Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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It looks to me all the Trumpees are having a "Pity Party" .... and Mueller's Report hasn't even come out yet!

2456698.......................2456699"Hasta la vista, baby!"
It looks to me all the Trumpees are having a "Pity Party" .... and Mueller's Report hasn't even come out yet!

View attachment 2456698.......................View attachment 2456699"Hasta la vista, baby!"

Hey Mac I wouldn’t put too much faith into the Mueller Report - what are you guys gonna do when he finds NO collusion ???
Never mind I’m sure Schiff will b dissecting his ******* matter looking for some kernel of guilt of something - perhaps eating corn !!!
To the guillotine with him - off with his head ;}
Hey Mac I wouldn’t put too much faith into the Mueller Report - what are you guys gonna do when he finds NO collusion ???
As I've said before, obviously you missed it ... collusion leads to espionage, and THAT is what I'm looking for.
By the way, that check you guys are downplaying that was written by Trump to Cohen, Trump is NOT denying that check. Just another LIE for the President.
All the lies this fool has been caught in, and you guys STILL believe this idiot! God, how naïve you people are.
View attachment 2454677..... All you're doing is parroting what some Republicans said yesterday ... word for word. Now that's so laughable. Do you have any original thoughts on the topic? You really think that Trump is in N Korea because he wants to be? Really?
For one, he knew what was coming down at home ... and his visit to N Korea is strictly cameo. He knows he has no chance of de-nuclearizing N Korea, but it looks good. Plus, had he not already been called out for playing so much golf, he probably would be there instead. Trump's made it pretty clear he doesn't want to really be president. Hell, if he's going to make visits to Europe or Asia, let him start by repairing some of ally alliances he's managed to piss off the past 24 months. The fucker is as fake as a $ three dollar bill.

If you think Trump is in it for the good old USA and it citizens just take note of what he said about the young kid tortured and murdered last year by the North Koreans! The love of his life, President Kim (whom I call "Hu Flung Dung"), and I quote, "Kim told me that he knew nothing about it! And I believe him!" GOOD GOD! WAKE UP AMERICA!!
Yet ANOTHER LIE by Trump comes out today .... originally recorded denying giving *******-n-law a top secret clearance, now the story is OUT ... Yes He Did, and not only requested, but demanded. Even Evanka Trump lied for President Daddy saying daddy didn't request her husband be given a TSC.
LIARS ... the whole frik'n family. I can't wait until Evanka & Jared return to Congress to testify under oath ... will they turn on DADDY or risk 3-5 years for perjury for each lie they tell to protect the Alt-President?

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