Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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So, you are hoping someone convicted of lying to Congress is going to tell Congress the truth this time?

I understand you not liking Donald John Trump, but I'm having a difficult time following your hopeful fantasy on Cohen's testimony. As if Robert Mueller would allow Cohen to testify to something new, or anything under his purview.

Keep holding on, Trump will be convicted any day now. You got him now.
Absolute disgrace pulling this horseshite while the president is in Vietnam working on the North Korea problem - this current crop of lefties have absofuckinglutely no sense of patriotism at all - was a time in this country when the president was overseas doing the country’s business that total support at home was accorded him. I hate how the left has gone down the lowest of low roads and sincerely hope this bites them hard in the arse !!!
Absolute disgrace pulling this horseshite while the president is in Vietnam working on the North Korea problem - this current crop of lefties have absofuckinglutely no sense of patriotism at all
2454677..... All you're doing is parroting what some Republicans said yesterday ... word for word. Now that's so laughable. Do you have any original thoughts on the topic? You really think that Trump is in N Korea because he wants to be? Really?
For one, he knew what was coming down at home ... and his visit to N Korea is strictly cameo. He knows he has no chance of de-nuclearizing N Korea, but it looks good. Plus, had he not already been called out for playing so much golf, he probably would be there instead. Trump's made it pretty clear he doesn't want to really be president. Hell, if he's going to make visits to Europe or Asia, let him start by repairing some of ally alliances he's managed to piss off the past 24 months. The fucker is as fake as a $ three dollar bill.
View attachment 2454677..... All you're doing is parroting what some Republicans said yesterday ... word for word. Now that's so laughable. Do you have any original thoughts on the topic? You really think that Trump is in N Korea because he wants to be? Really?
For one, he knew what was coming down at home ... and his visit to N Korea is strictly cameo. He knows he has no chance of de-nuclearizing N Korea, but it looks good. Plus, had he not already been called out for playing so much golf, he probably would be there instead. Trump's made it pretty clear he doesn't want to really be president. Hell, if he's going to make visits to Europe or Asia, let him start by repairing some of ally alliances he's managed to piss off the past 24 months. The fucker is as fake as a $ three dollar bill.

Well - what I said - in that post - are exactly - my words and my thoughts on the matter as I am sure they are for many Americans. It’s amazing to me how the left - in their own minds - seem to know everything - including what the opposition is thinking.

Polly wanna cracker ??? ;}
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So, you are hoping someone convicted of lying to Congress is going to tell Congress the truth this time?

I understand you not liking Donald John Trump, but I'm having a difficult time following your hopeful fantasy on Cohen's testimony. As if Robert Mueller would allow Cohen to testify to something new, or anything under his purview.

Keep holding on, Trump will be convicted any day now. You got him now.

Cohan had nothing to lose by testifying and maybe less time.....mueller already had him on a lot of counts....using his own records to hang him and the pumpkin...….the pumpkin just stood back and let him burn like he has all the others that committed crimes for him...so why shouldn't he come clean and save his own ass...besides 17 different investigations into your man??????….and most of what cohan said is all documented from papers and recordings from his own office....what's that 11 now either under indictment or serving time.....and your man knew nothing......you can't be that dumb!
that's the problem with the republican party....most are Russian owned.....the rest are willing to over look treason...tax evasion corruption all in the name of greed......what morale's huh!?
And yes I believe he is there to address a problem that Obama told him was the most pressing issue facing the USA.
Well, one thing is for sure .... Trump finally made it to Vietnam, bone spurs or no bone spurs! .............2455059

"Behold, I am against you, O arrogant one, For your day has come, The time when I will punish you."
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I find it truly hilarious how liberals make light of our president working towards defusing a most dangerous situation - particularly where no other president had made any progress in that regard. All the news outlets for the most part today ignored the real news in favor of the Cohan horseshite - what a shame :{
I find it truly hilarious how liberals make light of our president working towards defusing a most dangerous situation - particularly where no other president had made any progress in that regard. All the news outlets for the most part today ignored the real news in favor of the Cohan horseshite - what a shame :{

Cohan is a known liar - Trump is a known liar. The left will never believe anything that comes out of Trumps mouth. So why do they believe Cohan? The only difference now is that if Cohan testifies against Trump, suddenly he is a saint and trustworthy in the eyes of the left. Lying it OK as long as it supports the lefts agenda. (can anyone say Kavanagh?)

The media doesn't want Trump to succeed - in anything. That is why they won't cover NK no matter how successful it might be. But if things go south you better believe it will be top news. The left is far to willing to put America at risk just to see Trump fail with both boarder security and NK.
Cohan is a known liar - Trump is a known liar. The left will never believe anything that comes out of Trumps mouth. So why do they believe Cohan? The only difference now is that if Cohan testifies against Trump, suddenly he is a saint and trustworthy in the eyes of the left. Lying it OK as long as it supports the lefts agenda. (can anyone say Kavanagh?)

The media doesn't want Trump to succeed - in anything. That is why they won't cover NK no matter how successful it might be. But if things go south you better believe it will be top news. The left is far to willing to put America at risk just to see Trump fail with both boarder security and NK.
But...But....But....Cohen has a check signed by Trump. How dare Trump actually pay his attorney...he must be guilty. Of course that would be suspicious in the eyes of the leftist wackos....they try to pay their bills with other people's money.
Green New Deal - infanticide - socialism on the left running rampant - I woke up and to me seems like a nightmare happening in this country coming from the left :|

Yep - the worst part is by the time the left realizes they have no more liberties, no more rights, and can only have what the government gives them - Even though they will have gotten exactly what they are asking for, the left will blame the Right for it all.

but but Russia
The Green New Deal will only cost us 93 Trillion dollars. I believe twas Margaret Thatcher that said “Socialism is great until you run out of other people’s money”.
The left’s infatuation with AOC is mind boggling. When I use AOC I mean :

A - Absofuckinglutely
O - O (zero)
C - Comprehension
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