Verified Verify Me please

Thank you for the submission. Yoir pics look real, but notice in bullet pint two of the rules we need to clearly see the arm attached to your body. Submit one like that and we’ll get you verified quickly.

  • The sign MUST contain your handwritten username, upload date, and
  • You must be HOLDING the verification sign where we can clearly see your arm is attached to you. Crumpling the paper and uncrumpling for the picture will help verify authenticity and may be requested by moderators
  • Your pictures need to be at different angles
  • All pictures or video must be clear and of enough resolution to determine authenticity
  • Pictures or video must have NO digital editing, filtering, or other modifications with the ONLY exceptions being cropping or blurring of identifiable markings, such as tattoos or birthmarks
  • Your account gender must match the gender presented in the image or video submitted
  • You DO NOT have to show your face for verification, however, we must see enough of your body to accurately determine your gender