Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

There's a 10% to 15% silent Trump voters that refuse to tell the pollsters the truth on whom they support. Trumps lead is larger than you think.
10%-15% of Trumpers are liars? I believe that. You're a great example now. Watch how easily your bullshit is dismantled.

10%-15% of voters where? Red states? Swing states? Blue states?
Red States- he's already winning with a big margin doesn't matter.
Swing States- which ones? All of them? 3 of them? How many EC votes do they have?
Blue States- unlikely. Already voting for Biden in huge numbers.
So where is this 10%-15% coming from? How did you come to that measurement?
This is an electoral college system, so it's about winning states- not population, just ask popular vote winner Hillary Clinton.

ps- Trump getting 10-15% would be the biggest margin of a win in over 50 years since LBJ in '64. Trump has not shown growth anywhere in the electorate and only bleeds support with every tweet. You pulled this out of that wishful thinking.
Go back to memes, numbers are too hard for you.
There's a 10% to 15% silent Trump voters that refuse to tell the pollsters the truth on whom they support. Trumps lead is larger than you think.

And why the hell would they do that??? Are they ashamed :unsure: :p??? Well I don't give a rat's ass what the reason is. Say it loud you kiss Trump's ass and you're proud . . . or slink your trifling ass to the private booth and cast your vote . . . it doesn't matter because the voter turnout is going to be HUGE, and that always favors Democrats. It's gonna be another ass whuppin' just like the mid-terms. Watch and wait and see.
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In France, François Fillon, the candidate of the right, was headshot less than two monthes before the presidential election, when he was the favorite and, despite the unprecedented political massacre he suffered with the Penelopegate, he still made 20% (24% for Macron).

@ed4mwf it cans interested you

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But then . . . what's new :rolleyes:??? We need a president who doesn't believe he's above the law, and who actually does put America first rather than himself.

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If the liberals can protest and riot, then the president can hold a rally.

it is mostly the presidents men doing the rioting...….

Violence by far right is among US’s most dangerous ...
Jun 27, 2020 · Violence by far-right groups and individuals has emerged as one of the most dangerous terrorist threats faced by US law enforcement and triggered a wave of warnings and arrests of people ...

Four Extremist Groups Suspected of Involvement in Protest ...
The Southern Poverty Law Center says it does not label antifa as a hate group in part because antifa members "do not promote hatred based on race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation or gender ...

That 'White Nationalists Causing George Floyd Riot Chaos ...
Jun 02, 2020 · Yet, as the rioting intensified over the past couple of days, especially in Minneapolis, there was this ridiculous talking point that right-wing extremists, specifically white nationalist groups ...

Many Claim Extremists Are Sparking Protest Violence. But ...
Jun 01, 2020 · Members of hate groups or far-right organizations filmed themselves, sometimes heavily armed or waving extremist symbols, at demonstrations in …

The rightwing groups behind wave of protests against Covid ...
Apr 17, 2020 · While protesters in Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and other states claim to speak for ordinary citizens, many are also supported by street-fighting rightwing groups like the Proud Boys, conservative..


Trump and his allies are redefining right-wing violence as ...
Sep 01, 2020 · Here's the first thing to notice about the horrific news cycle of the past few days: Donald Trump is openly stoking right-wing violence, in no small part, because it …

Trump Encourages Violence From His Supporters. They’re ...
Mar 15, 2019 · President Donald Trump this week issued a thinly veiled threat of violence against his opponents, saying that members of the police, military and biker gangs could “play it …

Violence in the name of Trump | US news | The Guardian
Aug 28, 2019 · Violence in the name of Trump Dozens of supporters of Donald Trump have carried out or threatened acts of violence. Here, the Guardian lists them all . by Jon Swaine and Juweek Adolphe.
If the liberals can protest and riot, then the president can hold a rally.

But he and his retarded followers can't do things like wear masks and social distance can they :unsure:??? Oh the tyranny :oops:!!! I mean, all that's some kind of leftist "political statement" (it's a HOAX) rather than what it ought to be . . . a public health statement that puts American lives first (y)
But he and his retarded followers can't do things like wear masks and social distance can they :unsure:??? Oh the tyranny :oops:!!! I mean, all that's some kind of leftist "political statement" (it's a HOAX) rather than what it ought to be . . . a public health statement that puts American lives first (y)
You need to take up a second job as a comedienne. You’re giving me a good laugh.