Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Let's just be clear on this President, his administration is the most crooked administration EVER in the history of the country.
Based on the numbers, Trump's "drain the swamp" administration will lap the field within its first 3 years of existence.

You have a Canadian here. I have a question for my neighbours why do you have to be either a liberal or a conservative. After all the United States is a liberal country. Don’t believe me the first three words of your constitution are “We The People” those are pretty liberal words. Then look at the rest of your rights under the constitution.
Religion. Is separate from the state
Justice by that I mean judge and jury

I think you have forgotten this piece of paper is a contract with the people and the government.

I think it time for all of America to go back and re read this contract. It’s not written in legalize but in English for the common man. Once you have read it talk with others to ensure all understand what it says. Then hold those running for office accountable to what you understand this contract to say.

Be informed as that scares the officials more than a crowd of touch carrying screamers. Those you can disperse with the police for public safety. However a group of people asking questions at their rallies they cannot avoid. Have the media help with the asking of questions. Don’t let them redefine the question or deflect it.
You have two years now to start asking questions and demanding answers. Yes they take corporate money to get their message out. However make your message heard that it’s people that elect officials not corporations and “WE THE PEOPLE” have questions that need answers.

Be informed when it comes time to vote. Get registered and get out and vote and help others to do the same.
You have a Canadian here. I have a question for my neighbours why do you have to be either a liberal or a conservative. After all the United States is a liberal country. Don’t believe me the first three words of your constitution are “We The People” those are pretty liberal words.

The old school Liberal and conservatives are very close in the same ideas and end goal, they simply disagree on how to achieve the same ends.

However the progressive Liberals we have today are far left and socialistic/communistic in their way of thinking and the Democratic party has jumped on that band wagon.

My brother in law is an old school liberal and he can't stand the progressive left who call themselves liberals. His ******* turned out Progressive left and they but heads quite often. However, me being more conservative and understand the old school liberal, we get along quite well and can have civil discussions on many topics and even come to a compromise. Neither one of us like Trump but both agree it was better than Hillary.

This will help explain it a bit.
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As if the Republicans don't have their issues with their Tea Party members? They get the credit for the ruin of the Republicans. We have two here in NC and they will be HISTORY in 2020.
As if the Republicans don't have their issues with their Tea Party members? They get the credit for the ruin of the Republicans. We have two here in NC and they will be HISTORY in 2020.

Yes Mac, the Republican party has it's issues as well - It's a bit easier to distinguish between a Republican and an "Alt Right" however. Well at least for most of us anyways.
It's a bit easier to distinguish between a Republican and an "Alt Right"
Oh wait a second, the Tea Party changed its name to Freedom Caucus because the Tea Party name had established so much negative press.
So, Republicans voters seem to be ok with Freedom Caucus ... sort of the way they were ok with the ACA but didn't want any of that Obamacare .... Republicans are good at deceiving their voters ... and their voters seem not to pay too much attention sometimes. gif_YellowBall-laughing6.gif
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