Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Dems and their polls whenever will they learn

They really believe that on polls the fate of the election does turn

You’d REALLY think that they woulda learned by 2016

Last time round what did their polls really mean 😆
You sleep through 2018? That comes after 2016.
The Dems put up a bumbling possibly senile ole fool

All the while trying to make our President look like a tool

Their media bombard the population with tons o poop

Anti-Trump horseshite on a continuous loop

They THINK the American people are not on to this crap

Methinks that’s why they fall into their poll numbers trap
Democrats are American people, you bumbling senile ole' fool.
Now even country rednecks are rappin' . . . Lord have mercy . . . they love so many aspects of our culture, but they don't love us. Some call it "cultural misappropriation". Here you go, here you go . . . here's a line . . . sounds greeeaaaat but not whatcha say but whatcha dooooooooooooo :LOL:
I will agree with the cultural misappropriation. The only white person to be allowed to do it is Vanilla Ice.
Things are getting tense leading up the election. Poop-based poems, lame cash-in attempts at MAGA rap videos, lots of name calling.

Y'all need some comedy

Things are getting tense leading up the election. Poop-based poems, lame cash-in attempts at MAGA rap videos, lots of name calling.

Y'all need some comedy

Now is not the time to let up . . . time to keep 'um on their bellies beggin' for mercy . . . then put the boots to 'um even more! NO MERCY for a TRUMPTARD! NONE! They're going to destroy this country if we stand by and let 'um!