Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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wow......66% of the country says they will NOT vote for Trump!
but problem is that doesn't mean he won't get re-elected….say 33% go for a Dem......33% go for independent....that leave the usual brain dead trumpies to still be in control.....scary....the ones you see on here are very scary anyway
problem is that doesn't mean he won't get re-elected….
I think we all need to just relax on Trump's probability of being re-elected until after Mueller's investigation is revealed. He's simply being wise of not revealing anything that would jeopardize the investigations. Afterall, this IS the President of the United States and many, many around the world are watching.
The Trump zombies say he's been investigated for 2 years and no charges ... well, of course not, unless Mueller initially takes down the ones that would lie for the President first, (which appears to be most of them), a major part of the investigation on Trump would be for nothing.
Secondly, a lot of the moderate Republicans might fear Trump, but Trump can't stop them from voting against him in 2020.
Thirdly, we have a Democrat controlled HOUSE now ... I understand that they are recalling some of the ones that the Republicans let "skate" earlier.
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I think we all need to just relax on Trump's probability of being re-elected until after Mueller's investigation is revealed. He's simply being wise of not revealing anything that would jeopardize the investigations. Afterall, this IS the President of the United States and many, many around the world are watching.
The Trump zombies say he's been investigated for 2 years and no charges ... well, of course not, unless Mueller initially takes down the ones that would lie for the President first, (which appears to be most of them), a major part of the investigation on Trump would be for nothing.
Secondly, a lot of the moderate Republicans might fear Trump, but Trump can't stop them from voting against him in 2020.
Thirdly, we have a Democrat controlled HOUSE now ... I understand that they are recalling some of the ones that the Republicans let "skate" earlier.

that acting AG threw a lot of questions out there yesterday...that is for sure
wow......66% of the country says they will NOT vote for Trump!
but problem is that doesn't mean he won't get re-elected….say 33% go for a Dem......33% go for independent....that leave the usual brain dead trumpies to still be in control.....scary....the ones you see on here are very scary anyway

Boooooooooooooooooo :}
ONLY A DICTATOR In The Making Would Do This ....

Once again Trump meets privately with Russian's MrPUTIN with no US advisors, translators, etc ... however, his wife was there. I'm sure she had no translator device in HER EAR .... so what does this make, THREE or FOUR times now that Trump has done this? Aren't you even the least bit concerned being that this is Donald Trump? Why would he want to keep any discussion between him and Russia THAT confidential?
What do you say ... Trumpeeeeeeeeees!?

Trump says ISIS is defeated; N Korea no threat .... his entire security advisors disagreed but refused to discuss openly ..... WHY is this, Trumpeeeeeeees!?

Trump wanted his *******-n-law JARED be given a TOP security clearance ... against the advisement of the FBI. He was given a security clearance. Why do you think Trump insists on his *******-n-law having a security clearance? Maybe so he can meet with the Russians in private for the Alt-President?

Let's hear YOUR justifications for Trump doing these things ....
DRONES .........word_clueless.jpg
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and the state of the union....and the economy is so great......but.....

40% of Individuals just one paycheck away from poverty

Hundreds of thousands of middle-class Individuals are only one missed paychecks away from poverty, with four of 10 thought-about “liquid-asset poor,” or with out sufficient cash socked away to deal with even a sudden disruption in earnings.

The findings, from financial advocacy group Prosperity Now, spotlight the monetary insecurity dealing with many U.S. households, as was seen in the course of the latest partial authorities shutdown. Hundreds of furloughed authorities staff, who missed two paychecks, struggled to cowl fundamentals like housing and meals. One furloughed employee instructed CBS Information final week she had $1.06 in her checking account, describing the scenario as “terrifying.”

Regardless of the bottom unemployment price in a long time and stable financial development, many Individuals are on skinny monetary ice, Prosperity Now discovered. Minority households are notably lagging on key measures comparable to earnings and wealth, the examine discovered. Throughout the board, greater than 1 in 10 American households fell behind of their payments within the final yr, a sign that many are combating rising prices and stagnant incomes.

“Lots of headlines we have seen across the authorities shutdown highlights what that appears like for lots of households,” stated Kasey Wiedrich, director of utilized analysis at Prosperity Now. “These federal jobs are properly paying, they’re steady, they provide advantages. However for those who lose that paycheck for a pair weeks, individuals aren’t in a position to pay their payments.”

Not simply the poor
About one-third of households lack primary financial savings accounts, the examine discovered, whereas fewer than 60 % say they’re placing cash method for an emergency.

That may put individuals in a tricky spot in the event that they miss even a single paycheck. Forty % of households haven’t got sufficient in liquid financial savings — comparable to money or property that may be shortly bought and transformed into money — to switch their earnings on the poverty stage for 3 months, Prosperity Now discovered. The federal poverty stage threshold for a household of 4 is $25,750.

40% of Individuals just one paycheck away from poverty ...
Jan 29, 2019 · 40% of Individuals just one paycheck away from poverty. By. mynews - January 29, 2019. 2. 0. Facebook. Twitter. Google+. Pinterest. WhatsApp. ... 40% of Individuals just one paycheck away from poverty. News mynews-January 29, 2019. 0. ABOUT US. Latest World News & Headlines, Top Stories Today.

another good reason to believe the economists that are predicting major trouble this year with the way trump is handling the economy
Don't know why the Russians still feel the need to help trump and smear others....hell trump has enough blooming fucking idiots that believe anything the asshole says or does anyway

Russian disinformation campaign targeted Mueller
By Emily Birnbaum - 12/17/18 08:15 PM EST

Researchers with the firm New Knowledge found that the Russian troll farm known as the Internet Research Agency (IRA) posted images and memes seeking to discredit Mueller as one method of sowing discord in the U.S.

One meme posted on Instagram claimed that Mueller had worked in the past with "radical Islamic groups," as first noted by The Washington Post.

Across Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social media platforms, Russians sought to amplify negative messages about Mueller.

Mueller earlier this year indicted the St. Petersburg-based IRA, along with other Russian bodies involved in the disinformation campaign, on criminal charges.

The disinformation campaign overall targeted some of the most divisive topics in U.S. politics, including distrust in the media, minority rights, feminism, law enforcement, and more, researchers found.

Russians used Instagram broadly in the first six months after was elected, according to the New Knowledge researchers. Some anti-Mueller messages circulated on the image-sharing app, which is owned by Facebook.

The New Knowledge analysis was submitted to the Senate Intelligence Committee this week alongside another report conducted by researchers at the University of Oxford and the digital analytics firm Graphika.

Together, the analyses provide insight into the IRA's efforts to spread disinformation and confusion among U.S. voters during and after the 2016 campaign.

Both reports concluded that the Internet Research Agency sought to promote Trump and the Republican Party, in part by seeking to suppress African-American voters and spreading conspiracy theories.

and hell he is even following kremlin orders like a good little spy.....a lot of these people HE appointed and still calling them liars

Donald Trump hits his own intelligence chiefs over Iran ...
Jan 30, 2019 · 'Naive': President Trump disputes his own intelligence chiefs on Iran, North Korea. President Trump takes to Twitter to defend his foreign policy on Iran, North Korea, and other issues.

Trump and his intel chiefs are worlds apart on ISIS ...
NBC News
1 day ago · And, despite Trump saying that Iran continues to work on building nuclear weapons, the intelligence chiefs said Iran was still in compliance with its …

Trump Takes Aim at Intelligence Chiefs Via Tweet-Storm
Voice of America
8 hours ago · As for the assessment of Iran, for which Trump labeled the U.S. intel chiefs as "wrong," the differences between the intelligence agencies and the president appeared to be less glaring.
Whether Trump eventually is proven or not to be a spy/agent for the Ruskies, I do believe some of his decisions and actions have been initially encouraged by the Ruskies. Is he doing this for "personal gain" or because he's being extorted by info held on him by Ruskies. Maybe both ... he owes some Russians a huge amount (in the billions, I've heard) of money.
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Whether Trump eventually is proven or not to be a spy/agent for the Ruskies, I do believe some of his decisions and actions have been initially encouraged by the Ruskies. Is he doing this for "personal gain" or because he's being extorted by info held on him by Ruskies. Maybe both ... he owes some Russians a huge about (in the billions, I've heard) money.

all of that is true...very true......but just sitting here thinking....we all KNOW there is a lot on trump....yet nothing said YET....we know how far Stone went...but the only charges are lying...same with Manafort.....and the thing most seem to have forgot about Kushner...he lied to congress 2 times and was allowed to change his "story"....but we found out he lied again later on and nothing said there

we also know McConnell and Ryan got millions from some big Russian to give to whomever in the republican party they wanted....think something fishy there and that's why Ryan left.....Cruz and Rubio got big bucks from a Russian realtor....and recently we find out graham just got a little handout

there better be a big shoe drop or a lot of people going to want to know why!

and that is not even going into all the "favors" trump seems to be doing for Russia here lately
there better be a big shoe drop or a lot of people going to want to know why!
Well, I firmly believe that we are living or fixing to live through one of the most important moments of time in our country's history ... bigger than any of our wars, bigger than Civil Rights, bigger than our moon landing, or presidential assassinations. About the only thing I would consider bigger would be the early development of our country and the history around the Declaration.
Those you mention may be asked to resign, including the President; Paul Ryan was probably one of the smart ones to leave on his own terms. Maybe this will initiate the serious consideration to term & age limits, transparency in donations, and a required balance budget. Everyone will probably suffer some, but the influence of big money needs to be taken out of our political system in some form. Also, any congressional leader found involved in taking money for a favorable legislation vote should forfeit any retirement perks they were suppose to receive. This alone might discourage those who run for office simply to make themselves richer.
The irony in trump calling your own security services naive and saying they should go back to school is both delicious and frightening.
Well, I firmly believe that we are living or fixing to live through one of the most important moments of time in our country's history ... bigger than any of our wars, bigger than Civil Rights, bigger than our moon landing, or presidential assassinations. About the only thing I would consider bigger would be the early development of our country and the history around the Declaration.
Those you mention may be asked to resign, including the President; Paul Ryan was probably one of the smart ones to leave on his own terms. Maybe this will initiate the serious consideration to term & age limits, transparency in donations, and a required balance budget. Everyone will probably suffer some, but the influence of big money needs to be taken out of our political system in some form. Also, any congressional leader found involved in taking money for a favorable legislation vote should forfeit any retirement perks they were suppose to receive. This alone might discourage those who run for office simply to make themselves richer.

And now graham with this phoney outrage over how stone was arrested......can he do anymore to show his support for trump and Russia?

they have already stated that those white collar people with the most to lose are the ones that usually do something...that's why the early morning arrest!

and the reason for so many...….there was several different teams all there to do a specific job....confiscate the computer...whatever other evidence there might be....phones etc.....I'm not a rocket scientist but it made sense to me....Cohan had the same type arrest and so did Manafort....yet stone cries and the trumpies listen
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