Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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OH no the dastardly Republican obstructionist Mitch McConnell is bringing the Democrap's Green New Deal to a vote....how dare he not block it!!! Oh the horror of these Republican tricks....not blocking the democrap agenda. :rolleyes:

OH no the dastardly Republican obstructionist Mitch McConnell is bringing the Democrap's Green New Deal to a vote....how dare he not block it!!! Oh the horror of these Republican tricks....not blocking the democrap agenda. :rolleyes:

World is going to end in 12 years you know...

What really funny, is socialism for the wall, banks, rich thru tax cuts good, using tax dollars for good universal healthcare, schooling, bad , and trump supporters cheer.
Lowest crossing of undocumented migrants ever but let’s spend 25B on a wall that won’t do what you say it will, of course Trump supporters cheer! Unbelievable
I've mentioned several times about the NC Republican GA robbing the public school funds to help fund their private-voucher funded school system. The Republicans, for the past few years (since gaining control in 2010) have said the public school system was failing the students and that money (coming from the NC Educational Lottery started in 2004) was being wasted when it would be better to provide children/parents the option of attending the private schools around the state. Well, the latest Republican scam is now OUT ... what the Republicans really wanted was a way to fund their state tax cuts for the corporations & wealthiest citizens at the expense of the public school system of North Carolina. Here's how they are doing it:
Two years ago Republicans took over $800,000 of public school system money and used it to kick off their voucher funded-private schools idea. Their explanation was that the poorer ******* (inner city) could now have a higher quality of education and up to half of their private schools tuitions paid by vouchers. This still left parents of these poorest children having to shoulder up to $6-10,000 per baby to go to a private school. It also meant parents would have to provide their own transportation (no buses) and the total costs of uniforms. So, how did all that work out ...​
* As of the 2018-2019 school year < 60% of the funds earmarked for the voucher program have been used. Poor ******* could not afford the added expenses of proportionally shared dues, uniforms, or transportation.​
* There is a big shortage of private schools located near the locations of inner city children. Of course Republicans knew this.​
The Republicans knew (obviously) that a lot of the funds held for the private schools/voucher program could possibly go unused, thus they wrote into the program that any moneys NOT used after two years would then be deposited into the state's "general funds" to be used at the state's discretion. You would think, since they robbed the public schools of much needed funds from the Educational Lottery (which Republicans fought to stop from initializing in 2004), that they would redeposit the funds back to the public schools for teacher pay increases since NC teacher pay is in the bottom 10 states of the US) and re-establish the teachers assistants positions they eliminated 3 years ago.
But NOOOO, the Republicans plan to use this "windfall" of money to, guess what???) ..... yeah, MORE income tax cuts in the state. So they basically robbed the POOREST to pay the RICHEST in North Carolina.
Also, interesting, is that the qualifications to BE a private school teacher is far less than that of public school teachers, who are often accredited by their 4th-5th year of teaching in a public school. In fact, a private school teacher doesn't even have to have a college degree for teaching.
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I've mentioned several times about the NC Republican GA robbing the public school funds to help fund their private-voucher funded school system. The Republicans, for the past few years (since gaining control in 2010) have said the public school system was failing the students and that money (coming from the NC Educational Lottery started in 2004) was being wasted when it would be better to provide children/parents the option of attending the private schools around the state. Well, the latest Republican scam is now OUT ... what the Republicans really wanted was a way to fund their state tax cuts for the corporations & wealthiest citizens at the expense of the public school system of North Carolina. Here's how they are doing it:
Two years ago Republicans took over $800,000 of public school system money and used it to kick off their voucher funded-private schools idea. Their explanation was that the poorer ******* (inner city) could now have a higher quality of education and up to half of their private schools tuitions paid by vouchers. This still left parents of these poorest children having to shoulder up to $6-10,000 per baby to go to a private school. It also meant parents would have to provide their own transportation (no buses) and the total costs of uniforms. So, how did all that work out ...​
* As of the 2018-2019 school year < 60% of the funds earmarked for the voucher program have been used. Poor ******* could not afford the added expenses of proportionally shared dues, uniforms, or transportation.​
* There is a big shortage of private schools located near the locations of inner city children. Of course Republicans knew this.​
The Republicans knew (obviously) that a lot of the funds held for the private schools/voucher program could possibly go unused, thus they wrote into the program that any moneys NOT used after two years would then be deposited into the state's "general funds" to be used at the state's discretion. You would think, since they robbed the public schools of much needed funds from the Educational Lottery (which Republicans fought to stop from initializing in 2004), that they would redeposit the funds back to the public schools for teacher pay increases since NC teacher pay is in the bottom 10 states of the US) and re-establish the teachers assistants positions they eliminated 3 years ago.
But NOOOO, the Republicans plan to use this "windfall" of money to, guess what???) ..... yeah, MORE income tax cuts in the state. So they basically robbed the POOREST to pay the RICHEST in North Carolina.
Also, interesting, is that the qualifications to BE a private school teacher is far less than that of public school teachers, who are often accredited by their 4th-5th year of teaching in a public school. In fact, a private school teacher doesn't even have to have a college degree for teaching.
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In australia teachers start on about 43,000 and as a senior teacher earn 99,000/year.
Recently a survey of past students show the public education system delivers the same outcome as private school.
Isn’t that a good thing to ensure you have an educate population so we don’t end up voting for trump type leader ie only idiots vote for trump
In australia teachers start on about 43,000 and as a senior teacher earn 99,000/year.
Recently a survey of past students show the public education system delivers the same outcome as private school.
Isn’t that a good thing to ensure you have an educate population so we don’t end up voting for trump type leader ie only idiots vote for trump

You are the most pompous of asses - disparaging anyone’s intelligence that doesn’t agree with you - I for one am sick of your obnoxious attacks - like most of your mindset all you can do is insult and act superior in your supposed righteousness indignation - well I have reached the point where all I can really say - Is GO FUCK YOURSELF !!!!
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You are the most pompous of asses - disparaging anyone’s intelligence that doesn’t agree with you - I for one am sick of your obnoxious attacks - like most of your mindset all you can do is insult and act superior in your supposed righteousness indignation - well I have reached the point where all I can really say - Is GO FUCK YOURSELF !!!!
Lol Trump supporters- you guys.....!
I’m not disparaging your intelligence , you are!
You are actively supporting a f’wit of a President who is a misogynistic ass, he has little regard for the law, he lies, you cheer over a wall that clearly won’t work, the fbi are investigating him .... but some how I’m to blame because I point out the stupidity of your support!
You need to read more .
UPDATE To The Voting Fraud In North Carolina ... for years Republicans, here, have been harmonizing regarding the voting fraud going on in the state. Well, they finally have found the "enemy" and the enemy is the Republicans. And isn't it interesting that of ALL the voter suppression Republicans have implemented since they gained control of the NC Legislation in 2010, that the ONE type of fraud they chose NOT to chastise was the mail-in absentee ballots. They insisted on IDs, elimination of same day voter registration, elimination of school registrations, cut the polling locations, times, dates, days, and even relocated the polling places to remote parts of the counties... all in the name of curtailing Voter Fraud ... but they didn't dare touch absentee voting. Now I wonder why THAT was?
Its like the saying regarding farting .. "first smeller is the very fellow" .... its been the Republicans harping about voter fraud for years, pointing HERE and THERE as their accusations of fraud never materialized, but NOW .... KARMA has occurred once again.

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I don't like Donald Trump at all. However I HATE Hillary Clinton. Our choice in the last election was binary. Trump or Clinton. I voted third party. Couldn't stomach either of them. I have always considered myself, as far as foreign policy goes, an old school conservative. Remembering the words of George Washington. He pleaded with the new Republic, to never have Any permanent foreign allies, No standing Army, and to carry no National debt. How's That working out for us? I remember Dwight D Eisenhowers final speech as President. He didn't use it to reflect on his time as supreme allied commander of allied forces pushing into Europe, nor did he use it to remind us of his accomplishments as President. He took the time, in his final speech, to warn us of the Dangers of the military industrial complex. How it was A beast that would need to be fed. I know the communists co opted that slogan, but it was first used by A little man from Kansas, to warn how the CIA and the MIC would use their lobbyists to sway the public into non stop wars.
I can still remember my breaking point. 2005, I had been out with friends, bow hunting Turkey. We came back from A successful hunt, I fired up the grill at our hunting spot. I went to my car and put on NPR. As I cooked there was yet more bad news. American servicemen killed by an IED in A war that Hillary and Bush supported. It had been nonstop death for months. I made up my mind right then, at the height of the insurgency, that I couldn't take it any more. I knew I had A skillset that could, possibly, help. I went home and signed up with Lear-siegler. I spent 3 years flying around that God forsaken country, grabbing catfish flights (blackhawk helicopters) and convoys when I could, helping to install and troubleshoot, counter insurgency measures, warlock and duke in vehicles. I also helped develop technology that aided in installing urban warfare packages on Abrams tanks. These technologies were only moderately successful.
The graft and corruption I saw was insane. Many vehicles, such as cuckvs, no pun intended, had no air conditioning. In A country that could reach 130 deg F. I fabricated, using commercial off the shelf components, A system that could be installed. When I checked fedlog, the military system for ordering parts, the cost of each item made my jaw drop! A simple evaporator, sheet metal and A fan, used in HETs, was 10 thousand dollars! This caused me to do some research and I discovered that part of the reason for the insane cost was that the Generals had no bid the contract. Just gave it to the companies that they, the generals, had bought stock in! War is Truly A Racket!
I remember Libya, remember Qaddafi had decided to play nice, giving up his nuclear program under Bush, with guarantees for his safety. Well Obama and of course Hillary "We came, we saw, he died" Clinton, with No thought to the aftermath, took the opportunity to overthrow his government. Now their are markets in that country where black Africans are sold as slaves, openly! Don't like Trump but man Fuck That Bitch! If she had been elected we would be back to that same old, using our ******* and treasure to play the "Great Game" of international politics "through other means" In Iraq we contractors ended up dying 7:1 as compared to the U.S. military. Hillary has never had to watch A friend, who has shown you his family pictures, shared his Hope's and goals with you, die from A sucking chest wound. Never had to see his body go limp and his eyes glaze over, never had to write his wife that her ******* are now orphans. She is A neocon and part of the problem, the mic. Trump is at least too stupid to play "4d chess"

You are the most pompous of asses - disparaging anyone’s intelligence that doesn’t agree with you - I for one am sick of your obnoxious attacks - like most of your mindset all you can do is insult and act superior in your supposed righteousness indignation - well I have reached the point where all I can really say - Is GO FUCK YOURSELF !!!!
and you don't do the same...….and the name calling.....For shame on you and your double standard

And you think this is something new???

Slavery markets in the middle East and Africa have been going on since the rise of man. Your post that its HC fault is not fully factual at all. The author of the piece is mish mashing facts and fables to make a story. Then blaming it on HC.

Have your rant. But get the facts right. Slavery is still here. In fact it hasn't stopped for over four thousand years. Muammar Mohammed Abu Minyar Gaddafi lived from 1942 to 2011. He was removed from this earth in 2011. Yet it is internationally recognised and accepted that groups such as the Libyan group known as the Asma Boys has antagonized migrants from other parts of Africa from at least as early as 2000, if not before.

So here's the math's. H.C 2011, Asma boys and others 2000. Hmmm!

Source: https://www.google.com/books?id=mseGAAAAIAAJ.

Be angry at HC for what ever you want. But use actual facts, not hearsay.
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DaphneD talking about facts. That's irony. And another poster using one of your favorite sources. You must be conflicted. USA Today is good. The next day, USA is bad.

What is particularly satisfying to me, and must be extremely difficult for you, is that every day that goes by, another one of my predictions on this thread is proven factual by real data, and another one of your assumptions is proven to be what every reasonable person already knew after reading your first post.

DaphneD talking about facts. That's irony. And another poster using one of your favorite sources. You must be conflicted. USA Today is good. The next day, USA is bad.

What is particularly satisfying to me, and must be extremely difficult for you, is that every day that goes by, another one of my predictions on this thread is proven factual by real data, and another one of your assumptions is proven to be what every reasonable person already knew after reading your first post.


just like your fearless Russian leader...….anything against what you want to believe is true.....must be false......after all trump didn't say it was so.....mindless drones...
Well, facts tend to back my narrative. I'll wait for more facts here is South Florida, while enjoying my five digit tax cut, while you are "entitled" to your version of facts. Aka...fantasy.
Well, facts tend to back my narrative. I'll wait for more facts here is South Florida, while enjoying my five digit tax cut, while you are "entitled" to your version of facts. Aka...fantasy.
Its too bad your modesty isn't the size of your gigantic EGO and BS.
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