Visiting the doctor concerning my shrinking penis

I have noticed over the last few years that my penis has gotten smaller. I even brought it up to Kris one night who thought I was being crazy. We don't have a lot of typical sex since I am smaller. She laughed it off and finally got a ruler and saw I was 2.5 when hard. She said I think that is about the same. Over the last year I mentioned it a few times and she would say it didn't look different to her. Then about a month ago she was jacking me as we kissed and her two fingers would slip off. After the third time she stopped and looked at it. She said ya I think you are getting smaller. She checked and sure enough under 1.5. She said you need to see the doctor. She thought it had to be something causing it and it could be bad so she convinced me since we are moving and I would never have to see our doctor again.

Kris went with me and it was humiliating, but I have found that I like some sph. When the doctor came in I had to explain to her what was going on. She had me lay on the table and examined me. She asked if I had ever measured before and when. I told her and she said she would like to measure me. There was a nurse in there and I knew she was doing her best to hold it in. She pulled till it would go no further and said ok it looks like you are just short of 1.5 now. She said she wanted to run some test since she didn't think this was normal from what I had said.

They did *******, ******* pressure and some other things. She said everything looked good but she expected my hormones to be off possibly. That is a possible cause. She asked about our sex life and I said it was pretty infrequent. She said that is not uncommon in relationships where the partner has a micro penis. That was the first time I had ever heard someone say it and it actually be what it was. She asked Kris is she was able to orgasm during sex and she said not with me no. She said understandable and suggested toys.

She also said when got moved we should see a specialist there. Next week I go to see them. I thought some might find this interesting so I didn't post it with our current journey or the one I want her to have. Love to hear any thoughts or comments you might have.
I'm in my mid-forties. noticed my dick has shrunk from a hard 6.5 to 7" to barely 5", mostly 4" hard ons. my doctor said age and diet was a factor. but also asked if I jerk off a lot. I said yes and no. maybe once or twice a day on average. He waived it off. so I do what I can with it, and I'm embracing the sissy life when it doesn't get hard or just stays at 3" hard.
I have noticed over the last few years that my penis has gotten smaller. I even brought it up to Kris one night who thought I was being crazy. We don't have a lot of typical sex since I am smaller. She laughed it off and finally got a ruler and saw I was 2.5 when hard. She said I think that is about the same. Over the last year I mentioned it a few times and she would say it didn't look different to her. Then about a month ago she was jacking me as we kissed and her two fingers would slip off. After the third time she stopped and looked at it. She said ya I think you are getting smaller. She checked and sure enough under 1.5. She said you need to see the doctor. She thought it had to be something causing it and it could be bad so she convinced me since we are moving and I would never have to see our doctor again.

Kris went with me and it was humiliating, but I have found that I like some sph. When the doctor came in I had to explain to her what was going on. She had me lay on the table and examined me. She asked if I had ever measured before and when. I told her and she said she would like to measure me. There was a nurse in there and I knew she was doing her best to hold it in. She pulled till it would go no further and said ok it looks like you are just short of 1.5 now. She said she wanted to run some test since she didn't think this was normal from what I had said.

They did *******, ******* pressure and some other things. She said everything looked good but she expected my hormones to be off possibly. That is a possible cause. She asked about our sex life and I said it was pretty infrequent. She said that is not uncommon in relationships where the partner has a micro penis. That was the first time I had ever heard someone say it and it actually be what it was. She asked Kris is she was able to orgasm during sex and she said not with me no. She said understandable and suggested toys.

She also said when got moved we should see a specialist there. Next week I go to see them. I thought some might find this interesting so I didn't post it with our current journey or the one I want her to have. Love to hear any thoughts or comments you might have.
Check your food. Check if you use tap water and maybe switch to a serious good osmosefilter. avoid mountain dew and sodas.
No canned foods.
Eat from scratch made food. Switch to more organic.
Hormones in your food might have effects on youm
I'm in my mid-forties. noticed my dick has shrunk from a hard 6.5 to 7" to barely 5", mostly 4" hard ons. my doctor said age and diet was a factor. but also asked if I jerk off a lot. I said yes and no. maybe once or twice a day on average. He waived it off. so I do what I can with it, and I'm embracing the sissy life when it doesn't get hard or just stays at 3" hard.

They asked about my diet as well. Nothing sent any alarms off.
Check your food. Check if you use tap water and maybe switch to a serious good osmosefilter. avoid mountain dew and sodas.
No canned foods.
Eat from scratch made food. Switch to more organic.
Hormones in your food might have effects on youm
The first doctor didn’t mention sodas. What is it about them that can cause this? Doctor did mention some high hormone foods.
Hi Mark, I first want to say that I’m proud of you for consulting with your wife and doctor over the issue. I'm in a similar position. My penis is 1.5 inches soft and 2-3 inches hard. There’s not much I can do about it. It started decreasing in size as I got older (I’m almost 40), and it’s also due to medication that I’m taking for (ironically) depression! 😆 I’ve learned to love and accept it. I’ve loved this lifestyle since I was 16 years old and now my “micro penis” (along with a couple of chronic health conditions) gives me even more reason to love it. Where I lack in ways I cannot please a woman, I can please her in other ways. You must remember that for you, too!
The first doctor didn’t mention sodas. What is it about them that can cause this? Doctor did mention some high hormone foods. beer for instance! 🍺 Hops is a dioecious plant and its umbels ("hop cones") used for brewing are obtained from the female plant and contain phyto-estrogen. Some men who dr!nk heavily or only regularly develop belly fat and may even encounter breast growth especially at a higher age because of that. ;) It is completely possible that it may have the effect of penis shrinkage on some men.

Other than that, penises are shrinking naturally with age. But usually not much more than half an inch. If you encountered a greater shrinkage within a short period of time there must be a different reason for that. Anyway it is unlikely that it will pose a risk for your health which is the good side of the story. See it like that... some men have no more than one inch even in their teens and twenties. You'll do just fine. ;)

But TBH i think you made the whole story up. At least i can hardly believe it's true. 🤷‍♂️
Hi Mark, I first want to say that I’m proud of you for consulting with your wife and doctor over the issue. I'm in a similar position. My penis is 1.5 inches soft and 2-3 inches hard. There’s not much I can do about it. It started decreasing in size as I got older (I’m almost 40), and it’s also due to medication that I’m taking for (ironically) depression! 😆 I’ve learned to love and accept it. I’ve loved this lifestyle since I was 16 years old and now my “micro penis” (along with a couple of chronic health conditions) gives me even more reason to love it. Where I lack in ways I cannot please a woman, I can please her in other ways. You must remember that for you, too!
I am learning to do that as well. Kris has been encouraging as well. I have focused on oral for some time. She says I do that well. Ty for the comment beer for instance! 🍺 Hops is a dioecious plant and its umbels ("hop cones") used for brewing are obtained from the female plant and contain phyto-estrogen. Some men who dr!nk heavily or only regularly develop belly fat and may even encounter breast growth especially at a higher age because of that. ;) It is completely possible that it may have the effect of penis shrinkage on some men.

Other than that, penises are shrinking naturally with age. But usually not much more than half an inch. If you encountered a greater shrinkage within a short period of time there must be a different reason for that. Anyway it is unlikely that it will pose a risk for your health which is the good side of the story. See it like that... some men have no more than one inch even in their teens and twenties. You'll do just fine. ;)

But TBH i think you made the whole story up. At least i can hardly believe it's true. 🤷‍♂️
Ty for that. I will try to post some recent and past photos.
Here is a photo of me soft and hard measured recently. Then one of me a few years ago


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I went to the new doctor to get things checked out. She confirmed it was a micro penis. I asked if that was in question before. She smiled and said no, but you are here for a second opinion. She is doing some genetics testing and said from the other results she thinks it is just that I am naturally getting smaller. Not a lot they can do without an operation that would not do much to help with length.

She did ask if I would allow students of the hospital to examine me. She said no one ever lets them so usually it is not until they are seeing patients on their own that they see one for the first time. She said it would be up to me and they would do a full physical each time I let them at no charge. Part of me wants to, but not sure I am ready for that.
Mi esposa ha notado lo mismo, ahora está suave casi una pulgada y dura 2,5 pulgadas.


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