Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

I think you liberals are off to a great start with your cities.

Didn't you tell me once that you live out in LA . . . seems like your city has gone through a little social unrest itself . . . in fact, that's where NO JUSTICE NO PEACE took off after that travesty known as the Rodney King trial. Why don't you try cleaning up in your own backyard and stop talking about other places? Or why don't you go back home to Minneapolis where you're from and help make it better??? And how dare you come in here suggesting that other people go off to die in battle for flag and country while a black man who kneels for justice for black people in this nation "desecrates" the flag. Black people went abroad and fought and died too, only to come back home and be treated worse than second class citizens. Actually, they didn't even have to wait to come back. They got treated like ******* by their "fellow" American servicemen while they were over there fighting and getting killed too. You're a big time prick and an asshole (just like ya boy Trump) . . . but I knew that after what you said about Kobe Bryant right at the time that he died (how incredibly fucking callous). Take that cigar and stick it where the sun don't shine . . . .


And here it STILL goes on . . . the ONLY thing this guy was sorry about was that he got caught. And this is just what he got caught saying. Imagine what he thought, did, and said while on active duty leading sailors of all colors. This wasn't the first and only time! And don't try to say he didn't do something wrong. If he hadn't, then he would not have apologized and resigned. There are people just like him and his wife all over this country. I calls 'um TRUMPTARDS!!!

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Ed ya seriously need to chill !!!!!!

The President has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize twice of late - wouldn’t expect you to know that - YOUR media reports NOTHING positive about him - it’s still a fact.

Serbia-Kosovo Deal Behind Trump Nobel Prize Nod Dismissed As 'Photo Opportunity' by Ex-Serbian FM

The former president of the United Nations General Assembly and ex-Serbian foreign minister, Vuk Jeremic, has dismissed the deal between Serbia and Kosovo that led to President Donald Trump's second Nobel Prize nomination as simply a "photo opportunity."

same guy to nominate trump both times....and you don't smell a bought and paid for rat?...….it just burns trumps ass that Obama got one and he can not get if they give out one for killing your own country men through stupidity.....he would qualify....right up there with Jim Jones!

I would be willing to bet he NEVER gets one!....respect plays a big part in it...….just don't give them to reality show tv stars

Donald Trump was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

On Sept. 9, 2020, U.S. President Donald Trump was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for his role in cementing the Abraham Accords, which normalized relations between Israel and the United Arab Emirates. In a statement, the White House press secretary said, “This historic diplomatic breakthrough between Israel and the United Arab Emirates is the most significant step toward peace in the Middle East in more than a quarter of a century.”

Trump’s name was placed into nomination by Christian Tybring-Gjedde, a member of Norwegian parliament and the conservative Progress Party. As it happens, this wasn’t the first time Tybring-Gjedde nominated Trump for the prize. According to the BBC, he was one of two members of Norwegian parliament to put the U.S. president’s name forward in 2018.

Before that, Trump was rumored to have received a nomination in February 2016 (before he was elected president), when Facebook users were surprised by an unusual trending topic holding that he was among the Nobel Peace Prize nominees for that year:

The claim’s appearance on Facebook’s trending topic list and fairly definitive wording led many to believe the assertion was without ambiguity: Somehow, Trump was in the running for a Nobel Peace Prize. However, such accounts were based on a very loose definition of “nominated,” one that relied upon a “Nobel watcher’s” report of a single letter which put forth Trump’s name (and was quite possibly satirical in nature):

The five-member Norwegian Nobel Committee typically receives more than 200 nominations for the prestigious prize and keeps candidates secret for 50 years. Panel members can make their own nominations during their first judging meeting on Feb. 29.

Nobel watcher Kristian Berg Harpviken, the director of the Peace Research Institute of Oslo, told the French news agency AFP that he had received a copy of the nomination letter, suggesting Trump — who drew criticism from around the world for his vow to ban Muslims entering the United States — should be awarded the prestigious prize for “his vigorous peace through strength ideology, used as a threat weapon of deterrence against radical Islam, ISIS, nuclear Iran and Communist China”.

As such accounts noted, Harpviken maintained he’d seen a single letter nominating Trump and was of the opinion that the potential nominee had no real chance of winning the Nobel Peace Prize. Nonetheless, many social media users indicated they believed that Trump had been formally nominated for the 2016 prize and/or was seriously in the running to be awarded it.

In general, anyone‘s name can be suggested for a Nobel Peace Prize, and more than 200 such submissions are made annually.

Dream on....he is a loser AND a killer....that will not get him anywhere...…….maybe into the laughingstock hall of fame for his Bleach sales
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Yup most of the destruction in the country so far has been effected by Biden voters although they vociferously blame President Trump for it - funny thing is - they don’t think the American people see this - guess what - we DO.

And most of the killing and the taking of life has been perpetrated by Trump supporters and a bunch of scared, angry white men on the right, many of them wearing blue outfits--------->👮‍♂️
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Serbia-Kosovo Deal Behind Trump Nobel Prize Nod Dismissed As 'Photo Opportunity' by Ex-Serbian FM

The former president of the United Nations General Assembly and ex-Serbian foreign minister, Vuk Jeremic, has dismissed the deal between Serbia and Kosovo that led to President Donald Trump's second Nobel Prize nomination as simply a "photo opportunity."

same guy to nominate trump both times....and you don't smell a bought and paid for rat?...….it just burns trumps ass that Obama got one and he can not get if they give out one for killing your own country men through stupidity.....he would qualify....right up there with Jim Jones!

I would be willing to bet he NEVER gets one!....respect plays a big part in it...….just don't give them to reality show tv stars

Donald Trump was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

On Sept. 9, 2020, U.S. President Donald Trump was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for his role in cementing the Abraham Accords, which normalized relations between Israel and the United Arab Emirates. In a statement, the White House press secretary said, “This historic diplomatic breakthrough between Israel and the United Arab Emirates is the most significant step toward peace in the Middle East in more than a quarter of a century.”

Trump’s name was placed into nomination by Christian Tybring-Gjedde, a member of Norwegian parliament and the conservative Progress Party. As it happens, this wasn’t the first time Tybring-Gjedde nominated Trump for the prize. According to the BBC, he was one of two members of Norwegian parliament to put the U.S. president’s name forward in 2018.

Before that, Trump was rumored to have received a nomination in February 2016 (before he was elected president), when Facebook users were surprised by an unusual trending topic holding that he was among the Nobel Peace Prize nominees for that year:

The claim’s appearance on Facebook’s trending topic list and fairly definitive wording led many to believe the assertion was without ambiguity: Somehow, Trump was in the running for a Nobel Peace Prize. However, such accounts were based on a very loose definition of “nominated,” one that relied upon a “Nobel watcher’s” report of a single letter which put forth Trump’s name (and was quite possibly satirical in nature):

The five-member Norwegian Nobel Committee typically receives more than 200 nominations for the prestigious prize and keeps candidates secret for 50 years. Panel members can make their own nominations during their first judging meeting on Feb. 29.

Nobel watcher Kristian Berg Harpviken, the director of the Peace Research Institute of Oslo, told the French news agency AFP that he had received a copy of the nomination letter, suggesting Trump — who drew criticism from around the world for his vow to ban Muslims entering the United States — should be awarded the prestigious prize for “his vigorous peace through strength ideology, used as a threat weapon of deterrence against radical Islam, ISIS, nuclear Iran and Communist China”.

As such accounts noted, Harpviken maintained he’d seen a single letter nominating Trump and was of the opinion that the potential nominee had no real chance of winning the Nobel Peace Prize. Nonetheless, many social media users indicated they believed that Trump had been formally nominated for the 2016 prize and/or was seriously in the running to be awarded it.

In general, anyone‘s name can be suggested for a Nobel Peace Prize, and more than 200 such submissions are made annually.

Dream on....he is a loser AND a killer....that will not get him anywhere...…….maybe into the laughingstock hall of fame for his Bleach sales

I betcha right - President Trump will prolly NEVER get a Nobel Peace Prize even if he pulls off peace in the Middle East - cause they’re all a bunch o lefties that decide - why they gave one to Obama for essentially doing nothing.
Trump Nobel Peace Prize nomination - what you need to know

Less than two months before the US election, President Donald Trump seems to have something to celebrate - a nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize.

A far-right Norwegian politician has put Mr Trump's name forward for the 2021 prize, citing the president's role in the recent peace deal between Israel and the United Arab Emirates.

Christian Tybring-Gjedde told Fox News on Wednesday: "For his merit, I think he has done more trying to create peace between nations than most other peace prize nominees."

Adding that he was not a big Trump supporter, he added. "The committee should look at the facts and judge him on the facts - not on the way he behaves sometimes."

Of course a nomination is not the same as winning - we won't know the winner for another 13 months - so what can we make of this news?

So who gets to nominate a person?

For a nomination alone, the barrier to entry is low: all nominations from heads of state or politicians serving at a national level are accepted.

University professors, directors of foreign policy institutes, past recipients of a Nobel Prize and members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee are also among those deemed qualified to submit a nomination for the prize. The nominations require no invitation and as long they are entered before 1 February of the qualifying year, they will be accepted.

For the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize - the winner of which has not yet been announced - there were 318 candidates. The Norwegian Nobel Committee doesn't publicly comment on its nominees, which are kept secret for 50 years.

Has Mr Trump been nominated before?

And for the second time, he has Mr Tybring-Gjedde to thank. In 2018, the right-wing politician was one of two Norwegian lawmakers to nominate Mr Trump for the same prize, then for his efforts to bring reconciliation to North and South Korea.

Mr Trump did not take home the prize that year, but Mr Tybring-Gjedde, a member of the conservative Progress Party, insists the US president meets the criteria this time.

Last month, Israel and the UAE reached a deal to normalise relations, with Israel agreeing to suspend its controversial plans to annex part of the occupied West Bank - announced by Mr Trump in a surprise statement.

It is just the third Israel-Arab peace deal since Israel's declaration of independence in 1948, and marks the first official diplomatic relationship between Israel and a Gulf Arab country. Palestinian leaders were reportedly caught off guard by the agreement.

"This is a hard earned and well-deserved honour for this president," White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany said on Wednesday. "Career politicians merely talk about the kind of results that this president has achieved on the world stage."

President Trump's critics say he is a polarising figure who exploits divisions rather than trying to bring Americans together.

Has a US president been nominated before?
Mr Trump is one of several US presidents to receive the peace prize nomination, including President William Howard Taft, President Herbert Hoover and President Franklin Roosevelt.

And if he were to receive the coveted award, Mr Trump would be the fifth US president to win, following Theodore Roosevelt in 1906, Woodrow Wilson in 1920, Jimmy Carter in 2002 and Barack Obama in 2009.

Mr Obama's nomination - after just months on the job - was met with criticism in the US, with some arguing he had not made an impact worthy of the award.

Among his detractors? Mr Trump, who tweeted in 2013 calling for Mr Obama's award to be rescinded.

Have there been controversial nominations before?
While the award's most famous recipients include Martin Luther King Jr, Nelson Mandela and mom Teresa - all who won the prize - the broad criteria for nominations means that past nominees have included highly unorthodox, and controversial, selections.

Adolf Hitler was nominated for the peace prize in 1939 by a member of the Swedish parliament. Reportedly submitted in satire, the nomination was withdrawn soon after. A few years later, the Soviet leader Josef Stalin was nominated for the same award, twice, garnering nods in 1945 - for his efforts ending WW2 - and again in 1948.

After nominations are submitted, the recipient is selected by a five-person Nobel Committee, which is appointed by the Norwegian Parliament. The winner of the 2021 prize will not be announced until October of next year.
I betcha right - President Trump will prolly NEVER get a Nobel Peace Prize even if he pulls off peace in the Middle East - cause they’re all a bunch o lefties that decide - why they gave one to Obama for essentially doing nothing.

Like I said....they do not give one out for *******.....and you have to earn...….what has trump done...NOTHING but ******* americans and cause hate and discontent...……… top it off they are NOT going to give him one for doing a peace deal elsewhere when he can't even make peace at home!
Nobel Prizes are dumb. It was dumb that Obama got one, it is dumb that Trump was nominated.

Even scientists that win Nobel Prizes are usually idiots who use it as a platform to be really loud idiots.

James Watson used it to say a bunch of racist *******, Linus Pauling used it to promote vitamin snake oil cures for cancer, Kary Mullis used it to promote the idea that HIV doesn't cause AIDS, etc
Funny how much NEGATIVE press the President’s Nobel Peace Prize nominations have gotten - all while ole Ed doesn’t even know he was nominated - shows the EXTREME bias of the media you guys follow. Media didn’t even report on it initially and now it‘s ALL negative propaganda - Dems and their media are just totally fulla HORSESHITE.
Funny how much NEGATIVE press the President’s Nobel Peace Prize nominations have gotten - all while ole Ed doesn’t even know he was nominated - shows the EXTREME bias of the media you guys follow. Media didn’t even report on it initially and now it‘s ALL negative propaganda - Dems and their media are just totally fulla HORSESHITE.

well like both articles state....anyone can be nominated on the first round......2 prior times it was considered a joke....probably same thing this time...guy getting some cash threw his name in the pot...….and the pot is where his name will go...…..

are you mad?.....don't hate the messenger
I guess not everyone, but quite a few people can:

well like both articles state....anyone can be nominated on the first round......2 prior times it was considered a joke....probably same thing this time...guy getting some cash threw his name in the pot...….and the pot is where his name will go...…..

are you mad?.....don't hate the messenger

Mad as insane - prolly so - you Dems make me crazy 😜