Vibrating dildo question for wife

John a rabbit vibrator and a dildo are two different things. A dildo is a fake penis, they can vibrate or pulse or both. A rabbit is a vibrator with a clitoral extension that has two small "ears" that slip around the clitoris to vibrate and stimulate that in addition to the penetration portion of the toy that also vibrates. So a two in one kind of thing. A rabbit generally makes most women crazy as it is very effective at producing stimulation that is designed to create orgasm.

Here is a image of my rabbot in action-

John a rabbit vibrator and a dildo are two different things. A dildo is a fake penis, they can vibrate or pulse or both. A rabbit is a vibrator with a clitoral extension that has two small "ears" that slip around the clitoris to vibrate and stimulate that in addition to the penetration portion of the toy that also vibrates. So a two in one kind of thing. A rabbit generally makes most women crazy as it is very effective at producing stimulation that is designed to create orgasm.

Here is a image of my rabbot in action-

View attachment 7503270
Annie, I'd love to be licking your sweet ass as yiu work that rabbit! 😋
John a rabbit vibrator and a dildo are two different things. A dildo is a fake penis, they can vibrate or pulse or both. A rabbit is a vibrator with a clitoral extension that has two small "ears" that slip around the clitoris to vibrate and stimulate that in addition to the penetration portion of the toy that also vibrates. So a two in one kind of thing. A rabbit generally makes most women crazy as it is very effective at producing stimulation that is designed to create orgasm.

Here is a image of my rabbot in action-

View attachment 7503270
love the how open your pink parts are. very hot erotic, naughty photo