Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

TFW when your preferred candidate is such a lying sociopath that people think he's less mentally sound than Joe Biden.


Should have figured out how to close an umbrella or walk down a ramp or not botch a Covid response so bad that hundreds of thousands of Americans died

I thought maybe Jerry Falwell Jr being outed as a cuck might have had something to do with it, then I remembered that a bunch of close Trump supporters were outed as cucks, like Manafort and Stone (though Stone was always out I think)
So, scientific polling data from actually humans show the Biden is still in the lead in every measurable way.
Trump supporters are bragging about boat parades, lawn signs, and stupid memes.
Yep, you Trumpidiots live in a different world.
When he loses, please please please follow him to whatever country he sets up shop in.
So, scientific polling data from actually humans show the Biden is still in the lead in every measurable way.
Trump supporters are bragging about boat parades, lawn signs, and stupid memes.
Yep, you Trumpidiots live in a different world.
When he loses, please please please follow him to whatever country he sets up shop in.

If Trump is ahead in the polls it proves he's winning. If Biden is ahead in the polls it shows the polls are broken.

It's pretty simple really.
If Trump is ahead in the polls it proves he's winning. If Biden is ahead in the polls it shows the polls are broken.

It's pretty simple really.
Well, he already said he should easily win, unless they do something dirty.
So, he is banking on his Trumpidiots to get violent.
It has Biden in the lead overall, with tight leads in Arizona and Florida. Ohio, North Carolina, and Georgia are all too close to call. That's the way its been for weeks now:

There's a 10% to 15% silent Trump voters that refuse to tell the pollsters the truth on whom they support. Trumps lead is larger than you think.