Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Republicans are good at deceiving their voters ...

You mean how the Democrats deceived everyone by calling it the "Affordable" Care act when not a single thing in the bill controls cost, nor does the bill make health care affordable. I will agree that word play is done on both sides, but the left are experts at it.

Watching the US State of the Union.

Just a few questions.
When is Trump Going to Walk on Water
Heal the Sick
Feed the Masses.

From what i have heard he has preformed all the rest of the miracles.
Just an FYI in the next year or so when you are buying that new SUV or Truck from GM check the first number in the VIN if its a three it was made in Mexico by labour making less than $3 an hour. Now wonder how much longer they will build cars and trucks in the US. the USMC agreement has not yet been passed by any of the three governments. Not the US not Canada and not Mexico. All there is, is a piece of paper that three guys signed. It has not been ratified by any goverment. Canada is going to the poles in October, Mexico signature was from a guy that no longer holds the job, and you are starting your next round of elections in the USA.

Yes Sunny ways Trudeau has to convince Canada that he knows what he is doing. However there are a lot of us that are not so sure about this.

In the past three years he has pissed of the US, China, India, Russia and a few other countries. He has over paid for a Pipeline to move our oil to market. His green policy is hard on Carbon fuel but easy on Dumping raw sewage in the St Lawerance river. He has made a mockery of of immigration system. Don’t get me wrong Canada needs Immigrants and there are a great number going through the channels to get here. We are happy to take those looking for a better life and are willing to work. Those that are in danger in their home countries due to religion, life style or ethnic back ground are short listed. Now we are thanking people that come to the US on a visitors visa only to go to the boarder and walk across into the arms of our border security and claim they are at risk. They are not at risk in the US which is where they were let in.
You mean how the Democrats deceived everyone by calling it the "Affordable" Care act when not a single thing in the bill controls cost, nor does the bill make health care affordable.
gif_Yellowball-scratchingHEAD2.gif.... "woulda, coulda" had the Republicans not made 84 attempts at killing the ACA in congress and blocked practically every bit of the programs directives. Lets see what the Republicans did:
Stopped the Exchanges from being developed thus killing "competition"​
Would not allow Medicaid Expansion for the poorest​
Stopped the subsidies​
Would not allow modifications to the plan to correct issues & problems​
Gave negative, false publicity to discourage plan enrollment. Its funny how people liked the ACA but hated the Obamacare plan.​
Promised voters a better and less expensive plan to discourage enrolling in the ACA. But, they had NO PLAN ... just lies.​
Killed the mandates for everyone to have a health plan... so cost of Obamacare is driven up by only insuring the sick​
Provided substandard, poorly regulated association plans that don't provide the 10 Essential Services of health coverages to start up​
Cut the promotional & advertising budgets for promoting ACA​

So, basically, with their control of Senate & House, the Republicans spent 6 solid years blocking & obstructing the ACA, still failing to ******* it, and doing NOTHING else in congress the entire time but chase after Hillary Clinton with 9 biased Republican committees, and they failed at that as well.
So, as I've told you a million times on here, you only have your Republican party to blame. Its either tax cuts for the wealthy or health insurance for everyone, and the Republicans chose to help the very wealthiest people in America get those TAX CUTS.

Now, tell me I'm a LIAR?
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View attachment 2413638.... "woulda, coulda" had the Republicans not made 84 attempts at killing the ACA in congress and blocked practically every bit of the programs directives. Lets see what the Republicans did:
Stopped the Exchanges from being developed thus killing "competition"​
Would not allow Medicaid Expansion for the poorest​
Stopped the subsidies​
Would not allow modifications to the plan to correct issues & problems​
Gave negative, false publicity to discourage plan enrollment. Its funny how people liked the ACA but hated the Obamacare plan.​
Promised voters a better and less expensive plan to discourage enrolling in the ACA. But, they had NO PLAN ... just lies.​
Killed the mandates for everyone to have a health plan... so cost of Obamacare is driven up by only insuring the sick​
Provided substandard, poorly regulated association plans that don't provide the 10 Essential Services of health coverages to start up​
Cut the promotional & advertising budgets for promoting ACA​

So, basically, with their control of Senate & House, the Republicans spent 6 solid years blocking & obstructing the ACA, still failing to ******* it, and doing NOTHING else in congress the entire time but chase after Hillary Clinton with 9 biased Republican committees, and they failed at that as well.
So, as I've told you a million times on here, you only have your Republican party to blame. Its either tax cuts for the wealthy or health insurance for everyone, and the Republicans chose to help the very wealthiest people in America get those TAX CUTS.
View attachment 2413670

Now, tell me I'm a LIAR?
Don't believe I have ever called you a liar Mac.

Your spew has nothing to do with how the left (or the right) deceives the American people with word play. You must have that all on your desk top so you can copy and paste, mentioning the ACA seems to be your trigger word ;) . - You are missing the bigger picture here. Both parties did exactly what the insurance lobbyist told them to do. There has never been any intention of killing the bill. It has become nothing more than a Tax on the middle class so the insurance companies can get richer. Do you really think the NRA is the only mega corp that pays off politicians? To me, this, and reason you keep repeating, tell me it's time to vote a third party. however,

The two political parties have a “duopoly” on power and they will never permit a viable independent or third party run for president.

It’s written in their rules and it’s part of all their policies and practices.

Long-time Democratic consultant Pat Caddell writes that the entire system is rigged against anyone who isn’t a Democrat or Republican. And they’re determined to keep it that way.

I have a huge problem with this - and you should too. If we can't change our politicians in our own government, then we can't change anything in our government. You are so worried about Trump becoming a dick-tater you don't see the wolf.
If we can't change our politicians in our own government, then we can't change anything in our government.
Which is the reason I think voters might have a better chance of establishing term & age limits, transparency of donations. And, while they're at it, they can come up with a way to have a balanced budget.
Which is the reason I think voters might have a better chance of establishing term & age limits, transparency of donations. And, while they're at it, they can come up with a way to have a balanced budget.

I agree, but if we can't get our politicians to bring those things to the floor, then our hands are tied. Sure, you will have your occasional senator that uses one of these as a talking point to gain votes, but it never comes to fruition. Just over the past 10 -15 years is has been fairly obvious that the government has ignored what the majority of Americans want or need.
I agree, but if we can't get our politicians to bring those things to the floor, then our hands are tied. Sure, you will have your occasional senator that uses one of these as a talking point to gain votes, but it never comes to fruition. Just over the past 10 -15 years is has been fairly obvious that the government has ignored what the majority of Americans want or need.
I'm hoping that the new influx of women in Washington will bring a new sense of integrity and honor to serving in Washington. What's the difference now with holding up a store at gunpoint and being handed hundreds of thousands of dollars just to sign legislation ... none really. I'd think all of us would want representatives who speak for us rather than simply saying the things they know we want to hear. I also hope Mueller's and the Senate Oversight investigations will be a warning across the bow for those shady congressmen in Washington ... all of them.
I've had enough!
Got this one sent to me from another site. Looks interesting perhaps some of you might like to fact check.View attachment 2418552View attachment 2418552

Don't know about the meme being accurate or not - most likely not, I'm sure the statistics were cherry picked to favor the creator of the meme. Not to mention the Democrats have an uncanny ability to place blame on others and walk away scott free. I often will say the only difference between a Democrat and a Republican is the Republican will punch you in the nose and say you deserved it while a Democrat will stab you in the back and say the Republican did it.

Anyways - when someone says both parties are the same they are not speaking about character, criminal activities, moral compass or anything like that. The statement points out that both parties are after the same end goal, control. Both parties use the American people as pawns and poker chips to gain votes. Neither party has the people in their best interest, it's about money and power. If you look over our past 50 years, nothing has really changed much. Poverty has changed only about 1%, middle class is still shrinking, and we are still fighting over Skin Color, Sex, guns, and Roe vs Wade - same speaking points today as there was when I was a teen.
Don't know about the meme being accurate or not - most likely not, I'm sure the statistics were cherry picked to favor the creator of the meme. Not to mention the Democrats have an uncanny ability to place blame on others and walk away scott free. I often will say the only difference between a Democrat and a Republican is the Republican will punch you in the nose and say you deserved it while a Democrat will stab you in the back and say the Republican did it.

Anyways - when someone says both parties are the same they are not speaking about character, criminal activities, moral compass or anything like that. The statement points out that both parties are after the same end goal, control. Both parties use the American people as pawns and poker chips to gain votes. Neither party has the people in their best interest, it's about money and power. If you look over our past 50 years, nothing has really changed much. Poverty has changed only about 1%, middle class is still shrinking, and we are still fighting over Skin Color, Sex, guns, and Roe vs Wade - same speaking points today as there was when I was a teen.
Just so you know we have the same issues north of the border as well.
Why are trump supporters so stupid and easily distracted.

Trump supporters are stupid
Trump supporters are stupid
Trump supporters are stupid
Geez is that all ya got ?????
Are ya figuring if ya say it enough you and people hearing it will believe it to be true????
Your ignorance of intelligence is overwhelmingly obvious - you at least need new material - what a BORE !!!!! :D
Trump supporters are stupid
Trump supporters are stupid
Trump supporters are stupid
Geez is that all ya got ?????
Are ya figuring if ya say it enough you and people hearing it will believe it to be true????
Your ignorance of intelligence is overwhelmingly obvious - you at least need new material - what a BORE !!!!! :D
How about this quote ( lots of big words) like all those that oppose trump know...

“When you believe one man above Science, above our Intelligence agencies, above former CIA directors and retired generals and revered journalists—when you believe that one man above even your own eyes and ears—you are fully indoctrinated.

This hasn’t happened by accident, but by sickening design. Cult leaders prey upon emotionally vulnerable people, leveraging their loneliness, their disenfranchisement, their disconnection. They bombard their targets with a steady stream of misinformation, incendiary rhetoric, and chaotic prophecy—and into the swirling confusion created inside their heads, they come promising safety and security, while having no concern for them at all. They start a fire—and rush in with a bucket of water.”
Trump supporters are stupid
Trump supporters are stupid
Trump supporters are stupid
Geez is that all ya got ?????
Are ya figuring if ya say it enough you and people hearing it will believe it to be true????
Your ignorance of intelligence is overwhelmingly obvious - you at least need new material - what a BORE !!!!! :D
please! - there is a rule, if you support trump that’s your choice but you are really not allowed to claim moral or intellectual high ground. You can’t have it both ways.

please! - there is a rule, if you support trump that’s your choice but you are really not allowed to claim moral or intellectual high ground. You can’t have it both ways.

Says U - whose rule ? Yours ?
Pa-leaseeeeeeeeeeee !!!!
Just appreciate, given the mid terms results that I speak for educated people around the world. Maybe just maybe trump is the liar and everyone else isn’t

Geez I didn’t know you spoke for all the educated people of the world !!!!
That’s REALLY big !!!!
Who appointed you as their spokesperson - pray tell - yourself methinks ;}
All you people that believe what you read and hear from the biased media and project it onto others that choose to reserve their judgement until things are ACTUALLY proven - make me laugh - that you revile us for not believing as yourself - not so much :{
Geez I didn’t know you spoke for all the educated people of the world !!!!
That’s REALLY big !!!!
Who appointed you as their spokesperson - pray tell - yourself methinks ;}
All you people that believe what you read and hear from the biased media and project it onto others that choose to reserve their judgement until things are ACTUALLY proven - make me laugh - that you revile us for not believing as yourself - not so much :{
It is us who laugh at you. Did you for get you support that ******* for brains trump. It’s unbecoming when you use your big words.
Eg orange turd said

“In perhaps the most bizarre part of the rally, he poked fun at Virginia’s Democrat governor Ralph Northam accusing him of being willing to “execute a baby”.
Referencing Mr Northam’s support for late-term abortion, Mr Trump told supporters to a chorus of angry boos: “The governor stated he would even allow a newborn baby to come out into the world, and wrap the baby, and make the baby comfortable, then talk to the mom and talk to the *******, and then execute the baby”.

Mr Northam, a pediatric neurologist, had told radio station WTOP: “In this particular example, if a mom is in labour, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The ******* would be delivered; the ******* would be kept comfortable; the ******* would be resuscitated if that’s what the mom and the family desire, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mom.”

We all know politicians lie, but this guy. He’s just stupid, knows it, gets angry when it’s pointed out, then lies and lies and lies.

Why do you follow a guy that is clearly uneducated? I’m mean you’d have to be stupid right?
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