Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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... "Whadda you say we put a few bucks on who's guy lasts longer?"
You're either very confident of yourself, or very arrogant ... either way, I hope you lose.
I don't think Republicans will allow him to finish his first term; they're too afraid of the 2020 election.
Let’s see our PM Has
Pissed off the USA
Pissed off the Chinees
Pissed off India
Pissed off Saudi Arabia
Pissed off the middle class
Called any one that does not agree with him names
Bought the right to an oil pipe line did not build it
Demoted the Auditor General for reasons yet to be determined
I would suggest you google Trudeau and his government on their latest scandals. Not quite Trump level but he is up for re election in October.
It appears that the last 10-15 years in many places of the world, politics have gone to the extremes. It doesn't matter who is in charge, the other side is going to try to make him/her look bad. In fact, they waste their productive time for the people trying to find/or create dirt, obstruction, and political rumors. But, our President, by far, represents the most radical representation of THIS country's highest office. Trump comes with tons of trash ... lawsuits by the thousands, 3 marriages including 3 infidelities, thousands of lies, money laundering, misuse of funds, and more documented lies than we can possible count. On top of that a third of his cabinet have been indicted for dishonesties, etc. I'm sorry , but if it smells like *******, looks like *******, and feels like *******, by god its probably *******.
But, lets not beat each other now, the Mueller investigation is coming out soon (within the next week). My question to the Trumpees, will they accept the findings of the investigation once it comes out. And if it IS as rumored, will they call for the resignation of Trump? (example) We already know Trump and his family have been using the Trump charity money for personal use ... that's prison time right there, and isn't even connected with Mueller.
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It appears that the last 10-15 years in many places of the world, politics have gone to the extremes. It doesn't matter who is in charge, the other side is going to try to make him/her look bad. In fact, they waste their productive time for the people trying to find/or create dirt, obstruction, and political rumors. But, our President, by far, represents the most radical representative of THIS country's highest office. Trump comes with tons of trash ... lawsuits by the thousands, 3 marriages including 3 infidelities, thousands of lies, money laundering, misuse of funds, and more documented lies than we can possible count. On top of that a third of his cabinet have been indicted for dishonesties, etc. I'm sorry , but if it smells like *******, looks like *******, and feels like *******, by god its probably *******.
But, lets not beat each other now, the Mueller investigation is coming out soon (within the next week). My question to the Trumpees, will they accept the findings of the investigation once it comes out. And if it IS as rumored, will they call for the resignation of Trump? (example) We already know Trump and his family have been using the Trump charity money for personal use ... that's prison time right there, and isn't even connected with Mueller.
Don’t get me wrong, I am not a Trump Fan. Did not waste my time watching his tv show, I found a copy of his book in the library did not like the style.

I really enjoy reading history both that of Canada and the United States because we are so closely related by back ground. I like to think is Americans as the original boat people and Canadians as two time boat people.

We have more in common that things that separate us. Yes we were on opposite side in the war of 1812 but have stood side by side in every conflict since them.

We have accused each other of dumping products for the last 200 years.

Some of your greatest Americans have given much to Canada. Like Benjamin Franklin was the Post Master of Lower Canada (now called Quebec) during which time he invented the postage stamp. Yes you read right. How do I know this well we had a historical minute on the subject a few years back. He was even on a stamp that you could get with a short history on why.
My question to the Trumpees, will they accept the findings of the investigation once it comes out.

I believe in do process, so Yes. if proof is found then he needs to be held accountable. If nothing else, Trump has exsposed just how corrupt our government really is.

I expect the report to be bad for obvious reason - but then again, I "expected" Killary to win in 2016. So if the report isn't what you think, The real questions is - will you?
I expect the report to be bad for obvious reason - but then again, I "expected" Killary to win in 2016. So if the report isn't what you think, The real questions is - will you?

I'll most definitely accept it IF the full report is allowed to come out. Trump is putting people in positions who believe that sitting president can't be indicted. In essence, he's trying to select his own judge & jury. I don't hear any Republicans complaining about that. They'd just as soon he be cleared of charges regardless of guilt or not. I can accept the President not being indicted on crimes he's made prior to becoming President, but, he puts his pants on like everyone else and should face any crimes he commits while in office ... which is why its so important the President go before Mueller like everyone else, under oath.
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What is particularly satisfying to me, and must be extremely difficult for you, is that every day that goes by, another one of my predictions on this thread is proven factual by real data, and another one of your assumptions is proven to be what every reasonable person already knew after reading your first post.

Are you directing your comments at ME, nongolfer? If you are, and would like response from ME, you might try putting the addressee's name on the post, otherwise, I assume you're making some general comment.
That said, assuming your last post is being directed to me, what predictions, exactly, have you said on this thread that have been proven factual by real data?
Well maybe, just maybe, some element of fact supported by documental evidence will come out today from Cohen's testimony before a Congressional Committee! I read a copy of his opening statement and it sure reads as though he's put on the gloves and come out with some hard hitting facts, supported by documentation, ie, a cheque signed by the Donald himself and while in the White House, that clearly confirms Trump habitual deceit, deceptions and great propensity to lie! Here's a link to Cohen's written statement to the Congressional Committee.

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