah - that's why it works so well every time it has been tried. Socialism is much more susceptible to greed and corruption, that's why it fails. The money keeps getting taken, but it doesn't make to where it needs to be. Pretty much like those huge nation wide non-profit charitable foundations. Both Trump and Hillary could tell you how that works.

The Idea of Socialism is much more attractive than the reality of Socialism, but I agree they two (Capitalism and Socialism) go hand in hand. The problem is we are moving more and more to Socialism. Soon the country will be owned and run by corporate greed because they will be the ones paying for everything. Like Buy and Large in Wallie. There will only be 1 or 2 major corps that own everything. Socialism plays right into the top 1% hands by placing them in control. The only way to prevent that is by the government taking control of everything and we all know who well that works out.
The Idea of Socialism is much more attractive than the reality of Socialism, but I agree they two (Capitalism and Socialism) go hand in hand. The problem is we are moving more and more to Socialism.
TwoBi, we can't keep giving tax cuts that primarily benefit the upper 2% of income earners, and to Corps expecting them to create jobs ... maybe if we were still an industrialized nation it might stand a better chance of working. But, we're primarily moving on ... the lower middle of America needs to move as well, and that means retooling and retraining for today's jobs needs. That means investing in "education"; we're really not doing that. In the meantime, we're losing revenue because the rich have it, and won't give it up, and the poor simply don't have it to give. Just wait until the big monopolies come back, and they ARE coming back because of deregulation AGAIN. Less competition = vulture capitalism.
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