Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Blah, blah, blah, blah, BLAH ******* 🤮!!! You didn’t know anybody not white or what their lives were like, and you didn’t give a ******* to find out. Not then and not now. That’s at the core of the problem. Fat, dumb, and happy to be white! There’s no point in going around and around with the likes of you. Let’s see how much ******* 🤢 you’re still projecting after the election. Probably a lot 👎🏽!!!
Everything I wrote was right on and you come back with this ! That makes nooo sense at all, If I didn't know anyone not white as a kid, how could I care back then. Stop whining you sound pathetic. I didn't whine in my disappointment in Obama and I voted for him the first time but regretted that soon after. and as the republicans failed to produce a viable candidate as his second opponent in Mick Romney, I didn't vote. How difficult it appears for you to debate using any solid or moral arguments.
Everything I wrote was right on and you come back with this ! That makes nooo sense at all, If I didn't know anyone not white as a kid, how could I care back then. Stop whining you sound pathetic. I didn't whine in my disappointment in Obama and I voted for him the first time but regretted that soon after. and as the republicans failed to produce a viable candidate as his second opponent in Mick Romney, I didn't vote. How difficult it appears for you to debate using any solid or moral arguments.

Again you just don’t get it. I cared about social issues as a young black kid. I had to. You could have too if you had wanted to, or if anyone in your white family gave enough of a damn to tell you that you ought to as well. And your inaction and/or not voting 🗳 is yet another part of the problem. WHITE SILENCE PROMOTES THE VIOLENCE. Save your drivel. I’m not interested in debating you. That’s just a waste of life energy. I’m interested in vanquishing you and ALL just like you in November.
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Again you just don’t get it. I cared about social issues as a young black kid. I had to. You could have too if you had wanted to, or if anyone in your white family gave enough of a damn to tell you that you ought to as well. And your inaction and/or not voting 🗳 is yet another part of the problem. WHITE SILENCE PROMOTES THE VIOLENCE. Save your drivel. I’m not interested in debating you. I’m interested in vanquishing you and ALL just like you in November.
Actually, not voting is voicing a dislike for both candidates so much, I couldn't in good consciousness offer my support, and I do not promote violence in these riots, if they can't protest without violence and destruction, it needs to be dealt with quickly, forcefully and permanently. If you don't want to debate me, then stop responding to my posts and stop hitting the DISLIKE BUTTON toward everyone who doesn't hold your views like a spoiled brat.
Actually, not voting is voicing a dislike for both candidates so much, I couldn't in good consciousness offer my support, and I do not promote violence in these riots, if they can't protest without violence and destruction, it needs to be dealt with quickly, forcefully and permanently. If you don't want to debate me, then stop responding to my posts and stop hitting the DISLIKE BUTTON toward everyone who doesn't hold your views like a spoiled brat.

The dislike button is a function on this site that can be used just like the others to express one’s feelings regarding the posts of others, and I will use it as I see fit. If somebody can say GO TRUMP over and over and over again, then I can give it the thumbs down over and over and over again. It’s an open forum to the members here. If you don’t want somebody to express dislike for what you have to say, then keep your ignorant, racist pie hole shut you thin skinned Trumptard!

And get called the N-word . . . not by the Nazis or the Japanese . . . but by YOU WHITE AMERICANS right over here in this foreign land where I’m fighting and dying for that SAME flag just like you are 🇺🇸 FUCK Drew Brees AND Syscom3!!! My dad was a serviceman (other family too) who went to war for America, and as a boy I saw him get called an N-word by white AMERICAN servicemen and civilians. Fuck you man! That’s why Kap and the others kneel. This country HAS NOT fulfilled all of its promises to ALL of its citizens! It’s like Muhammed Ali who refused to give support to a misguided war in southeast Asia said . . . the Viet Cong never called him N-word. They didn't know what an N-word was until the white man told them (heard straight from their own mouths).
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The dislike button is a function on this site that can be used just like the others to express one’s feelings regarding the posts of others, and I will use it as I see fit. If somebody can say GO TRUMP over and over and over again, then I can give it the thumbs down over and over and over again. It’s an open forum to the members here. If you don’t want somebody to express dislike for what you have to say, then keep your ignorant, racist pie hole shut you thin skinned Trumptard!
I rest my case !!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Now even country rednecks are rappin' . . . Lord have mercy . . . they love so many aspects of our culture, but they don't love us. Some call it "cultural misappropriation". Here you go, here you go . . . here's a line . . . sounds greeeaaaat but not whatcha say but whatcha dooooooooooooo :LOL:
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The President was nominated for a second Nobel Peace Prize - peace in the Middle East looking possible :}
A guy who has fought with our allies, ignored the atrocities of our adversaries, OWN country he is supposed to be leading in violent chaos was nominated for what?