Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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And Just why is it the Senate does nothing about all this you ask?

Mitch McConnell Implicated In Widespread Putin/Ukraine Money Funnel; FBI Notified

Many Republicans have been extremely hesitant about supporting the investigation into the connections between President Trump’s campaign and Russia. It seems, though, that their reasoning for this resistance has less to do with their faith in Trump and more to do with their eagerness to hide their own Russia ties.

Over the last few months, Dworkin has revealed that several Republican senators — including John McCain, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio — have accepted money from Russian donors. He produced evidence of even more connections earlier this week that have been shared by Palmer Report.

On Sunday, Dworkin found documents that link Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to a super PAC that accepted $2.5 million from a “pro-Putin Ukrainian businessman.” He shared photos of the documents on Twitter:

Dworkin also found that McConnell is not the only person who has benefited from a pro-Putin businessman. He tweeted on Tuesday photos of documents that show Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker also received money from this “pro-Putin” individual during the last election cycle.

While Walker’s name has not come up often with regards to the Trump/Russia investigation, this is not the first time Senator McConnell has been accused of having his own Russia connections.

Last month, Claude Taylor, a former White House staffer who worked under President Bill Clinton, revealed via Twitter that he had heard “chatter” about McConnell and House Speaker Paul Ryan being caught on tape discussing funneling Russian money into the Trump campaign.

While Walker’s name has not come up often with regards to the Trump/Russia investigation, this is not the first time Senator McConnell has been accused of having his own Russia connections.


Senator McConnell Likely Under Investigation By Special ...
Senator McConnell Likely Under Investigation By Special Counsel Over Ties To Russian Hacking of 2016 Election ... it looks like Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell may have known enough in advance to warrant a thorough investigation by Mueller’s team over what looks like at the very least some obstruction of justice charges of his own ...

Money Trail Ties Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan to Russian ...
Money Trail Ties Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan to Russian Oligarch with Putin Ties. By. Christopher Powell. Published on August 7, 2017. Share Tweet. ... Mitch McConnell was the top recipient of Blavatnik’s donations, collecting $2.5 million for his GOP Senate Leadership Fund under the names of two of Blavatnik’s holding companies, Access ...

Mmmmmm...things that make you go mmmmm

Mitch McConnell Blocked New Bipartisan Panel From ...
Claim: Republican Sen. Mitch McConnell blocked a bipartisan committee from investigating purported Russian hacks.

Scott Dworkin’s Research Report Exposed Trump’s Russian ...
Scott Dworkin’s Research Report Exposed Trump’s Russian Business Ties Before Dossier. ... Dworkin delivered his first report about Donald Trump’s Russian ties just days after the 2016 election, ... “Mitch McConnell did nothing but allow Russian interference to happen. Republicans in Congress didn’t tell the American people about the ...
the public is just sooo over these trumpies and their blind obedience and self-imposed ignorance

7 in 10....think trump is guilty.....Mmmmm trump supporters is right at 35%...so guess that does add up

61% of public think he has done impeachable offenses....mmmmmm
everyone but the right and their Russian money

I have a feeling once Mueller is done.....a BIG shoe will drop...no one mentions any of it yet...but treason sure is out there...betting once that shoe drops there will be a big round up all at once....right now just skirting all around the issue
Guess now we know why

Biden: McConnell stopped Obama from calling out Russians ...
Biden: McConnell stopped Obama from calling out Russians ... Joe Biden said Tuesday that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell stopped the Obama administration from speaking out about

Mitch McConnell’s Sinister Role in the Russian Hacks
Mitch McConnell’s Sinister Role in the Russian Hacks ... the Post has published the fullest account to date on the Obama administration’s discovery of the Russian hacking and its early ...

Russian Election Meddling Is All On Mitch McConnell, Not ...
Russian Election Meddling Is All On Mitch McConnell, Not Barack Obama. 13.9k. SHARES. ... in a secret meeting with the Gang of 12 – a bipartisan group of House and Senate leaders – for a show ..
The left’s glee continues
:frantic:WAH - WAH -WAH:frantic:
After eight 8 years of fabricated lies and openly obstructing Obama, I think this KARMA is so fitting ... only difference, Democrats are getting RESULTS! A lot of Republicans may soon experience the new Gated Communities for Politicians. I hope they put Trump in a 2-bunk cell with 3 other cellmates. Sooooo deserving!
The average American is SO done with the left trying to delegitimize Trump through Mueller - REALLY done with it - however the left will try to keep it going til prolly the 2020 elections now by picking off anyone ever associated with him - they can ALWAYS get them for lying to the FBI - cause they determine what the truth is - that crime has nothing to do with the election or RUSSIA but the left doesn’t care or is too ignorant to acknowledge it.

whaaaaaaaa….booo hooo...waaaaaa

when you say the avg American....you can't be talking about the 7 out 10 that think he is guilty are you?

It's not the left that keeps it going....it's the feds uncovering more crimes......you wouldn't want these people to commit crimes against the US and not pay for it would you?

they are not picking off everyone associated with him....they just all happen to be good friends with Russia...and when they all work for the same man...it is a little odd wouldn't you think?

Liars always get them selves into trouble...didn't you punish your ******* for lying?
and there are special laws for lying to the feds...you probably watch Fox news and they don't cover that....but don't you think if you watched a major network you might get a better idea of what the truth is...just saying
crime hasn't got anything to do with the election...how can you say that?
we already know Russia interfered in the election....and you have 9 people on trumps campaign all with ties to Russia.....you don't think that's a little odd?
who is being ignorant?
I see things for what they are....Russian interference…..and just because the only charges brought so far are for lying......doesn't mean others are not in the works

your not mad because he could end up facing execution are you?
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I really think another reason Mueller is taking so long....several BIG fish to fry also....I think there will be some of 2bi's hero's end up in the mix...got all this on all these people and has yet to even mention collusion or anything along those lines....mostly just lying and taxes....definitely would apply to Stone if none of the others...but nothing....think there is a lot more to follow with the GOP
I really think another reason Mueller is taking so long....several BIG fish to fry
EXACTLY ...... and my question, has Trump appointed ANYONE who is honest?
I noticed that Republicans haven't appointed any Republicans to serve on the Ethics Committee ... now, why am I not surprised about that??
I noticed that Republicans haven't appointed any Republicans to serve on the Ethics Committee ... now, why am I not surprised about that??
More BullShit from MacNLies..."now why am I not surprised about that??"

Both the Democraps and Republicans have appointed their ranking members to the ethics committee. Neither party has filled their remaining four seats on the committee.

There are root sources you can go to find actual facts such as this rather than blindly believing the liberal drivel you so readily parrot.


This isn't even late breaking news. The Republicans appointed Marchant as their ranking member for the 116th Congress House Ethics Committee back in December...


Now the Democraps didn't appoint Deutch to the Ethics committee until Jan 9th. So for a little over a week the Republicans had a member on the ethics committee but the Democraps did not....about right....we're used to you having things bass ackwards.

Ohhh that double life we led...…..of course for this man who has made a living doing one thing and saying another...it just shows there is no loyalty in this man

Trump's demand for a border wall shut down the government. At the same time, his company was firing undocumented workers.

OSSINING, N.Y - They had spent years on the staff of Donald Trump's golf club, winning employee-of-the-month awards and receiving glowing letters of recommendation.

Some were trusted enough to hold the keys to Eric Trump's weekend home. They were experienced enough to know that - when Donald Trump ordered chicken wings - they were to serve him two orders on one plate.

But on Jan. 18, about a dozen employees at Trump National Golf Club in Westchester County, New York, were summoned, one by one, to talk with a human resources executive from Trump headquarters.

During the meetings, they were fired because they are undocumented immigrants, according to interviews with the workers and their attorney. The fired workers are from Latin America.

The sudden firings - which were previously unreported - follow last year's revelations of undocumented labor at a Trump club in New Jersey, where employees were subsequently dismissed. The firings show Trump's business was relying on undocumented workers even as the president demanded a border wall to keep out such immigrants.

Trump's demand for border wall funding led to the government shutdown that ended Friday after nearly 35 days.

In Westchester County, workers were told Trump's company had just audited their immigration documents - the same ones they had submitted years earlier - and found them to be fake.

"Unfortunately, this means the club must end its employment relationship with you today," the Trump executive said, according to a recording that one worker made of her firing.

"I started to cry," said Gabriel Sedano, a former maintenance worker from Mexico who was among those fired. He had worked at the club since 2005. "I told them they needed to consider us. I had worked almost 15 years for them in this club, and I'd given the best of myself to this job."

"I'd never done anything wrong, only work and work," he added. "They said they didn't have any comments to make."

The mass firings at the New York golf club - which workers said eliminated about half of the club's wintertime staff - follow a story in The New York Times last year that featured an undocumented worker at another Trump club in Bedminster, New Jersey. After that story, Trump's company fired undocumented workers at the Bedminster club, according to former workers there.

he tells everyone else to quit buying China...and yet everything his whole family sells is made in china...go figure
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