Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Geez I didn’t know you spoke for all the educated people of the world !!!!
That’s REALLY big !!!!
Who appointed you as their spokesperson - pray tell - yourself methinks ;}
All you people that believe what you read and hear from the biased media and project it onto others that choose to reserve their judgement until things are ACTUALLY proven - make me laugh - that you revile us for not believing as yourself - not so much :{

“others that choose to reserve their judgement until things are ACTUALLY proven”
Lol lol

Lol you mean like climate change?
Proven? Like he returned to a falsehood he has repeatedly put forward in support of his border wall – a supposed reduction in crime in El Paso.

“When that wall went up, it’s a whole different ball game,” he said. “Thanks to a powerful border wall in El Paso, Texas, it’s one of America’s safest cities now.”

In fact, the city’s ******* rate was less than half the national average in 2005, the year before the start of its border fence. El Paso’s violent crime rate subsequently increased, although it has since declined at a similar rate to other areas of the US.
Could you please suggest examples of unbiased media that we can trust?

Taint none - I watch a varied mix but most of what is being reported I am highly skeptical of. Most media outlets are heavily biased against Trump and it’s painfully obvious - you liberals love that and believe everything they feed ya. Eventually - hopefully - the truth will come out - but I doubt it :{
Taint none - I watch a varied mix but most of what is being reported I am highly skeptical of. Most media outlets are heavily biased against Trump and it’s painfully obvious
I think you are being evasive and avoiding answering, blkdlaur. You use the word most, which in my vocabulary means "not all", which also means a few ARE trusted by you. So, again, I ask you ... "which media sources do you b believe give you the correct information you?" And, how can you tell the ones you trust are not lying or misleading as well?
Oh, you mean the mid-term results where Republicans gained seats in the Senate? And you, being the educated person you claim to be, understand that the Senate is more powerful than the House, right? So Trump and his voters still have the White House and the Senate. It's funny when a foreigner tries to pretend they know something about our government and values.
Trump supporters claiming to be educated or more educated.bhhhaaaa! Lol . Ah thanks for that laugh.
Midterms was a bitch slap to trump. You’d understand if you follow politics, those senate seats were never going to change. Most educated ppl got that.
You don’t like foreigners? I’m surprised- not really.
Taint none - I watch a varied mix but most of what is being reported I am highly skeptical of. Most media outlets are heavily biased against Trump and it’s painfully obvious - you liberals love that and believe everything they feed ya. Eventually - hopefully - the truth will come out - but I doubt it :{
I hear trump supporters hate Evidence and science and rational thinking
Geez I didn’t know you spoke for all the educated people of the world !!!!
That’s REALLY big !!!!
Who appointed you as their spokesperson - pray tell - yourself methinks ;}
All you people that believe what you read and hear from the biased media and project it onto others that choose to reserve their judgement until things are ACTUALLY proven - make me laugh - that you revile us for not believing as yourself - not so much :{
Even Harvard hates trump, and Ann Coulter hates him too

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Oops... looks like the liberals here were wrong. 100% wrong. The whole time, they believed the lies spread by Democrats and liberal media.
I'd feel pretty foolish and I would apologize to everyone for being such a sucker. But I bet we get no such apology, or even acceptance of this fact from the liberals here.

Did you have a stroke?
Republican chairman said no evidence of collusion. Republicans investing Republicans. Democrats say we are opening a new investigation... also...
Trump has held he didn’t know about the meeting, but his former lawyer and fixer Michael Cohen reportedly now says he did. Trump’s current lawyer Rudy Giuliani says Trump didn’t know, and both he and Trump have started to say that even if there were some sort of collusionbetween the Trump campaign and Russia, that’s not necessarily a crime anyway.

The fact that the story keeps changing is part of the issue — and what’s concerning. Even in Trump’s Sunday tweet, he claims the Trump Tower meeting was completely okay and at the same time seems astute enough to want to distance himself from it.

Dumb asses
Could you please suggest examples of unbiased media that we can trust?

There was one about 5 years ago but it has been taken off the air, ran 24/7. Just a narrator and video clips. Basically all it did was report the facts of what was going on around the world. No opinions, no biased views, just facts.

I don't trust any news source anymore, not even local news. Local stations only parrot what the headquarters tell them to report. There could be a huge disaster in town and the only thing the locals will report is how some black guy got arrested in Starbucks or how some gay couple didn't get their cake.

blkdlaur is correct in saying that you have to check several sources to get the entire story. I wouldn't say that any one is unbiased, but some are worse than others. FOX news is probably the worst for the right while CNN is the worst for the left. I don't consider sources like Buzz Feed or The Young Terks as "news Sources", these are more like tabloids. It's not so much that each network reports "fake news" as it is the networks have injected their own viewpoints. In essence telling their viewers how to think instead of letting them think for them selves.

Remember this? (and it's probably biased as well)
you mean the mid-term results where Republicans gained seats in the Senate?
Earth to submission52 .... all of the 100 Senate seats do NOT come up for re-election every two years like the House. I'm sure you forgot that part. The Senate members seats come up every 6 years, with a 1/3 every two years ... right now there is a vacancy in the Republican seat of NC because of the suspicion that the incumbent rigged the election in his 6th district. Why don't you go read about that ... his staff hired a a known felon to go around and collect absentee ballots from those in the district that requested them (absentee ballots are public record). Then they either helped the applicants fill out the ballot form and/or tossed the votes for Democrats in the trash. So, instead of disqualifying the Republican, the Governor has ordered a re-vote of that district ... interesting since the election board is predominately Republican right now and have been obstructing the investigation. Had it been a Democrat cheating, they would have disqualified the candidate and put the Republican in.
Nothing at all proven by the "still Republican run" Senate investigation. Same thing happened in the Republican run House in 2018 ... now the REAL investigation in the HOUSE begins. I believe you best stick around and see what Mueller has to say in about 2 more weeks.
There was one about 5 years ago but it has been taken off the air, ran 24/7. Just a narrator and video clips. Basically all it did was report the facts of what was going on around the world. No opinions, no biased views, just facts.

I don't trust any news source anymore, not even local news. Local stations only parrot what the headquarters tell them to report. There could be a huge disaster in town and the only thing the locals will report is how some black guy got arrested in Starbucks or how some gay couple didn't get their cake.

blkdlaur is correct in saying that you have to check several sources to get the entire story. I wouldn't say that any one is unbiased, but some are worse than others. FOX news is probably the worst for the right while CNN is the worst for the left. I don't consider sources like Buzz Feed or The Young Terks as "news Sources", these are more like tabloids. It's not so much that each network reports "fake news" as it is the networks have injected their own viewpoints. In essence telling their viewers how to think instead of letting them think for them selves.

Remember this? (and it's probably biased as well)
Of course. Everyone has a bias.
It marketing 101!Stop crying about it and become well read!
Gain an education , expand it!
Then you’ll see trump for the snake oil salesman he is
Let's see... I have a bachelor of science in engineering and tested out of engineering calculus. I'm also a software developer.
I'm an atheist, and believe heavily in evidence-based science. Not model-based science. Model-based science is akin to meteorology. Sure there's science behind it, but it's a best guess. It doesn't irrefutably prove science theory. That's where you libtards fail. You take SWAGs as gospel.
Your other problem is, you take a few hicks from the south, and you apply their idiocy to every conservative. That's why you fail. You fail repeatedly.
But enjoy being the Queen's younger baby who is afraid to pull its mouth from the mom teat.
Oh, and you should be kissing our feet... because virtually every creature comfort you enjoy like television, telephone, computers, internet, smartphones, etc. come from the US... your older, smarter, stronger, wealthier brother with a bigger sack.
So smart but still no universal health care like every other developed country
So smart but still can’t control gun violence. Today I went for an ice cream and did need a gun to order.
So smart you can’t comprehend that you are 2/3 a service economy but fail to get a living minimum wage passed so everyone can participate in it.
See that’s why you are a trump supporter.
You might have a bachelor of engineering but really? You are just another idiot trump supporter.
Please don’t pretend you support trump because he somehow is the only guy telling it like it is.
Where is your intelligence when he simply talks *******!
I don’t mean little stuff like he works harder than every other president. Who cares!
I mean the bullshit he keeps spinning like the wall or like he didn’t meet the Russians , or stormy Daniels or every ex chief of staff thinks he a retard!
Are you sure you have a degree? And if you do, is it in basket weaving?
-Universal healthcare is substandard and slow care. All it does it take money from the wealthy and give it to the poor. It's socialism. I'm pretty sure you don't voluntarily give your money away to the poor, and many people here don't want to give lazy people money.
-There is no such thing as gun violence. There is simply violence. Some people use knives, some use fists, some use poison, some use a vehicle, or a bomb, or gas, or a gun. Violence has nothing to do with the weapon; it has everything to do with the malevolent intent of the person behind the violence. Surely you're smart enough to know that by now.
-You clearly have a warped opinion that a service job is a final destination. An entry level job was never intended to be a final destination. It is the first step on a ladder toward a better paying career. While you are in that entry level job, you are supposed to live within your means and sacrifice to make a better life for yourself. You are supposed to learn, pay your dues, and assume greater responsibility over the course of time. The problem with many people in entry level jobs is entitlement. You have people who can't give up the cell phone. They can't give up the new shoes or the Starbucks. Sorry, but their inability to live within their means IS NOT my problem.
-You wouldn't know intelligence if it smacked you upside the head. You are too blinded by your ******* heart. You are a sucker and a doormat. You are a perfect target for a manipulative liberal.
If you haven't learned by now, EVERY politician lies. Obama lied repeatedly. Bush Jr. lied. Clinton was impeached for lying. Stop trying to pretend Trump is different. No one likes it when a politician lies, or flip-flops on a position, but it happens. I don't support his lies. I support the policies he campaigned for, because he's making many of them come to fruition. And stop pretending you're offended by the "grab a woman by the pussy" comment. This lifestyle is largely appealing because of sexual aggression and exchange of power in the bedroom.
-President Trump didn't meet the Russians. Hillary Clinton didn't either, but she paid Russians for information against Trump. And she sold uranium to the Ukraine. That's collusion. That's criminal activity.
-Stormy Daniels has nothing to do with anything. Presidents cheat. Clinton cheated. Rich men cheat. Women cheat. It happens. Get over it.
-Anyone who gets fired thinks their boss is a jackass. For you not to realize this, means you've never held a job... or if you have, you've been a doormat and never stood up for yourself.
-I'm absolutely sure I have a degree. As I said, in engineering. What about you? I bet my degree is a lot more math and science based than yours.
You really aren’t just a pathetic Cuck. You are simply pathetic! That’s my first post! More coming ...
-Universal healthcare is substandard and slow care. All it does it take money from the wealthy and give it to the poor. It's socialism. I'm pretty sure you don't voluntarily give your money away to the poor, and many people here don't want to give lazy people money.

Wrong. Socialism- lol, you mean like giving tax cuts to the rich?

-There is no such thing as gun violence. There is simply violence. Some people use knives, some use fists, some use poison, some use a vehicle, or a bomb, or gas, or a gun. Violence has nothing to do with the weapon; it has everything to do with the malevolent intent of the person behind the violence. Surely you're smart enough to know that by now.

Wrong. There is such a thing a gun violence.
If I went into a school with a stick vs and AK 47. Try not being a f’wit and put that ‘degree’ to use.

-You clearly have a warped opinion that a service job is a final destination. An entry level job was never intended to be a final destination. It is the first step on a ladder toward a better paying career. While you are in that entry level job, you are supposed to live within your means and sacrifice to make a better life for yourself. You are supposed to learn, pay your dues, and assume greater responsibility over the course of time. The problem with many people in entry level jobs is entitlement. You have people who can't give up the cell phone. They can't give up the new shoes or the Starbucks. Sorry, but their inability to live within their means IS NOT my problem.

You’re a dick. So what if it’s an entry job ? Shouldn’t people live with some type of dignity?

-You wouldn't know intelligence if it smacked you upside the head. You are too blinded by your ******* heart. You are a sucker and a doormat. You are a perfect target for a manipulative liberal.

Lol if only you knew how much of your assets my company owns ..

If you haven't learned by now, EVERY politician lies. Obama lied repeatedly. Bush Jr. lied. Clinton was impeached for lying. Stop trying to pretend Trump is different. No one likes it when a politician lies, or flip-flops on a position, but it happens. I don't support his lies. I support the policies he campaigned for, because he's making many of them come to fruition. And stop pretending you're offended by the "grab a woman by the pussy" comment. This lifestyle is largely appealing because of sexual aggression and exchange of power in the bedroom.

Oh because every politician lies let’s say it’s ok! Trump is a special kind of liar!! A compulsive liar!

-President Trump didn't meet the Russians. Hillary Clinton didn't either, but she paid Russians for information against Trump. And she sold uranium to the Ukraine. That's collusion. That's criminal activity.

Mueller disagrees

-Stormy Daniels has nothing to do with anything. Presidents cheat. Clinton cheated. Rich men cheat. Women cheat. It happens. Get over it.

Clinton was impeached for lying retard!

-Anyone who gets fired thinks their boss is a jackass. For you not to realize this, means you've never held a job... or if you have, you've been a doormat and never stood up for yourself.

Gees you are a fuck wit! The fact that this piece of crap President has the largest turnover of any Administration with all those who exit saying the same thing and you still pathetically accepting his words! Unbelievable!

-I'm absolutely sure I have a degree. As I said, in engineering. What about you? I bet my degree is a lot more math and science based than yours.
Pretty sure you don’t have a diploma let alone a degree!
You have little capability of independent thinking and lack research skills. Stop dreaming now run along. You are late for you three word slogan kkk rally
Such a sad liberal. Like a baby who tantrums when the parent finally holds her accountable for her actions. That's what Trump is doing to the world. For the prior 8 years, the baby was running the household. And we saw what a disaster that was. Rise in debt, terrorism, racial tension... and drop in military power, reputation, credit rating, respect for the law, and respect as a nation.
Thankfully Trump is restoring some sanity.
you have to either be a troll , Russian or stupid. You know that trump took your debt to 22 Million or you can’t read?
Such a sad liberal. Like a baby who tantrums when the parent finally holds her accountable for her actions. That's what Trump is doing to the world. For the prior 8 years, the baby was running the household. And we saw what a disaster that was. Rise in debt, terrorism, racial tension... and drop in military power, reputation, credit rating, respect for the law, and respect as a nation.
Thankfully Trump is restoring some sanity.
Lol you are funny and cute with your pretend degree and intelligence.
Such a sad liberal. Like a baby who tantrums when the parent finally holds her accountable for her actions. That's what Trump is doing to the world. For the prior 8 years, the baby was running the household. And we saw what a disaster that was. Rise in debt, terrorism, racial tension... and drop in military power, reputation, credit rating, respect for the law, and respect as a nation.
Thankfully Trump is restoring some sanity.
I love that you mentioned “like a baby who tantrums “
Temper tantrums are disruptive behaviors or emotional outbursts that involve physical acts or yelling. Children have temper tantrums in response to unmet needs or desires. Tantrums are especially common in young children or others who cannot express their needs in words or control their emotions when they are frustrated or disappointed.

Adult temper tantrums usually aren’t physical. But they might involve yelling nasty accusations, cursing, gesticulating violently, or abruptly ending a conversation and leaving the room. President Trump manifests many of these behaviors in press conferences—he has called journalists "stupid," "a loser," and "racist."

There you go little champ
$22 billion. That's $8 trillion less than what Obama tacked on to our debt so far.
When you have corporations so starved by the off-shore policies of Obama's era, it takes time for the money to be repatriated and for tax revenue to start rolling in. Be patient.
You still haven't said what degree you have.

If you go into a school with a gun and a stick, neither of them is going to harm anyone. A person has to use one of them to commit violence. How can you be so stupid?

After your insinuation that guns cause violence by themselves, I've determined you aren't worth debating.
Enjoy life under Trump. It's clear that even though he's not your president, you and your country are waiting on his every word. He is in your brain 24/7. The rest of us just enjoy the prosperity he's brought. Bye snowflake.
And didn’t even realise the typo - should be 22 trillion in debt !
Yes enjoy your fake degree!
Oh he bannned bump stocks - good on him cucky!
Just don't know where to post, but it's interesting. USS Hornet is found.








OH no the dastardly Republican obstructionist Mitch McConnell is bringing the Democrap's Green New Deal to a vote....how dare he not block it!!! Oh the horror of these Republican tricks....not blocking the democrap agenda. :rolleyes:

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